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💎RC November Update Survey: the results.💎

💎RC November Update Survey: the results.💎
Thanks to everyone who took the time to respond to our Reddit Community Survey! Let's find out what we all liked/disliked about the latest RC update.
💎First of all, which story was the most read? The new Viking-themed book is off to a strong start, but no surprises anywhere else. There is a general decrease in readership numbers, but this is not necessarily a bad thing as it might mean that all stories now have their own fans and readers are starting to spread more evenly across the board.
-- 94.2% of the respondents read Heaven's Secret (down from last update's 97.2%)
-- 91.4% read Dracula: a Love Story (down from last update's 94%)
-- 89.3% read the new story Path of the Valkyrie.
-- 87.3% read Chasing You (down from last update's 93%)
-- 81.8% read Love from Outer Space (down from last update's 90% )
-- 81.2% read Legend of the Willow (down from last update's 87.6%)
-- 79.3% read Seduced by the Rhythm (down from last update's 85.1%)
💎How popular was each update? We asked you to rate the new chapters giving a score between 1 and 5, where 1= I did not like it, 5= I loved it. Despite a strong debut from POV, HS is nothing but consistent as the most popular story, while LOW and DLS keep swapping places on the podium. SBR says goodbye by ending in a tie with LOS, which loses positions despite getting almost the same score as in the last update.
-- Heaven's Secret: 4.4 (same score as the last two updates, remains in first place)
-- Dracula: a love story: 4.3 (up from last update's 4.0, up from third to second)
-- Legend of the Willow: 4.2 (same score as the last two updates, down from second to third)
-- Path of the Valkyrie: 4.1 (strong start for the new story, debuting in fourth)
-- Chasing You: 3.7 (slightly up from last update's 3.3, stable in fifth)
-- Love from Outer Space: 3.5 (on par with last update's 3.4, down from fourth to sixth)
-- Seduced by the rhythm: 3.5 (up from last update's 2.9, stable in sixth)
.💎But here's the juicy stuff: which characters had the best and worst scenes in this update?

.⚠️Warning: plot spoilers for the November update are contained in this post from this point on. ⚠️

.Ok so, don't panic, don't panic, please don't panic. Grab the person, pet, inanimate object nearest to you and hold on tight: the following results might cause surprise, shock and occasional distress, so make sure you are not currently sitting on a ledge nor drinking any liquid - although alcohol might be needed at a later stage (if for cheering or drowning all sorrows will depend on the individual). Please do adopt the emergency position if you hear the words "whatever, whatever", do not leave water dragons unattended (who knows what they might turn into) and most of all, for the love of all what's holy, please do not fight in the comments.

.Ok. OK. So. The thing is... Lucifer is officially no longer the most loved character on this subreddit. Here, we said it. His throne has been dethroned, his crown has been decrowned, his sash has been desashed. This is it. He had risen to heights that no one deemed possible and now has fallen to depths we never thought imaginable. Woe and dishonour! Dishonour on your whole family! Dishonour on you! Dishonour on your cow! #RIP #yes-this-is-the-real-world #it-should-have-been-rebecca
💎The top 10 overall BEST scenes go to:
(1) Malbonte (HS) - 60.8% - Despite the hints given to us by the flood of fanarts on the sub, we are all still in shock here at Mod HQ. We honestly thought that the die-hard Luci stans would have kept the Prince of Hell on top of the rankings until the end of the series, but there's a new bad boy in town and no one can stop his meteoric rise. Is it the bathrobe look? The bushy eyebrows? The murderous tendencies? We have so many questions, but the fact is, Malbonte has skyrocketed to the top of the charts and there's nothing anyone can do about it. #deal-with-it #lucifer-who #bye-felicia
(2) Vlad (DLS) - 55.6% - Holding a book has never felt so sexy since 50 Shades of Grey was a thing, and whilst Vlad might not have a playroom, his castle has plenty of sentient dungeons to keep us entertained while we pine for his poetry-whispering lips. If in the past his touch is all what we needed to recover from a traumatic experience, in the present inches have become miles, he told us, and please take your mind out of the gutter, he did not mean it that way. #or-did-he
(3) Kazu (LOW) - 53% - Kazu might live in the shadows and walk in blood, but a serving of languid kisses near the fire, a good measure of sassy dark humour and yet another unforgettable goodbye scene made this thoughtful and generous ninja very much not invisible in this update. It's no surprise that him and Vlad seem to be constantly head to head in the rankings: they are both the sexiest slow burns in RC history and we are all here for it. #worth-the-wait
(4) Loki (POV) - 43.1% - Red-haired god of mischief Loki has just appeared on our radar and is already scrambling the charts and wrecking havoc. He might not have done more than being a flirt so far, but we are all looking forward to see whether or not he can keep up with our new badass MC. For now, he might need to run and hide from the Luci stans, though, since he overtook the Prince of Hell in the stats just as we approached the finish line. #tactical-retreat #mischief-managed #good-luck-love
(5) Lucifer (HS) - 42.7% - Talk about crash and burn! No amount of sexy power training and lukewarm heart-to-heart conversations were able to save poor Luci from this massive tumble down the ranks. We might have jinxed him a bit last update with all our overconfident pretzel-buying shtick, but his whole "treat them mean, keep them keen" tactic has obviously backfired massively since he has been dropped like a hot potato as soon as a new, shiny bad boy has become available. Will he recover in time for the series final episodes? #old-news #marie-kondo-said-no #thank-u-next
(6) Leo/Aslan (DLS) - 39.2% - Cat-loving, soft-spoken, sauce-covered Leo/Aslan remains amongst this community's favourites, especially since both his past and present selves are making a habit of saving MC's from the trickiest situations. Add to the recipe a wonderful bromance, a kind attitude and that sexy black suit and we have serious swoon-material here. We know he's hiding a secret but we are all hoping it's not gonna be too bad, so that we will be able to forgive him as quickly as saying "sphynx".
(7) Alex (CY) - 37.2% - Although his screentime has been quite limited lately - and everyone is still clamouring because we haven't had any of his trademark naughty scenes in a good while - all those who got the kinky Swede to put a ring on it are obviously super chuffed by the development. Press F to pay respects to those who got friendzoned so hard they felt good when poisoning friends the morning after. Alex better watch out though, because many would rather date his dead dad instead.
(8) Nosferatu, Black cat, Gardenia (DLS) - 32.2% - The cat-mad faction of this community is not letting go any time soon. With two awesome - and surprisingly affordable - outfit choices for our main ugly baby and the possibility that Gardenia might also become our second ugly baby - if Gradish is indeed as good as potting soil - the RC devs might be onto a real gold mine here. We are ready to throw diamonds at more cat outfits without a second thought: all we need now is a cat-wardrobe button and we are set to be poor by the end of this book. #no-regrets
(9) Ullr (POV) - 27.5% - Legolas has nothing on this hood-wearing archer who has captured hearts and minds all across the sub even with limited screentime and even less conversation. Who knew that a spot of pest control could turn out to be quite so reinvigorating? Forests in RC seem to be truly lovely places (not) by the way. Remind us never to set foot in anything larger than a hedge if we ever get teleported in the RC universe. #nope-kitty #arrow-through-my-heart #i-have-a-good-feeling-about-this
(10) Edward (CY) - 26.1% - We are starting to see a trend here: red hair are in at the moment, with three of the top nine lads sporting auburn locks. We might have thought we were romancing Christopher, but surprise! It was Edward all along. Or was he? And if you like your men like you like your double-decker buses - red, British and packed - then what's best than this identical twin to add to your LI collection?
💎And the top 10 overall WORST scenes go to:
(1) Mehmed (DLS) - 35.7% - Mehmed's actions in this update were so vile that it's hard to come up with jokes about it, especially when his scenes proved so hard to read for so many people. So let's just say that he definitely deserves the crown of the worst and leave it at that.
(2) Tony (SBR) - 28.8% - On his very last appearance on the update surveys, Tony loses his top spot in the baddies list but still manages to infuriate us to no end - because of course he does. His gaudy mask could not hide his hateful face, and his super-villain rant on why he acted like a douche was not very convincing. We won't be missing him! #buh-bye #see-you-never #over-and-out
(3) Noe (DLS) - 24% - This enigmatic, heterochromia-blessed dude went full on creep when he set out to test some of his possibly-warlock powers on poor Millie and everyone else. We already knew he was a jaded cat hater but his behaviour took us all by surprise, ngl. Vlad might have taken care of the problem, but we are not convinced this is the last we have seen of him. #has-he-left-or-not
(4) Millie (DLS) - 22.6% - Poor Millie can't catch a break. First she finds her crush saucing up her sister, then she ends up in a sketchy situation with an older dude, and last she gets put on the naughty list even if her ultimate rage fit is to be blamed on a book seemingly possessed by the spirit of Gordon Ramsey. #this-cat-is-raw
(5) Fyr (HS) - 21.4% - It seems clear that the latest twist in HS' rollercoaster ride of a plot did not go down super well in our community. Nothing wrong with a strapping dude with scaly inserts, mind you, but many of us just want our pet dragon back, ngl. Plus, many feel that it might be a lil' late to introduce yet another LI. #too-much-of-a-good-thing #justice-for-fyr #not-the-petting-i-had-in-mind
(6) Fencio (HS) - 18.8% - The transformation of our favourite grumpy dad into a fully fledged villain is now complete, as his new black outfit made clear for all to see. Fencio seems to be reaping the benefits of his dastardly actions left and right, but we have no doubt his day of reckoning will come sooner than he thinks. #never-go-full-darth-vader
(7) Shahi Khatun (DLS) - 17.9% - Women who support and empower other women are cool. Women who manipulate, betray and endanger other women (or anyone else, for that matter) are very much not cool. Shame on this lame excuse for a nanny/tutoress/mentor who failed at her only job: protecting MC from harm. #go-eat-a-cactus
(8) The neighbour (LOS) - 16% - Having aliens move next door to you is bound to wreck havoc on your routine, especially if you are already a lil' cuckoo. But regardless if you took matters in your own hands by playing pranks or left him alone because aint nobody got diamonds for that, we all agree that we are not enjoying having to deal with this walmart Lebowski on a regular basis. #his-dudeness-is-not
(9) Zigza (HS) - 15% - Guess who's back, back, back? / Back again, gain, gain / Zigza's back, back, back / Tell a friend. Or also not? I mean, no one really missed him, and most of us had even forgotten he ever existed in the first place. Depending on how strongly you told him to go kick rocks in your previous meeting all the way in the depths of hell, Zigza-boi will have been more or less awful to you in this update. Regardless, we all agree that we don't like him and we should Put That Thing Back Where It Came From or So Help Me.
(10) Seraph Crowley (HS) - 14.8% - If we knew that all what it takes to nab a power seat in HS government is to ambush an old guy lying in a hospital bed, we'd have had MC walk up to Crowley too and proclaim herself a seraph or something. But this update's "prey on the elderly" trophy goes to Rebecca who needed no interview to get herself on the top Academy seat. A little pushback from Crowley would have been nice, and for that not only he just lost his job to the power-hungry-mama, he also kept her out of the top-10 worst scenes ranks by getting more hate-votes than she did. #double-whammy #you-snooze-you-lose #why-did-you-not-say-something-you-old-fart
💎And here are all the results, book by book:

.Seduced by the rhythm

.It is a bittersweet goodbye to the dancing queens and kings of SBR, but at least Molly managed to snag second place in the best scenes rankings before the end! Go sis! Her optional 'punch Tony in the face' scene is surely the main reason why, but we are not picky: it's nice to see her not exclusively featured on the negative charts for once!. #every-little-helps #leave-molly-alone #why-is-carlos-so-underrated

Chasing You

Eve and Ellia's suspicious phone calls had a negative impact on their scores, as did Alex's possible rejection scene. Sam was basically non-existent in this update but still managed to get lots of votes on spec, while secondary characters like Alex's mum Olivia and old lady Brigitte have already carved a place for themselves in our community's heart. #you-had-me-at-tarot

Heaven's Secret

The fact that in the best scenes list "the one guy who stood up to Malbonte" managed to score higher than Dino says something about how all the original LIs have been suffering from lack of screentime. Geralt proves once again a fan favourite, the helpful, strong and supportive character we all need while Heaven and Hell are falling apart. #rock-hard

Legend of the willow

Unique Shino-Odori has clearly made an impression, as shown by the fact that she even got more votes than sweet Masamune: we obviously all want to see more of her. Grandpa Chongan is universally the most loved character, while Satoshi seems to have gained more admirers than Takao. #life-is-strange

Dracula: a love story

Mehmed is surprisingly high in the best scenes charts - maybe because of the drama factor - and finally some more Sandra content sees her also placing better than in previous updates. Sultan Murad's badass return was very much appreciated, while Vlad still proves to be a controversial LI. #hot-and-cold

Love from outer space

Looks like Jacob is finally clawing his way up from the dislike pit and he's now scoring well in both the best and worst charts. As we already know, the nosy neighbour seems to be more of a villain than the actual villain, but it's still early days. #whatever

Path of the Valkyrie

Strong start for this Nordic saga, with two of the maybe-LIs making the top-10 for best scenes, and all main characters - yeah, even that cheeky forest monster - scoring pretty well. #lucky-loki
... And also ...
💎What did you think of the SBR ending?
.Seduced by the rhythm is officially over! The majority of this community (49.3%) thought the ending was fine and were fairly happy with it, while 38.9% said that it was great and were very happy with it. A minority 11.8% were unhappy as the ending was not their cup of tea. So, overall we can say: well done RC, here's a cookie!
.💎Who proposed to you at the end of SBR?
.Wedding bells (and possibly a pregnancy reveal) have concluded the adventure that brought us dancing around the world. Brandon was the most popular choice of partner by far, as we absolutely expected, with his clown posse making up 42.7% of this community. Second most chosen sweetheart is actually... no one, as 19.7% chose to stay single and go live in Paris with Joseph and Christian. And who can blame them? Those guys are relationship goals. Sweet Claire completes the podium with 9.3% of the community accepting a proposal from the lovely brunette.
.The rest of the LIs followed with Hiro at 8.5%; Orlando at 6.4%; Charles at 4.5%; Carlos at 3.4% and Justin at 2.7%. And to the 2.7% who said that Tony proposed to them... here is what we say.
.💎SBR Tony mentioned his sister's name as explanation for his actions. What was your reaction?
.The SBR Season 3 baby-faced villain finally had a chance to explain why he has been exceedingly awful to everyone around him. His motivation? His sister Charlotte, who apparently got crushed by the massive dose of karma she had landing on her face in Season 2 - after being an awful person in her own right. 39% of us did not even pay to hear this explanation (there's always the subreddit discussion thread where to ask, after all), while 32% were actually surprised by the plot twist. The remaining 29% had completely forgotten who Charlotte was, making the reveal a tad underwhelming. Oh well! #moving-on
.💎In CY, did you ask Alexander to make it official?
.Snarky Alex was ripe for picking in this latest update, so the majority of this community tried their luck at making the Swede their official sweetheart. Wedding bells might be ringing soon for 60.5% of us, proudly shouting it from the rooftops that he is their man now. 30.6% never went there in the first place, because they are into one of the other LIs, while an unlucky 8.9% had to endure the immense cringe of being rejected in what was possibly one of the harshest friendzoning conversations ever written. #i-want-to-be-your-friend-not-your-man #ouch-that-was-brutal #1-upvote-1-prayer
.💎Who do you think is more suspicious in CY?
.Why is it that all the suspicious people have a name starting with E? Is there a secret clue there that we are missing? The majority of this subreddit (40.8%) thinks that the person who unceremoniously encouraged CY MC to do a spot of cliff diving is Eve. Second more suspicious person is Edward, with 25.7% of the votes, followed by 18.9% of people thinking that none of the three currently-dying characters are responsible, while 14.6% think that Ellia is the culprit. Time will tell who was right!
.💎Did your pet dragon in HS suddenly transform into something else?
.Far from us to kink shame anyone, but ngl, having a pet suddenly turn out to be a sentient hunk is seriously 50 shades of weird. The majority of the subreddit is not into it, although we do seem to have a decently sized scaley population lurking in the shadows. To each their own! #variety-is-the-spice-of-life
💎Do you think Shino-Odori is the future LOW female LI?
.Quirky Shino-Odori is at present the only possible candidate for the job of female LI in LOW, but the majority of us are still not convinced that's where the story is going. 45.4% of this community thinks that maybe she'll be a LI, but we need to see if she gets her human form back somehow first. 39.6% doesn't think that she will be a LI at all, because someone else will be introduced instead, while 15% would love for her to be a LI because she is amazing. #lets-be-frie-e-e-ends
.💎In LOW what does Satoshi's disguise reminds you of?
.The community has spoken: the Satoshi hate has to stop! Kinda. We still like to take the mick out of his disguise, of course we do, but it's undeniable that his fan club has grown over the last few updates. Amongst the sexy seriousness of the LOW men, Satoshi's special brand of nonsense seems to be a necessary comic relief, so be it.
💎Did you buy an outfit for Nosferatu in DLS?
.RC newest gold mine and/or diamond pit - depending on the perspective - came in the shape of a sleek suit and a frilly French Royal Family outfit. Most of us got tempted by the cute clothes, while a staunch minority decided to keep Nosferatu in his standard jumper for the foreseeable future.
💎Did you help Nosferatu and his Black Cat friend in DLS?
.Who could stand in the way of great cat love and/or friendship? Not the 68.3% of this subreddit, who said yes because anything their ugly baby wants, their ugly baby shall receive. 31.7% declined, because they are broke and/or heartless. #how-could-you
.💎Would you adopt Nosferatu's relative Gardenia, if you could, in DLS?
.It certainly looked as Gradish was not in good shape at the end of this update, so what about poor, possibly-homeless Gardenia? 63.6% of us would adopt her in a heartbeat, because the only thing that's better than one ugly baby, is two ugly babies! But 36.4% wouldn't because they are broke and/or heartless.
💎Did you play any trick on the neighbour in LOS?
.We are a kind, nice, stingy community and the majority of us (55.6%) decided to opt out of spending diamonds to play tricks on our psycho neighbour, while 22.5% put interference generators into his house, 15.7% planted spores in his garden, and 4.3% asked Ursula to destroy his house.
.💎Who did you pick to stand watch with while camping in LOS?
.This scene was the sweetest ever, no matter who you picked. Ray the alien prince is the clear favourite in this story, with the majority of the sub picking him for a make out sesh - exclusively performed for scientific testing purposes, of course - while Jacob is getting closer and closer to threatening Todd's second place in the charts of favourite LOS men.
💎Which second shape did you pick for Beast in LOS?
.To the mods' surprise, the vast majority of us (69.1%) decided to pick the free option (Predator) while 23.1% chose to shill diamonds for the Strange Predator shape, and only 7.8% picked the Strange Reptile form. Why? Dinosaurs are cool! #aint-no-party-like-a-t-rex-party
.💎In LOS, Ray tells us that on his planet two hours correspond to four clorks. So we asked: how many clorks do you think we will have to wait until the next update? We just got the update announcement last week so let's see who was right and who was wrong!
.48.7% of the community were very pessimistic and predicted about 3000 clorks (aka about 9 weeks), 42% were fairly realistic and guessed about 2000 clorks (aka about 6 weeks) and only 9.2% were super optimistic and went for 1000 clorks (aka about 3 weeks) - so considering between the November and December update there will be just about a month, we are going to give the victory to the optimists amongst us! Well done!
.💎Who was your favourite MC in this update?
.It was so hard to pick among such a great lineup of badass heroines (no complaints there!) but Mei (LOW) snags the top spot with 30.6% of the votes, thanks to her bravery in both human and fox form as well as her great magic powers. Second place goes to war-heroine HS MC at 23.5%, followed by a strong showing from new entry and valkyrie-in-training POV MC in third at 21.6%.
.Fourth is DLS MC and her time-travelling adventures at 14.3%, fifth goes to CY MC and her archery exploits at 7.5%, while - at quite a distance - we find alien-meddling Amber (LOS) in sixth at 1.7% and dancing queen SBR MC in seventh place with 0.9%.
.💎We also asked about diamonds: how much did you spend on this update? It might have been the fact that we had seven books to spend on instead than six, or maybe it was the density of cat-centric premium content in DLS, but we seem to have spent slightly more diamonds overall compared to the previous update.
-- 35.7% spent more than 500 diamonds. (up from last update's 23.1%)
-- 28.2 % spent more than 300, less than 500 diamonds. (up from last update's 25.6%)
-- 23.7% spent more than 150, less than 300 diamonds. (down from last update's 35%)
-- 10% spent more than 50, less than 150 diamonds. (down from last update's 13.5% )
-- 2.4% spent less than 50 diamonds. (down from last update's 2.8%)
.💎Next up: teacups. The majority of us (75.2%) decided to be patient and read the chapters over a few days, while 24.8% decided to binge read it all in one go, down from last update when 25.5% of us had decided to use real-world money on the game.
.💎We asked if you used the wiki walkthroughs to help you with your stats, and looks like we are all getting more and more adventurous with every update, since only 61.1% said yes (compared to the 65.8% of the last update), while 35.5% chose to go in blind and spoiler-free (compared to 31.8%). And for the 3% who did not know walkthroughs even existed, here is a link to our very own Reddit-made Wiki with every answer you might need and more!
💎And last but not least, thank you to the 89.5% of you who were looking forward to reading this post, we love you! And to the 10.5% who wished us to always be in the perfect puddle-trajectory to get soaked, joke's on you: there are no puddles nor traffic on our daily commute between our bed and the fridge!
That's all folks... until next time! (which will come very soon, considering the new update is around the corner!)
💎Your friendly neighbourhood mod team💎
💎 u/LauraVi 💎 u/swankytutu 💎 u/directormmn
submitted by LauraVi to RomanceClub [link] [comments]

