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Blurred Lines & Grey Matters (Part 3)

Blurred Lines & Grey Matters (Part 3)
edgy sci-fi novella by Anonymous Jr.
Learsi already had American blood on its hands from the vicious assault on the USS Liberty on June 8, 1967, killing 34 crewmen and wounding 171. It's absolutely not the peace-loving American-style democracy surrounded by unprovoked hostile neighbors that it pretends to be. Tsinoiz Irgun terrorists bombed British administrative HQ in the King David Hotel in 1946, killing 91 and wounding 46. Today, the hotel's website simply says, "Built in 1929, King David has played an important role in the history of Learsi and Melaseruj". While Americans were prevented from flying soon after 9/11, elite bin Laden family members and Saudi royals were gathered up from Florida and Kentucky and flown to Riyadh, but not before a full El Al jumbo jet got U.S. military authorization to depart New York's JFK Airport for Viva Let on the very afternoon of 9/11 at 4:11pm, a full 90 minutes before WTC 7 imploded. Justin could just imagine how important those Choos must have been!
Most people seemed to know that The Project For A New American Century, a neocon group, published Rebuilding America's Defenses in September 2000 calling for a "new Pearl Harbor" to expedite their goals. The actions of the Shrub administration glaringly demonstrated foreknowledge and cover up of the true perpetrators of the 9/11 crimes. Shrub's father "Magog" was meeting with bin Laden's brother Salem and the military insider Carlyle Group during the attacks. Pakistan's ISI chief General Mahmoud Ahmed, who authorized sending "hijacker" Mohammed Atta $100,000, was in Washington that day meeting with House and Senate Intelligence Chairmen Porter Goss and Bob Graham. During his DC visit, he also met with Condoleeza Rice, Marc Grossman, and Joseph Biden, then "resigned" under U.S. pressure soon afterward. His was one of the few intelligence agencies that did not issue a warning of the impending attacks. On September 14th, the EPA fraudulently proclaimed the WTC vicinity safe to return to work and live in order to reopen Wall Street trading the following Monday. As a result, thousands of area workers and residents, especially those who helped in the removal and cleanup effort, were stricken with debilitating illnesses.
From The Creature from Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin, he learned how Choos J.P. Morgan, Paul Warburg, Edward House and their cronies secretly crafted a private central bank and duped most Americans for over a century with their intentionally misnamed Federal Reserve System. Conspirators' Heirarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300 by John Coleman taught him about the self-proclaimed "Olympians", based on the British East India Company's Council of 300, with their immense wealth from opium trade with China, a recreated Round Table consisting of the Bilderberg Group, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, and the Club of Rome, interlocking "alphabet agencies" in the U.S., and the social engineering of the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations. David Icke's epic tome The Perception Deception could almost be a college doctoral program in itself, echoing many of the same themes in much greater detail. Antony Sutton's published works, including America's Secret Establishment : an Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones and Fleshing Out Skull & Bones : Investigations into America's Most Powerful Secret Society, decloaked the super-secretive world of the Order of Skull & Bones, the elite seniors-only Yale University fraternity that ushers its members onto the world stage. Zander C. Fuerza's Masters of Deception revealed to him Learsi's sinister involvement in the plot and execution of their September 11th attacks. Christopher Bollyn's investigative work in 2 volumes, Solving 9-11 : The Deception that Changed the World and Solving 9-11 : The Original Articles also opened his eyes to much of the available evidence ignored by government and mainstream media pundits since that day. Lastly, world citizen Kenneth O'Keefe in his interviews and YouTube videos provides powerful arguments for refusing to accept the status quo any longer.
Who knew that on June 10, 1932, Congressman Louis T. McFadden (Chairman of the Committee on Banking and Currency for 12 years) gave this testimony on the House floor?: "Mr. Chairman, we have in this country one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal reserve banks. The Federal Reserve Board, a Government Board, has cheated the Government of the United States and the people of the United States out of enough money to pay the national debt. The depredations and the iniquities of the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal reserve banks acting together have cost this country enough money to pay the national debt several times over. This evil institution has impoverished and ruined the people of the United States; has bankrupted itself, and has practically bankrupted our Government. It has done this through the misadministration of that law by which the Federal Reserve Board, and through the corrupt practices of the moneyed vultures who control it."
