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I Transcribed Neville's Audio Lecture "Where Are You Staying" (different to text version of same name)

Neville Goddard- Where Are You Staying
(Audio Lecture Transcription- Different to Text Version of Same Name)
Appears on 100K Watt under different title, "Peter"
[recording starts midway into Neville's sentence] .... Man (inner man?), who ranks before because he was before. He's going to take away the sin of the world. Then came this one and he recognized him externally and said, "behold the lamb of God". And the two disciples who heard him followed him. And then Jesus turned and saw the two and asked them "what do you seek". And they said to him, "where are you staying". Now that is tonight's subject. Where Are You Staying.
Man is the Ark of God. And like the Ark ALL things exist in the human imagination, which is the reality of man. Man's true being is his own wonderful human imagination. ALL things exist in the human imagination. When we are told the Ark is built on 3 levels. The lower, the second and the third deck. Physical, the psychological and the spiritual. Where you live physically- that's easy to discover; whether you tell it to me or not, I could easily find out where you live. Where you live psychologically is more difficult. But I'll tell you where you live psychologically. That state of consciousness where you most often return constitutes your psychological dwelling. You may live in a palace physically and dwell in a cesspool psychologically.
Well that state of consciousness- you may have a fortune- and night after night you are afraid of losing it. That's where you live, in the state of fear. You may have nothing and yet live night after night in the state of opulence. That's where you live psychologically. But I'll tell you- you and I live spiritually in the same place. We live as one man; contracting our infinite senses we behold multiple. Or expanding- we behold one. As one man, ALL- the universal man. And that one Man we call Jesus. The Christ. And he in us, and we in him- live in perfect harmony in Eden. The land of light. You may not know it, but you never left it! You never left the land of light- that perfect harmony.
And yet here in this fragmented world we seem to be in conflict with each other. Here we are all of us fighting one against the other and yet we are the one man. And that one man we call in scripture Jesus- The Christ. I tell you this because I know it! I am not speculating, I am not theorizing, I am telling you what I know from experience. You and I are more one than the fingers of your body. We are truly one being. There is only one being in the world; call it Jesus The Christ, call it God, call it any name that suits you. That oneness, that's what we are. When the poet said, "hold fast with both hands to that royal love which alone as we know certain restores fragmentation into true being". You hold to that with all your might for in the end you will discover that you and I are one.
Without loss of identity we are one. Now I assure you how I know it. The story, as told in the gospel, is the everlastingly true story but not as the world sees it. We have mistaken the eternal states of consciousness for persons. And there are only personifications, and we have taken the personification for the person. The spiritual states of the soul are all eternal, distinguished between the man and his present state. We are the plural passing through states from the beginning to the end. The climax of the states is called in scripture Jesus Christ.
Learn to distinguish between the Man, the plural, moving through states and the state he is in at that present moment. For he is passing through these states in the form of a dream. He is dreaming the world. You and I must dream the dream of life. And it seems so solidly real and so completely independent of our perception of it, yet the whole is a dream. And we are through these states. The states are permanent. But we are the plural passing through the states. Now when I closed a month ago on the 11th day of December I told a story of a little girl. A few of you were present, not all of you, so for the benefit of you who were not present let me state it again.
She was then only 8 years old; she has recently had a birthday and undoubtedly, she is now 9, but she was then 8 when she wrote me this little letter. And she said in her letter to me if I can quote it correctly this is her letter, she said, "Dear Neville, guess what, you were in my dreams again. You took me on an airplane to France. And when we got off the airplane at the airport all the people yelled, 'Neville, O Neville is here to see the King again', and then when we got to the town they yelled the same thing. And I was frightened, and so I held your hand as tight as I could. And then you took me to this huge hall, and at the end of this hall there was a throne, and the throne reached to the ceiling.
And the whole thing was covered with red velvet, and seated on the throne was the King, and he wore a crown and a red cape. And do you know what? He was you! So I looked back at you to see the resemblance; and do you know what? You began to fade; and when you faded the King said to me, 'Come, come closer'. So I went to the King and I held this hand as tight as I held yours. But of course he was you! And do you know what? He faded too. But then I got home safely and that's how the dream ended." Then she signed her name Maylo, Maylo McAssey.
Her mother was not here that night, but her grandmother was. So when she returned home, she called her daughter and said, "Neville told Maylo's dream tonight". And the mother was so overcome her mother could not resist the impulse to go to the bedroom and wake Maylo, which she did. She went to her room and shook Maylo and Maylo woke out of this deep sleep bewildered and she said, "Neville told your dream tonight, the dream about the king". And the little girl looked at the wall as though it's now a monologue and she said, "He has appeared to me 3 times. First as a man, then as the King and now here as Jesus Christ the Lord". Then she turns and faces her mother and says, "He is the Son of God".