[Bob the hobo] A Celestial Wars Spin-Off Part 0261

Lucas came awake at the first ding of his phone, snapping so quickly out of his sleep that a headache immediately pounded behind his eyes. A hand was already reaching across his chest, but he shoved it away. “I’m awake,” he murmured, without opening his eyes.
“Very well, sir,” he heard Angus reply, straightening up in his seat behind the wheel.
Using the same hand (since it was already in motion), Lucas fumbled for the phone in his pocket, and once he had it, he tapped his thumb against the bottom of the screen where the accept button would be located. “Dobson,” he said, only to get another series of beeps that went right through his addled brain.
He groaned and grimaced, pulling the phone away from his ear and cracking his eyes a fraction to look blearily at the screen.
“Allow me, sir,” Angus said, sliding the phone from his fingers.
Lucas closed his eyes. Yeah … sure. His thoughts started to feather once more.
“It’s a message from Boyd,” Angus said. “He sent…”
* * *
Call me if you can’t get in.
Robbie stared at the cryptic message from the big guy. What the bell did that even mean? Why wouldn’t I be able to get in? I’ve got my keys on me, and even if I didn’t, Lucas would … Ah, snit! Looking at the top bar, Robbie realised the message went to Lucas as well as Sam, Llyr and Ivy.
“Is everything alright?” Mrs D asked, pausing alongside Robbie with a box of Charlie’s clothes in her arms.
“Ummm, yeah. I think. Boyd’s just sending me weird messages.”
“Well, I hope he’s not sending them to Luke. That boy has done so many hours those black rings around his eyes could be mistaken for tractor inner tubes. He needs to sleep the rest of the weekend if he’s going to be any good as a detective Monday morning.”
“I’ll make sure he does, Mrs D,” Robbie promised, not disagreeing with her in the least. He himself may have had even less, but there was a very good reason for his ability to function on half an hour’s sleep.
“I still can’t believe he’s a detective,” Charlie muttered. “I’ve been cheering from the sidelines for him to get that promotion for nearly ten years, and when he finally gets it, I’m stuck in the hospital out cold.”
Robbie winced. “Actually, sweet pea, you’d be doing everyone a big favour if you didn’t remind him about that. He’s been beating himself up pretty hard that he was sitting for that test instead of sitting on you.”
“Well, that’s just dumb.”
Since it’s all coming out … “Charlie, he’s not the only one. I sent you an ‘are you okay?’ message yesterday morning, and did nothing about it when you didn't answer. I should’ve blown up your boss’ phone to find out why not, or gone to the shop myself to— oof!”
Robbie was so focused on getting through his apology that he didn’t see the My Little Pony pillow until it smacked him in the face. Charlie was across the room, a vexed look on her face and her finger pointing at him accusingly. “That’s your only warning, mister! Neither you, nor that idiot brother of mine is responsible for what happened to me and P—”
She froze; tears suddenly springing to life in her eyes. But then she gnashed her teeth and curled her finger, tapping herself in the forehead in her determination to keep it under control.
Robbie wasn’t having a bar of that.
Launching himself across her bed, he landed to one side facing her and hauled her into his chest, wrapping his arms around her shoulders. “Go on, honey. Don't try to hold it in. Let it all out,” he crooned, as Charlie stiffened in his arms. “Paul was a good man and deserves your tears.”
Charlie gasped at the mention of her former boss’ name. She squirmed and struggled, pushing the flat of her hands against his chest. When that didn’t work, the pushing turned into slapping and the tears turned into deep, howling sobs.
This wasn’t going away anytime soon. Paul had been more than just a boss to Charlie. He had been her friend and a second father of sorts. His loss and the way he was taken would forever haunt Charlie.
“That’s it, sweet pea.” Robbie held her easily, shifting between squeezes of support and soft, comfort petting of her hair back and shoulders with one hand.
Mrs D stood to one side, watching them. The box that had been in her hands was all but abandoned at her feet and her hands were in front of her lips in prayer. Tears streamed down her cheeks as well.
The bedroom door suddenly burst open and Maverick came charging in, followed by Coach. The others were noticeably absent, which meant they were probably somewhere between the apartment and the cars. Mrs D stepped between the two groups with her arms outstretched, causing her son and her husband to screech to a halt. Their eyes shifted from Mrs D to where Robbie supported Charlie’s weight (since her knees had given out and she cried into his chest) and back again.
“Leave them,” Mrs D whispered, her words rough with built-up emotion as she waved them back towards the door.
Coach slid his arms around Mrs D and pulled her close, while Maverick pinched his lips to keep it together, his head bobbing affirmatively.
Something changed in that moment. Robbie wasn’t quite sure what, but the dynamics moved. No one was trying to pull Charlie away from him and take his place. Whatever they had seen just then, had Robbie going from the friend of Lucas who was batting way out of his league, to the man responsible for their daughtesister.
As they left the room and closed the door, Robbie slid his hand under Charlie's knees and lifted her into his arms, backing up to sit on the edge of the bed. He then started to rock her as she continued to cry.
“T-T-There w-was-s-s-so m-much…blood,” she sobbed.
“I know, sweet pea. I wish to God you’d never seen that. But we’ll get through it. One day at a time. It’s okay. This sort of thing is going to happen now and again and you're better off just letting it wash over you.”
“Reminders of last night. Small things. In time, it’ll be easier to deal with, but they’ll still come. When it does, you should let the tears come, Charlie. You’ll never move forward if you don’t let yourself grieve.”
They sat like that for a while, until the sobs ebbed away into deep sniffles. “So much for me being the testosterone queen,” she huffed, wiping her eyes.
“Sweetheart, your brothers and your dad have already cried their hearts out over what happened to you last night.”
Robbie lifted his chin and kissed her hair, but only so she wouldn’t see how much her harmless question annoyed him. Charlie was so fixated on out-manning the men of her family, it bordered on obsessive. If it was the last thing he did, he’d be nurturing her feminine side too (as opposed to ramming it down her neck). “Really, sweet pea.” He dragged his chin across her head and sighed. “The doctors gave you some sleeping pills. I think it’ll be a really good idea if, once we get you home and settled, you took one and had an early night.”
Charlie shook her head. “I was asleep long enough.”
“Charlie, nothing’s going to happen to you. I’ll be right there. The spare room’s already been set up for you, and there’s a king-sized bed in there, so yeah, I’ll be right there with you. I’ll be the last thing you see going to sleep, and the first thing you see waking up. I promise.”
He just wasn’t going to tell her exactly how he planned to do that. Not yet, anyway.
At his earliest convenience, he was going to excuse himself and ‘go to the bathroom’. Only, instead of relieving himself, he’d be realm-stepping over to Walmart and relieving them of a video linked baby monitor in the guise of a teddy bear, or some other type of plush toy.
Well, buying it, but still...
Hopefully, not too many people would be at the superstore, so with luck, he could be in and out without anyone being any the wiser, hiding the camera under the bathroom sink until he could set it up later.
In the morning, after she’d had a good night sleep and a filling breakfast, he’d show her the toy and why he’d bought it.
Hopefully, she wouldn’t get too mad.
* * *


Previous Part 260
((All comments welcome))
I made a family tree/diagram of the Mystallian family that can be found here
For more of my work including previous parts or WPs: Angel466 or indexed here
submitted by Angel466 to redditserials [link] [comments]

[PI] A Demon From Earth (Ch 34)

Author's note: Got a request last time for visuals on the cars. Hard to do since I'm not at home with my computer, but this is the car (with the bent subframe horn) that will be the base for War God and here's Mercury the Rambulance. And here's the rear bumper script from War God, although it will actually be staying with the other car during its rebuild. ;-)
Hope you enjoy Fess being diplomatic!
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"Poison, we've got war crimes incoming," I said into the CB. "I'm going to go yell at the queen. Get ready to scoot if needed. Over."
"Copy. You want us to start shooting if things turn ugly? Over."
"I'm pretty sure that telling her that she's on her own if she does this will work, but maybe dial one of the grenades for airburst and put it 300 yards over their heads if I have to shoot anything… more than once. I may need to focus their attention. Over."
I was starting to get the hang of letting my words flow through my mind to Gennie at the same time as I spoke them. It sure made for less repetition.
<* It's not bloodlust. And I'll only fight them if I absolutely have to. Honor means defending the defenseless, even if I was just kicking their asses. Possibly especially if I was just kicking their asses. Plus, killing troops that surrender is just shitty strategy. It discourages others from surrendering. *>
Well, at least the dinosaur wasn't an asshole.
I drove right up to Sisme, pulling up about ten feet away. I shifted into neutral and got out, giving off a definite vibe of unhappiness.
"Sisme! Order those troops to stand down, now! We're not executing prisoners!"
Oz gabbled at her, and she replied.
"What do you mean?! They came to destroy us, I'm not just going to let them go!"
"We're not letting them go, but no one else will surrender if you kill the ones that do, and it's against my code, to boot. And we can't get information about their overall strategy if they're dead!"
She looked unconvinced. Worse, she hadn't ordered the marching elves to halt and they were getting close to the trolls. I was glad Anneke wasn't here. This was probably going to cause some friction.
I walked up to the queen, towered over her, leaned way down until I was firmly inside her personal space, and growled out, "If you do this, you're on your own from now on. It's also really going to piss me off. Try asking the old king how well that works out." I left the unspoken threat hang in the air like a particularly rancid beer fart.
Credit where credit is due, she remained remarkably composed with an angry demon snarling in her face.
After Oz relayed that, she said something, which caused Khaavren to shout something at the pikemen. It looked like it wasn't an order to come attack me, because they just raised their pikes and fell into a square. Excellent. Crisis maybe averted. I stopped looming and backed off a hair.
After I'd told Ivy to stand down, we marched some of the trolls that were in better shape back out to pick up the less severely wounded and offer mercy to the unsalvageable, as well as to pick up some of the less offensive portions of their baggage train. No point in denying them all comforts in their defeat. Plus, if they were eating their food, they weren't eating ours.
A couple of hours later, the remnants of the troll army had been corralled in a temporary holding area outside the city, and guards posted. Between what Friday had mentioned, and things the troops had picked up from shepherding the prisoners around, most of the elves were giving us a wide berth. Friday wouldn't even look at me. Oz was acting pretty skittish. Sisme, oddly enough, had stuck by my side since I'd rolled back through the gates and parked in front of the palace.
As was my usual tendency, I had brought presents for people. Friday and Oz each got a case of ballpoint pens, a case of black sharpies, and a set of the colored ones as well. I gave Anneke some "normal" clothes to change into if she wanted. I mean, it was all just stuff from Walmart and Target but I'd asked my sister what her seventeen year old liked to wear and it looked like a big hit. Though I'd asked her for the sizes for the thirteen year old. Heh. I decided not to tell Anneke that part.
Since I knew they were the same size, I gave Sisme pretty much the same stuff I'd given Anneke, only in the most garish colors I could find to suit her elven sensibilities. The queen seemed amused by the foreign clothing, although I think that the leggings kinda confused her. I guess she probably didn't have a lot of experience with cloth that was stretchy. I also gave her a knife I'd ground years earlier out of stainless damascus stock, and she declared it one of the prettiest things she'd ever seen.
Then, with Oz handling translation duties, I presented Andy with a rifle. I pulled an AR-15 a friend had given me a few years ago out of a case.
"Ok, mate, safe weapons handling follows four rules, handed down by the gods through their prophet Colonel Cooper."
"One, the weapon is always loaded. You can watch me check the chamber before I hand it to you. You can check it yourself after I hand it to you. Unless you have personally verified that it has been rendered mechanically incapable of firing, you will always act as though it is loaded and ready to fire."
"Two, as a corollary, never point the weapon at anything you are not willing to destroy. Because it's always loaded."
"Three, keep your godsdamned finger off the trigger until you are ready to fire. I'll give you a lot more instruction on proper gun handling, but for now, just remember not to touch the trigger until you have your target in the sights."
I held up the rifle, keeping the muzzle down, and gestured with my trigger finger, showing how it was out straight and alongside the trigger guard.
"Four, you are responsible for every bullet that leaves the weapon. There is no oops. There is no I'm sorry. You point it, you pull the trigger, you own it. It's not coming back. Always know what your ultimate backstop is. If you shoot at something, know what you will hit if you miss. Know what you will hit if you shoot your target accurately and the bullet goes through it."
With that, I checked again to make sure the chamber was empty, showed him how to check the chamber, and handed it over. Yes, it had been a gift from a close friend, but like Galadriel said, a gift you can't give away isn't a gift, it's a trap. And immediately gave him a swat on the hand for putting his finger on the trigger. And then pulled the muzzle up when he pointed it in an unsafe direction. Then I showed him how to sling it across his back and told him to leave it there until we could go over using it in more detail in the morning.
A couple of unlucky stableboys were assigned to wash troll guts off of Mercury, and I spent a while making sure that War God had made it through ok, refilling the tanks out of one of the drums of petrol I'd brought on the trailer. The pleasing scent of Hoppe's #9 wafted through the air as Corwin and Ivy cleaned the guns while I handled the mechanic's duty.
"Wait, how much fuel did I use?" Ivy asked.
"She's a thirsty girl. I'd say that you were probably making about seven miles per gallon."
"Fess! That's terrible!"
"Hey, at least it doesn't run on coal like your Tesla!"
She glared at me. She was lots better at it than Anneke was. Corwin snickered at us.
"I swear you guys snipe at each other just as much as you did when you were still dating."
"At least she hasn't decided to snipe me for real."
"Yet," she chimed in. "Keep it up, tall, broad, and fuzzy."
"You know you'd be sad if I was all meek, oh mighty queen."
"Your friend is royalty?" Oz asked.
"Only in her own mind," Corwin replied.
She backhanded his shoulder and stuck her nose in the air with a "hmph!" sound. "Just because no one is bright enough to recognize my naturally regal nature doesn't mean they won't all some day come to their senses."
"Yes, your majesty," Corey and I said in synch.
"How long did you two practice that?"
"Whaddya mean 'practice'? We're just suuuuuper submissive to your rule, darlin'," I managed to say with a straight face for a whole three seconds, before Corwin caught my eye and we both broke up laughing.
She blew a raspberry and shook a fist at the two of us. "One of these days, Alice…"
"Well, it's going to have to wait until we get home, since there's no moon to bang-zoom us to, at the moment," Corey snarked in return.
"Anyway, let's go grab something to eat," I suggested.
"The queen has told me that there will be a feast in your honor tonight, Fess, Ivy, Corwin. You have saved us from certain destruction. Though I fear my apprentice may never recover."
"I tried to get her to not come along…"
"I think she got the wrong impression about her military suitability from your successful venture into the troll kingdom."
"Yeah. I suspect that even having seen what happened to the king, and the aftermath of the last battle, what we managed today was literally unimaginable for her, before she saw it."
Well, it was a heck of a shindig, that's for sure. The three of us were sitting with Anneke, Sisme, Oz, Friday, Khaavren, and a half dozen other elves I was led to understand were important folks. They had fancy hats, anyway. After the meal was over, things devolved into a general party atmosphere. I guess not being obliterated was just the sort of thing to get people to let loose.
We milled around for a while, breaking away to go check things out, meeting back up, and the like, though it was odd being at a party where I couldn't actually talk to most of the guests. In a good way, since I wasn't all that great at talking to folks at parties anyway. And yet, more than half the time I looked, Friday and Sisme were somewhere nearby. Not having forgotten being drugged, I decided to make sure to pour my own drinks.
"Oh Fess! I heard Ivy singsong behind me. "I just had the most interesting conversation with your young German friend…"
"Oh?" I replied, aiming for nonchalance.
"Apparently she overheard Corey mentioning that we used to date."
"And so she asked me for some pointers."
"Please tell me that you told her what an ogre I am, that no sane woman would ever want to be involved with me, and that she should go back to Earth and find some nice boy or girl her own age."
"Nope! I gave her lots of suggestions about things that you find attractive."
"Damnit, Ivy, she's sixteen. What did that poor girl ever do to you?"
"I just like to help people out. You know how helpful I can be."
"Seems excessively cruel to lead her on. You know I'm not going to go there at her age!"
She started laughing, which made me wonder if something had happened to her brain during the shift, because frankly, Ivy is a lot more considerate of other people than I am.
"Oh, holy fuck, you should see the look on your face, Fess. I'm just fucking with you. Of course I told her it was a terrible idea. Talk about awkward conversations though. I never expected to get asked by a child how to seduce my ex."
Friday was apparently running a translation for Sisme, and they were both having a hard time restraining their mirth. Corey had sauntered over at some point and he wasn't even bothering to try.
"Well I hope you were at least kind about it."
"Oh, Fess, of course I was. I remember what it was like pining for some older guy when I got into college at fifteen, and him quite rightly running away. Repeatedly. Actually, I told her about that, with the suggestion that she not duplicate my error. Of course, she is sixteen, so who knows if she'll actually listen to news she doesn't want to hear."
"This is because of the crack about your Tesla, isn't it?"
"Hell hath no fury like a woman whose car has been scorned."
I raised my left eyebrow at her, and gave her a stone faced look. Then I smiled, "Ok, you got me. Well done. Sorry about that. Thanks for putting up with it for me."
"Oh, don't worry. I'll figure out some way for you to pay me back."
"Oh, rest assured that there will be payback…"
She just laughed and wandered off to grab another cup of tea. Corwin headed my way, stating, "Man, you looked like you had swallowed a skunk whole."
"Dude… okay, it was funny, in retrospect."
Sisme and Friday took off in another direction, trailing high pitched liquid laughter behind them.
"Man, I even invited her on this totally super amazingly awesome vacation, and this is the thanks I get."
Corwin just laughed again and went after Ivy.
Eventually, I decided that I'd had enough fun for one day and was going to bed. I made my way around the party and said my good nights. Friday stiffened at my approach, but since she was one of the few people that I could actually talk to, I didn't see much choice. Plus, even I'm not dumb enough about protocol to leave without saying something to the queen.
"Your majesty, Friday," I said with a nod of my head to each of them. "I wanted to apologize to the both of you for my behavior earlier today. Friday, I should have been far more insistent that you not come along, even if you were correct in the end about the possibility of my need for a translator. I also shouldn't have yelled at you when you were clearly in shock. I hope that you will forgive me someday."
"I… it's very kind of you to say that. I should have listened to your advice not to come, and if you were harsh with your words, they were nevertheless correct. We summoned you to commit violence on our behalf. It's wrong to then blame you for doing it effectively. I am worried about what I will see in my dreams, though."
"Well, it's a valid concern. I have an unfortunate amount of experience with bad dreams myself. If you feel like it would be helpful, feel free to come talk to me about it. I suspect that either Corwin or Ivy would be happy to talk as well."
"That's a very generous offer. I'll keep it in mind."
I turned to Sisme, and bowed far deeper than before, then returned. "Your majesty, my words earlier were unacceptable. I should not have mentioned your brother in such a way. I have no intention of ever doing you harm. But if I am to prosecute this war for you, you must accept that there are things we will have to do my way, including, unfortunately, not executing those who surrender."
After Friday had translated and Sisme had responded, she relayed the queen's words to me. "I forgive your indiscretions. As Friday said, you were summoned for your capabilities, and warriors have long been known to speak rashly when their blood is up. Let it be forgotten between us. In turn, I pledge to heed your advice more readily. Your people seem to know far more than mine on the subject, after all."
"Thank you, your majesty. Goodnight, Friday. Goodnight, Sisme."
Bowing to the queen once again, I turned and left for my room. I heard the two of them start talking as I walked away, and felt the queen's eyes on me until I had made it to the hallway. I hoped that wasn't a sign of trouble brewing.
Contribute to the war effort!
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submitted by itsetuhoinen to HFY [link] [comments]

