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The Honeymoon is over! 🌙🚀

The Honeymoon is over! 🌙🚀
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submitted by jujuarg to merval [link] [comments]

[Eurovision] Spain in 2018 and 2019, or why warring fanbases should not be allowed to make your choices for you.

Hey there. Here we go with the last installment (as of this year) of the story of Spain in Eurovision. But don't worry, there are more countries and there will be more years.
The usual glossary for people who are not up to speed on what Eurovision is:
So, by the end of my last post the Spanish fandom was in shambles after the rather suspect choice of Manel Navarro by choosing juries that were openly partial to him led to trending hashtags asking people to resign, actual resignations, a last place in Eurovision, physical altercations, viral meme videos mocking the artist and not one, but two congressional investigations. As in, led by the actual Spanish Congress.
After that, TVE was in kind of a lose-lose position. The credibility of national finals was very low, but at the same time if they tried to make an internal selection, there would be doubts that they were doing it based on artistic merit instead of commercial interests.
So, TVE decided to go for a third option: they brought back Operación Triunfo.
Operación Triunfo, OT from now on, was one of the earliest singing reality TV shows and one of the most influential programs in Spanish TV. It led to a big craze when the winner of the first season was chosen to represent Spain in 2002 and a huge disappointment that still colors the perception of Eurovision by the Spanish public nowadays. After several seasons with diminishing success, the last full season aired in 2009 and another one was cut short in 2011 after only five weeks.
In late 2017, however, TVE decided they might try their luck at it again, and a new season premiered in October 2017.
2018: Show, don't tell
Now, while it was announced that it would be used to choose the Eurovision contestant, OT was a TV show in its own right, with its own prizes and goals and (most importantly) its own fandom. It managed to draw a following comparable to the first mythical seasons, but now with social media to amplify everything. And if you're visiting this sub, you probably know what that means.
Two of the early frontrunners were Alfred García and Amaia Romero, respectively 19 and 18 years old, who quickly found out they had a lot of chemistry and, being isolated, available, young and horny, began a relationship that was very well received by the public. One of the hight poinst of the entire season whas in the third gala when they performed City of Stars and were disgustingly adorable and awkward doing it and people ate. It. Up.
The season went on and on and more contestants were culled and some moment along the way it was announced that one week before the season finale, the top five contestants would take part in a special gala to select the representative to Eurovision. Meanwhile, Alfred and Amaia (Nicknamed "Almaia" by their shippers) continued being impossibly cute together, performing really well and gathering a large following, and when the moment came they were amongst the finalists.
That's not to say they were the only ones with fans: Every single contestant had a large following and there were heated rivalries between the fandoms, with two big prizes at the end: Going to Eurovision and winning the season. And while Alfred and Amaia were amongst the frontrunners, it wasn't really a guarantee that they would win either.
Each of the five contestants was given a song to perform individually:
Now lets meet their competition:
Now, there was a problem here: In all reality shows and SPECIALLY the ones that are shot in real time and get feedback from the public, the producers are very interested in crafting narratives to make the show succeed. This is an inevitability of reality TV and nothing can be one to avoid it.
And in this particular case, one of the biggest narratives was Alfred and Amaia. Their relationship was part of they show and if they could capitalize on it, they would. And more in general, if they went to Eurovision as a couple, this would also increase ratings for Eurovision. So it would be great if they had a way to make them perform together.
On the other hand, if only they two got a duet there would be an instant firestorm of favoritism accusations and they would be very deserved, so they decided that the only solution was to give everyone duets.
Alfred and Amaia got Tu Canción, a love song that was very much trying to capture the magic of City of Stars and pretty much composed to rile up their shippers.
Aitana and Ana Guerra got Lo Malo, an urban-trap song. If you compare with their individual songs you see this wasn't that much a good fit for them. Ana had a knack for folk songs and Aitana's specialty were songs where she could showcase emotion.
And that leaves Miriam alone, so they brought back the last eliminated contestant, Agoney. Now, Agoney was probably the only contestant with a narrative that could rival Almaia. Openly gay, the protagonist of the first gay kiss in the history of OT, and had mentioned multiple times having the dream to go to Eurovision. Considering that a large share of Eurovision fans are precisely gay dudes, he (just like Almaia) brought something to the table that no one else could bring.
So he wasn't given a song of his own. He was only brought here to perform with Miriam and they were given the song Magia. I love it, but it wasn't a good fit for either of them.
(There was also Camina, a group performance of all five of them of a song originally composed by and for all the contestants at the beginning of the show. This was a bad idea and we have all collectivelly agreed that it never happened. Please forget that you read this paragraph)
And then Spain found that they had unexpectedly struck gold.
You see: Lo Malo was not a good fit for Aitana and Ana. They didn't like it. Their teachers had to confront them for saying on camera that they didn't like it.. But the public LOVED IT. Two weeks after its release it had been played over four million times in music platforms and was #1 in nearly all of them and even reached the top 10 in most viral songs worldwide.
(Here are their faces when they found out)
The weeks between the release of the songs and the national final saw A LOT of heated debate. In one hand you had the fans of each artist that wanted their fave in Eurovision and didn't care about the song or results, divided in factions around their respective faves. In the other hand, you had the Eurovision fans who wanted the best song in Eurovision and didn't care about all the backstories, shipping and faves.
And then the fandoms began strategizing. In the national final there would be a preliminar round in which the three most voted songs would pass to the final round, so any singer with more than one song in the final round would have their vote split and their chances lessened, and the fandoms knew it. Also, they would have to do two separate performances, while a singer that had only one song in the last round could focus exclusively on that performance.
For fans of Alfred and Amaia this was an easy choice: There was a large overlap between them and most of them were also shippers, so they all decided to drop support for their individual songs and go for the duet. (And indeed, their individual songs got 2 of the 3 bottom spots in the first round along with the group performance).
Anyone else had it more difficult: Fans of Miriam didn't know whether to support her individual song that was a good fit for her, or to join forces with fans of Agoney with a song that didn't suit either of them. And fans of Ana and Aitana were stuck between a rock and a hard place, with individual songs that were great for the artists, and a bop that had very high chances to go to Eurovision but that the artists hated.
At the end, strategy prevailed: the three songs in the final round were the duet of Alfred and Amaia, Lo Malo, and Aitana's individual song Arde, and after the second round of voting Alfred and Amaia won.
Most Eurovision fans were pretty skeptical. Alfred and Amaia had had months to create a chemistry for the Spanish public, but in Eurovision they would get three minutes to do the same with Europe and they were not sure it would work. Even the ones that liked them knew it wouldn't be the same. On the other hand, there was a lot of disappointment about losing Lo Malo, which was more instantly catchy and in general was perceived to have a better shot at Eurovision.
One week later, the OT finale took place and Amaia won, with Aitana taking second place. Alfred was fifth overall. Then they took on a promotional tour for OT with all the other contestants (because TV doesn't wait) while they prepared their Eurovision performance.
Interlude: Alfred goes into politics.
I don't know if politics counts as a hobby, but here it goes anyway. You see: Alfred is from Catalonia, a region of Spain with a strong separatist movement. Catalan independence is a very touchy subject in Spanish politcs and has a lot of detractors in the rest of Spain.
In late April, less than a month before Eurovision happened, a social media post showed him gifting Amaia a book titled "España de Mierda" (Translates as "Spain, Country of Shit"), a satyrical book penned by a Catalan separatist songwriter. Fans picked up on this and raised a media storm, newspapers ran exposés of anything Alfred had done in his life related to Catalan inependentism, the book sold out, he was forced to apologize and remove some of his social media posts, and there was even a petition to remove him as the Spanish representative (nevermind that so late in the game, only a major force event like disease or death would justify changing the singer).
Amaia then trolled all the media saying that the book was definitely something she would be taking with her to Eurovision as a good luck charm.
At the end nothing came out of this, but it certainly didn't help his image.
So what happened?
During the weeks before Eurovision there were rumors that Alfred and Amaia would break up, that the stress of tours and promotional events and the competition would make them break up, that... you know, the usual gossip. But they were still going solid when they went to Eurovision in May, and then proved the skeptics right by giving a lackluster performance and placing 23rd of 26 countries in the final..
There were (again) calls for the Spanish higher-ups to quit their positions, articles calling them shitty singers, renewed condemnations of Alfred's association with independentism... you know, the usual.
Alfred and Amaia broke up half a year later and Amaia disavowed her song saying that it didn't represent her and she hadn't been able to be herself in all that time..
As for where are they now, all the contestants in the final still have rather solid careers (including Agoney), with Aitana eventually coming out on top as the only one reaching the peak of the singles and album charts in her solo career and having more followers than Alfred and Amaia combined.
The true winner of the season, however, is someone we haven't even mentioned yet. Mimí, the first eliminated contestant (or third, there were a couple dudes that didn't make it past the first gala... it's complicated) in mid 2018 rebranded herself as Lola Índigo and dropped Yo Ya No Quiero Ná which became one of the biggest hits of the year in Spain and went triple platinum. She won the Newcomer of the Year award by Los 40 in Spain and the Best Spanish Act in the MTV Awards, and basically established herself as one of the leading artists in the Spanish music scene.
2019: Let's lower the stakes!
Despite the lower placing, for TVE using OT was a successful strategy: They got high viewership, lots of media focus in Eurovision and a lot less controversy than other years, so they decided that it may be good to give it another try the next year, and in late 2018 they announced that there would be another season of OT and it would be used to pick the 2019 Eurovision representative.
This season had lower ratings that the previous one (it was usually the #2 or #3 most viewed show, while Almaia's season topped the ratings in all the second half of its run). It probably also had a lot of drama between the fans of each artist, but to be honest I didn't know about it because I didn't follow it. Sorry, I'm not an OT fan.The only drama I got word of was when the contestants were unhappy that they couldn't go to bed early so they mounted a strike and then got a big admonishment by their teachers, while the public called them entitled and bratty.
For Eurovision, an online submission phase left TVE with over a thousand songs, from which seventeen songs were given to contestants to record, and then three songs qualified by popular vote and seven more were selected by a jury to participate in the national final
But this time there was something different: Nearly none of the contestants wanted to go.
You see, Eurovision 2019 would take place in Tel Aviv, Israel. And for some geopolitical reasons Israel is a very divisive and controversial country. And we are going to leave it at that. So, most of the contestants were not so keen to go there and have it associated with the start of their careers.
In addition, TVE decided that the gala to select the representative for Eurovision would take place one month after the finale, when all the results were out and there was nothing left to do, making Eurovision a consolation price that most of them didn't even want. So basically, they wanted to lower the stakes as much as they could.
While they couldn't reject going to Eurovision because they had signed up for it, and they couldn't openly ask their fans not to vote for them, a lot of the contestants were hinting in social media that they weren't really enthusiastic about that, and of course the fans noticed it.
There was A LOT of division in the fandom. OT fans saw it as mostly an aftershow for OT which, in their minds, was what truly mattered, and for them there was no point in making artists go to Eurovision, which was a dumb circus anyway. Eurovision fans, on the other hand, thought that rejecting that commitment was a show of unprofessionalism and that the contestants were rejecting an even bigger opportunity for exposure than OT would ever be and that it was a really stupid and ungrateful thing to do.
The couple months before the national final went by with all this debate. It didn't help that María, who got one of the favorite songs to go to Eurovision, was probably one of the most unenthusiastic about the whole thing.
At the finale things were... weird. Here's the season winner, Famous (and yes, that's his name), who could barely pretend that he wanted to be there, and frontrunner María giving us an overdose of just being there because she had to and not naving the energy the song required.
(Some fans proposed taking this song, giving it to Lola Índigo and sending her to Eurovision, but of course, it didn't happen)
So at the end it wouldn't be a surprised that this went to one of the contestants who actually wanted to do it: the season sixth placer Miki Núñez. He was one of two contestants with two songs in the national final: La Venda, a catchy song about breaking free from your preconceptions and Nadie Se Salva, an even catchier song about the inevitability of death sung in duet with Natalia Lacunza (who was the only other contestant with two songs in the final, and they were the only ones with a non-solo song)
While Nadie Se Salva was very well received, they had very different vibes in it, almost clashing instead of adding to each other, and it only took third place in the gala. María with Muérdeme was second, and Miki won with La Venda.
The season ran in general much more smoothly than other years. Miki was hard-working, took the contest seriously, had a lot of natural charm and looked amazing with his clothes off. What's not to love here?
There was still some residual drama from last year when Amaia refused to appear at any act to past the torch to Miki, which was seen as rather unprofessional. Alfred was there, though, and you could see that he wasn't happy with his ex's attitude.
TVE for once took things seriously. They brought as their staging director Fokas Evangelinos, a Greek expert that has done some of the most iconic eurovision stagings of the past decade and a half, including the 2005 winner, the 2008 winner and runner up, the 2013 runner up and the 2016 third place and basically had never had any of his staged acts place outside the top 10.
Even if fans were rather skeptic about the final version of the song, that was a bit more tropical and less ska-influenced and felt less spontaneous and fresh, in general there was some cautious optimism about the entry. For once, at least things were getting done on time and with the needed work behind. Unlike cases like Barei, it was guaranteed that Fokas would make sure that the staging would get to the host country. Unlike cases like Manel, there wasn't really a big controversy surrounding the artist. And the song was getting a reasonably good reception by critics, fans and betting portals.
Well, the results didn't follow. Miki placed only one position higher than Almaia, getting 22nd place and becoming the first act staged by Fokas that didn't reach the top 10.
In hindsight, most of the problem was the way the staging was conceived: Miki's biggest asset were his charm and personality, but he was given an act so choreographed that he didn't have an opportunity to show it and there were so many things happening onstage that they got in the way of each other.
Edit: Thanks to CherryTheBerry123 for reminding me of one of the best moments here: all the other contestants raising from their seats to do a conga line while Miki performed.
So basically, Spain overcorrected their lack of work of the past years, precisely the year they shouldn't have to. And also he was closing the show when most of the audience was already a bit jaded and after one of the most memorable performances of the night, so he had an uphill battle.
So... there was disappointment at the results, but in general there was a feeling that Spain may be heading on the right direction. For the first time ever there had been the work behind the entry, even if the approach hadn't been the right one. But still, it's not like people were happy.
As of where are they now, the contestants had about a year to start their careers before the pandemic began, which put them at some of a disadvantage. Famous and had a song that did rather well on the internet but failed to reach the charts, Natalia had a top five single, and in general Miki has had the best career overall, proving that yes, maybe Eurovision was indeed the bigger prize of OT.
2020: Let's take a safe bet.
There was another season of OT in late 2020, but the ratings and results were very much subpar and TVE didn't feel that much enthusiasm for it. Instead, for the first time since 2015, they went for an internal selection and picked a singer named Blas Cantó.
The reactions was something like... indifferent optimism.
See, Blas had been a member of Auryn, probably the most successful Spanisy boy band ever, and they had been the runner ups to represent Spain in Eurovision in 2011, and then he went solo in 2016 and released a number 1 album, won the 2017 edition of Your Face Sounds Familiar, and overall he is a very experienced singer and a talented vocalist. On the other hand, he was seen as rather uninspiring. He doesn't have the biggest personality, and while he has fans, he wasn't seen as someone who could really entice Europe.
But on the other hand, he was one of the highest profile representatives and if he was willing to take the risk of Eurovision it could be expected that he would put in the work and knowledge to make things right. So he was a safe bet, but maybe too safe.
His song, Universo, caused basically the same reactions. It was good, it showcased his voice, but it was too safe.
We will never know how things would go, though. After coronavirus began spreading in Europe, in March the contest was cancelled for the first time in six and a half decades. As you can imagine, none of us were happy, but we understood why it happened.
There was still a chance for extra drama, though. As part of the quarantine TVE hosted an online Eurovision party in which Blas didn't perform (allegedly, because he was suffering anxiety due to quarantine), and fans went wild on him so badly that he had to close his twitter for a while.
Anyway, he was announced as the Spanish representative for 2021 with a song still to be announced. They're actually planning a national final with two songs from which the public will vote their favorite.
Epilogue: Miki goes into politics
What, did you think we were done?
In the last days of December of 2020 Miki was again the focus of some political controversy when he criticized Vox, a Spanish far-right party, and their stance in multiculturalism, LGBT rights and social issues in general, and said that he didn't want anyone that supported Vox to also support him.
Some politicians from Vox responded criticizing Miki and his placement in Eurovision, to which others responded that Miki got more points in Eurovision that Vox got seats in the Spanish parliament (which was true). Vox countered that there were more points to get in Eurovision that parliamentary seats (also true) and for a while there were elected representatives arguing in official government accounts, on paid time, about the intricacies of the Eurovision voting system.
Which seems like a perfect way to close the year, if you ask me. It's not like they had bigger issues to be working on...
Anyway, this is all about Spain in Eurovision... for now. But don't worry, there are many other countries, and although I've followed their drama much less closely than Spain there is still a lot to write about.
Have a nice day and stay safe everyone!
submitted by NirgalFromMars to HobbyDrama [link] [comments]