The mother turned cold, tucked her back into bed, kissed her and said "Goodnight, go to sleep". Then she said to me in her letter, "I retired to the living room and trembled for over an hour". That is the confirmation I've been waiting for since the experience of Christ awoke within me. It's the experience that every being in this world which it's going to happen to and is going to have. There is only God in the world. And everyone in the world will experience the story the story of Jesus Christ and know he is the Lord Jesus Christ and there is no other.
You are told in scripture "Only one person knew he was The Christ until he departed this world". And that one was called Peter, and now if I said Peter you would think of a man with a beard, an old man, for we have made hundreds of millions of pictures of Peter and they're all over the walls of those who believe in the historicity of scripture and it is not secular history. But we have made it. There they are on the walls and people pray to. And they cross themselves before these pictures and hope for luck. You are told "In Christ there is no bond, no free, no Greek, no Jew, there is no male nor female."
We are all one person in Christ. Peter is a state of consciousness. Jesus Christ is a state of consciousness. YOU are the reality moving through all these states, and the climax of all these states is Jesus Christ. We have personified it and then made a picture of it and worshipped the personification not knowing that you yourself are the reality moving through all these states. A little girl 8 years old entered the state. That state of consciousness personified in scripture as Peter, a little girl 8 years old enters it. The act was instantaneous, and she could resist the confession, recorded in scripture concerning Peter's confession.
For the question is asked "Who do men say that the son of man is?" and they answered, "Some say John the Baptist, others say Elijah, others say Jeramiah or one of the prophets." and then he said, "But who do you say that I am?" and Peter answered, "You are the Christ, the son of the living God" and he said "Blessed are you, son of John" For you did not learn this from mortal man but it was revealed to you by my heavenly father. It is the revelation from the depths of the soul of man, the Father. And here the little child, only 8 years old and she makes the confession, "He's appeared to me 3 times: first as a man, then as the King and now here as Jesus Christ The Lord. He is the son of God". Now you may be embarrassed to hear me make that claim from this platform and think "what arrogance, what blasphemy" I wouldn't care what you think, but I'll tell you this much- you too are going to have this same experience.
There is nothing but God in this world. In spite of all the horror that's around us there is NOTHING but God. He conceived the play and he, and he alone, plays all the parts. His name forever and forever is I AM. Before you can say I am unwell you first say I Am- before you say unwell. I am happy, before you said happy- you said I am. That's his name forever and forever. It's the root, your essential being, and can't get away from it. But you are dreaming. You are dreaming the part that you are now playing.
The day will come when you awaken. And when you awaken you will pass through all the experiences described in scripture as the experiences of Jesus Christ. And you will know from the experiences who you are. But your testimony will not be acceptable. For your witness is internal and it cannot be accepted. Scripture is external, so you have the written word in scripture. You know your own experiences parallel everything said in scripture- but can you convince anyone in this world? For we are told that no one can bring witness of himself alone. It is not acceptable- the charge cannot be sustained if only one person appears as witness. If two or more witnesses agree in testimony it is conclusive.
You say I have had these experiences but it's an internal, and therefore it is not accepted by the world because it is invisible. You have the internal witness and you're waiting now for the external witness. And the only one who actually saw is recorded in scripture as Peter. How do I know the state, is that the words become her words, a little child! Now the mother does not take down these lectures on tape. The little child is not here at these lectures. She knows nothing of them. The child goes to her little school; her mother is busy; she has 3 children. So it is not that she is teaching the child. She woke her out of her sound sleep and the act is instantaneous when God reveals himself. And the little child can make the confession as told in the 16th chapter, the 16th verse of Matthew. "You are the Christ, the son of the living God".
Now flesh and blood mortal man has not taught you this. You didn't learn it from man. It was revealed to you by my heavenly father and blessed are you Simon son of John. Now on this rock I will build my assembly. It's not on Peter, not on the little girl. It's on the confession. Now Paul makes that confession, "He who has been waiting for when he departs in the not distant future takes off this mortal garment for the last time then he will appear once more and first to Peter" as told to us in the 15th chapter of the first Corinthians. To Peter first and then to the twelve. It is said the twelve will be all at once, but to the twelve. And then to more than 500 at once.
The 500 you are told were not all in this world. Some had departed this world. Yet he appeared to more than 500- some on this side of the veil, the majority, and some on that side of the veil. But when he takes off the garment for the last time, he is the Father. And the Father is not only above all, but he is through all and in all. Therefore omnipresent. And imminent. And therefore throughout the entire world whether it be visible here in what we call the live world or the invisible world, it's all the same world. That world is terrestrial just as this is. He will appear at once to his choice, 500 more. Because being omni present he simply unveils himself and the act is instantaneous. And they will know he is the one he claimed himself to be while here. And then he will appear to James. James was his brother who denied that he was the Father of the child. And then to the apostles.