Chess Sets

My parents loved the show: Queen's Gambit. My dad was always into chess, but now my mom is slowly joining the bandwagon. I wanted to get them a chess set for Christmas, however, it seems like I cannot find a good one. I am willing to pay $200 for a nice one. I also will want them to have a "full" size-ish board as well. I know they're usually more expensive, but I thought I will ask Reddit if they have any other tips. I've checked Walmart, Regency, Strategy Games, and Bed Bath and Beyond. If anyone has any suggestions, thank you!
submitted by belleair_aggy to Winnipeg [link] [comments]

I’m 25 and make $70,000/year as an Engineer in Missouri

Title: I am 25 and make $70,000 as an Engineer in Missouri.
Section 1: Assets and Debt Retirement balance: ~15k (10k from my current employer 401k I put in 10%, they match 4%, I was eligible to start contributing to this 1 year ago), $2.5K from my previous employer (5 month 401k eligibility), and $2.5k Roth.
Equity: I bought a house this March, put down 5% (house was $230k) I'm just gonna say $11.5k in equity since that's how much I put down on the appraised price
Savings account balance: $3.5k in my HYSA (I know... this is so low it's sad. I took money out of this for my down payment and slowly building back up)
Checking account balance: ~$500 in my personal account. G & I have a shared checking account which we pre-fund each month with $1,500 each, so typically have $3k in that account.
Credit card debt: $0 pay off every month
Student loan debt: I graduated almost 2 years ago with a little over $50k in debt and currently have $38k still, $14k of which is a grad loan at 6.6% (originally started at $21k) the remaining $14k is from undergrad and have interest rates between 3-4.5%. Have been mainly focusing on trying to pay the grad loan off. My monthly payments decreased while I was buying my house but starting to get them back up again.
Peloton debt: $1,660 (0% interest, I have a $45/month payment)
Section 2: Income
Income Progression: (I have had soooo many jobs so I tried to cut some out to make the list shorter...sorry!) -I got my first job at 16 at Papa Murphy's Pizza making minimum wage probably around $7.25/hour -2nd job was working at my college library at the circulation desk, also minimum wage -3rd job was a summer camp where I made $10/hour -4th, 6th, and 7th jobs were babysitting in a HCOL area where I made $15, $17, and then $20/hour -10th, 11th, & 12th jobs were interning for engineering companies making $13, $17 and $17/hour -13th job was my first real job out of college where I made $62k with 23% of salary matched for company stock
Main Job Monthly Take Home: $3,626 after 401k, HSA, etc. deductions(I get paid weekly and have $375 automatically go to the shared account and the rest ~$520 go into my personal account)
Any other monthly take home: I get $50/month phone reimbursement for my job I also have a company car and company gas card so that is why I have no car expenses or gas expenses
Section 3: Expenses Monthly Expenses: Mortgage: $1,425/month (split with G) 401k: $535 HSA: $74 Internet: $50/month (split with G) Utilities: ~$250/month (water, sewer, trash, gas, electricity) (split with G) Student Loans: $700 -$900 (when not deferred, minimum is $505) HYSA: $360 Gym: $85 (peloton bike + monthly membership) Spotify: $10 Apple Storage: $1
Was there an expectation for you to attend higher education? Did you participate in any form of higher education? If yes, how did you pay for it?
No, was a first-gen college student. I actually never really had plans to go to a 4-year college but my friend convinced me to apply. I applied on the very last day of the extended deadline and somehow got in! When I got my acceptance letter the first thing out of my mom's mouth was "how are you gonna pay for that?". So needless to say my schooling was paid through scholarships and loans. There was not really any talk about going to college when I was in high school but once I started college my parents were very supportive!
Growing up, what kind of conversations did you have about money? Did your parent/guardian(s) educate you about finances?
My mom was big on allowance and letting me manage my own money. From when I was 5 years old I started getting $4 in allowance every week where I'd have to put $1 in savings, $1 in investment, $1 in charity, and $1 for spending. Conversations about this definitely helped me understand the importance of budgeting/saving growing up.
What was your first job and why did you get it?
Papa Murphy's at 16, I needed money for gas and just spending money to do things with friends.
Did you worry about money growing up?
Not necessarily, my parents kept their finances pretty much to themselves and we always had dinner on the table. We never really went on vacations or got extravagant things though. My mom always gave me a weekly allowance until I got a job (in high school it got up to $20/week) so I didn't think we were ever struggling, then I realized she wasn't paying our mortgage... I think this only time I was truly worried because our house got foreclosed.
Do you worry about money now?
All day, everyday. It's one of my main stressors. I have about 5 different budgets I update/check everyday. I set monthly/yearly goals for my savings/paying off debts. I'm very grateful for my salary and the semi LCOL I'm in right now but I'm not sure if there will ever be a time I'm not stressed about money.
At what age did you become financially responsible for yourself and do you have a financial safety net?
When I was around 20, my second year of college. I haven't lived at home since this and have paid for all my own expenses since this time as well. My brother and sister in law would definitely let me come live with them if I ever needed help. In terms of borrowing money, no one in my family really has much extra dispensable cash.
Do you or have you ever received passive or inherited income? If yes, please explain.
My allowance which I received from 5-16.
DAY 1: 5:15am - After snoozing my alarm since 4 am (I know, I'm the worst) finally get out of bed to workout. I do a 45 minute ride on my Peloton, 10 minutes of yoga, and 5 minutes of meditation. Protein shake, shower and throw on pjs but also make up (eyeliner & mascara) to get half ready since I'm WFH for half of the day. I literally have 0 face routine Aveeno face wash, Cerave moisturizer and call it good! My partner G & our dog are still curled up in bed so cozy and so cute.
7:30am - Do a ridiculous amount of dishes (I am such a morning person, so I rarely do my dinner dishes at night, usually just the next morning), make some oatmeal w/ pb & strawberries, drink coffee, and get on my laptop. My boss calls me to tell me we have Veteran's Day off but since I'm already working, I opt to work today and take Friday off instead.
10:15am - Put on real clothes, throw my hair up and leave to go get my depo shot at Planned Parenthood and wait about an hour until I get called back. I've been on depo for a couple years so everything goes pretty quick and I'm out of the doctor's office within 5 minutes.
12pm - Listen to MFM on my drive to work, arrive and immediately heat up my lunch - this week I meal prepped cauli/reg rice mix, veggies and sausage. Soooo hungry since I didn't eat my normal mid morning snack lol. I steal some chocolate from the candy jar on our admins desk bc literally cannot go a day without it! Since it's technically a holiday the office is pretty dead only 3 of the usual 8 of us are here.
3pm - Work is draggingggg. Take a break to browse Her Money and snack on a Lara Bar.
3:45pm - Head out to a job site for a meeting and turn on This is Actually Happening podcast. Stop by Starbucks since I know it’ll be a long night and use my preloaded money to get a soy latte. Also, stop to fill up gas ($0 - company gas card).
8pm - Finally home! Eat leftover fajitas in bowl form for dinner, cuddle G & dog on couch while G finishes up some work on his laptop (late night for both of us!) and doggie sleeps on our lap.
9pm - Bed bc I am a grandma.
11:57pm - Alarm goes off I try to order the ps5 at midnight but apparently no stores are opening sales yet? Why do they make this so difficult and confusing. Supposed to be G’s bday and Xmas gift... but we’ll see.
Total - $0
DAY 2: 4:20am - Annoyed that I somehow snoozed my 4:05am alarm so quickly hop out of bed, change into workout clothes, brush my teeth, take an allergy pill, and head down to the basement to get a 20 minute strength workout and a 45 minute spin in.
6am - Protein shake then hop in the shower. It's a wash day for my curls. I co-wash with Innersense cream conditioner then style with Innersense cream and Ouidad gel and then spend a good 20 minutes diffusing my hair. I get SO SWEATY when I diffuse my hair ugh I even open the bathroom window since its 30 deg outside but still so hot. After my hair is halfway dry I make coffee, pack breakfast/lunch/snacks, and do the dishes. Say bye to G & dog who are still cuddled in bed... ugh my heart they are precious. G is still working from home so he has the luxury of sleeping in.
7:45am - I get to work and realize that I could've came in later since I had a late meeting last night. Oh well guess I was just on auto pilot mode and didn't even think of sleeping in.
8:45am - Heat up my breakfast...same as yesterday.
11am - After failing yet again trying to order the ps5, I take a break and eat lunch, same as yesterday! Walmart is opening up orders a 12, 3, 6 and 9 so I have 3 more chances today... ha!
2pm - Snack on a Lara Bar and since I get paid today I make a payment towards my student loans. Working in the construction industry and getting paid weekly has been amazing in terms of helping me budget, I will be so sad when I move jobs and get a "normal" bi-weekly check.
5pm - Try my luck at buying the ps5 once more before I head home from work. Listen to MFM on my drive and come home to doggy butt wiggles and homemade bolognese. S/o to G for doing 90% of the cooking bc I HATE cooking. G watches some football and I read “The Sun Down Motel” and eat a fudgy brownie cookie for dinner (recipe courtesy of Broma Bakery).
Total - $0
DAY 3: 6:45am - Sleep in a little since I have the day off! Hop on the bike for a 60 minute and 30 minute ride.
8:30am - Quick body shower, make a smoothie, and hop on a conference call with a client. I knew Wednesday that when I decided to take today off instead I'd have this meeting but it's a Zoom call so I don't mind taking it on my day off... it's only an hour.
11am - Okay call and debrief took a lot longer than anticipated...kinda annoyed but oh well. After the call I move some money to my HYSA and then buy a ring I've been eyeing on Etsy ($27). It's a thin silver ring with my brother's initials on it, he passed away when I was 8 so I love the idea of just having a little piece of him always with me. It'll arrive right around his birthday too, Dec. 5th, which is exciting! G & I make breakfast tacos then I go into the garage to start cutting and sanding wood for a storage shelf I'm making. $27
1:30pm - I have a telehealth appointment with a new therapist. ($35 from HSA) I am so nervous I have been struggling with finding a new therapist for 2+ years but my anxiety/depression is getting worse so I knew it was finally time. After a 45 minute call, a couple good crys, I feel so happy I've made this appointment. It is so refreshing to talk to someone outside of my friends/family about things and I have a good feeling that this will work out.
2:30pm - Eat some Swedish fish and the last of my meal prep!
4pm - Hop back on the bike for a Beyoncé ride.... soooo good but so hard. I love the peloton community, they are amazing. I take a quick shower after and head to Home Depot to grab some wood stain and a poinsettia. $10
6pm - Feeling lazy and not up for leftovers so I boil some frozen wontons for dinner. Watch Great British Baking Show while eating. Finish my meal with another brownie cookie.
8pm - We start The Queens Gambit and stay up waaaay to late watching it. Like over 5 hours. I’m one of those people that rarely gets into a tv show and when I do typically binge it🤷🏽‍♀️. I think we fall asleep sometime around 1am.
Total: $37
DAY 4: 7am - Up & try to go back to sleep but I’m hungry! Get up and eat a Lara Bar while making oat flour banana bread w/ chocolate chips (recipe courtesy of Baker Mama). Decide to sweep and mop the floors while the boys are asleep. I love this chore becauseI love the smell of fabuloso... anyone else?! Lol
9:30am - Make some coffee and contact a local ceramicist to buy one of his mugs as a Christmas gift for my best friend ($30). Trying to buy mostly from small businesses this Christmas so I know I need to start early! $30
12pm - I nap for an hour or so then get up and run some errands. I stop by Michaels for some Christmas decor ($25), Target for hooks, lemons, Lawrys Seasoning, cleaning supplies, deodorant, vitamins, and plastic bin to store our fall decor ($70), and Aldi for bread, eggs, strawberries, apples, chocolate, lettuce and I find some house slippers for G in the AOS aisle ($35). Typically we get meat and staples from Costco at the beginning of the month then every week I spend $30-$40 at Aldi for produce. I get home, put things away, and start working on staining the wood pieces for my shelf. While I was out G went to Menards to get stuff to fix our basement toilet because the wax seal had failed. ($65). $195
6pm - I take a bath and when I get out G and I start preparing the ingredients for fried chicken sandwiches. G's on chicken duty while I prep some sweet potatoe fries and all the fixins. Soooo good! We eat on the couch while watching more of the Queens Gambit.
11pm - Bed time!
Total - $225
DAY 5: 9am - Sleeping in today! Wake up and immediately hungry, grab a Lara Bar. G and I get up and start cleaning up the kitchen from last night.
10:15am - Get on the bike and do two 30 minute classes. The first one is a club bangers ride and the second one is the Sunday with Ally Love class so basically complete opposite vibes but love them both! While I'm on the bike G and our neighboelectrician look into some lighting issues we're having in the basement.
11:30am - Shower and deep condition my hair. I try to deep condition every Sunday and usually just leave it in all day. I just put my hair in a bun and throw a headband on. I head to the pop up shop to pick the mug up I paid for yesterday but when I get there the guy says he accidentally broke it :/ he gives me a free bowl and says he'll remake it and have it ready within the next month so no biggie! Stop by JoAnns on my way home for more Christmas decor ($70). When I get home I finish putting up the Christmas decorations and do some chores. $70
4pm - I start finally assembling the shelf with G's help! Have to run to Home Depot a couple of times to get the right size screws and nails, luckily it's just around the corner. On one of the three runs (lol) G grabs 3 light fixtures bases for our basement because he found out earlier the existing lights were not installed right and need to be replaced ($50). Perks of having an old house. We finish the shelf and I'm so happy with how it turned out! It's going to be my cycling storage space. I had previously seen some on Etsy but they were $150-200 so I just decided to do it myself and it ended up costing me less than $40! $50
7pm - Two of our friends come over with Chinese take out. We eat while chatting and watching Sunday night football. I'm happy we get to spend some time with friends this weekend even if it's just a couple hours. I think we get caught up in the "go, go go" and completing weekend lists that it's good to just hang out and relax a bit. We split the cost of the food. $32
10pm - After our friends leave I clean up a bit, make an oatmeal bake for this week's breakfast and G cooks me some chicken (bc I hate touching raw meat) for this week's lunches. I fall asleep on him while he watches football highlights. We get charged for the month's internet. $50
Total - $202
DAY 6: 4:10am - Back to the normal routine! Bike, shower, put away the dishwasher, pack food for work, and I'm out the door!
12pm - Lunch today is a salad with chicken, black beans, corn, bell pepper, and salsa.I noticed G placed an Amazon order for Brita filters. $17
1:30pm - Eat a slice of choco chip banana bread. I buy a Christmas themed runner online ($26). Also, browse on Etsy and decide to purchase a poster for G's bday for his "man cave" he's creating in our basement($27). $53
4pm - Join a zoom meeting for an organization I'm the historian/communications person for. It lasts about an hour and then I head home. On my way I stop by someone's house to do a porch pick up of a free vegan cookbook they posted on Facebook. I'm not vegan but I can't have dairy so sometimes it's just easier to follow vegan recipes.
5pm - Get home and lay on the couch snuggled with my dog and read my book. After about an hour, I fall asleep.
8pm - Accidentally took a two hour nap... whoops. While I was asleep G cooked green curry, so we eat that while watching Monday night football. I am still tired so shortly after eating we head to bed.
9:30pm - Despite my two hour nap I still easily fall asleep before 10....I told ya'll I am a GRANDMA!
Total - $70
DAY 7: 4am - Up and at it on the bike! Truly one of the best parts of my day. I love being up before anyone else and having "me" time before starting my day.
6am - G for some reason got up early and did the dishes... appreciate him doing this! Shower, pack food, and head out for work.
12pm - Lunch same as yesterday, read a book at my desk while eating.
4pm - Head home early for my therapy appointment. After G and I eat leftover green curry for dinner. My mom calls us after dinner and we spend an hour looking at houses over the phone. She currently lives on the west coast and is looking to move out here because the COL is so much cheaper! G shows me the progress on teaching our dog to roll over and he does it! We are proud doggie parents lol
8pm - We watch Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations for a couple hours and then head to bed!
Total - $0
Spending Total Food+Drink: $67 Fun/Entertainment: $50 Home+Health: $333 Clothes+Beauty: $27 Transport: $0 Other: $57
Grand Total - $534
Reflection: Other than the $100+ spent on Christmas decorations (no regrets lol) this is a pretty typical week for us! Since we just moved into our house we are always working on some type of project so Lowes/Menards/Home Depot runs are regular for us. Since we've been spending more on house things we've really tried to cut back on eating out to 4-6 times per month, which has gotten a lot easier over time. We both love food so much and trying out new restaurants but quarantine has definitely helped with this cutback!
submitted by curly_head_xxx to MoneyDiariesACTIVE [link] [comments]