[Eurovision] Spain in 2017, the year were the Spanish fans just went into civil war

I was going to wish everyone a happy new year, but writing this took so long that I'm not sure I still can do it. But just in case, happy new year everyone!
First, a quick announcement: as you can see I'm posting this under a new account. This is because I post A LOT in my other account and many of my posts are NSFW, which was creating trouble for people who wanted to search for my other drama posts, so I made this account to make things easier. Don't worry, none of the past posts are gone. I'll keep a pinned post in my profile with a neat index of all my /HobbyDrama posts.
Second, this is the kind of year that needs a disclaimer: Back then I got caught in the drama and I had (and still have) some strong opinions about what happened, so when you read this post remember that I may be biased even when I try not to.
(And of course, after proofreading the text I just had to make a typo in the title. /*facepalm)
The usual glossary for people who may not be so familiar with how things are in Eurovision:
So, let's get started. At the end of my last post, we left Spain in the mid-2010's flip-flopping between internal selections and national finals every couple years and finding that none of that seemed to work, mostly because the work after they chose the song was not really there.
Nevertheless, in 2017 Spain decided to do a national final again, starting with an online call that yielded 392 songs. To avoid another Chikilicuatre situation, the first thing they did was filter them through a panel of judges that picked 30 that would take part in an online selection process ran by a group of fans of the contest.
The most notable contestant in this stage was Brequette. Remember her? After narrowly missing the spot in 2014, she was one of Barei's backing singers in 2016 (I absolutely forgot about this until I was writing this post. Shame on me.) and now she came back with No Enemy, a song she and Barei had written together, and I have to admit it was really good and smartly playing all of her strengths. Since she also was carrying the torch of a painful and narrow defeat, the fans instantly wanted her to do well.
After ten days of voting, 55,000 votes had been received. For comparison, the online phase in 2008 had over 300,000 votes and in 2009 and 2010 it had over two million votes. Part of this was that this received very little promotion, and that (for reasons I'll explain later) the stakes here were pretty low.
The top ten songs in the internet vote qualified to the next round. Surprisingly, despite the fan love Brequette only qualified in third place. In this round, the entries were sifted again through a jury panel that chose three of them to qualify for the live final.
And here's where things start to get weird. The winner of the first round, Nito, not only didn't qualify but placed dead last with zero points from the juries. Brequette didn't qualify either (although she placed fourth). At the end the three qualifiers were Javián, Fruela and Vanesa Cortés, better known as LeKlein, a DJ that was most notable as the girlfriend of Patricia Yurena, the first ever Miss Universe contestant to come out as a lesbian (This is not relevant to the post, by the way. I just thought you might like the trivia). There was some criticism for dropping Brequette, but it came mostly from hardcore fans. The rest of the public felt that was part of the process, let's move on.
This all happened in the second half of December in 2016. In early January a live final was held with a winner decided exclusively by online vote. LeKlein got 63% of the vote, and therefore she won... a pass to the next round of the competition.
What, did you think things would be straighforward? First rule of this year: NO.
Turns out this whole trick and pony show was to pick a wildcard for the real final, which is why neither TVE nor the public cared that much about it, even if it got a lot of praise for doing a quite decent show with almost no budget. The real final would be a month later, where LeKlein would face five other artists internally chosen by TVE. Time to meet them:
First we had Mario Jefferson, a one-member boy band with a couple hits under his belt, coming with Spin my Head.
Then Paula Rojo, a country singer and probably the most notable contestant leading to the national final, with Lo que Nunca fue.
Then Maika Barberó, a rock singer and probably the least notable contestant leading to the national final, with Momento Crítico..
Usually I would link their performances in the national final, but turns out TVE didn't care enough to upload them. They were the bottom three of the final and most of them don't matter that much for this post. As long as you remember who Mario is you're fine.
Then Mirela, who was not at all a stranger to trying for Eurovision. In 2004 she had tried to participate in Junior Eurovision placing second to María Isabel who won the whole thing that year.. She tried to represent Spain in Eurovision in 2007 with La Reina de La Noche, placing second, in 2008 with Stronger, not reaching the final, and in 2009 with Nada es Comparable a Ti, placing fourth. This year she was trying with Contigo, a very tropical Spain-by-numbers song.
Then, Manel Navarro, a relative newcomer to the musical scene that had released his first singles the previous year and entered Do It For Your Lover, which was kinda... reggae influenced surfer pop, dare I say? He had released it earlier that year and it was already bubbling in the charts.
And finally, LeKlein.
You may notice Mario and Manel were singing partly in English and LeKlein had zero Spanish in her song. Maybe RAE protested like they did in previous years, I'm not sure. To be frank, with all that happened this year no one paid attention if they said anything. I recall that the radio version of Manel's song was entirely in English but he added some Spanish for the national final, though.
Mirela and Manel quickly positioned themselves as the frontrunners. Maybe Paula could have a chance to beat them because of her fame but her song was perceived to be too weak, and anything that wasn't either of them going to Eurovision would have been a big upset.
Mirela's supporters nicknamed themselves (ourselves, I was there) #TeamSenosAlAire, which means #TeamBoobsOutInTheAir. (It was because of the intentionally misheard lyrics at the start of Contigo, "Sueños al Aire/Dreams Out in The Air"). Manel's supporters, in an amazing display of creativity, nicknamed themselves #TeamManel.
There was a bit of debate before the final. Manel's fans thought Mirela's song was too stereotypical, going for Spanish clichés, and that she was maybe a bit too desperate to go to Eurovision. Mirela's fans thought Manel's song was too bland and relying on foreign clichés, and that he didn't have that much of a personality. But still, even with the tension and rivalry, the fandom was civil.
The final was planned for February 12th, and it was only a day and a half before that TVE published the rules and the juries and all hell broke loose:
Also, there were a couple changes with the rules:
Remember, this was published on a Friday, for the final that would take place in Sunday.
Most of the fans instantly called this sus. Even looking at this with the best spirits it seemed that TVE was tilting things heavily in favor of Manel, by putting a jury that was guaranteed to push him to the top and two more juries with close ties to TVE that could push its narrative, and giving the juries the final say just in case.
The conspiracy theory was that, since Manel had recently signed with Sony Music, they were interested in raising his profile and had pulled some strings to make sure he would go to Eurovision and TVE was playing along with it. I have to admit it seems more plausible than other years, although it's never been confirmed.
Manel's fans countered that juries were allowed to have their opinions about the songs and that Xavi had never openly stated that Manel was his favorite, he had only said that he liked the song, and that if anything, TVE was to blame for putting him in the jury.
Here you can see a tweet of Xavi one month before the final, in a photo with Manel, saying "It's beautiful to be part of the birth of a star. Long live talent and live music. Enjoying you from the start, Manel. You can see in the replies people right after the announcement that he was a jury, asking him "Who will get your top marks tomorrow? I still can't figure it out", asking him if he and Manel were fucking, and calling him disgusting and a sellout.
Manel's competitors complained too. Several did it anonymously, according to a leak in the press, but at least Mario Jefferson posted a tweet indirectly calling it out. TVE's response was that they had already been informed of the rules and had accepted them. (Although they found out about the juries along with everyone else)
And because one drama was not enough, the day before the final all the artists complained that the TV setup was riddled with technical problems, the lighting was bad and the sound was barely acceptable, and that the stage had been so poorly planned that they wouldn't be able to show well at the same time for the cameras and the juries.
And because two dramas were not enough, the very same day the winner of 2009, Alexander Rybak, revealed that he had received a last-minute invitation to appear as a guest in the final, with around 30 hours to travel to Spain and get ready. He obviously said thanks but no thanks, and other fans unearthed tweets of TVE trying to contact other artists, presumably with the same purpose. TVE was quite ridiculed for this, particularly because the head of delegation had stated multiple times that they had began working towards 2017 the day after the 2016 contest ended.
By the way, one thing that fans do every years is obsessively check the odds in the bets to win Eurovision and try to guess how well or bad the year will go by how the odds behave. This year, right before the national final, Spain was last. That is, no one believed that any of the songs in the national final had an actual chance at Eurovision.
Remember, all of this happened in pretty much a day and a half. (I missed most of that because I was on vacation with my family and only turned it up to watch the final and I still noticed how bad it was and how biased the juries were)
But enough setup and backstory. Let's dive into the drama.
The final was BAD. TVE only bothered to upload the performances of Manel, Mirela and Leklein but the audio was very rough and the stage looked cheap, bare, and with a nostalgic vibe reminiscent of Eurovision 1993. I wish they had kept Mario's performance because he was the only one that managed to make the stage look good...ish.
In the prior two days, when discussing Xavi's support for Manel, the fans of Manel had said that he would play fair, maybe even refrain from giving Manel top marks because it could be too blatant.
First rule of this year: NO.
He basically offered Manel a record deal in the middle of the final, gave him his highest mark, and he gave his lowest mark to Mirela. The second jury, Virginia, also put Manel in the top and Mirela in the bottom, and the third jury, Javier Cárdenas, gave his top mark to Mirela and his second top mark to Manel. Overall, Manel ranked first with the juries with 34 points, while Mirela was joint third with 22 points.
Then it came the televote. Look how happy Manel and Mirela were during the voting. Mirela won with 36 points and Manel was third with 24, so they tied for first place at 58 points and it came down to a show of hands by the juries, with Xavi and Virginia voting for Manel and Javier for Mirela, which meant Manel won... a pass to the next round of competition.
No, I'm just kidding. This was the real thing. Manel won the right to represent Spain at Eurovision.
A large part of the public began whistling, booing and shouting accusations of fraud, to which Manel responded with a bras d'honeur.. I don't know how familiar you are with this gesture, but it's only slightly more polite than flipping them off. The last time something like that happened in a Spanish national final was with John Cobra back in 2010, and Cobra was... well, Cobra.
This was probably the most chaotic and worst managed national final in Spain. With Cobra they were just taking out a troll but the public, hosts, juries and contestants were all on the same page. Here the public was split in two sides going at each other's throat while one of them was also raging against the juries and the winner.
Also, a man in the public tweeted that Xavi had been assaulted when he was trying to leave the hall.
Anyway, plot developments on the next two days:
There was a press conference to formally present Manel and no one from TVE, not even the Head of Entertainment Toñi Prieto, who had been in charge of organizing and overseeing the national final, went there. They just left Manel to deal with that alone.
In the press conference Manel apologized for his gesture, saying that he had acted on the heat of the moment.
It was revealed that Prieto's daughter worked at Sony and was part of Manel's promotion team.
A Twiter hashtag asking for Prieto to quit or be fired from her position became the #1 trending topic in Spain. At some moments there were three different hashtags against her in the top trends.
Mirela's grandpa died. (I am NOT making this up)
Manel's defenders blamed the reaction of the public saying that it was full of eurofans and fans of Mirela that were sore losers because their favorite had lost. (Eurofans is basically a stereotype of gay dudes who live for Eurovision and will fall head over heels over the first diva they find. Think me, then add a lot of glitter.)
Xavi, who was getting most of the blame for the results, penned an open letter defending his decisions, reiterating that the contestants had been informed of the rules and had accepted them, explaining that he had promoted Manel before even knowing that one would be in the final and the other would be a jury, that people should have protested when they knew the rules (Reminder: they had basically a day and a nalf *on a weekend** to do so and when the artists protested they were shut down*), challenging everyone who accused him of rigging the voting to come forward with proof and saying that he wanted nothing to do with Eurovision again.
He confirmed that a member of the public had assaulted him and he had to resort to the hall security to make it out safely. His co-judge Virginia also confirmed it.
Some fans replied with a similar challenge: If (as he said) the assault had been filmed, he should press charges. As far as I know he never did it. There was a rumor that the aggressor had been one of the songwriters for LeKlein but he denied it.
People scoured Xavi's twitter looking for every single interaction with Manel and his team to help the narrative (including a dinner with Manel several weeks before the final and getting Christmas gifts from Manel's manager). They also found a video recorded from the public in the national final showing someone that seemed to be Xavi celebrating Manel's win. At the end it was never confirmed if it was indeed Xavi, but the general consensus was that it was someone else.
A journalist that had been sitting backstage released a video with is own perspective saying that things had been even more tense than it had shown on TV and that the conflict hadn't just been that the public had been filled with eurofans or supporters of Mirela. There were supporters for all the artists and all of them had split along the vote with a majority siding with Mirela. While he didn't confirm the assault to Xavi, he described a scenario in which it was very credible. And this will sound lame after all that, but he also noted that they had been given sparklers to light during the performances, but no means to light them, just to put an extra nail in the coffin of the organizers.
Several petitions to disqualify Manel were launched, and most of them were closed the same day when their organizers received threats from other fans.
Let's introduce, because why not, yet ANOTHER player. Nicky Triphook was a singer that took part in the online phase of the competition with Daddy's Little Girl and had failed to advance past the second jury round, which somehow left him with an axe to grind towards TVE. He had already criticized Xavi's presence in the juries (you know, the kind of thing Xavi said nothing had done) and called him shameful, he had accused Manel's girlfriend of shouting insults to others in the final, and when Xavi asked for proof of the rigging, he published a purported screenshot of a conversation where, allegedly, one month before the national final someone told him that it was already decided that Manel would go to Eurovision. He didn't give any other information, he didn't speak up before, and it was the kind of thing that was pretty easy to fake, but still a lot of people took the accusations and ran with them. Some took it even further, saying that all the artists knew it but they had still done it for the exposure. At least Mario Jefferson took issue with that..
And finally, a member of the Spanish Parliament put up a motion of inquiry requesting the heads of TVE to clarify what had happened to generate that level of controversy, how had they allowed it to happen, and whether they would keep Manel as a representative. A week later Toñi Prieto was formally cited to testify before congress.
At the end this came down to a scapegoat. TVE published a communication defending their decision, saying that they had not broken any of the rules of Eurovision, and also (say it with me) that the artists had been informed of the rules two days before the final and had protested but been ignored accepted them. And Federico Llano, the Head of Delegation (that is, the one in charge of everything Eurovision-related in Spain, responding directly to Toñi Prieto) resigned after fourteen years in that position. That was enough to satisfy Congress.
Overall, even if there had been no conflicts of interest, this came up as horribly mishandling the optics. It would have been much better to accept this looked bad, say they would take measures so it wouldn't happen again, and then send Manel anyway.
There was a small part of the fans that felt the entire process of the national final had been so rotten that it was unsalvageable and it would be better to cancel the whole thing and send LeKlein (who at least had won the online phase without that kind of controversy), but again, nothing came out of it.
In a now-deleted interview, LeKlein also levelled her own accusations of vote rigging, which were denied by Manel.
During the months leading to Eurovision, Manel had to endure a level of bullying and hate that no other Spanish contestant had ever received. Threats, comments in all his social media posts calling him a thief and asking him to quit, wishes for him to place last, fans asking in social media not to vote for him, accusations of sexism because the official video for the song had several shots of a girl's ass... you name it, it happened. And to be fair to him, save for that first outburst in the night of the final, he handled it rather well.
Probably the dumbest controversy in that time was that the music video had ben shot in a cloudy day. Yup. People took issue with that. Because it was supposed to showcase the best side of Spain and they were surfing and that means SUN. And here again, Nicky Triphook came in with the hot take that the video hadn't been shot in Spain, but in the Canary Islands. Which are part of Spain. And Spaniards are very touchy about the unity of their country, for political reasons that we won't talk about, so the fans jumped to his throat until he clarified that he meant that the WEATHER in the Canary Islands was not the same as in mainland Spain. Crisis averted. 👍
The divisions of the fandom continued during all this time. In one side people attacking the results and convinced that it all had been rigged, and in the other people saying it had all been fair and Mirela's fans were sore losers that had to learn to let go, and they also blamed Mirela for not asking her fans to stop. There were also some guys who thought Mirela was so bad that they were okay with rigging things if that meant she didn't go to Eurovision (If you ask if those were amongst the ones who claimed foul and were all for fair play because of the allegations of playback in Junior Eurovision, the answer is OF COURSE).
This also sparkled a debate about the general criteria Spain uses to choose their artists. There were comments that Spain had wanted to internally select Manel but they didn't want to face criticism because he didn't have much trajectory, so a final tilted in his favor could be seen as an undercover internal selection, and there was a heated debate about how the Spanish public sometimes has too high standards for the kind of artists they want, which in turn makes credible artists not want to do anything with Eurovision and that leaves spain scraping the bottom of the barrel.
Manel went to several of the pre-contest parties (There are usually six: Amsterdam, London, Madrid, Tel Aviv, Riga and Moscow, but Riga and Moscow are smaller and usually have mostly or only artists from Eastern Europe), he striked a very nice friendship with Nathan Trent from Austria and Imri Ziv from Israel (If you like shirtless men as much as I do, by all means go to Imri's Instagram. You're welcome), and overall he arrived to Eurovision... not in the best spirits, but in some kind of spirits at least. He was working with Hans Pannecoucke, a stage designer famous for the staging of the runner up in 2014, which is one of THE mythical stagings in Eurovision, and although no one expected him to do something that good, people were expecting a reasonable quality level.
A couple days before the final TVE finally released the voting data of the national final, showing that Mirela got more than twice the votes of Manel, because somehow THAT was the perfect moment to do that.
For financial reasons, Spain automatically qualifies to the final, so Manel didn't have to deal with semifinals.
In the final, the performance was... there. Well, I think it was a performance.. The staging wasn't bad but it wasn't extraordinary either, the backing musicians were standing in front of their instruments and you could hear them in their microphones, the lights were on and sometimes they even moved and changed colors, the backing track was playing and the cameras were rolling. In summary, there were things happening on the staje, but not interesting things. Neither Pannecoucke not Manel delivered. It was a very forgettable performance, which probably the worst thing you can do in Eurovision. Being really bad or wacky at least can make people remember you.
Manel sounded a bit nervous but in general acceptable, until he didn't. Right before the last chorus, he had one of the worst voice cracks ever in the history of the contest which was probably the most memorable moment of his entire performance.
Then it came the moment of the votes. Since 2016 a new voting system was in place, in which juries and televote give their votes separately and the final score is the sum of both votes. Manel placed last with the juries with no points, and people were preparing for another zero score in the televote.
Now, if you're going to place last in Eurovision, particularly with such a controversial entry as Manel and in a country that has a hate/love relationship with the contest heavily tilted towards hate, it's better to place last HARD. Getting also a zero score from the televote would have meant that from 82 voting bodies that could have voted for Manel (41 other countries in the contest, with a jury and a televote each) he had managed to get none of them to vote for him. It would have been quite a feat.
First rule of this year: NO.
There was a country that got a zero in the televote, but it wasn't Spain. It was Austria, represented by Manel's buddy Nathan Trent. (Which was a fucking robbery, by the way.) Manel got five points all from Portugal, which still kept him in last place but without even the bragging rights of a complete zero.
Interviewed right after the contest, he said there was nothing he would self-critique, and the Spanish head of delegation also stated that they saw no need to change anything for the following years.
Even the public that had been indiferent towards Manel took a stand ridiculing him. The voice crack got a remix and multiple parody videos and social media was filled with messages mocking him.
Suddenly, that song and result became something absolutely no one wanted to touch. The yearly talk-show that airs right after Eurovision in Spanish TV to discuss the show and the results was cancelled without even an announcement. This is how much everyone wanted NOT to talk about it.
Manel himself said tried to distance himself from his own participation, saying that he had written the song when he was 15 and had tried to submit other song instead, implied that he had been forced to go with that one, and said that the whole surfer image he had since the national final had been mostly a character created for TV.
Everyone decided to scapegoat the result on the voice crack (although the juries had voted with the rehearsal of the night before without a voice crack, and still had decided that Manel deserved zero points) and more generally on Manel's performance and lack of experience.
TVE basically left him alone, publishing an editorial titled Spain places last after Manel's voice crack.
The day after the final Xavi tweeted that the performance and result were "unforgivable" and when he was reminded that he had voted for Manel he tried to discharge responsibility on all three judges plus the public vote of the national final, and a couple days later he stated that supporting Manel had been a mistake and the song was not right for Eurovision.
(At least Mario Jefferson came forward to defend Manel. That's something, I guess.)
In the following weeks there was another Congress inquiry that had the same results as the first one (spoiler: NOTHING), and multiple calls for the dimission of the heads of TVE that achieved also nothing.
And the reaction for a large part of the fandom could be sumed up in a massive "TOLD YOU SO". (I know I did. I read my old posts about this.)
There was a lot of recrimination amongst fans, still divided between blaming Manel, blaming the lack of support towards Manel, saying that Mirela would have been better, saying that it didn't matter because she was bad... the only thing all the fans agreed was saying that TVE sucked.
Besides blaming Manel, lots of people also blamed Mirela. If only she had stopped her fans from attacking Manel and making him so unsure of himself his voice had cracked... if only the controversy hadn't made this a PR disaster for TVE and Spain... nevermind that hours before the final she had tweeted in support for Manel, this was more likely a provocation to throw him off balance and a PR move to make herself look good.
A couple months later, asked about the reports that TVE had blacklisted Mirela from all their shows, Manel commented that it wasn't her fault, but it was a natural consequence of the actions of her supporters.
As something only tangentially related, while I was browsing old forum posts to unearth all this drama (and there was A LOT, I literally skimmed around 300 pages between the national final and the aftermath, plus Nicky Triphook's entire twitter timeline), I found this sketch that is probably one of the funniest eurovision-related things Spain has ever done. If you don't recognize the girls there it has Soraya, Ruth, Edurne, Rosa, Massiel, and at the end Mirela trying to get in. If you speak any Spanish, give it a try.
I have to confess, writing this was a cathartic experience for me. (This paragraph is mostly my personal perspective, if you allow me) As I said at the beginning, I got caught in the drama and still disliked Manel, but after writing this I mostly feel sorry for him. Seems he was offered a sand castle and then got discarded once he outlived his usefulness to Sony and TVE. Regarding the blame, I would say if you follow the threads you always end up at TVE. Yes, all the harassment Manel had to endure took a toll on him, but there was a whole machinery behind that could have prevented it or tried to stop it and did nothing. Yes, at 20 and with little experience, Manel was one of the greenest contestants Spain had ever sent, but TVE could and should have covered up for his lack of experience. The same year Belgium sent a seventeen year-old reject from The Voice that reached top 4 and in 2010 Germany won with a nineteen year-old with basically zero experience, because their TVs put the kind of work that TVE would never put in.
I still dislike Xavi, though.
So, to wrap things up, where are they now?
So far, TVE has complied with their promise of making no significant changes and the results have followed. 2020 was the beginning of a change but we never got to see it in action because the contest was cancelled.
Nearly all the participants in the national final have kept on with music careers, except for Maika that became a youtuber with very extreme opinions about Eurovision that basically no one agrees with.
Brequette still hasn't gone to Eurovision.
Xavi has continued working in radio and was a judge in later editions of the X Factor.
Mirela moved on to do musical theater, and said that this was a very painful experience for her and she probably won't be willing to go through that again but doesn't completely rule it out.
Manel, surprisingly after all he went through and how damaged his image was after Eurovision, still has a music career. He has released several singles per year and while none of them has been a hit, he still has more a career than, say, Barei. Which is not much but it's something. He also opened up about how bad things were during and after Eurovision.
Oh, and Nicky Triphook had a change of heart and now he loves Xavi and thinks he's an amazing person.
So, that's it for this post. Stay tuned for the next couple years, or how letting shippers pick your entry based on their ships is probably not a good idea.
submitted by NirgalFromMars to HobbyDrama [link] [comments]

