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Summary of the 2019 New South Wales State election parties & independents

This is a cross post from a Medium article I wrote about this, I thought it might be interesting as the state election is next week.

The NSW State election is approaching. I decided it was time to find out what each of the parties had to say about their policies. What follows is a brief summary of all the independents and political parties running stand for. I have done by best to provide a good faith reading of these parties and, when relevant, have attempted to clearly notate any editorial comments.

Legislative council parties:

Shooters, Fishers, and Farmers

The Shooters, Fishers, and Farmers are an agrarian, social conservative, and libertarian party whose policy platform is based around ending the government regulation of environmental protections and standards, as well as laws about maintaining native biodiversity which often conflicts with crop plantings. Their main goal is to remove the ability of external forces (governments, courts, or activists) from interfering with the direct commercial goals of land owners as they prize individual property rights which they believe as violated by land reform legislation. Beyond this, they also aim to assist NSW farmers by pushing for drought assistance to combat the current prolonged drought, as well as pushing for further tax cuts aimed at farmers.
Like many other current right-wing groups, they have coalesced behind supporting the end of renewable subsidies and pushing for the building of more coal power stations. Uniquely, they also want to end the interconnection of NSW power to other states in a pseudo-isolationist move. This also means that they oppose many policies about regulating carbon and other pollutants, however as they also support deregulated fishing they are currently signalling their difference from the NSW National Party by wanting to prevent further mass fish deaths in the Murray Darling River.
As part of their right-wing libertarian streak, this consists of ending most government regulation of gun control, whilst also signalling support of ‘tough on crime’ policies and supporting the police and prison guards.

Socialist Alliance

The Socialist Alliance is a traditional socialist political party who are focused providing a more egalitarian society where wealthy individuals and corporations pay aggressively higher taxes to fund re-distributive policies increase the standard of living for lower income peoples. They also want to expand public transport along with taking privatised assets back into public ownership.
They also want to switch to a renewable energy economy and make NSW explicitly anti-racist and a safe haven for refugees. They also believe that our current electoral system is flawed so they wish to introduce a series of electoral reforms to introduce electoral recalls at all levels, and make all levels of government proportional instead of our current mix of representative and proportional government.

Sustainable Australia

Sustainable Australia is focused on what they see as the issue with our current immigration rate. Under their ideological view, having a high immigration is detrimental to Australia as it causes “over-development”, as their website claims, as well as increasing housing costs, and environmental damage. Whilst not explicitly stating it, they appear to be planning on addressing the predicted losses in economic growth from their policies through diversifying the economy. This anti-immigration view covers refugees, as whilst they will allow them to enter the country they believe they should stay around their local region and work be done to improve safety there.
From their policy platform, it appears as if Sustainable Australia wants to limit overseas trade as they have policies on restarting Australian manufacturingjobs, which would assist our economy if we were no longer utilising low cost overseas manufacturing sources. However, they appear to be on-board with the current environmental consensus as they want to transition to a renewable energy economy and want to protect natural lands.


As one of the minor major parties, most of their policy platform should be somewhat known. It is dominated by their positions on the environment where they want to rapidly transition towards an entirely renewable energy sector, as well as more general policies about reversing environmental pollution of air, land, and water-bodies. Broadly, they are the most prominent socially and economically progressive party in NSW at the moment. However, they are anti-genetically modified crops [Ed. note — this is due to a flawed belief that ‘organic’ food is better than modified, which is not supported by any current research consensus.]
Of note is a current “civil war” within the NSW Greens between the two faction which respectively believe that the Greens should be focused entirely on the environment, and the other who believe that they should be a vehicle for broader democratic socialist policies. However, there has yet to be any noticeable policy arguments (publicly at least) around this, so the factional struggle may be personality based.

Animal Justice Party

The animal justice party is a leftist political organisation based strongly around broadening animal rights and protections. The majority of their policies are to do with ending the killing, or harming of animals in any way. Seem to want to end the use of companion animals (pets) in general but are addressing that bit by bit by limiting how you can adopt animals. They also view population growth as bad for animals and the environment and thus believe we should keep growth at replacement rate, which implies limiting immigration. However, limited policy detail on environmental and climate action policies, broadly says we need a carbon tax and to shift to a renewable power economy.