Let’s build 1d100 unique dungeons

Captain Ob Vius, Opie, and Ogden piss off! Don’t ruin my surprises. Down to business. My experience with dungeons has been fun, but it’s always so similar. The ruin/crypt with undead or the like. I’ve been wanting to experiment with more unique dungeon mechanics and settings! Such as:
  1. A space with dozens of small planets where if you change your perception of what up and down is you can control how you move between them. Objective is in the center of the room. Walls all lined with spikes. Different enemies on different planets.
  2. Room filled with paintings and an empty coffin. The inscription reads “return me to my rest, to pass this little test”. The paintings are sub dimensions that contain the bones, each with a different challenge.
  3. A cavern filled with intertidal pools linked by special magic. Swimming to the bottom brings you out the top of another. The pools are full of materials and enemies. The pools are in clusters on little plateaus, with terribly powerful wind coming up from the seemingly bottomless pit from which they rise.
  4. Standard labyrinth full of scary beasties. But all the walls are mirrors. Mirror labyrinth definitely worse than the original.
  5. Small floating island with heavy gravity. Upon entering the dungeon players are falling in orbit around the island. Many flying and floating creatures/objects.
  6. Trap heavy crypt. Full of undead.... fey?! Zombie fairies haunt my nightmares.
  7. Poison swamp. An obelisk in the center specifies tasks and their point values and rewards.
  8. A seemingly endless sea, with ruins to explore below. Actually a prison for an ancient monster, that some asshat pirate decided was a good place to hide treasure.
  9. A tower, with special magic. Each of the 5 floors is large, with its own boss and loot. This dungeon is special, and has a return (save progress) runestone.
  10. A hive of various monstrous bugs that infested an ancient castle, find and kill the queen to find the key to the door that has the treasure.
  11. The illusion dungeon. Walls, flooground, doors, living things, even traps. What’s real and what’s not? Be wary.
  12. An undead battlefield still at war. Neither side sees you as a friend. Though maybe reinforcements, with an adjustment or two... like death.
  13. A small calm lake, covered in giant lily pads. There is a small island in the center, but the water itself is full of swarms of carnivorous fish. Who knows what’s on the pads, but it’s definitely safer than swimming.
  14. A space of ground surrounded by ocean, but it seems to be on the ocean floor. The water is held back in a circular force field around this area, and sea life can be seen swimming all around. Not all of it looks friendly.
  15. Just a giant room with a statue of unidentifiable material. Attacking the statue causes it to change colors in levels from the bottom. It vanishes every six seconds (one combat round). A certain amount of damage in one round needed to clear the dungeon.
  16. A small island temple. Inside is A seemingly vast and endless desert. Where even is the dungeon?
  17. The stormlords cloud keep. A keep in a dark cumulonimbus that likes to randomly strike lightning. Who the hell keeps thunder wolves as pets?
  18. A palace in the depths of space , surrounded by stars. Dark things lurk in that void, and aberrations abound here.
  19. An island floating in the void of space surrounded with stars, a dim purple sun, and a bright light purple moon. A hunting ground for celestial beasts, and everything is on the menu.
  20. A mansion with little memory orbs that have stored past events. The inscription seems to be asking you to solve his own murder in exchange for his inheritance. Better find a Clue!
  21. Abandoned lab of an ancient scientist that was studying the elemental planes. Welcome to elemental gang wars.
  22. A wealthy modern scientist has disappeared, but his secret lab should hold his fortune and research. What was he studying? Slimes. Countless slimes.
  23. A temple built into the underside of a floating isle, long forgotten. Many avian creatures roost here now. There’s a glider here, with a snack compartment.
  24. Inside a fire Djinn’s lamp lies a palace of flame. I wish I didn’t have to go in there... ha
  25. This is the fabled Golem Kings enchanted mountain. He may be long dead but his dad lonely golems still protect this place.
  26. The northern beast tribes had a bad habit of trying to tame monsters much stronger than them. Maybe that’s why all the ice in these frozen caverns is dyed red?
  27. The legendary Stormlords cloud keep in a giant cumulonimbus cloud that’s always storming. Bad place to wear metal. Who keeps lightning wolves as pets?
  28. Under the popular temple of the joy in Cheerytown , the corrupted clergy worships something dark and mad in the catacombs. They’re still joyous, while practicing unspeakable acts. Good thing you’re already crazy for treasure right?
  29. Deep in a swamp kids have been disappearing into a mostly submerged temple. The hidden temple of legends is owned by a giant talking stone head, who seems to be acting as a game show host. All the teams are here now, who will win?
  30. The lost temple of the Monk-ey King. Just... monkeys. Monkeys who fight well. Better find your Zen. Oh and I hope you like climbing.
  31. The ancients left behind a great pyramid with a massive hourglass in the center. Every 30 seconds the last turn resets, as if it never happened. Every hour inside is a week outside. Did that monster teleport? No it returned to its past... position.
  32. A great clock tower in ancient dwarf ruins. Fighting on moving gears sucks, why are the clockwork soldiers still here?! But you’ll need to get more of them moving to progress. Let’s just hope there’s not a clockwork dragon in the treasure vault
  33. The ruins of the ancient witch race, destroyed by the gods for defying heaven and earth alike with their powerful sorcery, is built on top of the enormous leaves and branches of the largest tree in the world. Their bitterness has left countless curses behind, but rumor has it they left their treasures and knowledge at the top of the tree...
  34. There’s a small island in the stomach of the fleet devouring shark. There are many shipwrecks around, eternally digesting in the acidic sea around it. The island is inhabited by a semi-intelligent race of creatures that live symbiotically within the sharks stomach. Are you friend or food?
  35. A shipwreck of the largest boat you’ve ever seen. It must be a mile long, what the heck could even sink something like this?! There’s no way there’s not treasure in this bad boy. And... lobster people?
  36. The ancient mystic wizard Balthazar had a special talent. He could imbue things with souls. But who in their right mind would imbue every piece of furniture in their castle with a soul? I guess the rug got tired of being walked all over.
  37. Balthazar is at it again. He’s made a Demi plane of sweets, inhabited by sentient fruit people. Unfortunately the chocolate volcano is about to explode, causing the hot fudge death of everything on the plane. The tribes task you with stopping this, in return they’ll take you to their lords secret treasure.
  38. Damn it Balthazar! How many places did you create?! Balthazar’s lost library isnt as dangerous as other places he made. Most of the books here are just dying to tell you their story. But how to get into the restricted section? And you should watch out for the librarian, if you don’t want to die.
  39. Sigh... Balthazar please stop. In Balthazar’s lost game room, you can play deadly games for prizes. Though the sentient giant chess set doesn’t seem to want you there...
  40. Whatever Balthazar. In Balthazar’s lost Garden, the immaculately shaped trees and shrubbery respond exceptionally well to flattery. Especially the triceratops bush. As long as you’re here to enjoy the garden, and not to take anything, you’ll not be harmed in this maze like garden.
  41. A large, multi-roomed crystal with crystalized biomes (such as a crystal forest). Inside there are trapped spirits and golemns that wander the halls (You're gonna want to prepare the spell shatter here, folks!).
  42. There's a giant beehive. The giant bees are hostile, but their honey has healing properties.
  43. The shrine in the tallest mountain on the spine of the world exists in both the prime material plane and the plane of air. While you're in the prime material plane part, strong winds buffet your party. In the plane of air, this is the lowest part of the plane, and you must dodge the falling debris from above.
  44. There's an old man in a shrine who only wakens once every hundred years. Stories say that he knows the spell that will stop the storm that threatens the capital. Your party must use a special kind of incense, fall into a trance, and defeat his nightmares to wake him and ask him to assist you. But boy are his dreams weird .
  45. There's a large city in a glass dome at the bottom of the sea. It was abandoned, but intact. When your players go there, the glass has cracked and starts to fill from the bottom. They'll need to race the rising water to get to the teleportation rune at the top...
  46. The tallest giants in this world are long extinct. However, your party has come across the body of one, 80 feet tall, mostly buried underneath the earth. The top half of its body has already rotted to the core, but once you get down about halfway, there's some flesh still left inside. Cultists are inside, trying to recover the sword that felled him....
  47. A giant beholder tower that spans multiple demi-planes. Filled with traps, including the mindless thralls (the adventurers who failed before you.) Better protect your mind here.
  48. You've been trapped inside a painting by an enchanter. You'll need to figure out how to escape, even as he paints more monsters for you to fight.
  49. You're in a large cavern with giant stalactites. You'll need to fight your way from stalactite to stalactite, using flying or grappling hooks/ziplines to get from one to the next. A giant creature, a thousand feet tall, inhabits the cavern. You'll need to avoid drawing its attention while you seek to recover one of its giant hairs.
  50. A descending dungeon of gladiator pits, filled to the brim with demons and other monstrosities, led by the ringmaster on the lowest floor.
  51. A SAW-like dungeon with a mad killer pursuing the party, just one step behind them as they try to make their way through the trapped halls.
  52. A dungeon made by an abjurist archmage that bans certain schools of magic within each room.
  53. A dungeon made by a mad eldritch sorcerer -- in each room your party is true polymorphed into different monsters, and you need to defeat the adventuring party in each room (including copies of your own!) in order to proceed.
  54. A dungeon that is one big chase like a crash bandicoot level, with a large monster (tarrasque, t-rex, something of that sort) chasing them. They'll need to evade barriers, use environmental traps, and jump on a cart ride in order to escape.
  55. A dungeon that is a series of reality TV-show esque challenges against another adventuring party, or a group of mindflayers. (Shows include: The Price is Right, Cutthroat Kitchen, American Idol, etc.)
  56. A dungeon where you face off against unknown mercenaries wielding strange weaponry from another dimension. They have long tubes that spit fire and portable bombs of light and rocks. (Our dimension!)
  57. A dungeon that's a revolving carousel filled with automatons who act out history's famous battles from Faerun.
  58. A dungeon that takes in a single room, like the X-Men Danger Room. Every two rounds during the fight, the room shifts, stone blocks rising and falling from the ground to create different cover configurations and height (and sometimes adding elemental effects.)
  59. A dungeon where the party loses different senses: one loses their sight, another their hearing, another their ability to speak.
  60. A dungeon with floating coins, tunnels , many platforms. You have to get to the end without falling into any pits! If you don’t collect enough coins, you’ll warp back to the start to try again. There are weird potions that come out sometimes if you hit the bottom of platforms, that make you bigger, smaller, lighter, heavier etc.
  61. Every monster in this dungeon has a red glow. Every time one is killed, the glow around the others intensifies. The more you kill the stronger they get.
  62. The temple of transformation has a large forest inside. Nothing is what it seems. All the creatures can transform in some way, so that rabbit may not be as harmless as it seems.
  63. The Metal Mountain is a treasure trove for those that can survive. This mountain within a mountain is linked to the sub elemental plane of metal. Even the weakest of monsters have a big payoff if you can kill it, like the steel wool sheep. Just be wary of anything that eats metal themed creatures. Like the frost steel saber tooth .
  64. It’s said that a yeti collects the shinies of all the adventurers it kills in its lair of tunnels through a great iceberg on the subplane of ice.
  65. The Herb Garden of the Gods contains many extraordinary and magical plants. Oh I recognize that one as a natural strength enhancer! Wait... why does that squirrel have such massive biceps?!
  66. Something important was hidden in the Forest of Life and Death. Here is between the light and dark, and this twilight forest is known for dangerous bloodsuckers and soul leechers, as well as life givers and holy blessers. The deer god, a Titan of life and death makes this place his home.
  67. The Black Barons Last Bastion ofBlood Magic. A black stone keep in a small lake of blood, filled with powerful undead water beasts. The keep itself is home to the last of a race of blood sacrifice mages, who absorb blood to gain power. No not a vampire, he doesn’t need to drink it to live, he’s just power hungry .
  68. This man made cavern has a forest and an ancient city inside it. There are many tiles and traps that shrink or enlarge thing to an extreme degree. There’s a doggo sized T-Rex and a Woodpecker the size of a dragon. Best avoid touching anything unnecessarily
  69. An infernal brothel. You’re there to rescue your idiot bard, and maybe rob the large safe of victims gold in the basement.
  70. Somewhere in a cave deep within the earth lies an extreme concentration of mana. Moving through the mana rich air here feels like moving through water, and the mana saturated water feels like crawling through mud. The monsters here have adapted to this, you have not. (Animals with natural force fields, mana beam attacks, etc.)
  71. The plains of eternal starlight can be found in many of the ancient oracles temples. Divination is more powerful here, Reading the stars. Many of the creatures that live here seem to know what you’re going to do before you do... but you need something here.
  72. Deep and a canyon of blue stone, lies a small castle. One of the most talented summoners ever to live made this his home centuries ago. Most of the summoning traps leading up to the castle have been destroyed already, but no one has ever passed the gate.
  73. The hall of statues is itself a 600 foot tall statue of incomparable craftsmanship. Inside is full of beautifully wrought statues of many materials. Though it feels like you’re being watched....
  74. The Pit. A seemingly endless pit in the ground full of dangerous creatures and hidden rooms. There’s an adventurers town built around it. No one has reached the bottom, but there are certainly many bodies to loot down there with whatever was there originally. And eternal glory.
  75. The endless cliffs are riddled with little caves, many of which contain the inheritance of an unknown entity. What is known, they’re well guarded. No one has made it past the demon wolf in the third cave up...
  76. For those that know how to reach it, there is a train just above the atmosphere: The Death Train. It circles the globe constantly, and there are many treasures inside to compete for. Unfortunately there will never be more than 100 tickets. You’ll have to get one from its current owner.
  77. In the eye of the Everstorm that rages up and down the impassable ocean lies a great sphere. Inside is a deserted city, seemingly untouched for millennia. Why does this technology look so much more advanced than anything you’ve ever seen?
  78. Inside a strange box in a ruin, you’re transported to the challengers jungle. Oddly, nothing that’s killed here dies, it just dissipates and reappears somewhere else in the realm. But how do you get out of here?
  79. The Sound of Silence. This dungeon is filled with different bells with different effects. Blind monster hunt by sound.
  80. A dungeon full of mushrooms of varying sizes, with really bouncy tops. Mushroom monsters
  81. The tops of great pillars rise from the clouds, leading away from the mountain temple. It’s said if you can make it through this treacherous path, and defeat the pillar guardians, gifts from the gods await.
  82. A towering, enormous, impossibly complex and anachronistically industrial dome-like building with a sentient and telepathic orb at the centre. It sees everything inside and telepathically mocks the party as they weave their way towards it.
  83. Deep in a fey-infested forest is a small bed of totally unique cobalt and ebony flowers that eternally bloom. If you smell them you pass out and are trapped in a lucid dream world. No one can wake you until you surpass three great challenges -- one unique to the PC and their nightmares, and two common to all the PC's stuck within.
  84. Ancient Mystic Temple of the heavenly way. This ziggurat of semitransparent green and blue stone lies hidden in the auroras of the bottom of the world. The beings here seem... astral.
  85. In the actual dungeon of the infernal princes castle. Better watch out, demons and their beasts lurk about every corner. Probably just best to ignore those screams.
  86. The drifting island, that’s forgotten as soon as it’s left. Much like the monsters and landmarks. Why are we here again?
  87. Legend has it this lake of blood can from the most ancient of dragons. His hoard is also supposed to be somewhere in the lake. Whether it’s true or not, one thing is certain. All the creatures here have become draconian
  88. This stone circle of monoliths left by the Origin Race has always been a mystery. So why did it’s center just open up to a great tunnel? This energy feels... otherworldly. Should definitely warp the party to a palace on the moon.
  89. Did you know, there is a flower that grows in the center of the Glowing Forest of Hunger in the underdark that’s worth a fortune? The forest is beautiful too. And hungry. Glowy carnivorous plants. That is all.
  90. On the vast purple tundra sits a lone dwelling made of great animal bones and hide. Inside is a pocket dimension that’s home to a ferocious pack of shapeshifters, inhabiting this massive complex of bone and hide. Why do werewolves keep even more wolves?Though there’s probably no silver In their treasure hall.
  91. The Little People that preceded all of the modern petite races were unmatched in craftsman ship and their knowledge of the universe. This recently discovered astronomy tower is breathtaking, from the magnificent solarium full of secrets to the star chart hall that seems to be moving. It seems unguarded, but maybe that’s due to all the traps and puzzles?
  92. The spirits at the Dojo of the Moonlight Blade still linger, protecting their armory from the unworthy. The rules are simple, 1v1 from the weakest to the strongest. Hey I’ve never hit a ghost with glasses before...
  93. The Crow Kings Roost in the Weird Tree of the Dark Forest is said to hold long forgotten magic. Fear permeates the air as readily as darkness. Be careful not to lose yourself along the way. Pumpkins and skeletons litter this forest.
  94. The Mad Bards Myriad of Ballrooms. The Mad Bard of Myth was unmatched in his composing, with music that could ensnare the very soul, and bewitch the mind. He amassed a fortune playing for the most wealthy of patrons. Welcome to the Masquerade!
  95. The Cats in the Hat. In a large top hat shaped building, some crazy collector has gathered many of the worlds cat and cat like beasts into this dwelling, though reality seems warped in here. They also supposedly collected cat themed treasure, like El Gato: an ancient idol of pure gold shaped like a cat. It’s rumored to summon a powerful Fey creature.
  96. In a pocket dimension well hidden near the city, lies the home of Nicolas Flamel. The ancient master of alchemy left the secrets of immortality and the recipe for the philosophers stone in this place before he went willingly into deaths embrace. This towering haphazardly balanced cottage is protected by the secrets of alchemy. Many things here heal themselves or duplicate when killed.
  97. The Collectors Zoo. The Collector was a rather obsessive man who like rare and powerful things. The inside of this great tree is like a museum of replicas of items he has, while on each branch of this magnificent tree hangs large spheres much like Christmas ornaments. Upon closer inspection, entire environments can be seen inside with breathtaking creatures roaming in their seemingly natural habitat. You’ve got a hunch the real items from the museum are protected in these animal enclosures.
  98. There is an abandoned Mages College on the Monstrous Moors. A botched summoning spell managed to teleport hundreds of powerful monstrosities into the school. No one has tried to reclaim it in many years.
  99. The rainbow way, a beautiful and deadly path between the planes of air and water. How vibrant everything here is, and there’s supposedly a massive pot of gold at the end. Some green and red fey like creature plagues your journey.
  100. A massive shopping complex. Doing tasks here earns you points, which can be exchanged for items at the one and only Walters Magic Emporium. There are entrances to here from all across the world. (Walmart dungeon folks, you’ll see scary shit)
Thanks so much folks! It’s finished!
Special thanks to u/XhangoGames, u/JediCapitalist, and u/Dm_intraining
submitted by H1pp0Hunt to d100 [link] [comments]