Michael Burry Compra Calls de LAS VEGAS SANDS y WINN RESORTS: Mi opinión sobre $LVS Y $BOLT --- PRIMER DD PERSONAL SERIO: Análisis extenso sobre la situación del sector CASINOS y CASINOS ONLINE

Voy a hacer este DD dividiendolo en 4 fases:
1) ¿Quien es Michael Burry? El doctor e inversionista Michael Burry es conocido por ser uno de los pocos que predijo la crisis del 2008, y se benefició de ella de manera bestial, yendo en contra de las hipotecas subprime (algo asi como una inversión en corto). Tal fue el logro que Christian Bale lo interpretó en la aclamada película The Big Short (La gran apuesta). Se describe así mismo como una persona con un leve trastorno de autismo. Yo personalmente, lo vi siempre como el típico yankee obsesionado con la perfección en cada una de sus inversiones. Esto lo podemos ver en su selección de acciones con grandes valores fundamentales (aunque no le crean el tipo también la pego al bet de WSB "Gamestop"), el gran acierto de derivados financieros como sus calls y puts, y su elevada confianza en tener poca diversificación en cartera
2) ¿Por que me gusta el sector del gambling? En primer lugar, debo admitirles que siempre fui un fanático de ver el nivel de locura que manejaban algunas personas al ir al casino. Y no hablo solamente del juego en si, sino del elevado nivel de gastos de estas personas en lujosas habitaciones, costosos tragos o incluso comidas. Otra de las cosas que me llamo mucho la atención, es la preparación del ambiente, a través de su música, sus olores, o incluso la vestimenta de los empleados del lugar. Debemos recordar que personalidades con gran olfato para los negocios estuvieron en este sector, como lo son Sheldon Adelson o incluso el ex presidente Donald J. Trump. Ademas hagamos mención , de que últimamente una gran cantidad de compañas del sector están incursionando en el gambling online, el cual ha demostrado ser extremadamente rentable. Sino veamos el caso de BET365 y las apuestas deportivas.
3) ¿Por que estas 2 compañas? Primero y principal: Porque todas las personas del grupo tienen la posibilidad de invertir a través de la bolsa local mediante al acción de $BOLT y el cedear de $LVS. Yo personalmente vengo viendo a estas dos compañas con gran hambre, y comencé a invertir en ambas en la caída de marzo, iniciando posiciones muy pequeñas que fueron creciendo a lo largo del tiempo.
4) Analisis de ambas compañas:
Las Vegas Sands: Esta es una de las compañas mas monopólicas del sector, principalmente en los mercados de Macao (recordemos que en China los casinos están prohibidos, por lo que las personas suelen ir a barcos en el área marítima de Hong Kong o directamente a Macao) y en Singapur. Tambien debemos recordar que sus casinos mas emblemáticos, los posee en Las Vegas como su nombre lo indica, pero que los últimos años, pasaron a ser una menos del 30% de los ingresos que produce la compaña. Personalmente Adelson nunca tuvo la iniciativa de comenzar a incursionar en el sector del gambling online, pero ahora que falleció hace poco, es probable que la nueva dirección tenga iniciativa viendo la gran competencia en el sector. Particularmente, si realizamos un análisis minucioso de sus finanzas podemos ver que la acción esta en un precio con gran descuento, si tenemos en cuenta que el EVITDA que genera a día de hoy la compaña es demasiado bajo por la situación del COVID-19. Para que se den una idea, cotiza a precios de 2005 en las ultimas ruedas. Debemos recordar que esta compaña, cuenta con una gran cartera de clientes VIP, que no reparan gastos para poder ver a personalidades del espectáculo, comer las mejores comidas, escuchar a sus DJs de moda favoritos, o jugar grandes sumas de dinero en sus casinos. Y por supuesto, el mercado asiático esta creciendo a tasas agigantadas. Lo negativo es que la compaña tiene unos ratios de endeudamiento bastante altos. Ademas corren varios rumores de que la compaña piensa enfocarse totalmente en el mercado asiático, y vender sus casinos en Las Vegas, cosa que para algunos puede ser negativa, pero para mi es una excelente decisión, ya que los ingresos que produce en ese lugar son mucho menores.
Boldt: Esta compaña la decidí incluir personalmente sobre todo porque es una de las empresas mas infravaloradas del MERVAL. Si vemos sus últimos estados contables, podemos ver unas perdidas billonarias, pero aun así, la compaña cuenta con una solvencia a corto plazo envidiable para afrontar sus deudas menores a 12 meses, superando por amplio margen sus activos corrientes a sus pasivos corrientes. Otra de las razones por las que pienso que sus fundamentales la acompañaran a largo plazo, es que hace muy poco tiempo, la compaña comenzó sus casinos online. Debemos de tener en cuenta que la situación económica en la Argentina es muy inestable, y que la economía no acompaña el crecimiento de este tipo de empresas. Ni hablar de la burocracia. Pero esto también lo podemos ver de manera positiva, ya que este sector goza de una posición oligopólica regulada que podría llegar a beneficiarle.
Esto es todo, es mi primer análisis en profundidad para esta comunidad. Gracias a todos los que llegaron hasta acá. La verdad que no quería entrar en tantos tecnicismos, y prefería analizar a las compañas de una manera fundamental "mas entendible" para todos los miembros del grupo. Si desean aportar o comentar sus opiniones siéntanse libres de hacerlo. Muchas gracias a todos! Vamos por mucho mas 🚀 🚀 🚀
submitted by Warren_Buffet_Junior to ArgentinaMervalBets [link] [comments]