Advance is actually a coalition of the Advance Australia Party and the Motoring Enthusiasts. Their policies goals seem to be addressing housing affordability, increasing Sydney’s desirability as a tourist destination, anti-gambling — specifically Barangaroo, desiring the return of the Sydney Monorail — which appears to be driven by their distaste of the Light Rail, pro-electric cars, and “fixing the roads”. Not sure on their political alignment, appear to be a centrist neoliberal party without a social justice platform or any re-distributive policies.


Ah, FLUX. FLUX is not a political party in the traditional sense as they have no actual policies in of themselves. They’re a single issue party, which wants to more or less end our Representational Democracy model and replace it with an electronic platform which is a mix of Direct, Representational, and Delegate Democracy where you use ‘an app’ to either directly vote, or nominate someone to vote for you on every piece of legislation in parliament. Legislation, which I assume is also crowd sourced?
[Ed. note — INTERESTING. Meow-Ludo Meow-Meow (real person) who has been a candidate for the Science Party (formerly the Future Party, now running as the James Jansson group) for the last couple of elections has moved to FLUX and is the candidate for Willoughby. You may know him as the dude who put the OPAL chip inside his hand.]

LaboCountry Labor

NSW Labor has a typical modern centre-left policy platform. However, of note is their recent moves to ban single use plastic bags, phase out single use plastics, invest ~$140 million into local recycling projects, and of particular note they claim to want to seek a treaty with the NSW indigenous peopleswhich would replicate similar treaties in Canada and New Zealand. This treaty would cover: recognition of historical wrongs, addressing health and education services, and language rights.
This election, NSW Labor is trying to differentiate themselves from the Liberal Party by emphasising their goals to decrease housing and hospital costs, as well as addressing industrial concerns, such as wage theft and underpayment, as well as providing increased services such as more education facilities and free public transport for children. Another policy difference is their goal to divert the currently allocated funds for stadium redevelopments towards other policies such as renewable powered air conditioning for public schools.
They also wish to legislate 10 days paid domestic violence pay, in addition to investing $158 million towards building new domestic violence and sexual assault courts, increased victim compensation, and increased funding to shelters and advocacy groups.

Liberal/The Nationals

The Liberal/National coalition will be running this campaign based on their record over the last eight years which has constituted increased building of private toll motorways as well as the building of more commuter lines, specifically the light rail and North-West Metro. The party however has been dogged by their more draconian policies around nightlife and music policiesin general. This has been paired with their alleged failures on environmental policies based on the recent spate of mass fish deaths in regional NSW resulting from widespread rorting of water resources by the large commercial cotton farms.

Australian Conservatives

The Australian Conservatives are a factional splinter of the Liberal Party of Australia. They were started by Cory Bernardi who left the party because of his views of the “corrosive left” of the Liberal Party. As such, they are an extremely conservative party. Their policy agenda does not meaningfully move away from orthodox right-wing business politics, and government regulation, as they are libertarian on this front. Their main focus is on ‘white resentment’ politics. This is as their most detailed policy statements deal with ending “gender reassignment” and “political indoctrination”. Their main goals is to realign Australian with their conservative views on what it means to be an Australian, that is to be white and hetero-normative [Ed.]. Broadly they are quite similar to the current Republican party in American in terms of their social and economic views. This party is part of the current wave of populist(whilst not actually being populist as their policies will benefit the 1% primarily) “Western Civilisation” politics based around Nationalism and anti-leftism.

Keep Sydney Open

Keep Sydney Open appear to be a civil libertarian party based around getting the government and its regulation out of the music scene and Sydney nightlife. Their main party agenda is the end the Sydney Lockout laws and the current government’s policies around policing music festivals. Have no really stated political goals outside of this niche beyond some language around a stronger ICAC, and introducing 24 hr public transport. Of note, not actually running a candidate in the Seat of Sydney, where the lockout laws apply.