And then last of all as to one untimely born, he appears to Paul. Paul is a state of consciousness. These are all states of consciousness. The last one is to that state called Paul. For in that state you are incorporated into the body of the risen lord. He will ask you to name the greatest thing in the world when you are in that state, and you stand before the risen Lord there is only one being. And you will answer in the words of Paul, "Faith, Hope, and Love. But the greatest of these is Love" At that moment the risen Lord will embrace you. And your bodies will fuse, and you will become one with the spirit of God the Father. One body, one Lord, and Father of all. He who is united to the Lord becomes one spirit with him. There is a union that takes place and not any power in the world can separate you from that moment on. You are then sent into the world to tell the eternal story. And you will tell it as I am telling it and you will tell it from experience. You will not be speculating.
You will not be theorizing trying to setup some workable philosophy of life as all the isms of life based of theory, based off what ought to be in this world- but as it is in eternity. So now you will be sent, and you may think "I am not educated", "I am not qualified", "I have no intellectual, social, financial or any other background" You don't need any background. You will speak with the authority of the one who sent you for you are the very one who sent you! He who sees me sees him who sent me. But you have never seen me.
As you are told the works that he granted me, to accomplish these very works which I am doing, bear witness that the Father has sent me. And the father who sent me himself bears witness to me but his words, his voice you have never heard. His form you have never seen- for had you seen his form you would have seen me. Had you heard his voice you would have heard me. You hear a mortal voice. You see a mortal friend. But you do not see me. If you saw me you would see him, that's what he's saying. And the only one who saw was the state of consciousness called Peter. After he departs this world those that I've just mentioned in these states they will see the truth of what I am talking about. And you will know that not one person is greater than the other.
We are all one. There is only God in the world. Let no one think for one moment that the wisdom of this world will stake any chance whatsoever in the world without. The wisest of men is like foolishness in the eyes of God. The strength of Man over the power of world will mean nothing. We speak of a nuclear age- that is like a little firecracker. We speak of this enormous power that man has discovered, the nuclear age. Can you compare that to this kind of a power: that you can stop time and everything stands still; and then you change the motivation of the frozen world, and then release the world that you froze and it executes your change command. Do you know any power comparable to that? Freeze the entire world and time stands still and you change the motivations, and then release the frozen world once more; it becomes reanimated all from within you. You don't do it on the outside, you freeze it and you actually feel it stand still within you.
So I started off by telling you all things exist in the human imagination. One day you will stand still and the whole thing will stand still; and then having changed the motivation you simply release it. And it will move under compulsion believing it wants to do it- even the most horrible thing in the world if that's what you did. But you will not have this power until you are first, I would say, embraced and incorporated into the body of love. Because with this power not motivated by love what horrible things you could do in this world. You will never possess this power until you're embraced and incorporated into the body of love. You will stand before infinite love and it is Man. It is the risen Lord. And when you answer in the words of Paul, "Faith, Hope and Love. But the greatest of these is Love", Love embraces you and Love sends you; You are still weak because you are still wearing the cross; the only cross he ever wore is the human body.
The only cross that Christ ever wore- no wooden cross- he was never crucified on any wooden cross. He was crucified at the birth of the child- that is when Christ is crucified. And he wears it to the very end when he comes into the state called the Birth of Christ. And you are born from your own skull, that's where you are born- not on the womb of a woman, that's crucifixion. You are born from the skull, your own skull and you come out of it and memory returns- the whole thing is returning of memory. You never left your immortal home save in your dream. But you had to dream the dream of life as your forefathers did, so must you. And in the end, we are all one. One universal family without loss of identity we are awakened from it all and we are God the Father.
So, where do you live? Well, where you live psychologically is entirely up to you. I repeat, you live in that state of consciousness to which you most often return. You could tonight determine to be, and you name it; want to be wealthy? Alright. It means nothing, it's a shadow anyway. Put it to this what you want; you want to be secure? What would the feeling be like if you were. You assume that you are and that assumption, may be denied at the moment of the assumption, denied by your sense, denied by reason but if you dare to persist in that assumption it will harden into fact.
And the world will bear witness of that persistent assumption on your part. So that's where you live psychologically. Tonight you go home, and you may go to a place where 12 people live, and no 2 people of the 12 live in the same psychological place. They could sleep in the same bed and physically they are under the same roof but psychologically they are in different dwelling places. So you can determine where you want to dwell psychologically. You want to be secure, what's wrong with that? Not a thing wrong with it. You want to be known in this world? Nothing wrong with that. I only tell you it will all vanish and leave not a trace behind it. For you are moving towards the fulfillment of scripture. Hasn't a thing to with secular history but while you are in the world of Caesar pick out what you want in this world and dwell in it psychologically.