Vamos a enriquecernos con las penny stocks. ¡Los españoles también podemos!

Después de todo lo ocurrido con WSB, el mercado ha cambiado, ahora los pequeños inversores como nosotros (desde los que pueden invertir 100 euros hasta los que pueden invertir 1 millon, todos seguimos siendo pequeños inversores) podemos cambiar las tornas.
Os propongo, inversores, enriquecernos con las penny stocks de baja capitalización.
¿Esto sería una especie de pump and dump?
Por si al final esto se investiga, digamos que no lo es.
Imaginemos que conseguimos ser 10,000 usuarios en este reddit ( cosa que creo, no es algo descabellado), y cada uno de nostros invierte una cantidad entre 100-200 euros.
Estamos hablando de una inversión de entre 1-2 millones de euros, para empresas con bajo capital entre 50k y 200k, sería una inyección tan potente que las acciones se dispararían de manera exponencial, creando además atención externa de los medios y otros foros, que aumentaría aún mas si cabe esa subida.
Además animo a que todos invitemos a amigos y familiares, que por las circunstancias se han quedado sin trabajo y/o sin ingresos, a que esto les de un apoyo económico. Esto ya no va de hacerse millonario de un día para otro, va de que podamos generar dinero de una manera digna, tanto para el que lo necesite de manera urgente, como para el que quiera ir creando un fondo de pensiones para su retiro.

Bienvenidos a WallStreetBetSpain
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China se está convirtiendo en el segundo mercado de capitales

Hace tiempo que veo esta tendencia y no he logrado la mejor forma de resolverla para operar con cuenta individual. En concreto me reconozco un ignorante sobre el sistema financiero chino y su interés o no para atraer inversiones extranjeras.
Tampoco se si es fácil y barato abrir cuenta en banco y broker actualmente. Con brokers como Ibkr , IG o tradestation global se puede operar.... pero será lo mejor? No estoy seguro que te dejen comprar un IPO chino (desconozco). Se puede entrar y salir del país sin restricciones? Macao es o va a ser mejor que HK para invertir?
Dejo esta nota de FT muy interesante que le hicieron a Dalio
Si alguno tiene info se agradece. No es un tema para andar googleando.
Edit: pego nota a continuación
China will emerge as a rival to New York and London as the world’s financial centre, according to Bridgewater founder Ray Dalio, who is betting heavily on what would be an epochal shift in the global economy.
2020 was a “defining year” for Chinese financial markets, the co-chief investment officer of the world’s biggest hedge fund told the Financial Times last month, with the coronavirus crisis starkly highlighting the country’s economic outperformance — and spurring Rmb1tn of investment inflows.
Although China’s financial system remains less developed than its western peers, it will be only a matter of time before it is a contender for Wall Street and the City of London’s supremacy, Mr Dalio said.
“China already has the world’s second largest capital markets, and I think they will eventually vie for having the world’s financial centre,” Mr Dalio said. “Throughout history, the largest trading countries evolved into having the global financial centre and the global reserve currency.
“When you see the transition from one empire to another, from the Dutch to the British to the American, to me it just looks like that all over again,” he added in an interview with the FT in mid-December, shortly before the death of his son.
Foreign investment has been lured into China by a combination of its recovery from the pandemic — which means its economy will have grown about 1.9 per cent last year, according to the IMF, even as developed peers suffered their biggest recessions in generations — and moves to include its stocks and bonds in several influential financial indices.
Line chart of CSI 300 index showing Chinese shares have rallied past their 2015 peak Tens of billions of dollars worth of inflows from international investors helped lift the CSI 300 mainland stock index by 27 per cent in local currency terms during 2020. Chinese government bonds, meanwhile, still offer yields far greater than developed countries’ debt.
Many analysts and money managers expect international investors to continue ratcheting up their allocations to China in the coming years. “I have been immersed in China since 1984 and bullish on China for a long time . . . and all the time I got scepticism — up until now,” Mr Dalio said.
Investing in China clearly brings challenges and political risks, highlighted by the suspension of Ant Group’s planned flotation last year, when Beijing put on ice what was set to be the world’s biggest IPO.
“Nothing’s perfect, but you’ve got to diversify,” Mr Dalio said. “The capital markets are not only growing, they're good investments, and the world is underinvested there.”
Mr Dalio predicts China could in time account for a “very meaningful” part of Bridgewater’s business, which has about $150bn in assets under management. The onshore, renminbi-denominated version of its All Weather China Fund has about $300m under management, and returned 24.6 per cent last year.
Don’t be blind to China’s rise in a changing world All Weather is a range of “risk parity” funds, a passive strategy designed to generate steady returns by investing in a variety of markets, weighted according to their volatility.
The China offshore version has about $4bn in assets and returned 11.9 per cent in 2020, while the flagship Pure Alpha fund — a more traditional “macro” hedge fund that seeks to profit from economic trends — lost 7.6 per cent, according to people familiar with the matter.
Mr Dalio expects to introduce something more similar to Bridgewater’s Pure Alpha Fund in China in the coming years. “As we learn more, develop our expertise and build our edges, we will build that out more completely,” he said.
The figure for Bridgewater’s assets under management has been updated to reflect the 2020 year end value.
submitted by valhalaman to merval [link] [comments]

Pump and Dump and Chump - por Paul Krugman

Para los que no lo conocen, es profesor de Priceton y nobel de economia.
GME y toda la movida. Toda la epica de "la gente comun" contra wallstreet cuando en realidad es una maniobra mas vieja que la injusticia. Un hermoso relato que llena los fotos y las paginas de los diariosvpero por debajo, algo que se invento al otro dia que el mercado de valores
En un mundo más razonable, casi nadie se preocuparía por los altibajos del precio de las acciones de un minorista pequeño. Incluso cerca de la cima de su montaña rusa impulsada por Reddit, GameStop representó solo alrededor del 0.06 por ciento del valor total de las acciones estadounidenses. Además, el mercado de valores en sí mismo es principalmente un espectáculo secundario de la economía real.
Pero no vivimos en un mundo razonable, vivimos en un mundo donde la historia de GameStop atrajo brevemente la atención mundial. Y la locura ofreció algunas lecciones importantes, no tanto sobre economía y mercados como sobre psicología y política.
Porque resulta que a pesar de los cuatro años de Donald Trump, nuestra sociedad sigue siendo notablemente crédulo. Y no solo los miembros del público creen lo que ven en las redes sociales; demasiadas personas influyentes siguen cayendo en el falso populismo.
La historia hasta ahora: GameStop es una cadena de tiendas que vende videojuegos y otros productos electrónicos. Con el auge de los juegos en línea, el negocio subyacente de la compañía ha ido disminuyendo gradualmente. Recientemente, algunos fondos de cobertura, que creían que esta disminución no se reflejaba completamente en el precio de sus acciones, comenzaron a vender las acciones al descubierto , es decir, tomaron prestadas acciones y las vendieron, esperando volver a comprarlas a precios más bajos.
Ingrese a Reddit , un sitio de discusión en línea. WallStreetBets , un “subreddit” (panel de discusión) que atiende a pequeños inversores que asumen riesgos, se ha convertido en una fuerza en el mercado: las acciones promocionadas en la pizarra, las llamadas acciones de memes, a veces se disparan. Y eso es lo que le pasó a GameStop.
GameStop contra Wall Street

Permítanos ayudarlo a comprender

De hecho, GameStop aumentó tanto que los vendedores en corto se vieron obligados a retirar sus cartas. El aumento del precio de las acciones significaba que estaban perdiendo dinero y, para limitar sus pérdidas, tenían que deshacer sus posiciones, lo que significaba volver a comprar las acciones, lo que hizo que su precio subiera aún más.
Eso fue la semana pasada. Esta semana, el precio de las acciones de GameStop ha vuelto principalmente, aunque no del todo, a la tierra. Y ahora, en lugar de leer sobre pequeños que de repente se hicieron ricos, estamos leyendo sobre pequeños inversores que compraron cerca de la cima y perdieron los ahorros de toda su vida .
Entonces, ¿qué fue todo eso? Las redes sociales actuaron como un acelerador, pero la historia básica de lo que sucedió es muy antigua. Esto fue básicamente un bombeo y descarga, con una orden secundaria de comercio depredador.
Se produce un bombeo y descarga cuando un inversor o un grupo de inversores compran una acción a bajo precio, luego aumentan su precio difundiendo rumores y / o desinformación, permitiéndoles descargar sus acciones en tontos ingenuos - " tenedores de bolsas " - con una ganancia. En principio, esa es una práctica ilegal, pero es poco probable que alguien termine siendo acusado en el asunto GameStop, ya que probablemente será imposible demostrar la intención.
Aún así, las acciones de hecho se bombearon, no sabemos exactamente quién impulsó GameStop, pero se informa que muchas publicaciones de WallStreetBets provienen de bots, no de seres humanos reales, y alguien ganó mucho dinero vendiéndolas a los poseedores de bolsas.
El comercio depredador se mueve y explota los recursos financieros limitados de otros comerciantes, lo que los obliga a deshacer sus posiciones y reforzar los movimientos de precios. Normalmente pensamos en los fondos de cobertura como los depredadores en tales situaciones; el ejemplo más famoso puede ser el juego de George Soros contra la libra esterlina en 1992. Pero la semana pasada algunos de los fondos de cobertura fueron la presa.
En general, es una historia desagradable sin buenos chicos obvios. ¿Quién va a derramar lágrimas por los vendedores en corto? Pero también, en términos financieros, son papas pequeñas. Lo preocupante de la saga GameStop no es el hecho de que algunas personas perdieron dinero; es, como dije, la continua credulidad que estos eventos exponen.
Seamos claros: lo que acaba de ocurrir no fue un levantamiento populista. Nuestra economía ha dejado atrás a muchas familias, pero lo que los trabajadores estadounidenses necesitan es el fin del estancamiento salarial , no la oportunidad de apostar por las acciones. De hecho, cuando se calme el polvo, probablemente descubramos que los pequeños inversores como grupo perdieron dinero en el frenesí comercial, mientras que Wall Street ganó.
Pero la narrativa de los pequeños que se enfrentaron a The System seguramente atrajo a algunas víctimas desprevenidas. Y las cosas se pusieron realmente feas una vez que las acciones de GameStop comenzaron su inevitable descenso.
Cuando la plataforma de negociación Robinhood dejó de aceptar temporalmente pedidos de algunas acciones volátiles porque no tenía suficiente efectivo para respaldar las operaciones, demasiadas figuras públicas alegaron inmediatamente la conspiración. No es de extrañar que el senador Josh Hawley, posiblemente el principal falso populista de Estados Unidos y un gran promotor de las mentiras electorales que llevaron al saqueo del Capitolio, se uniera . Pero algunos progresistas se hicieron eco de la denuncia.
Deberían haberlo sabido mejor. Siempre hubo un matiz obvio de QAnonish en el fenómeno de las acciones de memes, y se ha vuelto cada vez más fuerte a medida que esas acciones se hunden; sí, hay personas en Reddit y otras redes sociales que atribuyen toda la culpa a los banqueros judíos .
Así que permítanme hacer un llamado a todos los que se preocupan por las desigualdades de nuestra sociedad: está bien apoyar el populismo, pero asegúrese de que el populismo sea real. Necesitamos políticas serias para mejorar la vida de los estadounidenses, no teorizaciones de conspiración y guerras culturales falsas contra las "élites".
submitted by jmh300 to merval [link] [comments]

[Eurovision] Spain in the late 2000's: El Chiki Chiki and the next years, or how an internet meme became one of the most memorable acts in history and broke Spain's spirit forever.