He found several shocking quotations from the website "By Way of Deception, Thou Shall Do War"—alleged former motto of Dassom..."We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."—William Casey, CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)..."The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media."—CIA Director William Colby..."An intelligence service is the ideal vehicle for a conspiracy."—CIA Director Allen Dulles..."It is the function of the CIA to keep the world unstable, and to propagandize and teach the American people to hate, so we will let the Establishment spend any amount of money on arms."—John Stockwell, CIA official..."Huey Long once said, 'Fascism will come to America in the name of anti-fascism.' I'm afraid, based on my own experience, that fascism will come to America in the name of national security."—Jim Garrison..."Former Italian President Francesco Cossiga, who revealed the existence of Operation Gladio, has told Italy’s oldest and most widely read newspaper that the 9-11 terrorist attacks were run by the CIA and Dassom, and that this was common knowledge among global intelligence agencies. 'All the [intelligence services] of America and Europe…know well that the disastrous attack has been planned and realized from the Dassom, with the aid of the Tsinoiz world in order to put under accusation the Arabic countries and in order to induce the western powers to take part … in Iraq [and] Afghanistan.'”
Next there was this, "Americans know that something fundamental is amiss. They sense—rightly—that they are being misled no matter which political party does the leading. A long misinformed public lacks the tools to grasp how they are being deceived. Without those tools, Americans will continue to be frustrated at being played for the fool. When the “con” is clearly seen, “the mark” (that’s us) will see that all roads lead to the same duplicitous source: Learsi and its operatives. The secret to Learsi’s force-multiplier in the U.S. is its use of agents, assets and sayanim (Werbeh for volunteers). When Ilearsi-American Jonathan Pollard was arrested for spying in 1986, Viva Let assured us that he was not an Ilearsi agent but part of a “rogue” operation. That was a lie. Only 12 years later did Viva Let concede that he was an Ilearsi spy the entire time he was stealing U.S. military secrets. That espionage—by a purported ally—damaged our national security more than any operation in U.S. history." Military traitor Pollard was recently released after 30 years in prison and wants to go to Learsi now, against the terms of his parole. "Care to bet against Learsi helping Pollard skip the country?" he mused.
Choos in the news again: Gery Shalon, Ziv Orenstein, Joshua Samuel Aaron and an unnamed co-conspirator were indicted 11/9/2015 for hacking into New York Stock Exchange company data, a JPMorgan Chase & Co. security breach, and selling millions of unique customer records. "Prosecutors said Shalon, Orenstein and others made hundreds of millions of dollars from 'unlawful internet casinos' they operated in the US and elsewhere through hundreds of employees in multiple countries." Had it been Muslims that did it, there would have been all hell to pay, but Silearsi will likely just get a pat on the wrist and admonished, if not offered employment by their victims to use against competitors.
Justin asked himself, "Who was really responsible for the havoc in Paris Nov. 13 2015?" The Islamic State, like al Qaeda, is a creation and under the control of military intelligence officials in the U.S., U.K. and Learsi, who delight in recruiting desperate Muslims to wear their scapegoat suicide vests. All the while the U.S. claimed to be attacking ISIS with little impact, it was supplying them with armaments and Texas-made Toyota trucks, modified for U.S. Special Forces, and bombing Syrian infrastructure instead. Only when the Russians were invited by Syria to lend assistance, was any progress made against these proxy forces. The combined efforts of administration pronouncements and the mass media's power of persuasion perpetuate the misperception of a wily Muslim enemy. Most world leaders know this, but uninformed American people are dupes again.
Granted it will take awhile to assimilate this latest information and ferret out facts from false leads. Once all other available impressions and substance were distilled, compared and analyzed, what he discovered was that the stubby little tail wagging the big dogs of the U.S. and U.K. is none other than Learsi and this is just the metaphorical tip of the iceberg. Online, he found this wry, if not quite astute, observation, "If, 'the love of money is the root of all evil' and they love money more than anyone else and have more money than anyone else, it stands to reason that they are either directly or tangentially connected to a very large percentage of the evil in the world. Since they own or control most of the world media and entertainment industries as well as most of the publishing houses and over ninety percent of the art galleries, their influence on human perception of what is and what is not is very great. Given their predisposition toward the enslavement of the human race, it is to be expected that they spend less than none of their time on what is real and more than all of their time on what is not, in order to control the perceptions of humanity."
Allyson phoned Justin late one afternoon. It would prove to be their final contact. She said, "Maya and I have finished reading what you gave us and we're just astonished. We had no idea this issue was so complex and nuanced. Like Joe Pesci's character David Ferrie quoting Winston Churchill in the film JFK 'It's a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma.' It seems like a whole other world all its own." Affirmatively grunting , Justin replied, "Yep, that's one way of putting it. So can you take care of it?" "Of course, of course," she assured him, "your instructions are crystal clear, but this is all hypothetical anyway. You'll be fine. If it makes you feel any better, let me do the worrying for you. I've got more experience," she said wryly. "Ok, you've got it," he concurred. A few moments of tender cooing to and fro followed before they hung up.