So what would the feeling be like were I the man that I would like to be? Am I that way that I want to be known, well alright don't ask anyone. Do I really want to be known in this world, well then assume that I am. Do I want to be secure as the world calls security well then assume that I am. And then tonight though I sleep in a house of 15 or more- I dare. as far as they are concerned, they have different selections as to where they are sleeping psychologically. I pick out the place I want to sleep, and I sleep in it. And night after night I return to that state and sleep in it and then the whole vast world reshuffles itself, and then that state where I dwell psychologically externalises itself in my world, and here I am confronted with the fulfillment of my assumption. Though at the moment that I assumed it it had no foundation in fact.
So where do I live psychologically? I alone can answer that. Maybe some psychiatrist, psychologist might in some way detect it by probing and probing. But you know or you should know where you live. That state which you most often return- that's the place where you are living psychologically. And physically what does it matter. This night, many a miser who has a fortune is living in a horrible state. He is afraid of the loss of this fortune. There are others who, they also have in a peculiar way a sense of loss. You've read it in a paper here this last week, the secretary of the state of the state of Illinois. And so at the age of 68- heart attack and he is gone. He left an estate- he never got more than $30,000 a year all his life and he paid taxes and he had to live, and he lived well. But they found stashed away $800,000 cash in shoe boxes and all kinds of things in a locked place. And all the politicians if they can even be embarrassed- which I question, seriously they can be. That is you can embarrass them because if they have any concept, any sensitivity whatsoever, any ethical code to be a good politician you must put in deep storage! I don't care what they tell us, if you want to be a good politician you take your religion you put it in deep storage while you play your part as politician. And so the worst thing next to being a defeated politician is to be a poor politician, or a broke politician. For he who is a chairman he would not be a broke one. And so he stashed away $800,000 in cash.
And it's said, "If you cannot get a dinner take a sandwich". In other words if they cannot or afraid of giving you $1000, take $500. And he went through life that way, well that's his concept of life. Well, I hope that you aren't given that way but if you are may I tell you in the end it's all forgiven. Everything in the world is forgiven because it is only God playing all the parts. This whole vast world will fade leaving not a trace behind it. This is the dream where you live physically, where you are psychologically. But where you are moving to spiritually there are forever. These are the eternal realities and you, the immortal you, you pass through these eternal states. And you go from one to the other and you never turn back; psychologically you may go back- I can be rich one day and poor the next. I can live here one day and there the next. But in the spiritual progress he isn't going back he is moving towards the climax, and the climax is Jesus Christ. And everyone in the world will awaken as the Lord Jesus Christ and he who awakens will know it. But he cannot present the evidence to satisfy anyone in this world. But he knows he must wait for that one confession. It has to come!
If he thinks as the world thinks that Peter is an old man, then he is waiting and looking in the wrong direction. It's going to come. Because in Christ there is no male nor female. And there is no bond nor free. It has to come- that confession. And when it comes, he feels himself completely relieved. And he knows that any second then let the mortal garment be taken. And soon after it's taken it again appears to Peter. First to Peter. And then he appears to the 12, then to more than 500 at once. And then to James. And then to the apostles. And last of all to one untimely born, he appears to Paul. That's the important state. For that's the state that when you are in that state you are embraced incorporated and then sent. And he who sees you (physical you), if he could ever see you (higher you) would see the one who sent you. But they do not hear his voice and his form they do not see. So they may think they see you and they know your mortal background, your origin, and they judge you by what they know of your physical origin and they do not see you at all. For you have left it completely as you return to the being that you were before that the world was.
So all the wisdom of the world will vanish as though it is not. There isn't a morning's paper that has not in some way punctured the theories of the previous day. Now we are finding more and more galaxies, we thought we had found them all. Now we have just found two more. All within our little sphere as it were. And now tonight it will tell us something else concerning how to live longer. May I tell you; you aren't going to postpone your exit from this world by one hour. You came in on cue and you are going to depart on cue. And that you can drink all the citrus juice in the world, and that you can have all the vitamin C's in the world you aren't going to prolong your little physical garment. You made your entrance on cue like an actor and you're going to depart on cue while you are playing the part you can play it. I've seen dozens of hamlets and no two play the same part identically. So they had their own interpretation of the part. So you will play your part in your own way. But you're going to leave on time. There is a time to be born, a time to die, a time to laugh and a time to cry.
And all these will come to pass. So you aren't going to postpone it one moment. I saw a little statement in the paper this past week. This little lady in England. 110 years old, well she said they talk about cigarettes- "I have been smoking them now for 90 odd years, and not a thing is wrong with me", and of course all the industry sent her carton after carton of cigarettes. So she has so many cigarettes now she'd have to live another 10 years to really consume them. But it hasn't affected her. Someone else you will think it affects you. Churchill died; he was 90 years old. He always smoked cigars all through the day and night. So they call it by some other name because he was 90. My father never smoked in his life, drank like a fish. A two-bottle man a day, I don't mean water! Died 85 years old. My mother never drank in her life and she departed at 61. Here is my father this really a two-whiskey bottle drinker. Strong strapping fellow to the very last 6 months of his life then he collapsed. My niece told me the other day; she came out to spend a week with us. Said "You know what granddaddy died of?" I said "He died because his body collapsed. He went on time." He didn't know he had TB (tuberculosis). Daddy died of TB at 85. Of all the nonsense in the world. You'll find anything there. I don't care what the world will tell, and so they called that the cause of death. He came in on time and departed on time.