Liberal Democrats

The Liberal Democrats are an aggressively libertarian party whose only elected member is David Leyonhjelm. The main thrust of this party is promoting “individual liberty”, which is mostly expressed as reducing the ability of governments to enact regulatory legislation, and letting businesses pay less tax. They see effectively no place for the government beyond Defence, and maintaining property rights.
Editorial: the Liberal Democrats use a very American strategy of campaigning, which is “triggering the left”. They’ve also engaged in sexist and racist behaviours in their effort to gain votes from the same constituency of One Nation, Australian Conservatives, and Men’s Rights Activists.

Voluntary Euthanasia Party

The VEP are a single issue party, and that is enacting legislation for voluntary assisted dying. They appear to be a party dedicated to ensuring quality of life up until death through both allowing death to happen on your own terms, increasing palliative care, and improving access to medical cannabis. Beyond that, they claim to be a moderate progressive party and will vote on a case by case basis for all legislation under that framework.

Christian Democratic Party

Otherwise known as the Fred Nile Christian Democratic party. A Christian religious party aiming to “glorify God in government”. Under that framework, are pro-business. Their main niche is ensuring that NSW remains a tacitly Christian state by legislating SRE classes (they’re the ones who made SRE mandatory and that you have to specifically opt out, whilst also making information about that hard to find). This party is extremely conservative about sexuality and gender identity and believe that there is only two gendersand you should only be heterosexual, and thus want to remove the Safe Schools program.

Small Business Party

Another neoliberal business party whose policy focus is on cutting business taxes and regulation, claiming they’re a drain on the economy. This extends to wanting to reduce housing Stamp duties and power prices. Also are anti-immigration as they claiming current NSW immigration is unsustainable and there is no place for them here. [Ed. note — current immigration rate is reason we’re not in a recession at the moment.]

Pauline Hanson’s One Nation

One Nation is the most prevalent of the current Australian mainstream populist (whilst not being popular) ‘white resentment’ political parties. Under the NSW leader Mark Latham — who has a colourful past — the party has taken a specifically Men’s Rights Activist lens as it has explicit platforms on their idea that white men are being repressed in our society.
Outlaw the new Left-wing discrimination against men, boys, Christians and white people, including a ban on discriminatory ‘employment quotas’ and segregationist ‘safe spaces’ — One Nation policy outline
This platform extends towards explicitly racist policies, and removing recognition of transgender people’s rights. These policies manifest themselves through their anti-Islamist rhetoric, claiming that they’ll end “Islamic Radicalisation in schools”, being anti-multiculturalism, and putting forward a policy that only individuals who “pass” a genetic test [Ed. note — which is bullshit] can get Indigenous peoples specific social welfare.
These policies around Indigenous peoples also extend to the Indigenous Land Reform Councils as they claim they’re hoarding billions of dollars which should be taken. Like other prominent white resentment parties, One Nation also supports pro-business reforms such as protectionist policies to maintain monopolies, and cutting their taxes and regulations, as well as being anti-renewable energy and fixated on coal power.

Seniors United Party of Australia (group G)

The Seniors United Party is pushing forward a policy agenda aimed specifically at senior citizens, such as being focused on increased funding and undoing of Liberal/National cuts to superannuation. They also wants oversight and regulation of aged care providers. However, like many other parties running in this election, they are a anti-immigration party and wants to see reduced in overall migration levels.

Monaghan and Monaghan (group H)

This is a husband and wife duo from the northern beaches and the majority of policies appear to be focused on a “not in my backyard (NIMBY)” agenda in regards to the Northern Beaches. However also wants to ban brothels and 24/7 gambling, and very specifically the Woolworths in Mosman.