CB wastes my time and then tries to get me to sell to him

So me and my boyfriend are moving into a new building but it’s a bit smaller than our current set up. I decided to finally get rid of things that I didn’t need anymore. I upgraded to a queen bed at one point and still had a twin sized mattress topper. I only used it for about a year and it was still in great condition. I washed it and it looked good as new. I originally paid $100 for it but since it was used I dropped the price considerably to $40. I really needed some money for the move and because it was still in good shape I felt it was a fair price.
CB: I’ll give you $20, I can get one for Walmart brand new for $40 and since this one is used I’ll give you $20.
Me: I paid $100 for this one and didn’t get it from Walmart so feel free to buy one from there but it’s not gunna be the same quality or thickness.
CB: you won’t sell to anyone else
Me: the lowest I’ll go is $35
CB: $20 and you deliver (the ad says pickup only, and this guy lived literally 40 mins away from me)
Me: no thanks, have a good day!
CB: thanks for wasting my time!
Me: thanks you too!
A day passes, at this point I’ve gotten other offers, but he messages me again even after the conversation was deleted
CB: okay fine I do $30 but you deliver. Nobody wants your old mattress anyway
Needless to say I blocked him. I eventually found someone to take it at the price I listed.
Bonus story: I had a full sized couch that was in great condition up on the market for $100 as well, which is cheap considering we got it only a few years ago for $700, and someone offered me $20 for it lol. I also had a dude try to pick it up but showed up with a full truck and complained about not wanting to go into my apartment, expecting me, a 21 year old girl, to singlehandedly carry a couch downstairs on my own lol.
submitted by sacredpotato0 to ChoosingBeggars [link] [comments]

Welcome to South App #7: "Home Trailer Advantage"

Welcome to South App #7:

Monday, September 7th, 2020
“Gigi, come quick! Winston’s bleeding!”
Sarah hung up the phone. Gigi sprinted down four flights of stairs in a 500-dollar fleece bathrobe. (“Hooray, fake ID money!”) In front of Winston’s room stood Sarah - the color drained from her normally golden skin. Drops of blood trailed from Winston’s room to the men’s bathroom down the hall.
“His fucking crown fell out!” Sarah blurted out.
That morning, Gigi had put her dental knowledge to the test. Ah, the Guitar Guys broke Winston’s lateral incisor! She had sneaked Winston into the campus dental lab to fit him with a temporary crown. “Don’t bite down on it or eat anything too messy!” she had warned him. No chance. It was wing night at the Chubby Beaver Cafe.
The girls followed the blood to the bathroom door.
“I’m not going in there!” Gigi confidently declared.
“Oh, what was I thinking? Let me just magically fix his tooth with my 19 fucking years of dental experience!”
“But, but, but...that’s a male lavatory! And as his fraternal sibling, I surmise that you have unintentionally borne witness to his nether-regions...in the least intimate of circumstances, of course!”
“Stop bickerin’ and help me out, will ya?” came Winston’s muffled yell from the bathroom. “Fuck, this pain! Mama, make it stop!”
Gigi burst through the bathroom, where Winston and Tai wielded huge toy rifles. Sarah locked Gigi’s arms behind her head in a full nelson choke.
“What?! You’re okay?”
“First rule of paintball: never trust anybody,” Winston sneered.
Paintball was certainly on the menu on this first day of Fall Break. That night, Mama Beavers’ residence would be hosting the annual paintball tournament. And this morning, Winston, Tai, and Sarah were to give Gigi a proper introduction to the sport. With Super Soakers.
“Whatcha think, Winston?” Tai chuckled. “Shall we light her up?”
“I reckon we shall, roomie.”
Whipped cream spurted out of the Super Soakers, gagging Gigi’s mouth; tangling her jet-black hair; staining her luxurious robe.
“Whaaa! W-w-w-what the fuck, guys?” howled the Gigi sundae. “I just took an hour-long shower for nothing!”
“Hey, Winston, I have an idea,” Tai suggested, strolling over to the window.
“Oh, whatever may that be, Tai?” Winston played along.
Tai flung the window open, staring down the tunnel of a huge inflatable Slip-N-Slide. Only this slide was lubed up with light beer - not water.
“Time for your second bath, Gigi!” Sarah teased, tightening her grip and dragging Gigi to the window.
“You...do…not have permission to touch my body!” Gigi screamed. “This is sexual assault under North Carolina General Statute section 14-27.21, as signed into law by Bill-!”
The three freshmen heaved Gigi onto the beer slide. She continued rattling off state penal codes three stories down.
“Got ’em!” Winston cheered, celebrating with crisp high-fives. “Sheesh, is Gigi a lawyer now? What was that ramblin’ all about?”
“Beats me,” Tai mumbled. “I assumed Gigi knew everything but social skills.”
“Nah, Winston has a point,” Sarah agreed. “That legal mumbo jumbo is beyond the pale even for her. She and I will have to have a little chit-chat. Anywho...Winston, why don’t you go down there and check on her?”
“Fuck it, why not? I reckon I’ll enjoy a booze bath.”
Winston dived head-first onto the beer slide, careening against the sides. He consumed a pitcher’s worth of cheap beer before splashing three stories down into the Boozewalk: an inflatable moonwalk full of beer, enclosed by huge inflatable walls on all sides.
“Wait, what the hell?” Winston gasped, as a bathrobe floated in the booze bath. “G-Gigi? Is that you?”
The petite form of a woman rose to the surface, baring her pale face and smooth shoulders.
“Heeey, Winston,” slurred a seductive Gigi. “Looks like we’re finally alone in the dark. So...do you like me, Winston?”
“W-what? I...I think you should put your bathrobe back on, buddy.”
But Gigi did no such thing, likely naked below the frothy surface. Instead, she swam toward Winston as he backed up to the inflatable wall.
“What if I, like, totally sounded like Claire?” Gigi cooed, mimicking the southern girl. “Wouldn’t you, like, totally wanna get in my pants?”
“First of all, you’re not wearing pants. Second of all, you’re my best buddy. Nothing more. Nothing less.”
“As you wish...I shall force myself on you instead!” Gigi shot to her feet, dressed in a pink South App tube top and black shorts. She pressed the muzzle of a paintball gun to Winston’s forehead. “Guys, now!”
Tai and Sarah burst through the mesh entrance. Paintball guns in hand, they splashed through the Boozewalk like the goddamn invasion of Normandy. “Freeze, mothafucka!” Tai screamed in a rare gangsta voice. As three armed assailants surrounded him, Winston raised his shaking hands.
“First rule of paintball,” Winston reminded himself, exasperated. “Never trust anybody.”
“Now where, oh where have I heard that before?” Sarah asked, throwing an arm around her brother’s shoulders. “Come on, it’s wing night!”
“Go without me and I’ll meet you at the truck!” Gigi said thoughtfully. “I’ve never tried beer, but I bet I can catch a buzz if I just float around in here!”
“Suit yourself,” Winston sighed, stepping out of the Boozewalk onto the grass. “It’s a damn shame my best buddy ain’t gonna be there to wipe the buffalo sauce off my face.”
They left Gigi alone in that dark, five-percent ABV bath. A sensory-deprivation chamber of sorts. She floated on her back, eyes closed and mind racing.
He turned down my romantic advances. Then again, he called me his best buddy! Now...I don’t know much about southerners, but methinks that’s a start.
Sarah stuck her head through the mesh entrance. “Heeey...so only lawyers and criminals know state penal codes. And, well, you’re not exactly either of those. Ya dig? So, I’m going to come straight out and ask: did someone sexually assault you?”
Gigi blinked. She slowly lowered herself into the beer bath as her fling with Twinston flooded her mind. Deeply kissing a man...that she thought was somebody else. Sliding off the boxer-briefs off a man...that she thought was somebody else. And telling that same man that she loved him.
Bubbles rose to the surface. Sarah grabbed Gigi’s shoulders and hoisted her to her feet. Her South Korean roommate was laughing her ass off, one eye twitching.
“Nope!” Gigi lied, shivering. “I willingly gave up my V-Card in a steamy one-night stand!”
Ryan blasted a .30-06 round from his Remington 783 bolt-action rifle. The bullet pierced the paper target 100 meters downrange. Heart shot.
Twinston walked into Dam Good Shot Gun Range. He and Ryan had the whole place to themselves on the Monday afternoon of Fall Break.
“Survey says it’s pure!” Twinston declared, slapping ABK’s bag of blue-and-white cocaine on the counter. Teja, their Indian brother, had tested the coke in the science lab that morning. (Meanwhile, Gigi had been sedating Winston in a dental chair a few floors up). The results: the only difference in BDE’s and ABK’s cocaine was the color of Walmart-brand glitter. ABK wasn’t just trying to compete with BDE. They were trying to run them off the fucking block.
“Well, you know what to do,” Ryan said matter-of-factly, racking the slide. “Confront Clyde about this shit head-on.”
“Hell yeah, I gotcha. Uh...should I get Winston to tag along? I reckon we’ll be more intimidatin’ with us both there. We’re the fuckin’ Wonder Twins when it comes to gettin’ shit done.”
Ryan blasted another round and missed his target. “Twinston, do you wanna borrow some mouthwash?”
“I figure you’ll be needing it to wash the taste of Winston’s dick out of your mouth.”
Ryan racked the slide while Twinston dropped his jaw. But in light of the insult, he closed his mouth. Ryan’s fired again. Headshot.
“You’re BDE’s second-in-command,” Ryan reminded Twinston, holding down a button as the target returned to him. “And I need you to act like it. Deal with Clyde solo.”
The target came into full view. It was a security camera photo of Gigi in her baby-blue evening gown from the Masquerade.
What in the actual fuck? Twinston thought. It finally dawned on him that he had slept with a wanted woman that last weekend. Ryan’s wanted woman.
“Twinston, meet Ji-hye Moon, AKA Gigi. At first, I was pretty fucking pissed that you brought her to the house to fuck her. But after we got some footage, I was able to gather intel from students around campus. Not only is she friends with our very own Winston. But that filthy libtard hippie cunt, Sarah, is Winston’s fuckin’ sister! And not only did these bitches blow up my father’s ashes...they’re taking control of our entire fucking fake ID operation!”
Ryan paused. He unzipped his tote bag and withdrew an Uzi submachine gun with an extended suppressor. Twinston gulped as Ryan racked the slide and aimed at the photo at point-blank range.
“So, uh...what’s the plan?” Twinston stammered. “I mean, we ain’t got beef with Winston now, do we?”
“Word on Greek Row is that Winston and the girls are on the way to his Mama’s house as we speak. In my eyes, he’s harboring fugitives. That poor son of a bitch probably fears for their lives. Ha! Can’t I can’t say I blame him. I’ll be paying Cleft Falls a visit very, very soon.”
Ryan unloaded a 32-round clip into Gigi. 45-caliber rounds peppered the photo from head to toe. Finally, the barrel clicked, smoking and hissing. The photo was reduced to charred dust and ash on the floor.
Ryan fetched the cocaine, shoved his nose straight into the bag, and let out a carnal scream. Twinston slowly backed out of the gun range. He drove straight to the ABK house. But it wasn’t to confront Clyde about his cocaine empire. It was to warn him that Gigi’s life was now in danger. And given the history between Twinston and Gigi, Clyde would be a better man for the job.
The four freshmen were off to a late start to the siblings’ hometown of Trinity. Winston and Sarah were to blame. At the Chubby Beaver Cafe, they had challenged each other to a wing-eating contest (vegan wings for Sarah). Gigi had manned the ropes as Winston’s mouth-wiper; Tai as Sarah’s. Winston had won with flying colors. But Sarah hadn’t paid much mind, a lemon pepper smile beaming on her face. All she had cared about was being full.
Gigi and Tai exchanged puzzled looks in the back of Winston’s truck. “Hey!” she piped up. “Didn’t you wanna save room for your mom’s dinner?”
Sarah and Winston burst out laughing. Yes, their mother would be preparing a home-cooked meal from scratch. No, it would not be hamburgers and hot dogs.
“Oh, sweet summer children,” Sarah said condescendingly. She turned around in the passenger seat, her dreadlocks whipping Gigi in the face. “You have no clue, dude and dudette. See, we were born and raised under Mama Beavers. Do you know what that means? Why don’t you explain it to ’em, brother O’ mine?”
“With pleasure, sis! See, Mama Beavers is the most frugal woman on this side of the Mississippi. Prepare for a meal of epic backwoods proportions. Let’s see, Sarah. Do you reckon it’ll be fried gator skins or pickled chicken feet?”
“Oh! Don’t forget boiled okra soaked in fatback. Now that was quite a merry Christmas.”
Tai and Gigi contorted their faces in disgust. Their empty stomachs growled in protest. They hadn’t eaten anything all day.
“Hold tight,” Winston said, pulling up to the ABK frat house. He reached behind his seat and grabbed a wrapped present. A gift for Clyde. After Winston’s beating last week, the ABK president had turned in the Guitar Guys on aggravated assault charges. In return, Winston had torn down the Crenshaw Ave street sign, had fired a couple of pistol rounds into it, and had back-lit it with Christmas tree lights to create a custom neon sign. A rustic addition to Clyde’s man cave.
“Tai, will you go with Winston?” Sarah asked. “Gigi and I need a little girl time.”
Gigi’s antenna shot up. Winston and Tai got out of the car and headed up the driveway, intending to leave the present on their doorstep. Sarah whipped her head back, smacking Gigi with her dreadlocks again. Sarah rattled off questions like an auctioneer with Alzheimer's.
“So, how was it?
What positions did you try?
Were you drunk?
Was he drunk?
Did you use condoms?
How big?
Did it hurt?
Are you on the pill?
Do you need a pregnancy test?
Cut or uncut?”
Gigi flashed crazy eyes and forced a painful smile. She cackled psychotically. “Yes to all of the above!” A lie. “I...lost all control.” That was true.
Winston and Tai hopped back in the truck. “Welp, that’s that,” Winston declared, satisfied. “I think this is going to be the beginning of a beautiful-.”
“Gigi finally got laid!” Sarah blurted out.
6 PM: two hours until Ryan’s arrival
It was a painfully awkward car ride after Sarah announced that Gigi was no longer a card-carrying member of the Virginity Club. Gigi fought the urge to reach up front, pull Sarah’s dreads, and slap her to last week. But the passive Gigi merely sank into the hot leather seat while Tai and Sarah engaged in a heated debate about wearing leggings as pants.
“Um...I think you made the wrong turn?” Gigi broke her silence, tapping Winston on the shoulder.
“Nah,” he responded. Nonchalant. Robotic.
Winston pulled into Cleft Falls: a trailer park community in rural Trinity. A one-way bridge crossed the sewage runoff river. Dilapidated trailers were clustered on a small plot of land. Past that: a weed-infested open field as far as the eye could see. At the gated entrance, an old man with a shotgun snoozed in a rocking chair.
“Ay, Chuck!” Winston greeted, rolling his window down. “It’s been a while since-”
Chuck sprang up from his nap and fired birdshot into the air. Tai and Gigi screamed, hitting the floorboard. But Winston and Sarah laughed their asses off as the old man came to.
“Oh, my!” said the old man in a raspy voice. “Winston! Sarah! Hey, everybody, the Beavers are back!”
A flurry of broken screen doors sprang open like the intro to a Disney sing-along. Chuck raised the gate arm to let Winston through. Cautiously, Gigi and Tai sat back up in their seats.
Winston parked in front of the only double-wide trailer in the park. As soon as he stepped out of the truck, two little boys and a girl ran out of the trailer. “Winston’s back, Winston’s back!” they cheered, latching onto his knee and squeezing tightly.
“Oomph! Man, y’all are gettin’ big! Hey, easy now! Bahaha! Remember, hands off the beard!”
The kids wrestled Winston to the ground. Sarah leaned against the truck and crossed her arms with a sour face. Nobody ever paid the village liberal any mind...unless it concerned weed. Even the kids ignored Sarah to play with Gigi’s and Tai’s matching earrings.
“We picked these out together!” Gigi giggled. “Hey, wait! You can’t climb me like - whaaa!”
The three kids scaled Mt. Gigi with ease, reaching past her hair bow for that shiny silver earring. Gigi went tumbling down hard. Suddenly, the kids spotted something behind her, gasped, then sprinted away. A strong, calloused hand pulled Gigi to her feet.
Why...why do Winston’s rough hands turn me on so much?
But it wasn’t Winston. He was standing beside Sarah. The mysterious hand belonged to a short, plump lady in a denim pinafore dress and an ugly mustard flannel. A shaggy mullet that was the same shade as her childrens’ hair. Her rosy baby face formed a buck-toothed smile.
“Whale now!” cackled Velma Beavers. “I shoore hope y’alls hungry! There’s a’plenty chowda t’go ’round!”
7 PM: one hour until Ryan’s arrival
Gigi held her sour stomach on top of the trailer park’s huge dirt mound.
Dinner had been a stunning goat head and rich salmon carcass chowder. Winston and Sarah had defaulted to “We’ll pass, but our friends would love some!” Tai had snapped to the acting role of a lifetime. He’d gracefully dunked the ladle into the pot - only to spoon the chowder straight into the trash when Mama had turned away. Gigi was neither lucky nor skilled. So, she had sliced off a fatty portion of the goat’s cheek to garnish the thick, fishy brine. “It smells delicious!” she had lied, as the eye of the goat head mean-mugged her in that musty, cramped trailer.
Gigi vomited on the hill a third time, coating her tongue with hot stomach acid. There went yesterday’s breakfast. Now, she was starving.
“Ya know you’re sittin’ on a pile of dirt and manure...right?”
It was Winston. He walked up the mound and sat next to her. He scooted close, offering her a light beer and something wrapped in tinfoil. “Here, I whipped this up on Mama’s flat-top grill. It ain’t much, but-”
Gigi ripped open the Steak-Umm sandwich and shoved it into her mouth. She closed her eyes, letting the Grade-D meat, store-brand mayo, and Wonder Bread fill her empty stomach. Drunk food, you never let me down!
“Th-thank you!” Gigi yelped, hiccupping as she wolfed it down. She swiped the glass bottle of Bud Light Lime and took her first-ever sip of beer.
“It ain’t as sweet as that sugary cider,” Winston chuckled. “But we’re in a trailer park so that’s all we got. Now...while you eat, I wanted to have a word with ya.” Gigi nibbled her sandwich and sipped her beer, listening like a good student. “Shit, I feel like your dad,” Winston continued, scratching his head. “Giving you your first beer and...well, talking about...uh, sex. Look, I get it! I can’t be mad at ya for having your first experience and all. I just wanna make sure nobody hurts ya or takes advantage of you. So, I got a little gift for ya.”
“WHAT?!” Gigi choked, spitting out her beer. She looked down at the variety pack of condoms on her lap.
“Look, I know it’s weird,” Winston admitted to a beet-red Gigi. “I just...well, you never know when you’re gonna be in situations where you’ll need one and the guy ain’t got one.”
“Uh...Winston?” Flash floods from her night with Twinston.
“And who’s that type of guy, I reckon you’d ask? Well, I know him. He’s me.”
“Winston, stop.” She recalled when Twinston had pulled out a few seconds too late. After which, he’d fished out 50 bucks from his wallet for a Plan B...
“Okay, okay. One more thing. No means no, ain’t no matter if he’s more revved up than a Rausch engine at a tailgate, in the middle of the Indianapolis-”
Gigi stuffed her steak sandwich into Winston’s blabbering mouth. She gently placed the condoms on his lap while he fought a severe case of lockjaw. “I...I don’t use condoms?” she lied. “I’m on the pill. And I don’t have a boyfriend. It was...um, a one night stand!”
Winston spat out his food at Gigi’s shocking revelations. He cleared his throat, stood up, and chugged the rest of her beer. “I, uh,” Winston stuttered, catching a surprise light beer burp. “I’m gonna...get the guys ready for paintball.” He stumbled down the dirt mound, holding his head down in shame. Then, he straightened his shoulders, staring confidently at the sunset with his back turned.
“Sorry to be all overprotective and shit,” Winston muttered. “It’s just that...well, I’ve got a sister that I love. And I love you like a sister, too.”
Gigi’s heart pounded as Winston headed for the bonfire in the center of the trailer park. Gathered around was an army of rednecks in their 20’s and 30’s, suiting up in paintball gear. Suddenly, Gigi had fleeting psychotic thoughts of snatching a paintball gun and sticking the barrel into Winston’s gasping mouth. “You only love me like a sister?!
“Whale, whale, whale,” cackled Velma from the top of the dirt mound. “I reckon at least one of muh family’s fixin’ ta marry up in this wurrrld. Thasss right. I reckon yew will live in a better place than this. Ain’t dat bad though. Some call’a muh home a trailer park. I like tuh of it as a...modular mansion. Oh! Muh baby said yew fixed his’a broken toof! That was mighty neighborly of ya’s.”
“Oh! It...made me happy to see him smile properly again. Your son is the brother I never had!” With that sudden admission, she politely bowed and headed for the bonfire.
8 PM
The trailer park boys had taken their sweet time drinking light beer and dicking around for an hour. Even Sarah had joined the fray, passing out joints like Willy Wonka. Gigi and Tai were sitting quietly in their lawn chairs, people-watching. “Let’s count how many times they pee on a tree!” Tai had suggested. They had soon run out of fingers and toes and had promptly given up.
“All right, game time!” Winston announced, picking up his paintball gun and firing off a couple shots into the air. They had purposefully delayed the game so that A: it would be darker, and B: they would be buzzed.
“Yee-haw!” cried a Coca-Cola addict with twelve teeth. “I want the purdy Asian gurrrl on muh team.”
“She’s a’mine, asshole!” responded a guy with teeth in the single digits. “I wanna shoot shit wit Miss Jackie Chan.”
Gigi smiled at her admirers, wishing for nothing more than to pull their rotten teeth and replace them with new veneers. Such a skill was beyond her reach...now.
“Man, y’all stop that fuckin’ nonsense!” Winston commanded, firing paintballs at a nearby tree. They exploded into glow-in-the-dark neon splatters. Soon, this entire park would turn into a meth-fueled rave. “Y’all know the routine already. Everybody open your hopper and look at your match. If the match has been lit, then you are it.
Fear drove Gigi to open her hopper first. Pulling out a fresh match, she slumped into her lawn chair like a proud dad after a good yard-mowing. She panned across the bonfire to see similar reactions from Winston, Sarah, then the snaggle-toothed trailer park boys.
Tai slowly backed away from the bonfire.
“Oh, my duuude!” Sarah crooned. She fetched a joint and placed it between Tai’s quivering lips. “Better toke up while you can. Should help with the gnarly pain that you’re about to experience!”
“All righty, then,” Winston called out, swiveling around to his teammates. “Y’all know the drill. Tai gets a two-minute head start. Starting-” Winston swiped the pistol from Gigi’s purse and fired a real gunshot. “-now!”
Tai shrieked, then jetted off into the woods. Winston and the gang laughed their asses off while a furious Gigi balled her small fists. She swiped her .22 back and kicked Winston in the shin.
“Ow, okay! Damn, Gigi...my bad!”
“I won’t sit idly by and witness my fraternal sibling mold his advanced bipedal hominid behavior into that of an ancestral neanderthal!”
Blank stares from everyone. Drool dripped down the meth heads’ mouths.
“I mean...I love you like a brother too!” Gigi announced to the world.
Meanwhile, Tai weaved between trees. He heard the burst-fire of paintball guns as the meth heads riled themselves up. Then, he stumbled over a gnarled tree root, plowing into a man wearing all black.
“Yo, shitskin.”
Ryan Hughes smacked Tai in the head with his Uzi, knocking him out.
After the two-minute countdown, Winston and Gigi cut their headlamps on and approached the woods. Unlike previous years, Sarah dragged her feet behind her brother, staring at the ground.
“Come on, scout,” Winston said, turning around to her sister. It was tradition for her to rustle bushes, scaring out prey for Winston to unload on.
“You don’t need me, bro,” Sarah said, smiling weakly.
“Yo, Sarah!” a meth head called from further down the treeline. “Help us flank him from down yonder. And bring that kush witcha!”
Sarah took a deep breath, letting out a pilates sigh. “I’ll admit: I don’t dig this at all. Gigi and I sharing joint sisterhood with you, that is. Roomie, I never thought I’d say this...but I wish you two were in love instead.”
Sarah walked off. Winston’s headlamp illuminated the shock and awe on Gigi’s face. She quickly shut their lights off, then began choking on tears in the dark.
“Gigi, no - it’s all right, buddy,” Winston consoled her. He dropped his gun and pulled her into a hug.
“I’m...I’m ruining everything!” Gigi whispered, sobbing into Winston’s shoulder. “First, I ruined your brotherhood with the frat. And now, I’m ruining your sisterhood. I...can’t stop ruining your life.”
Winston cradled Gigi’s chin in the crick of his neck. He softly ran his fingertips up and down the petite girl’s spine. Gigi moaned softly, submitting to the harrowing strength of his arms. She pressed her ear against Winston's chest, listening to his sputtering heartbeat.
“If this is you ruining my life,” Winston began, “then please keep doing it.”
Winston released Gigi from his embrace. He reached up to her face to wipe a tear - but poked her eye instead.
“Eeek!” Gigi gasped.
“Ah, shit,” Winston muttered nervously. “Now if that ain’t some pure-tea-mouth-full-of-dick garbage. Fuck, I ain’t too good with words. Or aim. I-I’m sorry.”
“Well, that’s quite all right!” Gigi cheered confidently. “Because you just said the only words that matter. You gave me permission to ruin your life! And you. Can’t. Backpedal.”
Winston’s and Gigi’s phones vibrated. A text from Tai. Your buddies flanked me. I’m by the sewer. Meet me there.
“How the fuck did they reach him so fast?” Winston thought out loud. “Come on, Ji-hye.”
He...finally called me Ji-hye?!
Winston grabbed Gigi’s clammy hand and led the way through a labyrinth of gnarled roots and fresh spider webs. His stomping grounds for the past 18 years. Winston’s first kiss, first cigarette, and first taste of moonshine had all happened within this quarter-mile radius. All on the same day. When he was nine.
But no premature life experiences could prepare Winston for what he saw next. Tai lay face down on the ground in handcuffs. Towering over him was Ryan in all black, pointing a modded Uzi at Tai’s head.
“Whoa, what the fuck?!” Winston spat. Instinctively, he reached down where his paintball gun should have been. But he had been holding Gigi’s trembling hand instead. They had left their guns behind.
“I’m here for my bounty, Brother,” Ryan declared, beckoning Gigi with his Uzi. “Do you have any idea how much fucking shame she brought on my dad and our frat?” Gigi panned over to Winston, her face ghostly-white. “Not only did this yellow-bone slut defile my father’s ashes,” Ryan continued. “But she, along with this faggot over here, and your libtard sister stole our fucking fake IDs and kept the profits!”
“Winston, I’m fucking sorry, man!” Tai bawled, curling up in a fetal position.
Now Winston’s skin went pale. His allies’ betrayal was somehow more jarring than Ryan with a gun. Unlike this morning’s prank (commissioned for pure fun), Sarah, Tai, and Gigi had just stabbed a knife in Winston’s back and twisted it with a smile.
Winston released Gigi’s hand.
“Wise choice, Brother,” Ryan sneered, pointing the laser sight at Gigi’s forehead. “Now...walk forward, you fucking bitch!”
Gigi’s shoulders stiffened. Her large black pupils were resigned to death. She tossed a feeble smile Winston’s way. “W-what do you think we should do...brother?” A final attempt to muster what little sympathy Winston had left.
“I’m no brother of yours.”
“Please!” Gigi panted. “I was poor and desperate, and I really needed the money!”
A flurry of silenced Uzi rounds peppered a nearby tree, causing Gigi to shriek. Tai placed his mouth against the ground and wailed, knowing good and well he would be killed on the spot if he alerted the others.
“I guess karma’s a bitch after all,” Gigi whispered as a wet spot slowly formed on her jeans.
“Enough yapping, dumb bitch!” Ryan bellowed. “Get the fuck over here.”
Suddenly, Winston reared back and smacked Gigi in the face, sending her to the dirt.
“You fucking heard her, you goddamn double-crossing cunt!” With his steel-toed boot, Winston kicked Gigi in the stomach, causing her to lurch as she prostrated herself. As a million thoughts flashed through her mind, one stuck out.
Winston’s faking it? He must be faking it! Right?!
But fear struck the hopeful Gigi as Winston pulled out his Swiss Army knife. Even Ryan stared in confusion as he lifted her shirt up to reveal her slim waist.
“Bitch ain’t worth the fuckin’ bullet,” Winston snarled. “I’m gonna gut her like a fucking pig!” He pressed the tip of the cold blade on the smooth, pale skin just above her navel. Gigi sucked her stomach in, staring up at him with pleading puppy-dog eyes. He’s faking it, he’s faking it, he’s faking it! But the red-hot fiery pain that shot through her body was very real. A faint trail of blood followed Winston’s knife from her belly button to the cup of her lacy, black bra. A surface cut that ruined her immaculate porcelain skin.
The agnostic Gigi closed her eyes, murmuring a silent prayer as tears rolled down. But Winston spat in her face, breaking her trance.
Fuck it! Let’s toss her in the goddamn sewer and let her rot with the shit and needles.”
Ryan narrowed his eyes, signaling both respect and approval. “G-goddamn, Brother. Now that’s what I’m fuckin’ talking about. Talk about a clever way to hide this bitch’s body!”
“Ain’t no cop in the world gonna search a trailer park sewer,” Winston sneered.
“Jesus Christ, what the fuck’s wrong with you, you fucking bastard?!” Tai blurted out.
“Shut the fuck up, you babbling fucking faggot!” Winston yelled. Taking out his frustration, he snatched Gigi’s ponytail and dragged her through the mud toward the sewer. She kicked, screamed, and gnashed her teeth as she felt the roots of her hair being pulled out. Tai’s helpless hand reached out for Gigi as they passed him.
“Go on, pick it up,” Winston commanded, pointing down at the manhole cover. “You made your bed. Now fucking lie in it.”
Gigi sucked in a breath and slowly knelt down to slide the cover off. As she struggled to lift, Winston noticed that she was no longer crying. In his eyes, she was holding onto some vain hope that this was all an act. Or that she would wake up from this nightmare soon.
“Yo, Ryan!” Winston called out, as Gigi set the manhole cover aside. “What d’ya say after this, we drive over to her mom’s house and wine and dine the bitch? After we’ve had our fun, we can snap her neck and toss the old hag down here with her daughter.”
Gigi’s face twisted into a look of horror that was simply inhuman. Her tears flowed freely again. Even Ryan’s hands trembled as he steadied his gun. “Jesus fuckin’ Christ, Winston,” he whispered, excited and hesitant. “Her mom’s that fuckable, huh?”
“Nah. But once she sees that gun, I reckon she’ll be willing to try on her daughter’s lingerie. If we ask politely.”
“This…is real,” Gigi mouthed through chapped lips and a hoarse throat. The hyperventilating, blubbering girl managed one last breath.
“I...f-f-fucking hate you, W-w-winston.”
Winston shoved Gigi into the sewer. A silent 50-foot drop. Tai buried his face into dead leaves, wailing like a dying animal.
“No fuckin’ witnesses,” Ryan muttered, cocking his Uzi. Tai’s short life flashed before him as the red-dot sight blinded his eyes.
Suddenly, a screaming man burst from the woods and tackled Ryan to the ground. A flurry of Uzi rounds pierced the air. Coming to his senses, Winston dived on top of Tai, shielding him from any stray bullets.
“Winston, what the fuck man?!” Tai screamed, ignoring the two mens’ struggle beside them.
“She’ll be fine, roomie,” Winston stammered, tears welling up at Gigi’s last statement. He averted his gaze to see that the mystery man had won the struggle. The man stood up with the Uzi barrel at Ryan’s head. Emphasis on ‘stood up’, because that man was Alpha Beta Kappa’s very own Clyde Crenshaw.
“Fuck me, I don’t know what the fuck to ask you first,” Winston groaned, pushing himself to his feet. Sure enough, Winston was stuck between How in the sam fuck did you know we were here? and How in the sam fuck are you walking? But none of that mattered now. Winston limped over to the sewer entrance and called out. “Gigi! Can you hear me?”
A soft voice echoed from below. “Mmm...wha...I...I’m here. What...what h-happened? What’s...going on? So soft...”
“Winston, you fucking traitor!” Ryan spat. Clyde pressed his Converse onto the back of Ryan’s neck - gun at the ready.
An explanation: Cleft Falls was North Carolina’s largest dumping ground of used mattresses. In the dead of night, drivers would back their trucks up to the sewage canals to heave their beds overboard. Twin, queen, and even king-sized mattresses would make the long, filthy trek down the sewage runoff, backing up to this sewer entrance. Winston’s mom would beg her young son to play outside while she brought over new men to the trailer. Young Winston’s favorite passtime? Stacking mattresses 10 layers high, climbing up the ladder, and swan-diving from the top.
As part of Winston’s plan, those mattresses had broken Gigi’s fall.
“Thank fucking God you’re alive!” Winston yelled, tears streaming down his face. “You’re safe now. No one can hurt you anymore. Clyde, I reckon you’ve called the cops?”
“You’ve reckoned right, Brother,” Clyde responded, calling him that just to piss Ryan off.
“Fuck you!” Ryan scoffed. “I swear I’ll fucking kill all of you!”
“Good,” Winston responded to Clyde, ignoring his former brother. His tears dripped down the long, dark descent, sprinkling onto Gigi’s face.
“It’s...raining?” Gigi asked, slipping in and out of consciousness on an old, surprisingly comfy, Tempur-Pedic.
Tai came up from behind and swung his handcuffed arms in front of Winston, playfully choking him. “That’s not rain! Hey Gigi, Winston is crying for ya! Remember, he loves you like a quote-unquote brother!”
“Ah, fuck me,” Winston chuckled, exasperated.
“Hey, Gigi, did you hear that?” Tai yelled again. “Winston wants you to-WAH!”
Winston shoved Tai into the sewer to join Gigi on Mattress Mountain.
Cop cars lit up the trailer park as Winston, Gigi, Tai, and Sarah stood outside the entrance. A shivering Gigi huddled for warmth beneath Winston’s childhood fleece blanket. Turns out those old, rotten mattresses had been soaking in every form of mystery liquid in the sewer. The smell was rancid. An equally-rancid Tai distanced himself from Gigi while he recapped the incident to Sarah. Winston stood behind Gigi with his arms wrapped around her waist. Gigi fell asleep standing up, snoring gently as he rested his hand on her scar.
“Whoa, that’s fucking gnarly!” Sarah reacted with dilated pupils. “Shit, I sure did pick a bad time to get high with the other guys.”
“You what?!” Winston and Tai’s voices cracked.
Sarah shrugged. Then, a tall, muscular guy approached. “Whoa, you’re...walking?! Fuuuck, how high am I?”
No-longer-permanently-seated Clyde joined the circle. He crossed his arms, admiring his own two perfectly-working legs.
“Look, this stays between you and me,” Clyde mumbled in his deep, baritone voice. “If word gets around to the other brothers…” He hissed as he dragged a finger across his neck.
“Hey man, we owe you our fuckin’ life,” Winston said, squeezing Gigi’s waist tightly as her breathing quickened. “Your paraplegic secret's safe with us. But...how in the sam fuck did you know to come here?”
Clyde’s stone-sour face formed a twisted smile. “I’ll spare you the details, but...Twinston tipped me off.”
Gigi was still fast asleep in Winston’s arms, and it was probably for the best that she was unable to react to such news. “I see,” Winston responded. “Shiiiet. He is my better half, after all.”
Clyde nodded, then walked toward his truck. Through the windows, they saw the custom paraplegic hand controls. A reminder that Clyde would now be returning to his wheelchair-bound self.
“Winston! Oh muh lawd, muh baby!”
A tearful Velma rushed Winston and Gigi, gripping them in a bear hug that only a Mama could muster. Gigi gasped, awakened from a dream of Winston spooning her on a floating mattress in the sky.
“Ahm so glad y’all’s okay!” Velma continued, showering her son with kisses. Tai grinned at a frustrated Sarah, who threw her hands in the air.
“Hey, what about me, Mom?” Sarah complained. “I got so high that I got lost in the shower! Why don’t I get any fucking love around here?”
“Muh sweet daughter, of course ya do! H’why, I reckon you’ll get plenty of lovin’ from the guys tonight! There’s a gig of trailer park boys just a’sleepin’ in your old childhood room as we speak.”
“WHAT?!” Sarah sprinted toward Velma’s trailer, hell-bound to get to those meth heads before they raided her panty drawer. Or worse: before they found her secret stash of California kush. Tai, Sarah’s closest ally, chased after her.
Winston, Gigi, and Velma made small talk about their Michelin-star dinner. Then, a five-year-old neighborhood boy approached. Gigi stopped laughing, analyzing the boy’s mutated facial features. Cleft palate. Severe underbite. Angular cheilitis.
“I’m vewy sowry for evewything. I hope you come back see us.”
Gigi crossed her arms and bowed, her huge brown eyes beaming pitifully. “I promise when I get my dental degree, I will return and fix everybody’s teeth for free!”
“Pwahmise?” the boy responded in wonder. Even Velma flashed a toothy grin at such a grand proposition.
“If I don’t, Winston has to kiss me!”
“Ewww, cooties!” the boy cringed. He turned around and sprinted off toward Velma’s modular mansion: the home base for all kids in the trailer park.
Velma leaned forward and gave Winston a quick peck on the cheek. “Stole ya kiss, Gigi! So long, son. I luh ya’s.”
Velma left for her trailer. The cop cars finally peeled out, heading for the county jail. Winston and Gigi stood alone at that trailer park entrance. As a cool breeze hit, she pulled his blanket over her shoulders. She closed her big brown eyes, leaning forward for a kiss...
But before she could, Winston placed a hand on Gigi’s shoulder, signaling her to stop. Her eyes shot open, and she shuffled back. “Oh! I’m...sorry! I failed to discern that the atmosphere of such a…rustic locale may sap the romance from a potential initial kiss! And fail to mention will I not the fact that I was stranded in a sewage depository! And...that I may or may have soiled myself…”
But it wasn’t the location or the smell that stopped Winston from kissing her. He took a deep breath and placed both hands on Gigi’s shoulders like a fourth-down huddle.
“Look at me,” Winston began. “Aside from this whole...fake ID debacle, is there anything else I need to know about?”
Gigi’s heart sank. She audibly gulped. Winston’s suspicions were correct, and all she could think about was Winston’s prized gun marinating at the bottom of Rumwood Lake. The lost gun that caused him so many sleepless nights - that prompted him to flat-out buy a new gun that he re-gifted to her, of all people.
After tonight’s battle, Gigi was in no condition to bury it in her conscience.
“Ji-hye,” Winston repeated her real name again, attempting to calm down the twitchy-eyed girl. “I just need to make sure I’m gonna be able to trust you.”
“I’m so sorry!” Gigi cried out. She buried her face in his chest and confessed the ‘where’, ‘when’, and ‘why’ of his prized Colt Single-Action Army revolver. But as she wound down her colorful story, Winston wasn’t seething. He was...grinning mischievously.
“Mom, now!” Winston called out.
Winston broke away from Gigi’s embrace, and Velma fired a pair of paintballs at center mass. Brilliant neon splatters coated Gigi’s small breasts in a dazzling display of sweet, sweet revenge.
Gigi’s jaw hit the floor. Then, with a bashful smile, she opened her mouth to speak.
“First rule of paintball,” chanted Winston, Gigi, and Velma in unison. “Never trust anybody.”
submitted by welcometosouthapp to welcometosouthapp [link] [comments]