Friend came home to dinner last Saturday to night. Said they just came from a funeral. And mentioned this sweet little girl 24 years old with two children and her husband just 28, killed in an accident. 28. And so he was snuffed out riding his motorcycle. A pattern. Same thing happened to her own parents. She never saw her father. He was killed in the second world war. And here these little children she has, they will not remember their father. They know him now, but time will fade their memories and they won't know him. It's a pattern.
But may I tell you take hope you are Jesus Christ of scripture! Do you not realise that Jesus Christ is in you? You are asked that question in the last chapter of Paul's second letter to the Corinthians. "Test yourselves and see, do you not realise that Jesus Christ is in you?" Well if he is in me, I shall make every effort in this world to find him, who is he. I'll tell you who he is, he is your own wonderful imagination. That is the immortal man. That is Jesus Christ. And there never was another Jesus Christ. And he is crucified on you. Your own wonderful body of flesh. As Paul tells us in his letter to the Galatians. I am crucified with Christ. Nevertheless I live, yet not I. Christ lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the son of God who loved me and gave himself. Actually became as I am, crucified on this body, the only cross he ever wore. One day he will awaken in me. And I will know that I am him. And then all the things said of him I will experience.
Yes there is my Peter waiting for me to make the confession. For I know who I am, but I am waiting and that must come. And a little girl enters the state and makes the confession. Yes, he appeared unto me 3 times. First as a man, then as the King. Did he not say my kingdom is not of this world. She saw it in spirit. First the man took her to see the King. And you were the king. You the man faded. And then you know what? The King faded too. And now here he appears to me as Jesus Christ the Lord. He is the son of God. So I tell you I know from my own experience. This is the experience of every child born of woman. Do not despair should you drop dead now. You don't die, you are restored to life in a world just like this, terrestrial just like this and you will be living in a world just like this with the same problems. And you will be living in a physical, psychological state and a spiritual state. The spiritual state is moving in the direction toward the fulfillment, the climax, which is Jesus Christ. So it doesn't really matter. And you will one day awaken.
May I tell you I have awakened and I will be waiting for you. I will be waiting for you. Where? Where will you find me? Within you. Because in taking off this garment where can I go? But to the Father. And where is the father. He is not only through all; he is in all. He is omni-present and imminent. And that's where I am; closer than I could ever be standing on this platform. For here I could be near to you but there I am not near to you, for nearness implies separation.
And I am not near when I leave this garment. I am you. Well, that aspect of your own being that is awakened. And that being is waiting eagerly for the awaking of you. And then we are one. And in the end, we are all one. So we live as one man contracting our infinite senses, we become multitude. Or expanding we behold as one. As one man, all the universal family.
submitted by imaginingcreates8 to NevilleGoddard [link] [comments]

Money Diary: A central NJ married 22 year old personal assistant making $21,000 yearly

Facts: 22 married does not combine finances with husband (23). I work 10 months of the year.
Disclaimer: This diary involves grief, mental health, and coping. If this is possibly triggering to you, please don't read. I don't want anyone to feel distressed over reading this.
Section One: Assets and Debt
Retirement Balance $129,000 approx This was inherited after my mother's recent passing. She had inherited it from my grandfather who was a very wise man financially and in life. He taught me all my morals and principles regarding money. I miss them both every day. I believe it's an IRA annuity. I had to set it up with my mom's financial advisor (now mine) to transfer to my name and base off of my age vs hers. It will never lose value, but the bank will always take the first 2% of any gains that year. So if it gains 5%, I'll only make 3%. But if the market loses 7%, I lose nothing.
Savings Account Balance $3,000 approx It's (2% interest) in a personal savings account for emergencies. I have an MMA savings account with about $135,000 (1.49% interest) from life insurance and inheritance I opened with a local bank my mom and I both used.
Checking Account Balance $1000 I should have around that in my checking with the same bank where the MMA is. I keep money in there for bills, shopping, etc. I feel uncomfortable if I don't have much in there.
Credit Cards $0 I have 2 credit cards with excellent credit. I always pay off in full each month, but put a majority of my purchases on them to get rewards points. I have a couple bills set to autopay so even if I don't make any purchases that month, I still earn something.