Jeremy Buckingham Greens splinter group (group L)

Buckingham is a former Greens MLC who left/got kicked out of the party over allegations he committed an act of “sexual violence”* towards a staff member. This was investigated and dropped due to insufficient evidence to substantiate the allegation. Teamed up with Alan Jones to help stop coal seam gas mining
His policies are a little hard to nail down as his content is limited on his website, but based around his previous statements it broadly aligns with the environmental aspects of his former party, the NSW Greens. Of note however, is his desired collaboration with American Tech Baron, Elon Musk, to build a tunnel through the Blue Mountains from Western Sydney to Lithgow.
\allegation was revealed under parliamentary privilege by Newtown MP Jenny Leong. May have been done as part of the current NSW Greens civil war over whether or not they should be a climate action party or a more broadly socialist party.*

James Jansson (group S)

A re-branding of the Science Party as they aren’t registered at State level. Focused on increased transportation, housing density, etc. Seem to be greenish Radical Centrist party with focus on changing regulation and increasing funding without really rocking the boat or doing anything substantial.

Various Independents

Tony Edwards: no clear policy directions stated, with more of a general anti-right perspective.
Ellie Robinson: Anti-corruption platform and wants to address climate change, disability rights, animal justice, indigenous rights.
John Brett: anti-national debt candidate, focus on removing foreign involvement and getting more people back into trade jobs.
Ron Bogan: pro euthanasia, helping out senior citizens, pro-National Energy Guarantee (therefore neoliberal on climate action), focus on the Shire and Western Sydney. Campaign slogan — “put a bogan in parliament”
John Hunter: no information online about him.
Bryn Hutchinson: “progressive independent” — focus on police accountability and a NSW Human Rights Act.
Danny Lim: this is the guy with the billboard hanging around Newtown and the city who’s billboard said “Tony [Abbott] you cvn’t.” From what I can find, running principles of egalitarianism, anti-racism, broadly leftist, pro-renewable energy, investing in public healthcare, removing private healthcare insurance rebate, increasing refugee intake.
Andre Brokman: found his Medium blog — pro-Council amalgamations to increase centralisation and reduce ‘chaos’ in Sydney planning, appears to be a transportation enthusiast. His bio: “Andre Brokman is a full time city planning student and part time uber driver”
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Missouri Repugnicans: Creating One Self-Inflicted Crisis after another in this state, just so we can become like Kansas