Wowwwww, you meow like a cat! That means you are one, right? Shut the fuck up. If you really want to be put on a leash and treated like a domestic animal then that’s called a fetish, not “quirky” or “cute”. What part of you seriously thinks that any part of acting like a feline establishes a reputation of appreciation? Is it your lack of any defining aspect of personality that urges you to resort to shitty representations of cats to create an illusion of meaning in your worthless life? Wearing “cat ears” in the shape of headbands further notes the complete absence of human attribution to your false sense of personality, such as intelligence or charisma in any form or shape. Where do you think this mindset’s gonna lead you? You think you’re funny, random, quirky even? What makes you think that acting like a fucking cat will make a goddamn hyena laugh? I, personally, feel extremely sympathetic towards you as your only escape from the worthless thing you call your existence is to pretend to be an animal. But it’s not a worthy choice to assert this horrifying fact as a dominant trait, mainly because personality traits require an initial personality to lay their foundation on. You’re not worthy of anybody’s time, so go fuck off, “cat-girl”.
Do I have any questions? Unless you are a published theoretical physicist and have earned a Master of Science and two PhDs, have an IQ of 187, and went to college at 11, research String Theory at Caltech, switched disciplines from bosonic string theory to heterotic string theory and reconciled the black hole information paradox using a string network condensate approach, worked on the string theory implications of gamma rays from dark matter annihilations and considered a method for optimizing a 500 GeV particle detector to this end, jointly wrote a paper on supersolids to be presented at an Institute of Experimental Physics topical conference on Bose-Einstein condensates, keep a whiteboard in the living room for scientific theories containing virtual particles in quantum mechanics or series of Riemann zeta functions, then no I will not ask you any questions
Are you autistic? You most likely are if you’re an atheist, seeing how atheism is the ideological byproduct of a neurogenetic and spiritual malfunction comorbidly concomitant with low functioning autism as the result of a bioexcess in deleterious mutational load. This is why, hence the PATHETIC little shitstain you have the AUDACITY to refer to as a comment, your theological subspecies are incapable of both the abstract thought, abductive reasoning, and understanding of biblical allegory and metaphor required for a belief in God - in conjunction with your offensively blatant lack of the slightest iota of ability to process God’s gifts of irony and satire even in their most base, rudimentary manifestations. You’re genetically FUCKED, you vile reprobate scum - to put it euphemistically, kid. Not even Jesus will save you now.
I'm sick of seeing people in line at Walmart pull out their EBT cards (with their hair all done, wearing diamond jewelry) to pay for their 6 grocery carts full of steak and lobster, and then hop into their Lamborghinis with the suicide doors I SEE THIS ALL THE TIME and then go home to their gated section 8 community where they drive straight into their inground pool full of gold coins YES THIS HAPPENS I work 180 hours a week and I can't even afford a McDonald's hamburger meanwhile these leeches on MY TAX MONEY are lowering the value of my house by floating around with their 9 children in a HOT AIR BALLOON
Start using mod approved words! Instead of virgin, say Redditeur!
Joemama is Joe Swanson's African ancestor, who appeared in "Untitled Griffin Family History". He, like his descendant, is paraplegic, paralyzed from the waist down. In lieu of a wheelchair, he used a wild boar as his method of mobility. His best friends were Nate Griffin and Quagdingo. The three were captured by Cleveland from South Carolina, and brought to the American British colonies, along with Tobi, Ali Williams, and the African ancestors of Tom Tucker and Diane Simmons. It is unknown what became of Joemama following the arrival in the new world. The status of the wild boar is unknown as well.
ok so I am ultimately PISSED OFF RIGHT NOW because my STUPID INSENSITIVE BIGOT OF A SCIENCE TEACHER WONT COVER THE SKELETON IN OUR CLASSROOM!!!! ive told him THOUSANDS of TIMES that i have severe anxiety from sans and ive actually developed ptsd from the sans fight and i have to carry an inhaler everywhere i go now because when i see bones or the color blue i start hyperventilating because of panic then if I don’t take my inhaler it turns into a ptsd episode and i already had to be sent home 3 TIMES BECAUSE THE SKELETON IN MY SCIENCE CLASS TRIGGERED ME!!!! AND HE WONT COVER IT!!!!!!! like????? i dont know what to do ive tried talking about it to the councilor but they said my condition isnt real???? like um YEAH IT IS??? i would know??????????? cause I wake up screaming and in tears each night because i have a recurring nightmare where SANS TELLS ME IM GOING TO HAVE A BAD TIME THEN HAS THE FUCKING DECENCY TO TO TELL ME IVE DIED 10 TIMES, AND THAT I HAVE NO FRIENDS!!!! YOU KNOW HOW MUCH THAT FUCKING TRIGGERS ME???????? and it just PISSES ME OFF how the school CARE THST I AM ON THR BRINK OF OFING BECAUSE OF THIS!!!!!!!!!
So I walk up to this bitch (apparently right after she got divorced) and say "what's up Karen you wanna go for a jog this afternoon haha" and she's like "please just leave me alone" and I'm like "whatever bitch" and then like an hour later get called into our HR person's office and they're like "you gotta stop harassing Karen she's going through a lot right now, she's just signed her divorce papers" And I'm like "hah who'd married that skank, someone with a wheelchair fetish?" And my HR person (Hank) was well like "come on man, they've been married for 16 years. They've been having trouble since her accident last year. She thinks he blames her for getting into the accident that killed their kids" and I'm all like lol So I leave and I'm hungry so I go to grab my lunch (turkey and provolone) only to see, lo and behold, that dumb bitch Karen set her bag of lunch RIGHT in front of mine!! so I write out a note saying how glad I am to be working with her but if she puts her lunch in front of mine again I swear to fuck I will finish the job that God couldn't So I go through the rest of my day joking around with Karen every time I see her even though she is I giant cunt about it (my favorite was 'accidently' dropping a pair of scissors on her colostomy bag lol) and I have to ignore the picture of that fucking rat whenever I walk by her desk So I finish my day asking for her ex husband's number since I need a new wingman to look for some babes with and she fucking flips it and when she's yelling at me I'm all like "maybe if you don't want to get divorced you shouldn't have gotten hit by a drink driver you ever think of that bitch" and then she rolled away aggressively So that was my Thursday
Did you know that spiders cannot physically die of natural causes? If kept safe, a spider can continue to live and. grow larger for a theoretically unlimited amount of time. In fact, in China there exists a collection of 'holy' spiders, hatched some 2,800 years ago during the height of the Mang-Tsun dynasty.
I work for a large employer, so we have multiple cafeterias on campus. Every once in a while, I'll go get a large bowl of chili for lunch. Well, these cheapskates limit you to 2 packages of crackers with your bowl of chili, but today they had all sorts of delicious whole wheat crackers (very rare for this place). So I decided to stock up. As I'm stuffing my pockets with packages of crackers, one of the cafeteria worker ladies comes up to me and says, "limit 2 packages per order of chili", and I honestly flashed her the trollface... just to see what she would say and she said, "didn't you hear me? i said 2 packages." I kept the trollface strong and stood there like a statue. She said, "i don't think you are understanding me." and I just continued to trollface. She just turned around and left, and I walked off with my pockets fully lined with delicious wheat treats.. I checked out and took my extra 10 packages of crackers with me. I've never tried trollface in the workplace before, but I thought what better time than to try it on an hourly cafe worker? It worked surprisingly well, and I will now use it more often.
Do not patronise me you little shit. Are you aware that all you were trying to do by typing "retard" was to aggravate me? I consider myself a bit of an expert in human and animal behaviour during this here lifetime and you might not have had any idea that you were trying to aggravate me. See, we are nothing but mere animals, with flesh and bone and instincts. We are not able to decide our reactions and instincts anymore than a Mountain Lion or a Great White Shark. What gives us such a sense of importance in this here world is our superior intellect, but I think all that does is gives us the power to manipulate those animals with lesser intellectuals. I consider myself a little bit wiser than you by far, and just wanted to make sure you were aware that I am the human being and you are the Mountain Lion. Your stupid little comment attempting to aggravate me doesn't provide me with the instinct to swim and bite your neck like a Great White Shark would. Oh no, because I can control my instincts while a Great White Shark can't. I will continue to refuse to be aggravated by your petty, two worded snarky reply. You thought that you would try and assert your dominance over me by trying to patronise me, but on this here day I refuse, oh yes I do. I hope that this gives you the ability to actually treat people like equals (or superiors) because you are absolutely sickening. Grow up.
I went to Dairy Queen a while ago; you know, Dairy Queen? Well anyways there was an insane number of people there, and I couldn't get in. Then, I looked at the banner hanging from the ceiling, and it had "Free ice cream" written on it. Oh, the stupidity. Those idiots. You, don't come to Dairy Queen just because there is free ice cream, fool. It's only free ice cream, FREE ICE CREAM for crying out loud. There're even entire families here. Family of 4, all out for some Dairy Queen, huh? How fucking nice. "Alright, daddy's gonna order the sundae." God I can't bear to watch. You people, I'll give you free ice cream if you get out of those seats. Dairy Queen should be a bloody place. That tense atmosphere, where two guys on opposite sides of the U-shaped table can start a fight at any time, the stab-or-be-stabbed mentality, that's what's great about this place. Women and children should screw off and stay home. Anyways, I was about to start eating, and then the bastard beside me goes "Cone, extra fudge." Who in the world orders extra fudge nowadays, you moron? I want to ask him, "do you REALLY want to eat it with extra fudge?" I want to interrogate him. I want to interrogate him for roughly an hour. Are you sure you don't just want to try saying "extra fudge"? Coming from a Dairy Queen veteran such as myself, the latest trend among us vets is this, blizzard with extra Kit-Kat. That's right, extra Kit-Kat. This is the vet's way of eating. Extra Kit-Kat means more Kit-Kat than ice cream. But on the other hand the price is a tad higher. This is the key. And then, it's delicious. This is unbeatable. However, if you order this then there is danger that you'll be marked by the employees from next time on; it's a double-edged sword. I can't recommend it to amateurs. What this all really means, though, is that you should just stick with the banana split.
You abhorrent scum. You ignorant fool. I will sue you. You are going to be the target of the greatest lawsuit the world has ever seen. You don't know why? It's completely obvious. It's so obvious, the most deplorable peasant could grasp the full magnitude of your wickedness and treachery with the greatest of ease. Your actions cry out for mercy, and I will be happy to deliver it. And if you're thinking this is a mistake, or merely a deception of mine, you're sadly mistaken, my friend. I have indisputable proof of your continued harassment and other offenses. Even without it, the jury would take one look at you and decide. The incomprehensible magnitude of your crimes brings with it unavoidable, infinite guilt, and whether you notice it or not, everyone else does. Are you interested in who will be serving as the offense attorney? I'll tell you. It's my father. Your defense? It doesn't matter, in fact, they might just not give you one even to spare just one individual from the trauma. My father is the greatest lawyer in the US, the world, and human history, including the future, which he knows due to the fact that he sued the future and they travelled back in time to tell him. He's served for hundreds of Supreme Court cases, and he's won every single one. You may have never thought about being court-marshaled, but now, that's a real threat. That is the power of my father, a culmination of flawless, supreme logic and a perfect knowledge of the law. You will lose this case, your money, and your life. Does that scare you, insignificant bug? Because it should. The entire history of the U.S. Judicial System has been leading up to this moment, where all of its fury is concentrated on ruining your life. My father won't even need to help. Your heinous crimes will be evident to all, so just give up, you crook. Give up before you're forced to.
Many people always ask me how I was able to get into Harvard as a 16 year old who skipped 3 grades of high school. They think I got in because of my scholarly records, but no the key is the interview. As I sat in the Harvard Dean's office in front of the board of reviewers for my application, the Dean asks me "Why should you be a good candidate for this school?" They seemed bored but I replied "Well I was born a child prodigy, placed 1st in my state spelling bee for three consecutive years, I can speak eight different languages not counting Latin, play four different instruments, I skipped grades 4 through 6, and graduated my high school as valedictorian at the age of 14. I then worked as an intern at both Telsa, and NASA." Suddenly the room burst into laughter and many of board instantly started scribbling down "No" near the application check marks. The Dean says "Sorry but you are just not the type we are looking for." But then I said "Excuse me but I wasn't finished... I watch Rick and Morty" The Dean looked at me like an idiot and said "So....?" Then I replied with a smile "And I understand all the references and subtle jokes" An audible gasp let out by the board was so loud the secretary had to come in. You could hear a pin drop and then suddenly all at once the entire board clicked their pens on the "Approved Box" and I was instantly handed a diploma and now I'm teaching advanced physicals there. I guess you can say I'm pretty smart. :)
Next time you want to talk shit on me, remember my position in life and remember yours. I'm not some druggy piece of shit mf, I'm a fucking United States Marine. A title you will never claim. I've worked harder in the past 2 weeks then you ever will in your life. I have matured, learned, and taught myself how to be independent while you're still living on your parents paychecks. I make my own money, I pay my own bills, I work on a fucking Osprey while you can't even get a job at McDonalds. Don't ever try to talk down to me again because you were once above me because I will do nothing but strive to be on top and be better then the person I was yesterday. I've worked to hard and felt too much pain in my life for you to try and say you're better than me. Gtgo.
You wrote that yourself? wow congrats dude, really, that's very cool. i just told everyone in my family about it, everybody thinks that's very impressive and asked me to congratulate you. they want to speak to you in person, if possible, to give you their regards. they also said they will tell our distant relatives in christmas supper and in NYE they will ignite fireworks that spell your name. i also told about this enormous deed to closer relatives, they had the same reaction. they asked for your address so they can send congratulatory cards and messages. my friends didn't believe me when i told them i knew the author of this gigantic feat, really, they were dumbstruck, they said they will make your name echo through years and years to come. when my neighbour found out about what you did, he was completely dumbstruck too, he wanted to know who you are and he asked (if you have the time, of course) if you could stop by to receive gifts, congratulations and handshakes. with the spreading of the news, a powerful businessman of the area decided to hire you as the CEO of his company because of this tremendous feat and at the same time an important international shareholder wants to sponsor you to give speeches and teach everybody how to do as you did so the world becomes a better place. you have become famous not only here but also everywhere, everybody knows who you are. the news spread really fast and mayors of all cities are setting up porticos, ballons, colossal boom speakers, anything that can make your name stand out more and see which city can congratulate you the hardest for this magnificent feat.
I like playing an assasin type character in a game. How exactly does that make me a weeaboo? Doesnt matter how I play genji good or bad i get called a weeaboo almost every single game and it s really frustrating when the whole chat is spammed with 'look at this fucking tryhard mad weeaboo'. If genji players are weeaboos then widowmaker players are sluts junkrat players mental retards reinhardt players 70 iq retards that can only hold down m2 and can t aim at all. And the list can go on. Please stop insulting people just because they like to play a hero more than the other ones. I think we all have some mains and aren t going to use every single char in the game. Edit. I don t think "widowmaker players are sluts junkrat players mental retards reinhardt players 70 iq retards that can only hold down m2 and can t aim at all". That is just if we think with the mind of a player that cals genji players weeaboos. Every player can be insulted in some way for playing a certain hero.
Consider yourself lucky, kid. You got me to take out my sword. I was hoping it didn't have to come to this. Even I thought I wouldn't have to do this. Witness me as pull out my sword, a beautiful piece of glorious Nippon steel, folded over ten thousand times, crafted by the greatest swordmakers the land of Nippon has to offer. I have trained with this blade in several schools, but my power exceeded the strength of even their greatest masters. My techniques have been perfected through infinite training, my instincts honed by years of meditation in the far off land of Akihabara. Your depravity has doomed you to a death devoid of honor, be grateful that I at least grant you death by the blade using only 5% of my true power. teleports behind you Nothin' personnel kid.
Why do people enjoy cock and ball torture? The act of intentionally or accidentally bringing pain upon the male genitals is typically a thought that people wince at with great force. However, there is a reason why this is an enjoyable experience. One rooted in the most important of sciences. Physics. Take, for example, a bottle of Tobasco Sauce. If one where to move the bottle up and down in a motion reminiscent to the one used during male self-stimulation it typically results in a moderate amount of sauce exiting the bottle. If struck hard on the bottom, however, a large amount will spurt out. Should this be done with the name genitals, turning them upside down and then striking the bottom of the scrotum with moderate to immense force, this will result in a large amount of seed to be ejected from the penis due to the energy being transferred from the palm of the hand to genitals. Therefore, because of physics and the transfer of energy from palm to the genitals, cock and ball torture is a scientifically pleasurable experience.
Ever since the age of 9, I've been abused. People would make fun of me for my slightly larger than average muscles. I've had enough of it, and I don't appreciate your comments about my arms. I'm simply requesting that you treat me as a human being. Under that rough outer appearance, I bet there is a nice, healthy, aesthetically pleasing, heavenly blessed beauty. But no beauty will ever make up for a woman with a negative spirit.
I'm so proud of my daughter for stopping a bank robbery today. The robbers went in and held their guns up, telling everyone to put their hands in the air. My daughter (only 3 years old!) stood her ground, faced them directly in the eye, and simply said "If you're being mugged, just say no. Your robbers cannot legally take any of your possessions." Almost instantaneously, the robbers collapsed to the floor, suffering from a bipolar seizure. Everyone clapped and she was given position as senator of the state of Florida, as well as invited by the Democratic National Convention to run for President in 2020. What an unbelievable event! I'm so blessed by God to have such a wonderful child.
Yea it was about 20 years ago. It happened to me at my dad's funeral. He wasn't religious, but some woman he didn't even like got up and started singing some religious song. I jumped up and started raging at the entire place. I flipped my shit and started saying every cuss word I could think of. I raged for a while and stormed out. My dad was prominent in the community and there was a lot of people there all dressed up and I had on an old Subhumans tshirt. It was actually pretty awesome, I wish someone would have filmed it. It did piss me off that he was misrepresented. The woman singing was the last straw. Several others had gotten all preachy and shit too. I would love to see it, my memory of the event is fuzzy. It wasn't about me. It was about my dad. I was pissed of and he couldn't defend himself. It was made out at the funeral that he was some hugely religious person, but he wasn't.
Ben woke up next to Dennis. It had been a wild night and he groaned as he sat up to assess his surroundings. Somehow after an evening of drinking he and Dennis had made their way to the PragerU secret gay sex room. Ben squinted as he tried to remember the exact details of that wild night. flashback noises
“Come on Ben we should head to the secret gay sex room” said Dennis. Ben frowned, “I want to have gay sex Denny” He stated “but you know I don’t enjoy cbt” Dennis whined: “but you know I want to have a gay cbt party Benny boy”. Ben gave in “if you let me pound you hot, sweet ass tomorrow, I’ll do the gay cbt party tonight”. “Deal”. Dennis and Ben preformed the PragerU cock-shake and went into the gay sex room.
The first machine Ben was strapped into was the Wendy’s frosty machine. Dennis moaned in pleasure as he pushed that start button, bens balls began to gently spin in the cold unforgiving frosty mixture. His genitalia shriveling with every spin. At first, Ben was in excruciating pain, but as his balls began to get frostbite, he noticed more and more pleasure and less and less pain. “Oh god yes” moaned Ben after 5 minutes in the frosty machine. Dennis saw his best friend's pleasure and started jerking off. Then Ben couldn’t hold it in any longer. He came harder than he ever had, his shriveled balls pushing out every droplet of conservative sperm. It was then that Ben realized the brilliance of the frosty machine. As the cum flowed out of his dick it froze solid, the ice crystals in the cum spreading down his dick faster than he could pump it out. The icy cum ball kept getting bigger inside his frozen urethra as Ben howled in pleasure, that pleasure only making him cum more. Eventually his balls receded into his crotch, and there was no more cum to freeze. Dennis pulled Ben out of the frosty machine. Bens mind was broken from the pleasure, his dick stretched to 16 inches in diameter from the frozen cum stuck inside him.
Ben realized that was only one machine of many, and he would have to think long and hard to recall them all. But first, he had to change his newly sticky briefs.
Ok, this is ABSOLUTE fucking bullshit. I went to take a test in class yesterday, and when I saw some sexy looking quadratics, my boner engaged. When I found the y-intercept of the equation, I couldn't help it!!! I closed my eyes, and I TORE my dick to shreds, using whip like motions and pulled with great force. That was one of the best nuts I ever had, just thinking about it now gets me riled up. Thing is, I nutted all over the kid sitting right next to me, and the teacher got all pissed at me, screaming at me for jacking off on a classmate. I told that bitch to shut the fuck up, and that jacking off is a natural, artistic, and beautiful process. He should BE HAPPY that my semen is all over him, maybe he can learn a lesson or two about the culture and art of jacking off. HOWEVER, the teacher didn't agree with me. She KICKED ME OUT of the classroom, and I didn't even finish taking the test. Not only THAT, but they made me clean up my cum after it already dried out and solidified on the carrpet. THATS TORTURE!! Do you know how hard it is to clean dried cum? You CLEAN cum after its FRESH out of your dick, not an hour after you fucking nutted. This is a fucking OUTRAGE. Do you really expect me to not whip out my cock and jack off when i see a HOT quadratic on a test? Either make the equations less sexy, or LET ME jack off in your classroom, asshole.
Due to extensive research done by the University of Pittsburgh, diamond has been confirmed as the hardest metal known to man. The research is as follows:
Pocket-protected scientists built a wall made of iron and crashed a diamond car into it at 400 miles per hour, and the car was unharmed. They then built a wall out of diamond and crashed a car made of iron moving at 400 miles an hour into the wall, and the wall came out fine. They then crashed a diamond car made of 400 miles per hour into a wall, and there were no survivors. They crashed 400 miles per hour into a diamond travelling at iron car. Western New York was powerless for hours. They rammed a wall made of metal into 400 miles an hour made of diamond, and the resulting explosion shifted earths orbit 400 million miles away from the sun, saving the earth from a meteor the size of a small Washington suburb that was hurtling towards mid-western Prussia at 400 billion miles an hour. They shot a diamond made of iron at a car moving at 400 walls per hour, and as a result caused over 10000 wayward planes to lose track of their bearings, and make a fatal crash with over 10000 buildings in downtown New York. They spun 400 miles at diamond into iron per wall. The results were inconclusive. Finally, they placed 400 diamonds per hour in front of a car made of wall travelling at miles per iron, and the result proved with out a doubt that diamonds were the hardest metal of all time, if not just the hardest metal known to man.
I keep a folder on my computer called 'picture of dead girls.' It's not what you think, but it's still terrible.
Whenever I read a news story about a girl getting murdered, I check for photos to see if she's hot. If she is, I download her pics and add it to my folder.
It's not the girls' beauty that gets me off, even though they usually are beautiful.
It's the twisted thrill of realizing that she's more or less forgotten, except perhaps by the most aggrieved friends and family members -- and even they have to ease up on thinking about her constantly if they even hope to move on with their lives.
She's remembered less and less by acquaintances, friends, mentors -- anyone who's life she touched. At the moment I'm touching myself to her, I'm one of the only people in the world still thinking about her.
And yet, as I dredge her memory out of the darkness, it's not to venerate her or celebrate her life -- it's to desecrate her, sexually dominate her, make the whole affair some perverse monument to the fear and desperation she must have felt, right before ended.
God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him. How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers?? what was holiest and mightiest of all that the world has yet owned has bled to death under our knives. who will wipe this blood off us?? what water is there for us to clean ourselves?? what festivals of atonement, what sacred games shall we have to invent?? is not the greatness of this deed too great for us?? must we ourselves not become gods simply to appear worthy of it?
Yeah call me a virgin again. My girlfriend is sucking my dick RIGHT NOW and you wish you could have this treatment. oooooh yeah it feels good too if only a virgin like you could know this feeling, HA! Just knowing I can fuck on demand... Whenever I want... She’s still blowing me in fact and she has big boobs! well, what can I say? Just a regular day for me. I can’t imagine how jealous you must be.
Fine sire, that quite the shapely shaft thou hast betwixt thine legs! Thine bollocks hangeth but a sliver to the east, with a perplexing bend, akin to the archways of camelot. Thou hast past the cock trifle quite eloquently, o knight of brettonia. But now the king craveth but a drop of thine heavenly juices! Royal fellatio shalt be administered sire!
I’m struggling with where to begin here because I’m feeling quite traumatized and violated on so many levels. After what just took place this morning, I’m actually questioning whether or not I should allow my precious 7-year-old daughter to have access to a screen ever again. It’s THAT bad.
This horrifying experience involves the popular app Roblox, dubbed the “number one gaming site for kids.” With the second most accessible rating of PEGI 7, Roblox is recommended for children ages 7 and up and it currently has 64 million users. The game contains a multiplayer online gaming platform that allows users to create their own personal avatar, as well as their own adventures (similar to MineCraft). Roblox also provides the opportunity to interact with others’ virtual realities, which is a popular feature of this game.
Roblox also has security settings that allow the parent to block outside conversations and invitations. There are also 24-hour moderators that are hired to block any potentially inappropriate content. When my husband and I decided to allow our daughter to play this game, we adjusted the security settings to maximum privacy. Or at least we THOUGHT we did...
While laying in bed with my daughter this morning, I was reading aloud to her from one of my favorite childhood chapter books. At the same time, she was playing her favorite game Roblox on her iPad while listening to the story. All of a sudden, she stopped me from reading and showed me her screen.
At first, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. My sweet and innocent daughter’s avatar was being VIOLENTLY GANG-RAPED ON A PLAYGROUND by two males. A female observer approached them and proceeded to jump on her body at the end of the act. Then the 3 characters ran away, leaving my daughter’s avatar laying on her face in the middle of the playground.
Words cannot describe the shock, disgust, and guilt that I am feeling right now, but I’m trying to put those feelings aside so I can get this warning out to others as soon as possible. Thankfully, I was able to take screenshots of what I was witnessing so people will realize just how horrific this experience was. screenshots in comments for those who can stomach it Although I was immediately able to shield my daughter from seeing the entire interaction, I am shuddering to think of what kind of damage this image could have on her psyche, as well as any other child that could potentially be exposed to this.
Parents/Caregivers...I urge you to take another look at the security settings on all of your devices and closely supervise your child if you allow them to continue playing games with online platforms such as Roblox. Better yet, perhaps you can join me in taking the rest of this summer to challenge your child to PUT AWAY THEIR SCREENS....AND READ!!! Books cannot be hacked, but sadly, I’ve learned the hard way that a child’s innocence can be just at the touch of a button.
Also, I urge people to share this post to get this important message out to others. I’m not sure that I’m prepared for all of the trolling and criticism, but I’ll deal with it knowing that even one child can be spared from experiencing such a hideous situation.
I used to play Fortnite all night. No sleep! But ever since Obama told me to try Raid Shadow Legends for free, I am addicted. This game is a game. It has graphics. It has characters. Best of all it has a loot box mechanic to enhance my experience even more by adding another exciting chance based layer to the game! Two week ago I spend all my money becoming a Raid Shadow Legend. Now I live in a dumpster outside a McDonald’s with free WiFi. At night I sneak into the McDonald’s like my new raccoon dad, Stripey, taught me to do so I can charge my phone. Through the cracked screen I am still perpetually amazed by the graphics of this game... they look so real! Thank you Obama, you truly changed my life!
I fucking hate JoJo. Every subreddit I go through has a vermin-like underclass of JoJo fanboys. They all just have to say “iS THat A JOJo ReFErEncE??!!!1” on every fucking post that contains a single word that may have been used in the shitty comics. Oh, a suspicious link? Probably a rickroll. NOPE!!! They’ve ruined that, too! One of the oldest goddamn internet traditions shat on and ruined by JoJo fanboys. Thunder Cross Split Attack! So fucking funny, right? I’m wheezing! NO. SHUT THE FUCK UP. Nobody cares about your shitty comic series. Dio is a stupid character from a stupid comic series. I downvote every post and comment that mentions JoJo, out of pure bloodcurdling rage. I want to detonate a MASSIVE thermonuclear warhead right on top of whatever godforsaken studio publishes that stinking-pile-of-trash comic. Frankly, I don’t even care for the civilian casualties, either. At least they died for a good reason. Unlike JoJo fans, I actually contribute to the betterment of mankind, instead of spamming shitty references on the internet. Every JoJo fan that dies a slow, painful death is a win in my book. I have claimed over a dozen of them already, too. I annihilated their skulls with my fists. Their stupid ice attack didn’t do shit for them either. They dies like they lived, pathetic excuses for humans. I hope more people hear my message and declare war on JoJo. If nobody helps me, I will do as much damage as I possibly can before I die. Thank you.
I've been noticing an unusual trend in the quality of Snickers bars over the last decade. I found an old one from 5 years ago and decided to study its composition under my spectrometer and discovered something unnerving. The Snickers bar currently sold in stores contains 43.67% less rare earth elements by weight, when compared to one sold 5 years ago. Do they think they can fool us? It's hard to wrap my mind around why they would do this. Thorium used to make up 12% of the bar, but now it's at 8%, and now there's only 4% Americium compared to 7% just a while ago. It's all been replaced by organic carbon-based matter, like sucrose and poorly crafted carbohydrates. I'm disappointed in the Mars corporation, and I hope my findings will gain enough publicity to force Mars into reverting back to the old formula. Consider this an open letter.
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IKEA Hack Platform Bed DIY Turned WALMART Hack - YouTube