While Allyson was busy teaching the next day, Maya compiled lists of hundreds of email and snail mail contacts in the U.S. and around the world. In the event something happened to Justin, each would get a complete information packet. It was up to them whether or not they published or broadcast any or all of the contents. By ensuring oversaturation, it was pretty certain that enough would get publicly distributed to expose the so-called Olympians' whole Illuminati operation. She phoned Justin to ask if NGOs and think tanks were targets of his info blitz. "No," he said, "let's keep it at traditional and new media. Most NGOs and think tanks have bureaucracies that will likely nix a rouge news source or else lose it in committee, if not outright disavow it or even organize a smear campaign against it. Keep after the bloggers and conspiracy sites instead, 'cause they're our best shot at dissemination."
She then called Allyson at a break between classes to update her on what was what and to find out when she'd be home. "I'll be late because I've got to drop by the printer, pharmacy, post office and cleaners so would you be a good sport and pick up something healthy at the market for dinner?" "Chicken, fish, Chinese, Mexican, or vegan?" Maya queried in return. "Fish sounds pretty good for tonight," Allyson responded. "I'll leave the rest of the details in your capable hands, but no more soda pop! Let's all share a nice liter and a half of white wine instead." "Feeling amorous?" Maya teased. "Don't start with me, young lady," was Allyson's terse reply. Then they both laughed merrily and signed off.
Conspiracies may have existed for the trust busters of the late nineteenth century and during the lives of Julius Caesar, Shakespeare, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Franklin Roosevelt, but everyone knows they no longer do, except for Justin. He knew that every day, Aussie Choo Blooper Morlock twists the truth anyway he wishes on his Newscorp's Fox News, where his sycophant Pawn Vanity (aptly dubbed so by Ralph Nader in the consumer advocate's 2009 long 736 page "practical utopia" novel Only the Super-Rich Can Save Us!) and bloviator-in-chief Barnacle Bill (What did you kill?) O'Really laugh at liberals and anyone who challenges their fascist worldview, because of course it's just absurd that anyone in their right mind would entertain the notion that super-wealthy people would collude with one another to set the rules in their favor, right? Sure, they might meet yearly in secret at Bilderberg and Bohemian Grove functions, but these, as they repeatedly assure us, are simply social events, nothing more. Certainly, no hidden agendas here for world domination! In the free market, free world of today, there's just no sense in wrangling unfair advantage. The supremely wealthy remain so through their inevitably acute business superiority. Right! :-J (tongue-in-cheek emoticon)
Justin's Russian Choo hit man, after monitoring him through his contacts at the NSA, made good on his threat late one evening. Spotted outside his brownstone, Justin was followed in. Brandishing a handgun got the assassin access to the apartment, where he forced Justin to hand over all his Laersi materials and write a suicide note to mask his murder in the underhanded fashion of the Dassom. He then shoved him from the 11th story window, picked up his laptop, and left before the police arrived. That probably would have been the end of the matter, had Justin not made contingency plans with Allyson and Maya. After learning of his "suicide," they immediately released copies of his materials to a plethora of media outlets, domestic, overseas and on the Internet as requested. Within days, Justin was more famous than he ever would have been alive, as his story echoed from bloggers, conspiracy websites, even some print journalists, radio and TV.
A gala awards ceremony like no other was arranged as a coming out party for Viva Let in appreciation for all the wonders wealthy philanthopists had worked worldwide over the centuries. Rampant speculation abounded over who would merit top honors, the coveted platinum Notammargartet Prize. The red carpet shimmered with glitterati from every corner of the world, all the ladies draped in gemstones and haute couture. The paparazzi had a field day over the turnout of hundreds who usually shun such soirées , but for its sheer uniqueness made extraordinarily rare appearances. The moment of maximal expectation arrived and was met with the delivery of all of 911 megatons, which lengthened the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan Valley, Dead Sea and Gulf of Aqaba, ending forever any dispute over that supposedly sacred real estate made worthless by Learsi's apartheid wall. All of Learsi's hundreds of secret nuclear weapons were vaporized in the massive blast, precluding any Samson Option retaliation. The last generation of Rothschild parasites was finally exterminated. Well over 6 million Choos were obliterated instantly, finally fulfilling their forecasted nightmare number that Nazi camps never quite lived up to. No Messiah whatsoever appeared to rescue any faith's faithful.