What up, my Missouri peeps. I am Vector Calculus. And I know what's up in this state. I used to be a conservative, until I realized how good the Republican party was at handling crisises (No armor for OUR troops. Katrina response. Picking presidential candidates and their running mates.)
Let's face it, the conservative movement in this country ate a big bowl of stupid for breakfast, and they're now asking for 43rds.
On the state level, it isn't any better.
As our state legislature tries to play out the clock with the time left in this years General Assembly, hundreds of Missourians have no place to work at. There are companies in this state that are hiring, just not locally. It's not just a problem in our state, but nation wide. I don't recall how many times I've punched into for a job at one of those new data centers in St. Louis and explicitly set the email reminders on the websites I was using to only give me companies in the St. Louis area because I really can not afford to move anywhere else, only to get daily e-mail offers for jobs that aren't relevant to the content on my resume, in places like New Jersey and Michigan.
Let me re-iterate that. I cannot afford to move elsewhere and I know of the new data centers that are hiring in St. Louis but they are not interested in hiring people from missouri.
What the hell did they move to our state for? The weather?
Surely our state's Department of Economic Development and the Missouri Division of Vocational Rehabilitation can see what's going on here. Unless of course, they don't have enough money allocated in the state budget to look into it.
DED has tried setting up a job website several times in the past decade. All of them flopped because none of these new Missouri businesses would consider spreading the word about their company. Not with DED, not with private websites like Monster, CareerBuilder, Indeed, or even Craigslist (where in both St. Louis and Kansas City, posting job offers is FREE). Even if they had their own website for job listings, I guess it is just too hard for them to spread the word to local jobseekers as it is with generic jobs like CDL companies and Nurse Staffing Firms. I signed up with Manpower and a couple of other temp agencies, and God forbid they call me up.
But why isn't any of that happening? The truth is, they think they can make more money by creating this stupid ass "China Hub"/"Cargo City" at the cost of the tax payers, even going as far as to attempt to pay for it by making North St. Louis County residents who were hit by a tornado in the Spring of 2011 take a cut in storm relief. It didn't happen, thankfully. Partially because one of the Chinese representatives discovered someone from Taiwan would also be using it. The PRC and the ROC governments aren't exactly simpatico. So you can imaging how that collapsed just because of one company.
Needless to say, this is one of the many "zombie issues" that just won't stay dead at the GA, as it has come back again on the table.
So while our state government waists their time trying to impress the incredibly fickle Chinese government, the DED sees the number of job placement offices get sacked. Let's face it. This site isn't exactly the best place to look for a job considering their are only about 25,000 records in the system. Using Indeed, you could find 100 times that assuming it didn't re-post the same records every day.
Next up on my list of greivances: the Missouri Department of Public Saftey. Home of Missouri State Highway Patrol.
Missouri is one of the few states in this country that is the butt of a lot of meth jokes. And while MSHP is doing it's best to fight off the influx of drugs and meth making operations in this state, our state legislature continues to find ways to trip up our Smokeys. Namely in this legislature, the Highway Patrol found itself in the crosshairs of austerity, accusing the highway patrol of having too much power. To be honest, it wasn't until a tornado hit my granparents neighborhood that I finally saw a MSHP car in about two years. This crazy nonsense that MSHP is incahoots with "the liberal federal government" is preposterous. The ban on drone aircraft in this state doesn't help MSHP use drones to detect ammonia anomalies in rural Missouri where meth cooks could be hiding. It also doesn't help the Missouri Department of Natural Resources monitor landfill emissions or superfund sites in our state with the help of the EPA because "The EPA is an evil conspiracy". (Fun fact: The EPA was established in 1970 by President Richard Milhouse Nixon, a republican. He's also responsible for establishing Amtrak which saved the passenger rail industry. It's a shame it doesn't stop in Springfield, Missouri. Making part of the Missori Pacific Rail Road could have saved a lot of towns along I-44/Route 66 from falling into disrepair and poverty.)
It's funny how our state republicans want to be champions in the "War Against Drugs", when they sabatoge themselves by letting the cartels and the dealers freely pass through this state more easily thanks to their disinvestment in new technologies.
The drone ban also doesn't help the American economy as many of the anti-drone bills are written to prohibit the manufacturing of unmanned aircraft, and thusly the people who want to buy them have to get them from foreign manufacturers. Way to support the state economy, guys.
Meanwhile, several law enforcement agencies in this state, including the State Highway Patrol, have been HACKED in the past decade. Again, disinvestment in technology has made our state more vulerable to identity theif or the public display of confidential information.
Yet, when comparing the recent self-created crisis with the Department of Revenue recording gun ownership information, these more serious problems are treated as secondary issues.