Student Loan Debt $0 I paid for my associates degree in a creative field (rather not specify so I don't doxx myself) with a combination of a small scholarship, attending community college vs big university, and an inheritance from my grandparents passing. The inheritance just covered the degree plus a few rent payments when I wasn't working due to illness.
Etc. There is an estate account for my mother which I am the operator of. It has around $10,000 in it. I will be closing this after tax season has passed and transfering to the MMA account.
Section Two: Income
Main Job Monthly Take Home: $2000 I'm a w2 worker, but since I work in a private home, I don't receive traditional pay stubs each pay period. My boss writes me a weekly check with my flat rate and she handles the taxes. My insurance is $0 since I make under the state recommended amount. It does come with its downsides at times (see below in diary), but beggars can't be choosers.
Side Gig Monthly Take Home: $0 I'm working on setting up a creative arts (won't specify which industry) business with a team. We have connections, equipment, and talent. We've been working on it for months and months now finishing our showcase to present to investors/clients. It's promising and hopefully I can make this my full time come next summer.
Section Three: Expenses
Rent: $220 (husband J pays $140) This includes my portion of the internet bill. We live in my MIL's house with my best friend D, her mother, friend K, and MIL. It feels a bit cramped at times and I wish we had more privacy, but it's ok for now. D, her mom, & K were coming from less than desirable living situations, so they moved in to not be drowning in debt or emotionally distressed. Everyone pays their part.
Cellphone: $37.32 Virgin Mobile unlimited talk/text/ 3G data per month. It works for me.
Car Insurance: $189 My 2 vehicles, 2014 car and 2011 truck (inherited after mom's passing, was grandpa's). Both paid off. Can't wait til I'm 25 and the rate is lower. Auto pays to credit card.
AMC Alist: $25.54 I can see 3 movies a week anytime, anywhere, any type (dolby, imax, etc). Worth it for me. Auto pays to credit card.
Netflix: $0 (J pays)
Amazon Prime: $0 (J pays)
Cable: $0 (MIL pays)
Disney+: $0 ( I prepaid upfront $70 for one year)
Storage Unit: $178.48 A new bill necessary after my mom's passing. There isn't enough room for everything where we live so I had to get a unit. This is the online special price with insurance, taxes, etc. Auto pays to credit card.
Donations: ? I don't have a set amount I contribute monthly/annually but I frequently round up purchases to donate when available. I do volunteer when I have time & attend charity events occasionally.
Savings: I don't have a set reoccurring amount at the moment, but my goal this month is $550
Cat Expenses: Kitty vet bills aren't frequent as she's very healthy. We pay for her vet bills when they occur. J and I take turns paying for her hair ball supplements, litter, food, etc.
12/11 • 5:40am Good morning, well not really. I barely slept as I was kept awake by my own intrusive thoughts. I have an overwhelming sense of loneliness as my husband J is at work (overnight worker) until 8am because of the busy holiday season. This is my normal wake up time for work since I have a split shift. It's common in private family homes. I go to the bathroom, brush my hair, get dressed, and I'm out the door.
• 6am I see the forecast was correct as I'm greeted with snow falling from the sky and my car covered in an annoying layer. I quickly dust off my car & heat it up.
• 6:30am At work, extremely tired. I help the kid get ready for school & keep him on schedule. I drink an entire 20 oz bottle of water.
• 7:45 Drop him off at school and begin my journey home.
• 8am Traffic was reasonable considering its snowing and weekday work bustle. I make it home and I'm greeted by my kitty at the door. She does some belly rolls and chirps while I give her pets. I take my birth control and allergy pills while hopping back into bed. Kitty cuddles up with me.
• 9:30am J woke me up with McDonalds hashbrowns, mcmuffins, & orange juice in hand. Breakfast in bed is awesome. We catch up about our day so far and then pass out.
• 12:30pm Time to wake up. I still look really tired so I wash my face with my cleanser, put on some zit cream (oily skin), and my under eye masks. I get them at walmart for pretty cheap and I'm not sure if they always work, but they make me feel more confident. If anyone has eye cream solutions for dark circles, I'm all ears. I feed the meower while I relax with my eye masks.
• 1:20pm Leaving the house for my gynecologist appointment. I go to planned parenthood as it's the only one my insurance accepts. I go to the location in my town that doesn't have picketers harassing patients, but the entrance requires you to be buzzed in. It makes me sad people can't mind their own business about another person's health. I'm extremely nervous because of the circumstances surrounding this appointment. Second water bottle of the day down.
• 2pm They won't see me today as my insurance refuses to cover it until next week. I reschedule my appointment for next Thursday and leave upset. I feel like calling my mom, but remember that she's gone and feel very alone. I missed my period last week and think I might be pregnant on top of needing a pap test for the first time.
• 2:20pm At home and telling J about the insurance issue. He is calm and collected about it. I simmer down as we share a piece of godiva chocolate from the advent calendar. He falls back asleep while I clean the poop palace (litter box). I play Mario Tennis Aces on the switch.