Oh yeah. If you have seen the comments of my previous post, the most common comment in all of them is "Where is El Chiki Chiki?", and if you don't follow Eurovision you must already be wondering what the hell is that and why people request it so much.
Buckle up, you're about to find out.
Here's the usual glossary for those who haven't been following this:
The setup
So I already told you how Spain is the only country with 100% victory drama in the sixties and a bit of miscelaneous drama in the next three decades.
And then it came the early two thousands, and they got their hearts broken in 2002 when, after hyping themselves believing that Rosa would win or place very close to the top she only placed seventh and from then on the placements of Spain went steadily downhill, and the Spanish public became convinced that Eurovision was a big joke, that Spain would never do well and that basically it wasn't worth the effort.
Here we will deal with the next three years, and if you want a heads up, what happened here was what would happen if the Trump electoral campaigns were an Eurovision country.
2008: Or why letting internet trolls pick your national representatives is not a good idea
In 2008, Spain decided to hold a national final to chose their representative in Eurovision. The title was, Salvemos Eurovisión, which translates as "Miraculously we found a fuck to give but it's probably the last one" "Let's save Eurovision", just so you can gauge how their spirits were. And they decided to hold their national final, for the first time ever, via the internet.
Now, you need to remember that 2008 was twelve years ago and the internet back then was radically different from what it's now. Reddit was less popular than Digg, Yahoo was worth money, Chrome didn't exist and this was the most watched video on Youtube.
For social media, Facebook was still only a blip on the radar and TVE decided to use MySpace for the national final. (If you don't know what that is, ask your parents).
TVE set up a platform on MySpace in which any artist could submit a song and anyone in Spain could vote. The five songs with the most votes and five more picked by a jury would qualify to a televised final.
They received a grand total of 536 songs from all over Spain. (Amongst them La Revolución Sexual from La Casa Azul which is how I discovered Eurovision, so you can blame them for this post if you want).
One of these online entries was El Chiki Chiki by Rodolfo Chikilicuatre. This is very blatantly a joke entry. Besides being intentionally performed badly, it parodies reguetón music that was pretty in at the time and mocks some iconic dance steps (el brikidans, el cruzaíto, el maiquelyaison and el robocó).
But there's more: The lyrics make barely veiled references to the prime minister of Spain José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, the opposition leader Mariano Rajoy, president of Venezuela Hugo Chávez and an the time the Spanish King told him to shut the fuck up in an international summit. In theory, this is all political commentary that is against the rules of Eurovision, and somehow TVE accepted it.
Another point of controversy was that Chikilicuatre was a comic character (The real name of the guy is David Fernández and you're not going to remember it just like I don't) created for a late night show that promoted his song heavily and whose host called his public to vote for him. Other contestants protested, saying that he was getting an unfair amount of promotion, but TVE told them tough luck, maybe they should have thought of becoming friends with a late night host too.
And then, enter the next big player: Forocoches.
Although its name is an allusion to cars, Forocoches was an internet forum with very little moderation and a high propensity for trolling, that kind of was the closest thing Spain had to a native version of 4chan (you already can see where this is going, right?) and they decided it would be a hilarious joke to vote the song and make it go to Eurovision. They started voting for Chikilicuatre en masse and between this and the tv promotion he shot up to the top of the voting.
Then there was a fallout between the trolls. The users of Forocoches were expecting some acknowledgement from the show and its host (they were allies, after all), and when they didn't get it they decided to divert their efforts to an even more trollish act: Antonio el Gato with "La Bicicletera", which is either an amazing example of abstract dubstep or one of the worst songs ever. El Gato shot from 300 votes to over 80,000 in two days and TVE decided that maybe letting internet votes be manipulated was not a good idea. They disqualified El Gato, but they kept Chikilicuatre.
So Chikilicuatre and Forocoches were pretty much stuck with each other. He won the online voting round and then he also won the public vote in the final and not even by a slim margin: In total he got 60 points versus 48 of runner up Coral.
This wasn't just a TV show promoting him or just internet trolls voting for him. This was a majority of the public deciding to send him because they were done with Eurovision and sending a joke act to laugh at Europe and tell them how little they cared. They were not the first country to do that nor they would be the last, it's all part of the game.
Now, the lyrics have a lot of politics which is is a big no in Eurovision, so obviously they would have to sanitize them for Eurovision. Of course.
The final version had some lyrics rewritten to add fake English, but the only political allusion that was removed was Hugo Chavez. Anything else was still there and somehow the EBU let it pass because it was in a language that a majority of Europe wouldn't understand.
The rest of the act had been taken up to eleven, including playing a toy guitar at the beginning, a backing singer pretending to fall and flashing her underwear to the audience, a mock crucifixion with Chikilicuatre held in the air by his backing singers... He was going full force troll act.
I personally don't like it, but I have to admit that as a joke act it's VERY effective. You don't need to understand the language to be in the joke, you just have to watch it, and it's pretty memorable. At that time the scores in Eurovision were 100% televote and the public responded... comparatively well to it, taking it to sixteenth place in a field of twenty-five.
Is it a good place? Meh, not really. He was barely avoiding the lower third of the score table. But is it a good place for the expectations about him? Hell yeah! And not only that, it was the best place Spain had in four years and precisely when they were trying to avoid it.
Just like Rosa's relative failure did six years before, Chikilicuatre's relative success had a big impact in the Spanish psyche and giving the same exact message: Eurovision was not worth taking seriously. Just look at this! A serious act with all their effort behind it had only placed seventh, while a troll act full of disdain had managed to place sixteenth! Why try hard or even try at all, if phoning it in you didn't risk disappointment and could actually end up in better spirits? (Since people recall better their feelings than the facts that caused them, a decade later some people actually believe that Chikilicuatre placed higher than Rosa)
The top performers of the year didn't help: The winner for Russia brought his own ice rink and an Olympic skater to dance on it (And for reference, this is the same guy that two years earlier had brought a piano with a ghost woman and to ballerinas ) Ukraine managed to give boners to both gay and straight dudes wit a Swarowski-clad diva climbing a translucent wall (No, really, watch that. It's probably the ultimate 2000's Eurovision act. We PEAKED there, people) and Greece rounded the top three with a pop-up book slightly smaller than my living room. They're all very over the top, flashy acts with that are at least as focused on the show as on the song, if not more, and also Russia, Ukraine and Greece belong to strong voting blocs (Former Soviets and Balkans, respectively), so this continued reinforcing the perception of Eurovision as a joke.
And... well, that's the story of how Spain lost the last fuck they had to give, by having a very successful joke that went better than expected. Positive reinforcement is a hell of a drug.
And that, kids, is why internet trolls shouldn't be allowed to weigh in real world decisions.
2009: They stole our votes!
The next year Spain organized again a national final, titled "Eurovisión: El retorno" (That translates as "Eurovision: The return" but pretend it doesn't. It was bullshit and everyone knew it). The format was pretty similar, with first an online round (With a whopping 978 songs) from which the public chose 20 and after adding more songs from a jury and three semifinals, twelve songs faced each in the final. This year there were no troll shenanigans and the national final was shaping up pretty smoothly until the first semifinal.
At the end it came down to two rather similar acts: Soraya with La Noche es Para Mí and Melody with Amante de la Luna. (If they seem a bit similar to two of the top three of last year is because they are. Spain has talent to find what works in Eurovision after it worked).
Melody was in a partnership with Los Vivancos, a group of dancers known for mixing Spanish folk dance with stripping onstage. The kind of things the Eurovision public likes. Four days after the first semifinal in which they competed and qualified, they decided that the stage was too small, the audio was bad, the video was bad, and that what was supposed to be an equal partnership between them and Melody was being treated in media as if they were only her backup dancers. With only ten days left to the final, they announced they were dropping out and left melody scrambling to find a replacement group of dancers. Which she did.
And at the end her performance was not that bad. They even had the pecs and everything.
Melody won the juries and placed second in the televote, and Soraya placed second in the juries and won the televote, and since the tiebreaker was the televote she was chosen as Spain's representative.
Her song, by the way, had been composed in Greek two years earlier and had been rejected by three artists before she took it, had it rewritten in Spanish and released it, and urged by her fans she entered it to the online voting two hours before the deadline. (It was eligible since none of the other artists released it commercially). Now, I'm not saying anything, but maybe if three artists already rejected your song you should take a step back and reconsider if you really want it...
The Spanish fans, of course, started hyping it because that's what they do. It was a powerful song, it would be rewritten to make it even more powerful, Greece would vote for Spain because the original composers of the song were Greek, Sweden would vote for Spain because Soraya's boyfriend was a Swede... and I'm not kidding, this is what some of them said, forgetting that the people who care about this kind of details is a minuscule fraction of the total voters who only care about the song and only hear it on Eurovision night.
And Soraya fed them. She promised the fans an amazing show, in which they (I quote) "would see butterflies instead of eyes" and they would have "an amazing concept never seen in Eurovision".
What did they get instead? Smoky eyes and a disappearing trick with a piece of orange fabric.. (You can click here for the part of the trick). It wasn't bad, but... ok, yes, it was bad. Particularly because of the fabric. You could see the seams, literally and figuratively, and at the end she just moved a couple meters to the left and the camerawork didn't help to hide it.
In 2009 juries were back and left her dead last, while televote left her slightly higher and the combined votes put her in second last position, 24 out of 25. Spain had placed last before but it had been with less countries competing, and in absolute terms this was Spain's lowest position ever.
But let's go back in time to several weeks before the contest: Spain was originally planned to broadcast the first semifinal on Tuesday and vote on it (although they were not competing in the semifinal due to being automatically qualified to the final), and because of some to some internal issues by TVE they requested to switch to the second semifinal on Thursday.
This was already a problem because two of Spain's neighbors (Portugal and Andorra) were in the first semifinal and they would miss the chance of some sweet neighborly votes. Both countries protested but EBU accepted it, although with some reluctance. At the end Portugal qualified and Andorra placed so low that getting votes from Spain would have made no difference, but anyway...
Now, the Madrid Open on tennis was also happening on Thursday a few hours before than the second semifinal and TVE was already commited to show it, and when one of the Thursday matches went into overtime and started eating the time on the semifinal, TVE decided to continue showing it because they gauged that Spaniards cared more about tennis than about Eurovision. They later played the semifinal with a one-hour delay, and instead of using public vote and juries they used only the jury votes.
Most of the countries taking part on the semifinal complained and for very valid reasons: Semifinals are a way for the European public to get a first contact with the songs competing, and a lot of the Spanish public missed this chance because a rerun is not as exciting as a live event, so the countries that qualified to the final would miss an advantage on the final that they should have had (It's not THAT unfair: From the countries not competing in the semifinals, Germany and UK were showing the first semifinal, and France and Russia showed the second semifinal, so each semifinal's qualifiers would have an advantage with those particular countries).
And it was even worse for the countries that did not qualify, since they missed the only chance to show to the Spanish public their songs (including these masterpieces about a shoe and a traffic jam because this is fucking Eurovision). Now, one of the purposes of Eurovision, particularly for small countries without that much tourism, is simply to remind their existence to the rest of Europe and increase their regional presence, so cutting the chance to do this in one of the biggest markets in Europe was a big deal and none of the countries in the second semifinal were particularly happy with Spain.
So, the Spanish fans came up with an alternative explanation for their low placing: All these countries were angry and agreed not to vote for Spain to punish them and...
No, I'm just kidding. THAT would have made sense. The explanation they created was that Soraya had actually placed in the top 10 but EBU wanted to punish Spain for the delayed broadcast and had lowered their score by a hundred points. Never mind the fact that this would require rewriting the votes of at least a dozen countries and probably more, while the vote was happening, that it would have affected the standing of all other entries in the final, and that this could be solved simply with a fine.
Hardcore fans who are more privy with how Eurovision works will say this ironically, but some of the average Spaniards honestly believe this.
And a second explanation, that made so much noise that it was even echoed by one of the major TV channels in Spain, was that this was all on purpose. Spain knew that Soraya had high chances to win and they didn't want to deal with the expense of hosting the contest next year, so they had intentionally delayed the broadcast of the semifinal to make other countries angry at them and force EBU to punish them to make sure they didn't win.
(Nevermind the fact that Alexander Rybak with Fairytale had been the red hot favorite for months and basically had the victory in the bag since he was selected to represent Norway, and that the winner hosting is a tradition but not mandatory)
5D chess, everyone!
Then Spain sued Norway in the Supreme Court of Europe asking to remove their win... wait, wrong year and continent. My bad.
2010: Because having internet trolls influence your choices once was not bad enough.
In 2010, Spain did again a national final in two parts, first an online selection titled OH GOD WHO CARES THEY CHANGE THE NAME EVERY YEAR "Eurovisión: Tu país te necesita" (Translates as "Eurovision: Your country needs you") and then a televised final.
The online process was rife with irregularities. Even if TVE said that joke entries would be avoided because they didn't want another Chikilicuatre, there was a lot of them.
The frontrunner of the votes, Karmele with Soy un Tsunami, was disqualified in late January. I think this is the song and if it is, it probably was disqualified for having lyrics mentioning the Spanish claims over Gibraltar, for mentioning commercial brands and for plagiarizing an old francoist song. She threw a tantrum, but there was not that much she could do.
Chimo Bayo, who was in third place in the votes with La Fiesta del Fuego was disqualified as well for having been released in pubs before the required deadline of October 1st. Although another most probable reason was because he had close ties to competitor channels to TVE (some other songs with limited releases have been able to compete). Two other acts were also disqualified.
Then El Pezón Rojo (That translates as "The red nipple") shot to the top of the votes with Y yo tan sexy, and twelve days later they were disqualified as well because their song had been aired in a podcast two years earlier. Three other acts were also disqualified.
The online voting phase ended three days later and ten songs passed to the televised final, Destination Oslo.
A lot of things have been gone from the internet in these ten years, so please excuse me for getting third hand reports about the whole thing, but apparently what happened here is that Forocoches had originally supported Chimo Bayo, and when he got disqualified they decided to boost the worst act they could find and their pick was John Cobra with Carol.
I don't really like Chikilicuatre, but I have to admit it's a well conceived comedic act and it requires a lot of talent to successfully pull it off. John Cobra was just not that at all. It's not well conceived and it doesn't require or show any talent.
Despite TVE's assurances that they would not allow troll acts, somehow John Cobra slipped through their filters and when the online voting finished he was on second place and passed to the televised final.
And he made an absolute shitshow then: Allegedly, some members of Forocoches in the public booed him because they had asked him to wear a t-shirt with the logo of Forocoches and he failed to do it. The rest of the public booed him simply because he was just awful.
His response was grabbing his crotch and shout at the public to suck his dick, on live TV. The presenter spent several minutes scolding him like a kindergardener and trying to get him to shut up just so she could continue with the show while he alternated between aggressively requesting a blowjob from his haters, aggressively thanking Forocoches and aggressively interrupting the judges when they were giving him their opinions, until one of the judges shut him down and told him that his attitude disqualified him to be in music forever. This got probably the loudest applause of the night.
The presenter had to apologize twice for his attitude to the public and the viewers, once in the moment and another before announcing the winner, calling him "shameful".
You can see the whole nine minute shitshow here or a highlight reel here. Even if you don't speak Spanish it's worth it.
Unsurprisingly, he placed last.
The winner and Spain's representative was Daniel Diges with Algo Pequeñito, a ballad of a man asking for a small show of love from his partner. The 2008 runner up Coral placed second again just to rub salt on her wounds.
The song got a rather meh reception from the Spaniards. It wasn't seen as bad, but it was definitely considered cheesy and boring. But hey, at least it wasn't John Cobra and that was a pretty good quality. (Can anyone say Biden?). And most people disliked his staging, with backing dancers dressed as circus performers (kinda like childhood keepsakes) and pretty nonsensical dancing. But hey, he wasn't John Cobra!
The dancing has it's merits, though: Imagine standing in one leg without moving at all during the first minute of the song. Now imagine doing that but in a handstand. That was difficult. But yes, it was creepy. His backing dancers are pretty much out of a child's nightmare.
During his performance in Eurovision, a Catalan professional invader that had entered the field of soccer and tennis matches and even the track of a Formula 1 race and had already been arrested for assaulting Roger Federer jumped on the stage and joined the dancers, wearing a traditional Catalan headwear. (I'm intentionally not linking his profile or writing his name, btw). He was onstage for around half a minute until security chased him out, but you can still see him get dragged out in a couple takes after he jumps off the stage.
Then when Daniel's backing singer entered the frame as it was planned, some people thought it was the streaker again and were very confused until they realized what was happening.
Here you can see the whole thing.
In hindsight, this played in Daniel's favor because of how professionally he and his dancers handled it. They didn't miss a beat of the performance even if they had no idea what was happening and this could actually have been dangerous. They were allowed to perform again at the end of the show and this second performance went without interruptions, and Spain eventually placed fifteenth.
(This was one position higher than Chikilicuatre, but I bet you no one in the Spanish public remembers it).
So yeah, 2010 was the year where trolls had a second chance and almost got it, but in the end, they didn't and everyone gave a sigh of relief.
Some other stage invasions, just because.
I'm not sure if this was the first stage invasion in Eurovision, but it certainly wasn't the last. Some people asked for this and since it wouldn't merit a post of its own, I will take the chance to write about two other notorious stage invasions:
In 2017, when previous year's winner Jamala was performing as an interval act in the final, an Ukrainian guy drapped in an Australian flag jumped onstage and bared his ass and was actually tackled out the stage. He probably was treated much more roughly because political tensions in 2017 Ukraine were much higher than in 2010 Norway and he was deemed a much more serious threat. EBU later uploaded her performance on the rehearsal the day before as the official version. I watched it twice waiting for the mooning moment before realizing what was happening. Shame on me.
And in 2018, a British political activist interrupted the performance of Surie, representing United Kingdom, to demand press freedom. They cut to shots of the public while security reduced him and gave Surie back his microphone. I was watching this contest live on a square in Lisbon, btw, but at right that moment I was too busy trying to get into some Irish dude's pants and missed it happening. And I didn't even get the dude. Shame on me.
Just like Daniel, Surie was offered the chance to perform again but she declined, saying that she was proud of how she had handled it. (A year later she revealed that it had been pretty traumatic, though, and she actually had to deal with PTSD because of it). And just like Jamala, EBU uploaded the version in the rehearsal of the previous day as the official version, but BBC decided to keep the version with the invasion.
Just so we don't miss a year, 2011
2012 was a turning point for Spain, so I want to write about 2011 here to tie things up. There wasn't much drama this year. They changed the format to a show to pick first and foremost artists. Three acts made the national final with each of them being given three songs, and then the most voted song by each artist would go to a final round to be chosen by the public.
The winner was Lucía Pérez with "Que me Quiten lo Bailao", a song she really didn't want to perform (She was much more keen of Abrázame, another of her songs). Still, she was stuck with that song and tried to do her best.
At the end, Spain placed third from the bottom with 50 points. This is actually a very high score for such a low placing and 2011 had the most even final ever, with the winner scoring only 221 points. As a comparison, in the most uneven final ever in 2015 both songs in the top 2 passed 300 points, a score of 50 would have put her in 12th place, and the third song from the bottom scored only 4 points.
Germany was hosting in 2011 and they took LED screens in the background to a new level, and there is an urban legend that Spain didn't specify what they wanted on the screens and when they were shown a stereotypical palms and fireworks background they protested, only to be told that it would be either that or exploding pigs.
I don't think that's true, but I decide to believe it because it's hilarious.
So that's it. I hope you enjoyed it and stay tuned for the 2010's: How Spain kind of got their mojo back and lost it again.
submitted by MarsNirgal to HobbyDrama [link] [comments]