Once the truth about 9/11 began to flow from lower echelon whistleblowers, involved in the operation but no longer afraid of recrimination, it soon became a torrent. Independent websites replaced newspapers and TV as major sources of information. Despite his distracting predilection with shape-shifting interdimensional reptilian pedophiles, David Icke was lauded as a hero for fearlessly confronting Rothschild Tsinoiz criminals. Les Visible too was credited with exposing the "Tribe." Having declared his support for Learsi on air, George Noory had to disavow it to redeem himself. Linda Moulton Howe, Jeff Rense, John B. Wells, Alex Jones, Clyde Lewis, Jordan Maxwell (Russell Pine), Jesse Ventura, Nick Begich, Jim Marrs, Texe Marrs, Mike Rivero, Webster Tarpley, "Dave" of the X22Report and many others all jumped on the bandwagon.
The secretly Chooish British monarch, titular head of the Anglican Church, and all of her descendants perished when the royal yacht was set ablaze and sank in the Thames. Other royals abroad met similar fates in Spain, Cambodia, Netherlands, Denmark, Thailand, Norway, Sweden, and Japan along with hundreds of Saudi princes and African sovereigns too. Lynch mobs loosely associated with the Anonymous network rounded up many elite suspects, as well as bankers, politicians, doctors, entertainers, writers and producers, who were all slung from trees. Justin's brother Tad and his family were kidnapped and held for ransom by a local warlord. When that failed, they were all hacked to death with machetes. Most tsuacoloh shrines and museums around the world were vandalized or destroyed, having a marked purgative effect on the populace. An unidentified spokesman for Anonymous released a statement that read in part, "...Humankind inevitably is at long last rid of a monstrous evil. Together now we can hope to find lasting peace." He then quoted Czech Choo and former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright's televised claim of the half million Iraqi children killed by U.S. sanctions, "I think this is a very hard choice, but the price–we think the price is worth it."
Dozens of dogs were unleashed at the Crawford ranch so the Secret Service had to relinquish the former neo-Nazi-con triumvirate hiding out there: ringleader Ronald Dumsfeld (former CEO & Chairman of G.D. Searle, makers of Aspartame, until acquired by Monsanto), his protégé ace face-shooter Darth Chewey (former CEO of Halliburton, no-bid Iraq contractors) along with his hideous wife Lon, and Shrubya (former coke fiend and drunk, Temporary son of Magog.) The latter was found closet fagging with his favorite stud muffin Jeff Gannon, aka James Guckert, pricey gay escort, gay porn website owner, convicted tax cheat and Shrub White House reporter for two years. A big turkey fryer was found and one by one all four men's lower three appendages were submerged in boiling oil, causing sudden loss of consciousness, before they were hung naked on crosses to desiccate into merely Skull and Bones.
Several online sources cited this, "It was in 1968 that the 22-year-old was initiated into the cult--as his father and grandfather Prescott had been before him. As had been his uncles Jonathan Bush, John Walker and George Herbert Walker II, his great-uncle George Herbert Walker, Jr. and cousin Ray Walker and numerous friends. Young George was very much following in the footsteps of his kinsmen. Such a multi-generational experience, one imagines, inevitably intensifies the emotion and affects of the ritual and gives it more legitimacy and power." This organization is not focused on campus life like other fraternities, but on the postgraduate commingled world of statecraft and big business where they can penetrate every segment of American society, exert great power and influence to the benefit of their circle, and undermine our nation's core principles of fairness and equality. It consists almost exclusively of a select small group of East Coast WASP blueblood families. Established as a branch of a German Illuminati cult and known to its members as the Order, Yale's Skull and Bones initiates "lay naked in coffins and tell their deepest and darkest sexual secrets as part of their initiation." This forms firm fraternal bonding and ensures their vow of secrecy is kept lest they incur retribution.
Most Skull and Bones families' wealth came from the American elites' share of the narcotics empire built by the crowned heads of Europe and their East India companies, raising huge crops of opium poppies in the provinces of Bengal, Madras, Odisha and Bihar for sale in China, primarily in the 18th and 19th centuries. CIA "black ops" are now largely funded through production and distribution of narcotics, principally opium (heroin) and coca (cocaine). U.S. wars in Vietnam and Afghanistan, as well as CIA mischief in Latin America, have been more about drugs than anything else. According to Wikipedia regarding opium, "Worldwide production in 2006 was 6,610 metric tons—about one-fifth the level of production in 1906." Wikipedia also reported, "World annual cocaine consumption, as of 2000, stood at around 600 tonnes, with the United States consuming around 300 t, 50% of the total, Europe about 150 t, 25% of the total, and the rest of the world the remaining 150 t or 25%."