An instructional video showing the correct setup and installation procedure for a Queen/ Double metal bed frame. One of the most frequently asked questions our customers ask is, "How can I use my king mattress set on a queen bed?" We made a video to show you how to conv... I needed a mattress for grad school and this was the best mattress found - regarding quality, money, and size. It is very firm - who would have thought somet... disclaimer!!! this bed has held up for us, but please use your own discretion in regards to personal safety if you will be trying this at home. there are lot... Before you start you need to get your frame too! Buy your Malouf Steel Frame at: https://oursleepguide.com/malouf-steel-frameOurSleepGuide.com is showing you... How do you convert a queen size bed to king size?If you would like to convert a queen size bed to king size, you don’t (necessarily) need to purchase a new m... Hey guys💕Hope you enjoyed this video don’t forget to like,comment, and subscribe!! ️ ️ website: https://slayedbypayy.bigcartel.com/ Oh the woes of living in a small town...no IKEA! We wanted to build a DIY storage bed (also called a platform bed), but all we could find on the internet wer... This bed is listed at $229.99, I received this bed Via FedEx. The first delivery came in 4 weeks, unfortunately it was damaged and came with the wrong part. ... The Mantua I-115PR Insta-Lock queen bed frame is easy to assemble. The steel construction makes it sturdy enough to provide a lifetime of support.

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