UPDATE: 1)Formas de utilizar bien el sub 2)Esperemos hasta el lunes y hagamos un buen DD este fin de semana! 3)Lunes TO THE MOON 🚀🚀🚀

Primero que nada les quiero agradecer a todos los que se sumaron y están aportando tanto al grupo. De verdad estoy super convencido de que esto es el comienzo de una gran comunidad, y por supuesto que me pone muy contento como estoy seguro que a ustedes. Les recuerdo que las operaciones coordinadas de "pump and dump" están prohibidas por el ordenamiento jurídico vigente de nuestro país; por lo que la mejor manera de hacer un verdadero "TO THE MOON 🚀" es por medio de un DD (Due Diligence), YOLO, Discussion, Gain, Loss, News o incluso publicando Memes (utilizando el Flair correspondiente según corresponda) de la misma manera en que lo hacen en el WallStreetBets original. Esto es para evitar complicaciones legales futuras en casos extremos. Gracias por llegar hasta acá y leer. Vamos a seguir haciendo crecer esta comunidad! 🚀 🚀 🚀
submitted by Warren_Buffet_Junior to ArgentinaMervalBets [link] [comments]

Spanish media: "Why is Gamestop the long-awaited triumph of "Occupy Wall Street"?"

Deleted from WSB. It has an obvious ideological bias, but in any case it's one of the most accurate and complete articles I have read to date about the whole $GME situation.
Feb 6, 2021. By Andrés Arellano Báez
Nassim Nicholas Taleb abandoned anonymity since the launch of his book "The Black Swan". In an interview to promote the text with Charlie Rose, the author shared that "a stockbroker on Wall Street may have no more predictive capacity than a cab driver" about his market. And he spoke about the matter from experience, as it was precisely in that mythical place where his first job would be located. For decades, the humans inhabiting that corner of Manhattan made the world believe that Taleb's ideas were ridiculous: they boasted that they were wizards capable of navigating the turbulent waters of the financial world thanks to their vast knowledge. And the story seemed credible; until a group of uneducated citizens beat them in a billion-dollar game, on their terms and conditions, and sank many of those proud boatmen.
There is always wisdom to be found in history. According to investor Dylan Ratigan, a connoisseur of the US market like few others and author of "Greedy Bastards", George W. Bush's attempts to privatize Social Security in the United States must be framed in the context of the ongoing desire, mainly by Wall Street, to convince the small investor to become a stock market player. The desire of the sharks of the financial world, always hungry to expand their business, made them see those citizens without significant monetary resources as weak prey that, once they managed to unite, would become truly juicy portions. But the bait failed to catch the victims and the public's disconnect with the world of finance remained intact. That is, until one company hit upon the root of the problem: the interface. Ratigan's words on the matter are illuminating: "A new investor would come to the market and find an interface that looked as complicated as driving a 747. The appearance of Robinhood, presenting a platform apparently developed under the slogan "investments for dummies", which also did not charge commissions to its users, attracted and convinced millions to participate.
In August 2019, Mexico's El Financiero accidentally stumbled upon a story that would grow into an unpredictably mind-blowing one. In an article focused on how the next big financial stratospheric leap would be in South Korea and some small companies, the U.S. newspaper revealed that Michael "Burry asked Gamestop, a video game retailer, and Tailored Brands, a men's clothing retailer," to buy back all of his shares. At the time, the investor turned celebrity after being played by Christian Bale in "The Big Short", owned 5.3% of the video game retailer through his hedge fund Scion Asset Management, which he acquired at a price per share of between 2 and 4.2 dollars, according to the media.
Although Barry had become a major player on Wall Street, he consecrated his title by betting on two unpredictable crashes, both in markets certified as AAA by the major rating agencies: the dot. com debacle in 2001 and the global financial crisis caused by the loss on mortgage-backed securities securitized as credit default swaps in 2007, in Gamestop's case it seems that it was not its ability to foresee the future that led to its success, but its already earned influence in the markets that was the reason for having a third winning bet. It was a self-fulfilling prophecy. As soon as the guru took a position in Gamestop, another major investor, Ryan Cohen, made a significant purchase of the stock, and then a massive number of smaller investors, many of them fans of the brand and initiated into the stock market thanks to Robinhood, followed in his footsteps. One of them deserves special mention: Keith Gill, known online as "DeepF-ingValue". A crazy and unprecedented story was beginning to unfold.
Nothing indicates that Burry foresaw the debacle. According to Business Insider, after taking a strong position in Gamestop, the financier promoted far-reaching changes in the company. His bet seems to have been to transform the company's fundamentals, price the stock and generate a large profit over the long term. He had already stated his vision of "investing heavily in undervalued and overlooked stocks", as "asset managers have orphaned lower-value stocks globally". All of the new investors, many of them brand lovers, wanted the same thing as the financial guru. Gill confessed to The Wall Street Journal that "people were doing a quick take, saying Gamestop was the next Blockbuster," referring to another chain fallen from grace. "It seemed like a lot of people just weren't digging deeper," the interviewee continued. It was a gross misclassification of opportunity." All the small investors, led by Gill, saw Gamestop as a company that would have a second life.
But along came the pandemic that would change everything, and everything would go haywire, laying the groundwork for what would be a truly unprecedented IPO. Gamestop is a corporation whose heart is located in shopping malls. It is their space par excellence. With the spread of Covid-19 closing each one of them, the future of the business was projected to be threatened. The biggest and most traditional players in the market became aware of the problems created by the new context and acted accordingly, starting a bet against the company: short operations whose element of relevance is only one: the big funds decided to invest millions of dollars waiting for the share price to fall. They would make a profit if the price of the purchased share fell over time. And the global outlook created an ideal scenario for such a financial move. From their perspective, the analysis was correct and the numbers proved to be right.
The action taken by hedge funds is known in the market as short selling. The funds borrow a share from someone and are obliged to return it to its owner on a certain date. The borrowed share is sold at the market price to a third party with whom, in turn, they are obliged to buy it back within a certain period of time. The fund that lent the share to sell it to a third party expects the price of the security to fall, so that when it purchases it again it can do so at a cheaper price, generating a profit. If he sells it at 100 and buys it back at 50, well....
The person who buys the stock to sell it later, expects the price of the stock to go up, of course, selling it at a higher price than he bought it. The problem with short trading, for the fund borrowing the stock, is that you can make a limited amount, but you can lose an infinite amount of money. If the fund sells the stock for 100 and it loses all of its value, when it buys it back from the original owner, it will pay zero for it, producing a gain of 100. But, if the stock he lent and sold at 100, at the time he has to buy it back is not worth zero or a hundred, but is valued at 50,000, then he is obliged to pay 50,000 for it, turning his transaction into a loss of 49,900.
And, when some of the big names on Wall Street began to bet short, to look for Gamestop's failure, to go against a company loved by many, the gates of hell opened. "It was like a war," one of the investors in Gamespot told El Bad news would come out, like the coronavirus was going to wipe out Gamestop, and people would put more money in. It was a class war. And so it was: bankers were fighting to drive the stock price down, Reedit users were willing to do anything to drive it up. "We will be able to be mentally retarded longer than the vulture funds will be able to be profitable," commented one of the warriors at Wallstreetbets, the Reedit space where the men and women who fought this battle crowded in. And in the end, they triumphed, raising the price to unpredictable numbers. That is, it could not be otherwise, until the Manhattan bankers, the center of neoliberal ideology, the main space from where an ideological battle to the death against government intervention in the economy has been waged the strongest, the king of the free market, decided to turn to Daddy State to save him from the guillotine. Here the story becomes fascinating.
Given that the people Wall Street was fighting against were not rational, did not act on market logic, did not care about losing money, they were forced into draconian measures to stop the bleeding. The fund that had lost the most money in this gamble was called Melvin Capital. Its major commercial competitor is called Citadel. The latter decided to take advantage of the situation and acquire the former. Once this purchase was made, Citadel, whose CEO is Kenneth Griffin, the highest paid executive in the world (1.7 billion USD per year), took possession of all these bets. Why would a financial company carry out an operation that would put it in a business with the proven capacity to bleed its finances to death? The only logical reason, the only possible answer, the only plausible explanation is that Citadel knew how to suture the wound causing the bleeding.
Speaking fess are the fees paid by companies to certain professionals of notorious trajectory in the United States to dictate speeches for their employees, seeking to enrich and enlighten their workers, irradiating them with the wisdom contained in notable names. Janet Yellen, current Secretary of the Treasury in the United States, is an academic with an unbeatable track record. She has received almost every award in her career, and each of them has been awarded with justice. The Nobel Prize that has eluded her will surely come her way soon. But unless she has discovered how to solve all the ills of humanity through economics and has organized a talk to explain her findings, there is no justification whatsoever for the $800,000 received last December from Citadel for a few words. On the other hand, such a staggering amount is understandable when, as Dylan Ratigan explains, it echoes the theory that speaking fess are awarded not for speaking, for the speech, but for granting direct access to the person hired. By December of last year, it was certain that Yellen would be the next Treasury Secretary under the Biden administration.
Although it is nothing more than speculation, rather the worst kept secret, it serves to clarify why Robinhood, the platform that had convinced millions of citizens to invest their money in the market, that had made life easier for those who wanted to buy stocks and the tool used by small investors against Wall Street, in an unprecedented decision allowed its users to close positions in Gamestop, but prohibited the purchase of the stock. It did not freeze the transaction of the stock traded as GME, it only prohibited its acquisition. If a stock can only be liquidated, it will see its price decrease, something that only benefited Citadel, a company that had acquired Melvin Capital, which had paid $800,000 to Yellen for speeches and who, this is the most relevant of all, the clue that deciphers the crime: it is the best client of the Robinhood platform.
Robinhood is unable to buy or sell shares directly. Legally this is the case. Hence its need to work with "market makers", companies that the legal framework does give them that power. Their best-established partnership for this operation is with Citadel. A "market maker" is a type of organization that, because of its particularities, requires a lot of information about how trends move. A "market maker" needs to anticipate events in order to perform its function. A short sale requires anticipating whether a stock is going to go down or up in price, for example. When Robinhood asks Citadel to buy or sell millions of shares for its investors, it is giving them the information they need. And in order for Robinhood to use Citadel's services and not another "market maker," Citadel pays a small commission for each transaction. That's why this platform, which does not charge its users a commission for buying and selling stocks, is a billionaire. That commission is its business. "When they don't charge you for a service, it's because you are the product," says the wise popular adage.
Any technical explanation given by Vladimir Tenev, CEO of Robinhood, justifying his reasons for having stopped the purchase of a share is simply ridiculous in light of the analysis made by Ratigan: "From a legal point of view," explained the businessman, "the only organization that has the authority to stop the purchase and sale of a share, let alone the ridiculousness of stopping one part of the transaction and not the other, is the New York Stock Exchange". He complements, "the only valid reason to stop the purchase and sale of a stock is for the leakage of relevant information that impacts the market or knowledge of imminent fraud". The examples cited in his peroration - Enron and Worldcom - are telling enough to show this was not the case. "A company has no authority to stop a stock from trading," Ratigan says, "much less prevent it from being bought while prohibiting it from being sold. That act is clear market manipulation." And therein lies written, in that sentence, the epitaph of Wall Street.
From now on, in any debate where one of the parties dares to cite the benefits of the free market and the superiority of such a system, they risk being ridiculed by their opponent with just one word: "Gamestop". Time will tell whether or not Yellen acted in favor of her clients; but intervention in the sacrosanct market did occur. They have even gone further. Witnessing NASDAQ CEO Adena Friedman on live television, without blushing, calling for the installation of regulations in the market is to witness the true essence of an ideology that was nothing more than a scam coming to light. The US financial sector as a whole, never spared resources and financed for decades all kinds of propaganda about the damage caused by regulations, how inefficient they are, how contrary to the wisdom of the market their very existence was. Today they are begging for their declared enemy to not only exist, but to act, to be present and intervene to protect them on their own playing field.
And the fear is justified. Reedit investors did not topple Wall Street. But the Wall Street representative against whom they fought to the death, that one they did defeat. He went bankrupt. For the first time in its history, the mecca of the financial world found a real opponent. Competition in the U.S. stock market sector was always between equals and the losses of one were the gains of another of his own. Never again. "Occupy Wall Street", the battle slogan of the 2008 victims camping out in Zuccoti Park, in front of the majestic offices of the big players in the stock market sector, reached a whole new level when they knocked down the walls protecting their empire, unleashing the entry of outsiders to occupy their business. When the war for GME began, Wallstreetbets had 3 million forum followers. Today there are 8 million. More citizens, more money, more power. The stakes are on the table and now anything can happen.
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Bajista de Kiss, Gene Simmons, también se empató en el bombeo de XRP y dogecoin