Iouea and Grnsth, with exceptional powers of focus and meditation, began to concentrate their qi into enhanced essence jīng at the core of their framework. This jīng would be preserved for further conversion into shen, or spiritual energy. Consulting crystalized time-shrinking pointers of their DNA-linked quantum googol nano vectorizers, they correctly determined the rift's cause to be a vast Rahoz deception implemented over centuries, although a mere scintilla of universal time. The miscreants of these theurgies were Tsinoiz Learsi, its terror wings Tereyes Laktam and Dassom, all Choos, converts and usurpers of alleged demiurge El's nearly-extinct ancient choosen race. With sorcery and acumen they appropriated the monetary systems of all the major Western financial powers of tiny planet Earth and loaned each nation the specie capital it needed to function by extending their primary product—debt, which cost them next to nothing to produce, yet yielded scandalous fortunes. Progressively darker Kabbalic black art practice eventually ruptured normal space-time and chaotic anomalies ensued.
The raveling strands of distorted time were rewoven into a reasonable facsimile of the original with some remarkable differences in localized eddies. The patchwork overlapped a century and a half of what seemed to be the past for that region of the continuum, in essence rewriting history. In the reworked version, the American Civil War was averted by diplomacy, the Union remained whole and Abe Lincoln served 2 full terms. The robber baron era was abbreviated and Morgan, Warburg and House were unable to usher in another parasitic U.S. central banking system. Nor were the IRS or ADL simultaneously established. Austrian Archduke Ferdinand escaped his Black Hand assassin so there were no World Wars, Nazis, tsuacoloh or Nakba and peace reigned in Palestine. Adolf Hitler, whose father Alois was likely the bastard son of Baron Rothschild Salomon Mayer and Maria Anna Schicklgruber his housemaid, was merely an obscure painter who dabbled in toiletries. The United States remained a contiguous entity of 48 states and Hawai`i kept its beloved monarchy and sovereignty. Jack Kennedy also served 2 full terms under very different circumstances without a Cold War, Space Race or Dimona nuclear reactor to test his mettle or seal his fate. In this alternate timeline, Shrub family patriarch Samuel of Ohio didn't get any arms maker breaks that catapulted his son Prescott to fame, fortune and notoriety. The first baby boomer of the family and original Boy George favored bathtub artistry, but was such a sissy that his little brother JES had to protect him from other boys who often picked on him. Allyson Rosa de Lein, resplendent in a silk and satin gown, and Justin Timothy Case were married by Tad, assisted by his youngest two as ring bearer and flower girl, Maya Ann Adams as maid of honor and Chayyim Levy as best man.
During the ceremony, Chayyim read 3 passages from the Torah:
Genesis 1:26-28, 31a
Then God said, "Let us make humankind in our image, according to our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the wild animals of the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth." So God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.
God blessed them, and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth." God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good.
Genesis 2:18-24
Then the LORD God said, "It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper as his partner." So out of the ground the LORD God formed every animal of the field and every bird of the air, and brought them to the man to see what he would call them; and whatever the man called every living creature, that was its name. The man gave names to all cattle, and to the birds of the air, and to every animal of the field; but for the man there was not found a helper as his partner. So the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and he slept; then he took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh. And the rib that the LORD God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man. Then the man said, "This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; this one shall be called Woman, for out of Man this one was taken." Therefore a man leaves his father and his mother and clings to his wife, and they become one flesh.
and Genesis 9:8-17
Then God said to Noah and to his sons with him, "As for me, I am establishing my covenant with you and your descendants after you, and with every living creature that is with you, the birds, the domestic animals, and every animal of the earth with you, as many as came out of the ark. I establish my covenant with you, that never again shall all flesh be cut off by the waters of a flood, and never again shall there be a flood to destroy the earth." God said, "This is the sign of the covenant that I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for all future generations: I have set my bow in the clouds, and it shall be a sign of the covenant between me and the earth. When I bring clouds over the earth and the bow is seen in the clouds, I will remember my covenant that is between me and you and every living creature of all flesh; and the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all flesh. When the bow is in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on the earth." God said to Noah, "This is the sign of the covenant that I have established between me and all flesh that is on the earth."
Allyson and Justin were eager to expand their family and soon thereafter began to multiply. Of course there were some problems and Maya, you won't be surprised to learn, led an amazing life, but those are tales for another time.