• 4:30pm A couple of Ritz whole wheat crackers and heading to work and stopping for gas on the way at my usual gas station. $20
• 6:30pm Home for the day. I grab a small piece of pumpkin pie to tide me over.
• 8pm Eating a bowl of rice, beans, salad, and a piece of fish with a diet orange soda enjoying J's company. I don't finish mine and save the leftovers. Kitty gets dinner.
• 9pm My best friend D and friend K (who are also our housemates) need stuff from Walmart so I tag along. I confess my period woes and we get a pregnancy test. D buys the test and some gum for J while I awkwardly ask the Subway worker for an empty cup. I take it in the bathroom and feel that this is the pinnacle of my life.
• 9:45pm It was negative. I know you're supposed to use your first morning bathroom trip though and I've been peeing throughout the day. Not super confident about the result, but it eases my mind a little bit. I'll ask them to test me at planned parenthood next week. I love D for being the ultimate confidante.
• 10pm D stops to get takeout pizza because she's starving, I eat a slice. So does K and J when we get home. I give kitty some crust.
• 11pm I suck on a cough drop as my throat is kind of sore. I use my oil free cleansing face wipe, salicylic acid face wipe, set out clothes for the morning, and contemplate the day before attempting sleep.
• Daily Total: $20
12/12 • 5:40am Another morning, another day I question why I wake up before the sun. J is laying next to me. I drink a whole bottle of water.
• 7:30am Boss lets me out early. I call J and ask if he wants a breakfast sandwich from our local breakfast spot. It's a special treat since they're only open til 1pm and we don't often have time to stop by. I like supporting small businesses when possible and their sandwiches are massive. I get a pork roll, egg and cheese whole grain bagel sandwich for me and a sausage, bacon, pork roll, egg and cheese whole grain bagel sandwich for him. $12.26
• 8:00am I'm home and we eat our sandwiches. J thanks me for the food. I update my kakeibo before going back to sleep. I read about it on R29 and it's basically a finance log of incoming and outgoing money, monthly bills, account balances, etc. The idea that you physically write it out is supposed to help with making time each day to be more aware of your financial health. I love a good reason to use my plethora of pretty mini notebooks and aggretsuko stickers.
• 12:30pm Alive I am! I unlock my phone to see my baby Yoda background. Mandalorian is such a great show, can't wait to see Episode 9 (we reserved our tickets weeks ago with AMC Alist). I give sustenance to the feline.
• 2pm Shower. Sometimes I feel like the backbone of the bar soap industry for demographics under 35 as no one else I know uses bar soap. I just prefer it over body wash. I follow my gates of hell worthy shower with 15 minutes of yoga. I've been practicing for years now and it helps keep my mood and fitness levels up. Second bottle of water down.
• 4:30pm J and I watch Jack Whitehall's Christmas Special on Netflix. The only good parts feature Queer Eye. I have a couple peanut butter crackers with more water. I ask J with help on a couple challenging words on Wordscapes.
• 7:30pm Home from work. We make half a bag of birds eye garlic shrimp pasta for dinner. I feed the meower after washing the dishes and have 2 kiwis.
• 11pm I do my nightly routine and sleep while J heads to work. • Daily Total: $12.26
12/13 • 5:40am Happy Friday the 13th! Fun fact, I was engaged on Friday the 13th in April last year. Anyways, normal morning routine and boss gives me the afternoon off.
• 9am J gives me a kiss that makes me feel giddy while I wash the dishes. We ate cereal, which is our standard breakfast.
• 10am We're at our very first estate sale! I found one in a neighboring town online a few days ago that had tons of video games, collectibles, consoles, comics, etc which is right up our alley.
• 11:30am Satisfied with our treasure hunt we each walk out with an armful. I get a couple Spawn games I was searching for, a mint condition PS1 (my earliest childhood memories involved a PS1), a wii game, and a sealed walking dead board game. In comparison to online or traditional store pricing, it was all a steal. J gets more than me including a stack of games and a couple consoles using his own money. $46
• 12:30pm We head to the laundromat to wash our clothes, sheets, and comforter. Our washer at home is on the fritz and we won't be repairing it anytime soon. I give J a few bucks for the machines and he pays the rest on a preloaded laundry card. We kill time by each getting a baked potato with light sour cream from Wendy's and split a 4 piece spicy chicken nugget. $4
• 1:30pm Laundry done and we're home. Our comforter isn't dry enough so we put it in our dryer for a cycle. J regrets not getting a couple more consoles from the sale, so I call and ask if they still have them. Yes, yes they do. Guess who is driving back down there?
• 2:30pm We grabbed the consoles and leave to head to my bank. I deposit my paycheck into my regular account and a check for my mom into the estate account. It feels real now, but I don't want it to. I start to get a headache.