BTW, DOR was also hacked last decade. Some one got a list of personal information files in 2005. Again, treated as if it was no big deal. But hey, when your elected officials pick a private contractor to record license information for the state tax code, and then make it so that you don't do a background check on the company you hired that is doing background checks on folks who own guns and the MANY MORE WHO DON'T OWN GUNS, and then try to blame Governor Nixon for the problem you recreated back when Matt Blunt and Ed Martin didn't think deleting e-mail records was such a big deal, AND THEN want to say that you are doing what you can to protect JUST THE GUN OWNERS instead of EVERYBODY who had their ID sold NOT JUST TO THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT after a recent school massacre but to marketing groups and hacker well before there was a NewTown or a Virginal Tech for that matter, YOU DON'T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT EVERYBODY! Just the few constituents you have, who go to your church, who pay you money, who BUY YOU LUNCH IN EXCHANGE FOR A VOTE!
It's quite funny how the last time I was in Jefferson City I had to brown bag my own lunch while pushing for the public appeal to help folks with head injuries, while two doors down from the conference room I was eating lunch in was the basement cafeteria with a stack of Krispe Kream and Jimmy Johns boxes that some lobbying group gave them. So tell me how our state isn't corrupted by folks who stand to profit well enough to hire their own lobbying firm and give them lunches, breakfasts, baseball tickets, and other kickbacks.
The real reason drones are now banned in this state isn't the invasion of privacy upon everyday people or to just help drug trafficking and ban the EPA. But to allow Corporate Agricultural Farming Operations to dump MILLIONS OF GALLONS of animal excrement, animal entrails, chemical laced farm wastes into streams and rivers. And they will obstruct the more benevolent uses of drones just so that they can continue to break the law, pollute the water downstream, and poison anyone who comes in contact with this water.
Yes, IN CONTACT. The Mallenkrot Corporation did it for years in North St. Louis County by dumping radioactive materials into Coldwater Creek. There are many people in North St. Louis County, especially in Florissant, who have come down with many forms of cancer, lupus, birth defects, even died, because they didn't know the creek had been contaminated. But the Department of Natural Resources can't do a whole lot of to monitor the area or to get the EPA or the US Army Corps of Engineers to transport the remains of these cold war byproducts buried in a local landfill from leaking into the groundwater and eventually the water supply. For some reason, they state doesn't have the money. Especially now that you have Monsanto doing most of the poisoning these days through genetically modified crops and agri-chemicals that damage the environment and make people sick while making a windfall doing it.
But the GA is OK with the Big M giving everyone the Big C so as long as they get paid.
Ditto for Ameren, who thank to building the state's only nuclear power plant (which fortunately has been build on a hill about a mile from the river unlike many of the other nuclear plants upstream on the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers which have been threatened with flooding and possible nuclear contamination of the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers). While Union Electric had the forsight to no build something so hazardous so close to our state's most precious natural resource, the folks at Ameren aren't so bright. The Calloway Plant in Fulton provides Jefferson City and much of mid-Missouri with power. Ameren give it to the state for gratis, so as long as they get what they want.
But when Prop C passed in 2007, encouraging the state to pursue more solar and wind alternatives, Ameren, now six years on, has been fighting tooth and nail to gut this voter approved proposal. The Carnahan family has a wind farm in Northwest Missouri. But thanks to our state repugnicans, not of that power is used IN MISSOURI. Meanwhile, Iowa, Nebraska, and even their favorite state Kansas, have returned a profit on wind energy production. But Missouri is prohibited from having that. Which makes it a perfect target for Karl Rove to assault the Carnahans come election time.
Never mind that Missourians WANT renewable energy, and that many more of them aren't as stupid as the Missouri Petroleum Marketers and Convenience Store Association think we are. (Isn't that just great! Everything that is bad for you and the environment, conveniently packaged into one lobbying group: The boycott of both renewable energy and cigarette taxes. It's like Philip Morris and the lady from the American Petroleum Institute ads had a baby and this was their love child.) As if calling oil, natural gas, "clean coal", nuclear power, and the KXL project are "green alternatives". (They are called "alternatives" because you get to pick from the list of power source that THEY provide because they've made a fortune off of it.) But that doesn't stop the disinformation, or the fact that they can will control in the GA.
They also don't seem to be big fans of Mass Transit. Despite the photo-ops of your congressman pumping a bus full of CNG, they're never there to keep the mass transit system funded. Especially not the parts that don't stop at the baseball stadium, or the luxourious TAX PAYER FUNDED football team that let go of their most valuable player.
But hey, the schools aren't doing as well as that casino that promised to help the schools. They want to put a Blues Museum in the city (which I always though Memphis was the birthplace of the Blues), and all the people who need mass transit for other than being a fun way to the baseball game still have to wait 45 minutes for their other bus that if the two buses weren't diverted to the train station, would have only been a 15 minute bus ride rather than a 90 minute road trip.
So hazaa to our general assembly for doing their best to make Missouri more like Kansas, ignoring those in need, for being there at the ribbon cutting and the tax breaks but not at the career fair or unemployment line, for putting their own self interests first, and everybody else second.
I hope you all get KICKED OUT come next election and that NO ONE from your party runs to keep up your circlejerk ceremonies.
"All animals are equal--except some are more equal than others." --from Animal Farm by Geroge Orwell
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