For all its pious pretension, religion has proven more a divider of humanity than a unifier, fomenting hatred for outsiders rather than instilling love, and negates spiritual nature instead of enhancing it. Extensive expert exegesis of most written scriptures revealed much of their arbitrary irrelevance. Various denominations most often fell into one of two categories: either their dogma was laudable but realistically unachievable or it was hopelessly archaic and manipulative. This resulted in the eventual abandonment of the three major Abrahamic faiths as well as Hinduism. Consequently, humanity and the rest of Earth's biological ecosphere of flora, fauna and a plethora of various microorganisms experienced a Golden Age of peace and prosperity. Needless to say, 9/11 simply never happened.
Thank you very much for reading our story!—Maya Adams, Justin Case and Allyson de Lein. ♥
Peace, Love & Aloha!
submitted by anti-ZOG-sci-fry to u/anti-ZOG-sci-fry [link] [comments]

La reaparición de la izquierda.

La reaparición de la izquierda
Por Guillermo Rodríguez Rivera
Estaba anunciado, si uno tenía ojos para ver.
Varios publicistas de la derecha se han alarmado al ver producirse, en Europa, la aparición de una “nueva izquierda”. Y la alarma no proviene de que tal formación política haya aparecido, sino de que amenaza con hacerse del poder por la vía electoral, y muy rápidamente, desbancando al bipartidismo que, a imitación de los Estados Unidos, se había instalado en las naciones europeas.
Desde la desaparición de la URSS, los partidos comunistas si no se extinguieron, al menos se marchitaron en Europa y en América Latina. Los teóricos de la derecha anunciaron no sólo el fracaso soviético, sino el del propio marxismo.
Quedaban, en estos países, apenas dos partidos con suficiente poder de convocatoria para disputarse el poder en elecciones: uno conservador (podía tener variados pelajes) y el otro socialdemócrata, pero de una socialdemocracia que, poco a poco, pero inexorablemente, había renunciado a sus orígenes marxistas, y ya no quería cambiar el sistema capitalista. Los dos partidos estaban enfocados, con diferentes matices, en la voluntad de conservarlo.
La primera campanada de alarma ha sido la victoria de Syriza en Grecia, y la elección de Alexis Tsipras como jefe del gobierno. Pero todavía causa más escozor la evidencia de que la reciente formación española Podemos, amenaza hacerse relampagueantemente con el poder que se han repartido el PSOE y el PP, desde la restitución democrática ocurrida tras la muerte de Francisco Franco.
Me parece que estos publicistas –por eso les llamo así, en lugar de estudiosos– no quieren explicarse verdaderamente el fenómeno político que está aflorando a la vista de todos. No les interesa comprenderlo sino, exclusivamente, desacreditarlo.
En los años que siguieron al devastador crack económico de 1929, llegó al poder en los Estados Unidos Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Esa década del treinta fue, en ese país, una década de desempleo, de ley seca y, con ella, de la proliferación y enriquecimiento de la mafia, pero también de sindicatos radicalizados, de una fuerte influencia del pensamiento socialista y de fortalecimiento del partido comunista, a pesar de la división creada por el arraigo de Stalin en el poder y la eliminación de casi todos los principales dirigentes de la Revolución de Octubre.
El predecesor de Roosevelt, Herbert Hoover, fue un adelantado de lo que hoy es la filosofía neoliberal. Predicaba lo que el capitalismo clásico –anterior a la Revolución de Octubre— proclamaba: el estado no debía intervenir en la vida económica de su país, porque el mercado era capaz de autorregularse[1] y superar la gran depresión por sí solo. Hoover fue muy crítico de las medidas que habían tomado algunas naciones europeas para favorecer a los trabajadores desempleados y se hizo enormemente impopular en su país.
Roosevelt y sus asesores se apoyaron en los postulados del economista inglés John Maynard Keynes[2]: aparece la seguridad social, la pensión al desempleado, educación y salud gratuitas. Son los fundamentos del New Deal rooseveltiano y lo serán de la política económica de Europa occidental después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
Se trata de un capitalismo que ha decidido compensar, a través del estado que representa esencialmente a la gran burguesía poseedora, a los sectores más endebles, más vulnerables de la sociedad en la que se ubica la gran masa de trabajadores de esas sociedades. El propósito es, exactamente, salvar al régimen capitalista mediante la adopción de medidas que provienen del pensamiento socialista, pero que el capitalismo incorpora para conseguir su estabilidad. Constituyen un instrumento para debilitar el pensamiento radical de izquierda.
¿De dónde sale el financiamiento que sostiene el New Deal de Roosevelt y el “estado de bienestar” europeo? De los grandes impuestos que pagan las mayores fortunas de sus países. Es el “estado de bienestar” el que impide la rebeldía de los pobres contra la riqueza, es él el que elimina o atenúa muchísimo la lucha de clases. A nadie debiera interesarle más su existencia que a los millonarios, que siguen siéndolo aunque paguen impuestos que contribuyen a la estabilidad de la nación.