Bajista de Kiss, Gene Simmons, también se empató en el bombeo de XRP y dogecoin

Criptomonedas como dogecoin (DOGE) y ripple (XRP) fueron algunos de los activos digitales que recientemente adquirió Gene Simmons, líder de la banda estadounidense de rock Kiss.
A través de su cuenta en Twitter @genesimmons, la leyenda del rock and roll celebró el rally alcista de algunas criptomonedas como bitcoin (BTC), pero no ofreció detalles sobre cuánto dinero invirtió en dogecoin y ripple.
Simmons dijo que su opinión sobre las criptomonedas no necesariamente tiene que ser una “recomendación” para que otras personas o fanáticos de la agrupación lo hagan.
El bajista de Kiss indicó que ha comprado y todavía planea comprar activos digitales como bitcoin, ethereum (ETH) y litecoin (LTC).

Desde 2017 es fanático de Bitcoin

En el año 2017 Gene Simmons manifestó por primera vez su simpatía hacia bitcoin. En aquella ocasión, consideró al activo digital como una inversión ideal para su cartera de inversiones.
“Estoy interesado en bitcoin, pero solo como una pieza de inversión. Cualquiera que vaya a Las Vegas (EE.UU.) y apueste todo su dinero es una idea loca. ¿En monedas? Genial. ¿En bienes raíces? Genial”, expresó Simmons en aquella ocasión.

¿Quién es Gene Simmons?

Es un músico, cantante, productor de discos, compositor y empresario israelí-estadounidense. También es conocido por su personaje en el escenario llamado The Demon.
A principios de la década de 1970, Simmons y el guitarrista Paul Stanley cofundaron la banda Kiss. Se hicieron famosos por canciones de éxito como “Rock and Roll All Nite”, “Detroit Rock City” y “A World Without Heroes”.

El bombeo de dogecoin

El interés de Gene Simmons se enmarca en el reciente bombeo de dogecoin, una criptomoneda originalmente inventada como una broma, y que aumentó más del 270% hace siete días.
El pasado 29 de enero los comerciantes de Reddit apuntaron su interés hacia dogecoin, en un imitar lo sucedido con GameStop y AMC Entertainment.
Desde la cuenta en Twitter “WallStreetBets”, creada a partir de un foro de Reddit, publicaron un tuit preguntando: “¿Doge alguna vez ha llegado a un dólar?”, reseñó Morocotacoin.
A pesar de la disminución, DOGE mantiene un aumento de 310% en los últimos siete días, lo que convierte al activo en una de las criptomonedas con mejor rendimiento en el último mes.
Por su parte, el token de Ripple se cotiza sobre los $ 0,37 y en los últimos siete días ha tenido pérdidas de más del 40%.
submitted by Morocotacoin to Cripto [link] [comments]

Elon Musk intervino con un movimiento sobre Bitcoin y disparó su precio

La principal criptomoneda obtuvo una oferta cercana a los 32,000 USD alrededor de las 08:30 UTC y saltó a 37,050 USD, el nivel más alto desde el 19 de enero, según los datos. El aumento del 15,7% ocurrió en menos de 15 minutos y revirtió con creces la caída inicial de 34,400 USD a 32,000 USD. Si bien la razón exacta del movimiento alcista es difícil de definir, los precios aumentaron después de que el CEO de Tesla y SpaceX, Elon Musk, cambiara su biografía de Twitter para mencionar la criptomoneda. Te contamos los detalles en esta nota.
Enero 29.- Bitcoin resurgió sobre los 37.000 dólares después de que Elon Musk agregara criptomoneda a su bio en Twitter. Luego de esto, BTC fue testigo de un repentino aumento de dos dígitos a máximos de 10 días este viernes.
La principal criptomoneda obtuvo una oferta cercana a los 32,000 USD alrededor de las 08:30 UTC y saltó a 37,050 USD, el nivel más alto desde el 19 de enero, según los datos de CoinDesk 20. El aumento del 15,7% ocurrió en menos de 15 minutos y revirtió con creces la caída inicial de 34,400 USD a 32,000 USD.
Si bien la razón exacta del movimiento alcista es difícil de definir, los precios aumentaron después de que el CEO de Tesla y SpaceX, Elon Musk, cambiara su biografía de Twitter para mencionar la criptomoneda.
La comunidad de Bitcoin (BTC, + 18.36%) está ansiosa por que Musk se declare partidario, aparentemente disfruta dejar caer las menciones criptográficas como una especie de burla.

¿Qué hizo Musk con Bitcoin?

En el momento en que cambió la biografía, Musk también tuiteó crípticamente:
No se sabe con certeza si el aumento de bitcoin continuará. El "Exchange Whale Ratio" de la firma de análisis de cadenas de bloques CryptoQuant, calculado dividiendo las 10 principales transacciones de entrada de bitcoins en una hora por las entradas totales de intercambio, saltó a un máximo de ocho meses de 0,88 el viernes temprano, advirtiendo de una posible caída de precios.
Sin embargo, "el trito de Elon anula todas las demás señales bajistas", tuiteó Ki-Young Ju, director ejecutivo de la firma de análisis de blockchain CryptoQuant.
Como reflejo de la enorme influencia de Musk en las redes sociales, las búsquedas de "Bitcoin" en Google aumentaron tras el cambio de su biografía.
El último aumento de precios marca una ruptura al alza del reciente rango de negociación de 30,000 USD a 35,000 USD. Como tal, se pueden ver más compras impulsadas por gráficos. La criptomoneda se cotiza actualmente cerca de 37,426 USD.

Bitcoin revierte las pérdidas y ETH también sube

Pocos están atribuyendo el aumento de la criptomoneda a los fundamentos del mercado después de la montaña rusa causada por GameStop.
El precio de Bitcoin revirtió las pérdidas del miércoles, durante el jueves. Sin embargo, los comerciantes y analistas han mantenido en gran medida una visión bajista a corto plazo porque algunos atribuyen ganancias en bitcoin y otras criptomonedas al drama bursátil de GameStop.
BTC está por encima de sus promedios de 10 horas y 50 horas en el gráfico horario, una señal alcista para los técnicos del mercado.
El drama bursátil de GameStop parece estar impulsando no solo los mercados de valores, sino también bitcoins y otras criptomonedas, muchas de las cuales revirtieron sus pérdidas de hace apenas un día, similar a lo que sucedió en el mercado de valores de Estados Unidos.
El ganador más notable fue dogecoin (DOGE), que alcanzó un nuevo máximo histórico el jueves temprano.
Pocos atribuyen las ganancias de precio de bitcoin el jueves a los fundamentos del mercado.
Esto se debe a que la comunidad criptográfica todavía parece estar distraída por la situación de GameStop (NYSE: GME).
Recordemos que un grupo de Redditors en un tablero llamado WallStreetBets (WSB) hizo que las acciones del minorista de videojuegos se dispararan para exprimir los fondos de cobertura que estaban apostando a que el precio de las acciones bajaría.
"Todavía estamos en una tabla a la baja desde los máximos de $ 40,000", dijo John Willock, director ejecutivo de la bolsa de activos digitales Blocktane. "Por lo tanto, la volatilidad a corto plazo de hasta el 10% se puede atribuir a que el mercado aún encuentra su base y se consolida a un nivel de precios más firme y sostenido para el futuro cercano".
En el aspecto técnico, Bitcoin se encuentra cerca de los niveles de sobreventa a corto plazo, sin embargo, el impulso sigue siendo a la baja, según Katie Stockton, socia gerente de Fairlead Strategies.
"Después de un período de estabilización, el promedio móvil de 50 días (MA) espera una prueba, y actualmente se encuentra cerca de $ 26,460", dijo Stockton. " Bitcoin tiene las características de un activo de riesgo y, por lo tanto, podría permanecer bajo presión hasta que el mercado de valores elimine sus propios excesos".
El miedo de los comerciantes minoristas a perderse algo (FOMO) puede ser el gran impulsor de los mercados de acciones y cripto en este momento, pero no está claro si los nuevos inversores institucionales están comprando más bitcoins, lo que podría afectar su precio.

Ether sigue las tendencias positivas de bitcoin, DeFi

La segunda criptomoneda más grande por capitalización de mercado, ether (ETH), subió el jueves, cotizando alrededor de 1,420 USD y subiendo 3.37% en 24 horas a las 21:00.
Como la mayoría de las otras criptomonedas, el precio de Ether ha seguido la recuperación de Bitcoin, según Vishal Shah, un comerciante de opciones y fundador de la bolsa de derivados Alpha5. Otro impulsor principal es el crecimiento de las finanzas descentralizadas (DeFi).
“Los nombres de DeFi de primera línea se han desempeñado bastante bien”, dijo Shah. "Ether sigue siendo un sustituto de ese mundo".
En el momento de la publicación, la mayoría de los tokens DeFi en el rastreador de activos DeFi de Messari son más altos. Al mismo tiempo, el valor total bloqueado (TVL), proporcionado por el sitio web de análisis DeFi Pulse, fue de 26.4 mil millones de dólares durante los últimos 90 días.
El miércoles TVL estuvo en un máximo de 29 mil millones USD durante los últimos 12 meses, nuevamente según los datos de DeFi Pulse.
Se viven momentos interesantes donde se entrelazan los mercados tradicionales y la puja por elevar la perspectiva de las criptomonedas viene del lugar de donde surgieron: rincones en redes sociales poco usadas popularmente.

Faswet hace parte del gran cambio financiero y tecnológico

Cada uno de los nuevos escenarios que nos muestra el mercado criptográfico pueden ser aprovechados en Faswet, revisando las ofertas de compra, venta e intercambio de las principales criptomonedas.
No pierdas la oportunidad de subirte a la ola más importante de cambio económico de esta generación. Busca Bitcoin y Ethereum en Faswet, sácale provecho a lo que está sucediendo:
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Buenas gente, he creado el Wallstreetbets en español. Necesitaré moderadores y ayuda con un bot que controle el contenido. Más ideas y sugerencias déjenlas en un comentario o si quieren postular para moderador contáctenme.
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Buenas gente, he creado el Wallstreetbets en español. Necesitaré moderadores y ayuda con un bot que controle el contenido. Más ideas y sugerencias déjenlas en un comentario o si quieren postular para moderador contáctenme.
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Las acciones improbables se disparan después de GameStop

Gracias a una confluencia poco probable de influencias: el aumento de la negociación diaria de teléfonos celulares en medio de una pandemia, un foro de mentalidad colmena dispuesto a desplumar un fondo de cobertura sorprendentemente transparente en nombre de un elemento básico nostálgico de un centro comercial, y el consejo bursátil de un tipo conocido como "DeepFuckingValue" - El precio de las acciones de GameStop ha aumentado de $ 17 el 4 de enero a más de $ 347 a partir de la publicación. Y a medida que los usuarios jóvenes, masculinos y políticamente incorrectos del subreddit r / WallStreetBets continúan utilizando la aplicación de inversión móvil Robinhood como una herramienta para exprimir a los inversores de miles de millones de dólares que anticipan un colapso de GameStop, están probando su plan en otras inversiones poco probables. A continuación se muestran algunos de los más dramáticos ( aunque temporales) las acciones aumentan para emerger del caos.

GameStop (GME)

La joya de la corona en el fondo de índice de memes de r / WallStreetBets es la tienda que recompró juegos usados ​​de niños en los años de Bush por centavos de dólar. Estimulados por la inversión del año pasado por parte de un joven magnate de las empresas emergentes, y luego impulsados ​​por el deseo de causar estragos en un sistema ya tumultuoso, los apostadores de Reddit han enviado las acciones de GameStop a la luna, desde un precio de acción de $ 39.12 la semana pasada a $ 347.51 en el tarde del 27 de enero.