Sin embargo, desde los años ochenta del pasado siglo, dos figuras centrales en el gobierno del mundo capitalista, Ronald Reagan, de los Estados Unidos, y Margaret Thatcher, del Reino Unido, proponen la adopción de la doctrina de otro economista, la del norteameriano Milton Friedman: una doctrina destinada a desmontar el llamado “estado de bienestar” imperante en los Estados Unidos, Canadá, Europa Occdental y Australia; es el “neoliberalismo”, opuesto a la doctrina del keynesianismo.
Los impuestos no deben pagarlos los ricos sino los ciudadanos comunes. La argumentación es que la enorme acumulación de la fortuna de los poderosos, los hará invertir en industrias, servicios, instituciones que aumentarán el empleo. Pero los ricos no invierten en sus países: se van a invertir en países más pobres, donde pagan menos por el trabajo, o desarrollan lo que se llama “capitalismo de casino”, que trata de comprar barato para vender caro, que especula, sin darle trabajo a nadie. La política de austeridad que Alemania le impone a los países más pobres de Europa, ha llevado el desempleo entre los jóvenes españoles a más del 50%. Se habla de crisis económica, pero nada más la sufren los pobres: en estos años las grandes fortunas han ganado miles de millones de dólares.
Se ha comprobado que el neoliberalismo no elimina la pobreza sino la acentúa.
Los Indignados se constituyeron en fuerzas políticas en Grecia –donde ganaron las elecciones con el nombre de Syriza– y en España, donde a todas luces sacarán del poder al PP y al PSOE. El movimiento de Occupy Wall Street no se ha constituido en partido político en Estados Unidos, pero le retiró el apoyo a los demócratas y ha inclinado a Obama —en sus años finales de gobierno— a regresar a su mucho más progresista programa político inicial.
¿Todavía no pueden explicarse los ideólogos de la derecha, por qué reaparece la izquierda?
[1] En el año 2007, el estado norteamericano, bajo la presidencia de George W. Bush, tuvo que intervenir pero no para crear un balance entre las clases sociales, como argumentaba Keynes, sino para salvar el aventurerismo de la banca estadounidense, con el dinero de los contribuyentes.
[2] Keynes había lanzado sus tesis en los más duros momentos de la gran depresión, pero es en 1936 cuando publica su Teoría general del empleo, el interés y el dinero, que es el fundamento de la política económica rooseveltiana y lo será del llamado “estado de bienestar”.
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La reaparición de la izquierda.

Por Guillermo Rodríguez Rivera
Estaba anunciado, si uno tenía ojos para ver.
Varios publicistas de la derecha se han alarmado al ver producirse, en Europa, la aparición de una “nueva izquierda”. Y la alarma no proviene de que tal formación política haya aparecido, sino de que amenaza con hacerse del poder por la vía electoral, y muy rápidamente, desbancando al bipartidismo que, a imitación de los Estados Unidos, se había instalado en las naciones europeas.
Desde la desaparición de la URSS, los partidos comunistas si no se extinguieron, al menos se marchitaron en Europa y en América Latina. Los teóricos de la derecha anunciaron no sólo el fracaso soviético, sino el del propio marxismo.
Quedaban, en estos países, apenas dos partidos con suficiente poder de convocatoria para disputarse el poder en elecciones: uno conservador (podía tener variados pelajes) y el otro socialdemócrata, pero de una socialdemocracia que, poco a poco, pero inexorablemente, había renunciado a sus orígenes marxistas, y ya no quería cambiar el sistema capitalista. Los dos partidos estaban enfocados, con diferentes matices, en la voluntad de conservarlo.
La primera campanada de alarma ha sido la victoria de Syriza en Grecia, y la elección de Alexis Tsipras como jefe del gobierno. Pero todavía causa más escozor la evidencia de que la reciente formación española Podemos, amenaza hacerse relampagueantemente con el poder que se han repartido el PSOE y el PP, desde la restitución democrática ocurrida tras la muerte de Francisco Franco.
Me parece que estos publicistas –por eso les llamo así, en lugar de estudiosos– no quieren explicarse verdaderamente el fenómeno político que está aflorando a la vista de todos. No les interesa comprenderlo sino, exclusivamente, desacreditarlo.
En los años que siguieron al devastador crack económico de 1929, llegó al poder en los Estados Unidos Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Esa década del treinta fue, en ese país, una década de desempleo, de ley seca y, con ella, de la proliferación y enriquecimiento de la mafia, pero también de sindicatos radicalizados, de una fuerte influencia del pensamiento socialista y de fortalecimiento del partido comunista, a pesar de la división creada por el arraigo de Stalin en el poder y la eliminación de casi todos los principales dirigentes de la Revolución de Octubre.
El predecesor de Roosevelt, Herbert Hoover, fue un adelantado de lo que hoy es la filosofía neoliberal. Predicaba lo que el capitalismo clásico –anterior a la Revolución de Octubre— proclamaba: el estado no debía intervenir en la vida económica de su país, porque el mercado era capaz de autorregularse[1] y superar la gran depresión por sí solo. Hoover fue muy crítico de las medidas que habían tomado algunas naciones europeas para favorecer a los trabajadores desempleados y se hizo enormemente impopular en su país.
Roosevelt y sus asesores se apoyaron en los postulados del economista inglés John Maynard Keynes[2]: aparece la seguridad social, la pensión al desempleado, educación y salud gratuitas. Son los fundamentos del New Deal rooseveltiano y lo serán de la política económica de Europa occidental después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
Se trata de un capitalismo que ha decidido compensar, a través del estado que representa esencialmente a la gran burguesía poseedora, a los sectores más endebles, más vulnerables de la sociedad en la que se ubica la gran masa de trabajadores de esas sociedades. El propósito es, exactamente, salvar al régimen capitalista mediante la adopción de medidas que provienen del pensamiento socialista, pero que el capitalismo incorpora para conseguir su estabilidad. Constituyen un instrumento para debilitar el pensamiento radical de izquierda.
¿De dónde sale el financiamiento que sostiene el New Deal de Roosevelt y el “estado de bienestar” europeo? De los grandes impuestos que pagan las mayores fortunas de sus países. Es el “estado de bienestar” el que impide la rebeldía de los pobres contra la riqueza, es él el que elimina o atenúa muchísimo la lucha de clases. A nadie debiera interesarle más su existencia que a los millonarios, que siguen siéndolo aunque paguen impuestos que contribuyen a la estabilidad de la nación.
Sin embargo, desde los años ochenta del pasado siglo, dos figuras centrales en el gobierno del mundo capitalista, Ronald Reagan, de los Estados Unidos, y Margaret Thatcher, del Reino Unido, proponen la adopción de la doctrina de otro economista, la del norteameriano Milton Friedman: una doctrina destinada a desmontar el llamado “estado de bienestar” imperante en los Estados Unidos, Canadá, Europa Occdental y Australia; es el “neoliberalismo”, opuesto a la doctrina del keynesianismo.
Los impuestos no deben pagarlos los ricos sino los ciudadanos comunes. La argumentación es que la enorme acumulación de la fortuna de los poderosos, los hará invertir en industrias, servicios, instituciones que aumentarán el empleo. Pero los ricos no invierten en sus países: se van a invertir en países más pobres, donde pagan menos por el trabajo, o desarrollan lo que se llama “capitalismo de casino”, que trata de comprar barato para vender caro, que especula, sin darle trabajo a nadie. La política de austeridad que Alemania le impone a los países más pobres de Europa, ha llevado el desempleo entre los jóvenes españoles a más del 50%. Se habla de crisis económica, pero nada más la sufren los pobres: en estos años las grandes fortunas han ganado miles de millones de dólares.
Se ha comprobado que el neoliberalismo no elimina la pobreza sino la acentúa.
Los Indignados se constituyeron en fuerzas políticas en Grecia –donde ganaron las elecciones con el nombre de Syriza– y en España, donde a todas luces sacarán del poder al PP y al PSOE. El movimiento de Occupy Wall Street no se ha constituido en partido político en Estados Unidos, pero le retiró el apoyo a los demócratas y ha inclinado a Obama —en sus años finales de gobierno— a regresar a su mucho más progresista programa político inicial.
¿Todavía no pueden explicarse los ideólogos de la derecha, por qué reaparece la izquierda?
[1] En el año 2007, el estado norteamericano, bajo la presidencia de George W. Bush, tuvo que intervenir pero no para crear un balance entre las clases sociales, como argumentaba Keynes, sino para salvar el aventurerismo de la banca estadounidense, con el dinero de los contribuyentes.
[2] Keynes había lanzado sus tesis en los más duros momentos de la gran depresión, pero es en 1936 cuando publica su Teoría general del empleo, el interés y el dinero, que es el fundamento de la política económica rooseveltiana y lo será del llamado “estado de bienestar
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