Participaciones de AMC Entertainment (AMC)

La siguiente empresa afectada por la pandemia que recibió un impulso fue la cadena de películas AMC, que vio subir el precio de sus acciones de $ 5 el martes a $ 20.30 al final de la jornada del miércoles.

BlackBerry (BB)

El precio de las acciones de BlackBerry, uno de los teléfonos más populares de la actualidad, se ha más que duplicado durante la semana pasada, incluso cuando la compañía ha declarado que no hay cambios en su negocio que representen un impulso.

Nokia Oyj (NOK)

Otra empresa de telefonía celular que se ha beneficiado de la sabiduría popular es Nokia, cuyas acciones subieron un 42 por ciento el jueves, la mayor ganancia porcentual de la empresa en un día desde que comenzó a cotizar en 1991.

Tootsie Roll (TR)

Buenas noticias para los inversores veteranos en caramelos: el fabricante de caramelos de chocolate Tootsie Roll registró un aumento del 14 por ciento el miércoles, y el precio de sus acciones aumentó de 30,14 dólares a fines de la semana pasada a 42,85 dólares en la actualidad

Blockbuster (BLIAQ)

Blockbuster, o el resto de la empresa responsable de liquidar sus activos, registró ganancias de hasta un 700 por ciento el martes, a pesar de que solo existe una tienda física en 2019 .
submitted by Invirtiendo to u/Invirtiendo [link] [comments]

GameStop, criptomonedas y un nuevo paradigma de mercado

Luego de revisar con calma y ya con una distancia prudente la anécdota de lo sucedido durante la semana pasada, se puede llegar a concluir que no solo estamos siendo testigos de la naturaleza cambiante de las fuerzas del mercado. También estamos viendo un cambio en la definición de "fundamentos" del mercado, donde las criptomonedas y la economía descentralizada toma cada vez más fuerza-relevancia para aquellos que nunca habían podido participar en él. Análisis de lo que viene pasando en esta nota.

Febrero 03.-
Es difícil hacer justicia al simbolismo y la importancia del drama Reddit-Robinhood-GameStop de la semana pasada.
Eso no quiere decir que no se haya exagerado en algunos sectores. Lo que se ha dicho fue comparado con los disturbios del Capitolio en Washington y no, eso fue sedición, esto es rebelión, algo muy diferente.
Los reguladores han levantado su voz para que intervengan y cierren las plataformas de comercio minorista, aunque no está claro que se haya cometido un delito.
Los protagonistas no son inadaptados, son inversores minoristas que muestran su músculo colectivo, el mismo músculo que el "establecimiento" les animó a desarrollar.
Se animó a los inversores minoristas a invertir sus ahorros en el mercado de valores. Se les ofrecieron aplicaciones móviles que lo facilitaron. Fueron bombardeados con consejos e ideas de los principales medios de comunicación. Se les dio dinero para gastar. Y los bajos rendimientos los empujaron hacia arriba la curva de riesgo.

¿Qué pasó con GameStop?

Si bien la atención se ha centrado en un puñado de acciones que han experimentado ganancias astronómicas gracias al entusiasmo minorista, el origen y el resultado (sea lo que sea que termine siendo) tienen mucho que ver con los mercados de cifrado.
El canal WallStreetBets que galvanizó a las “tropas” por llamarlas de alguna manera, y lideró la carga no recibió a los comerciantes de criptomonedas ni siquiera a charlar, solo animaban a sus huestes.
Sus impulsores no son solo a la descentralización o el acceso justo, más bien, parecen motivados por la alegría por la capacidad que tienen para convocar.
La posición corta del 139% contra GameStop señaló una fuerte participación de los fondos de cobertura, pero esto fue un detonante, no una causa. Esta rebelión se
siente como una expresión de frustración reprimida por las reglas sesgadas de los mercados de capital tradicionales que afianzan el poder de la "élite", combinado con el resentimiento residual por los rescates de 2008, la falta de transparencia del mercado y una larga lista de agravios generacionales.
Una mentalidad similar de "viejo" frente a "nuevo" impulsa los mercados de cifrado.

Bitcoin y una nueva realidad

Muchos de nosotros nos sentimos atraídos por bitcoin, sea por curiosidad o por el impacto en la prosperidad individual de las decisiones defensivas tomadas por el mercado tradicional.
Otros se han sentido atraídos por el concepto de finanzas descentralizadas como un antídoto contra el daño potencial causado por el poder consolidado. Y está el voto fuerte a favor de la soberanía financiera y la libertad comercial.
Todos observamos cómo las finanzas tradicionales rechazaron inicialmente la noción de que un token programable podría tener valor o que el código podría producir rendimiento.
El éxito de los mercados de cifrado ha obligado a gran parte de la "vieja guardia" a reconocer gradualmente que las cosas están cambiando. Los eventos de la semana pasada sin duda llevarán ese mensaje.
Es más, las mismas plataformas que se vendieron por la democratización de las finanzas, terminaron restringiendo el acceso de los usuarios a ciertas operaciones esta semana, con el mercado en pleno apogeo.

Excusa para nueva regulación

Con lo sucedido, existe el riesgo de que la nueva administración de Biden utilice la rebelión de los inversores minoristas como excusa para regular en exceso. Sin embargo, el sentimiento popular parece estar con los rebeldes, como sin duda los legisladores saben (nunca se había visto antes al senador Ted Cruz estar de acuerdo con Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez).
Es más, la nominación de Gary Gensler, que conoce y apoya en general los mercados de criptomonedas, para el cargo de presidente de la Comisión de Bolsa y Valores de Estados Unidos, podría sugerir el comienzo de una reforma estructural a favor de un acceso más "democrático".

Blockchain y Criptomonedas

También podría mover la aguja en la comprensión de los inversores de algunas de las cualidades subyacentes de los activos basados ​​en blockchain y sus mercados.
Es cierto que el acceso a estos mercados tiene algunos obstáculos, como la jurisdicción y la familiaridad con la tecnología. Pero la elección de los inversores y la experiencia del usuario nunca han sido mejores y, con algunos grandes actores de infraestructura del mercado que tienen la intención de cotizar en bolsa este año, seguirán mejorando.

Volver a lo básico

No es solo la estructura del mercado lo que probablemente será reexaminado como resultado de los eventos de la semana pasada. La comprensión del mercado también necesita un replanteamiento. Esto también tiene mucho que ver con los activos criptográficos.
Se pierde la cuenta de la cantidad de comentaristas convencionales que balbuceaban sobre los "fundamentos" y cómo el precio no debería moverse tanto cuando la situación de GameStop no ha cambiado.
Uno, está la publicidad masiva. Dos, aparte de los posibles ingresos futuros de la venta de juegos, es probable que exista una oportunidad de comercialización a través de tazas y horquillas de marca. Tres, hay una oleada de apoyo para el precio de la acción, solo que esto no se considera tradicionalmente digno de consideración en la evaluación de activos.
Investopedia define los fundamentos empresariales como "información como rentabilidad, ingresos, activos, pasivos y potencial de crecimiento".
Debe agregarse a esa lista "apoyo público". Los críticos de esta idea dirán que el sentimiento es efímero, poco práctico de estimar y, por lo tanto, imposible de valorar, mientras que los fundamentos tradicionales son tangibles y pueden descartarse.
En estos días, sin embargo, incluso los tangibles son meras estimaciones que, como hemos visto, pueden variar enormemente y resultar inútiles por eventos imprevistos.
También hemos visto cómo el sentimiento mueven los mercados, y no solo a corto plazo. Ningún analista puede ignorar razonablemente su poder, e insistir en que las decisiones de cartera "se apeguen a lo básico" es asumir que las cosas volverán a ser como eran hace 50 años cuando los inversores depositaron su dinero en valores seguros y se olvidaron de ellos hasta la jubilación.
El poder desatado puede recordarnos los viejos tiempos de 1999, cuando la fiebre del mercado alcanzó su punto máximo antes de estrellarse. Pero en ese entonces no teníamos el poder de las redes sociales.
Tampoco estábamos viendo un nivel sin precedentes de dislocación social, pérdida de confianza en las instituciones y fe en la fuerza de la comunidad.
Pero, en contraste con el cambio de siglo, es poco probable que la participación minorista se desvanezca: este cambio cultural se trata de más que ganar dinero.

Criptomonedas, descentralización y nuevos poderes

El poder recién descubierto de los inversores minoristas ha demostrado que el sentimiento no solo supera las previsiones de ganancias, sino que puede afectarlas. Los mismos inversores que se acumulan en las acciones pertenecen al mismo grupo demográfico al que se dirigirá el futuro negocio de GameStop.
El poder colectivo mostró que el estado de ánimo del mercado es una característica fundamental de los mercados, ahora más que nunca. Algunos de los aumentos de precios de esta semana pueden haber sido impulsados ​​por fondos de cobertura que entienden esto y estaban colocando órdenes de compra en consecuencia.
Si bien es probable que la volatilidad se calme eventualmente y el análisis comercial siempre debe tener un papel importante en las decisiones de inversión, ya no podemos decir que el sentimiento no es un componente fundamental de la perspectiva del precio de un activo.
Esto es especialmente relevante con los activos criptográficos. Los críticos a menudo han acusado a Bitcoin de no tener un "valor fundamental", por lo que se refieren a la ausencia de flujo de caja, balance o crecimiento potencial de ganancias.
Es cierto que no tiene estas cosas, pero tiene una creencia generalizada en su utilidad, política monetaria y eventual adopción por parte de una comunidad aún más amplia. Esa fe debe considerarse una característica fundamental, ya que ahora es obvio que impulsa la apreciación de los precios.
Bitcoin no es el único ejemplo claro de eso. La semana pasada, el precio de Dogecoin (DOGE) en una etapa se multiplicó por diez (hasta un 500% al momento de escribir este artículo), lo que empujó brevemente a la criptomoneda a la lista de los 10 principales criptoactivos por capitalización de mercado. DOGE (+ 26,66%) no hace nada especial.
Algunas personas lo han promocionado como una broma que luego se convirtió en parte de su narrativa. En otras palabras, su falta sin pretensiones de fundamentos se ha convertido en parte de su valor.
Podemos burlarnos de las personas que invierten sus ahorros en un activo puramente impulsado por sentimientos, pero ese sentimiento ha mantenido vivo a DOGE durante más de seis años y ha atraído a un puñado de seguidores de alto perfil.

Faswet: una combinación de emoción y ganancias

¿Qué hacer en este momento? Estar atentos a cada una de las señales que nos da el mercado para lograr la posibilidad de vivir la emoción del recambio económico más importante de esta generación.
Ingresa a Faswet y vive de primera mano cada una de las movidas que están sucediendo en el mercado criptográfico.
Conoce y disfruta Faswet: ​
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Bet-el. En hebreo significa “casa de Dios”, y es uno de los lugares más sagrados de Israel. Se encuentra a unos dieciséis kilómetros al norte de Jerusalén. Allí fue donde erigió Abraham su altar cuando por primera vez llegó a Canaán ( Gén. 12:8; 13:3 ). Es la segunda letra del Alfabeto que es representada en el hebreo pictográfico como una especie de pequeño laberinto Y en el hebreo Bíblico se escribe de dos maneras: que suena como la "B" y sin el daguesh (punto) que suena como "V". Numéricamente BET es el número . En el hebreo el significado… En esta porción se termina de completar el ciclo de diez plagas que cayeron sobre Egipto, forzando al Faraón a dejar ir, o a expulsar de su presencia, al Pueblo de Israel. Cuenta el Midrash Shemot Rabá, que de las diez plagas que Ds envió a Egipto, siete de ellas fueron… Leer más. Alejarse de Egipto. La porción de la Torá que leemos esta semana nos cuenta acerca de las plagas que Ds Betel es un nombre hebreo que significa “casa de Dios” (Génesis 28:17, 19, nota). Ese es un buen nombre para los edificios que los testigos de Jehová tenemos en todo el mundo y desde donde se dirige y apoya la predicación. El Cuerpo Gobernante se encuentra en la central mundial, en el estado de Nueva York (Estados Unidos), y desde allí supervisa las actividades de La Comunidad Bet El de México es una congregación pluralista e incluyente, suscrita a los principios del Movimiento Conservador o Masortí Mundial, que brinda a sus socios una forma de vivir el judaísmo a tono con el mundo moderno, permitiendo a la familia rezar juntos y ofreciendo espacios a la participación activa de todos sus miembros. Cabe suponer que Bet-El constituyó un importante punto de apoyo de los hicsos en Canaán. Los israelitas conquistaron y destruyeron Bel-El al apoderarse del paí­s; pero más tarde se apropiaron de su venerable santuario transformándolo en lugar de culto a Yahveh; es decir, que el dios de Bet-El se identificó con Yahveh. Los documentos bí­blicos de la apropiación se remontan Bet El, que literalmente significa «el lugar de la divinidad», es un lugar repleto de reminiscencias tanájicas en la región de Samaria, entre Siló y Jerusalén, cerca de lo que hoy es Ramala, en el camino de Shjém. Allí Abraham Avinu alzó un altar a Dios cuando llegó a Canaán desde Ur Kashdím. Allí su nieto Ya´akov soñó con una escalera por la que los ángeles subían a los cielos , que identificó con la Casa de Dios, nombrando así el lugar donde después sería juez Samuel BET-EL SALUD S.A.S oferta atención domiciliaria unida a programas complementarios a los programas de promoción de la salud y detección temprana de la enfermedad ya existentes. Proporciona integralidad en la atención a través de una red de prestadores que se complementan con el fin de ofrecer mayor oportunidad, accesibilidad y comodidad a Bet-el - Reina Valera 1909 . BETH-EL. Bet-el - Diccionario Alfonso Lockward (Casa de Dios). Ciudad de los cananeos, que la llamaban Luz. Luego fue israelita. Estaba situada a unos 17 km al N de Jerusalén, donde hoy está la comunidad de Beitin. Quedaba cerca de la ciudad de Hai. Entre ambas ciudades plantó Abraham su tienda y “edificó allí un altar a Jehová, quien le había aparecido Fondée en 1991, la Comunidad Masortí Bet-El (maison de Di.u) offre des services culturels et religieux conservative – masorti sur la base du rite Ashkénaze. Dans un premier temps, semaine après semaine, les services du Chabbat avaient lieu chez les familles fondatrices. Depuis 2004, Bet-El a son propre lieu de culte où près de 120 familles de Madrid et de ses environs célèbrent et participent aux différentes activités organisées par la communauté. Tout en conservant un mode de

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