• 4:30pm We're waiting at the storage unit for a delivery for 2 hours now. The driver finally calls and says he'll be there in 5 minutes. It's a brand new washer & dryer I bought during a black friday sale for a very good deal. You may be wondering why I'm not having it installed in our home. I'm trying to close a deal on a manufactured home + land currently and do not want to place it in our home now (down a rickety flight of stairs in the basement) only to have to take it back out within a few months. I sign for the delivery and we head home.
• 5:30pm I cook some asparagus on the stove when J's dad calls asking what we want for dinner. His dad is a generous soul who doesn't believe in us refusing food/assistance (J comes from a hispanic family), so every Friday he brings us food from somewhere. Today it's Wendy's, and I get a grilled chicken caesar salad while J gets fries and a crispy chicken sandwich. We eat the asparagus first and wash the dishes after we're done.
• 8pm At some point we both passed out. Guess I needed the nap. J is still sleeping while I search for new cookie recipes, play wordscapes, and play Mario Tennis Aces on switch. I've become a pretty avid baker and every holiday season I make a cookie tray for each meaningful person in my life. I'm trying to feel normal and go ahead with it, even though this is my first Christmas without my mom. My heart aches as I write this.
• 10:30pm My stomach feels kinda off so I make green tea with honey and eat half a fun size reese's pb cup. I bring J a piece of wheat bread with peanut butter as requested. Kitty has settled on the bed content with life.
• 12am Kitty has a flea. We give her topical flea medication we have on hand.
• Daily Total: $50 12/14 • 3am Kitty throws up, probably from licking the topical treatment. I clean it up and go back to sleep.
• 11:30am I'm awake. I look online and find a flea medication at petsmart that is in pill form. J & I head out to get it and we pick up pill pockets while there to make it more appetizing for her. J pays as he owes me some money and he makes a $2 donation for homeless pets.
• 2pm Home with a custom acai bowl for me from Frutta Bowls we picked up on the way home. It's one of my favorite things, but they can be a bit pricey. J doesn't really like them and he pays. Kitty takes her medicine.
• 4pm J leaves to spend some time with his dad at the gym and shop with him. This is a weekly occurence which nets me alone time. I watch some YouTube videos from Kittisaurus, TimTracker, and Themissalliecakes. I highly recommend those channels for wholesome, cute entertainment.
• 6:30pm I pause Resident Evil 2 (my first playthrough) and begin making broccoli mac and cheese in the kitchen. Roommate K walks in and we chat for a little bit about her workday. She goes to her room while I wrap up the leftovers and wash dishes.
• 9:30pm I continue playing RE2 until J comes home. I only had 3 jumpscares so I consider that a win. J is very tired and I help put away the groceries.
• 11:30pm I make myself a drink with mtn dew ice and Jose cuervo tequila. It's super smooth and definitely worth a try if you're a tequila fan. I watch all the office Christmas episodes while eating some cookies and have another drink before passing out in the early morning hours.
• Daily Total: $0 12/15 • 10:30am I'm awake and respond to some texts from my creative business colleagues. We have a date for our debut and I eagerly await the day. I set up a meeting for later in the week to discuss more.
• 12:30pm We feed kitty, brush her, and give her the flea meds. J and I watch the new Mandalorian episode on Disney+ and notice Bill Burr is in it. I mention that I'm still waiting for F is for Family season 4 to come on Netflix. It's really an underrated show, much like Tuca and Bertie (gone too soon).
• 1pm J makes himself some eggs and hotdogs on the stove while I eat some cereal. I text with a good friend and we decide to go to lunch tomorrow at an Asian restaurant. I'm happy since I haven't seen him since our wedding and that was 8 months ago. Life gets hectic when friends have different schedules.
• 2pm We drive over to Kmart to see if they have any good items left. Today is the store's final day, but nothing good remains. J wants pretzels from Philly Pretzel Factory so we get some rivets and dips. He pays.
• 7pm I've been playing Resident Evil 2 most of the day after taking a shower while J helps me. He watches some videos and plays phone games as well. We eat some of the pretzels.
• 7:30pm Time for dinner. We cook broccoli, asparagus, last night's mac and cheese, and chicken soup to use up ingredients in our stuffed fridge.
• 11:30pm Nightly routine, 15 minutes of yoga, and sleep.
• Daily Total: $0 12/16 • 5:40am The sky's not awake, but I am. Morning routine as usual, return home, and sleep some more. I think about the claymation Christmas specials I used to watch with my mom and feel nostalgic and pained.
• 12:30pm J & I meet our good friend B at the asian restaurant. I've known B since middle school and he's like a brother to me. Dude is taller than a baby giraffe at birth so I look tiny, even at my 5 ft 7 stature. He gives me a hug and we feast. Sushi, shrimp, lo mein, green tea ice cream, scallion pancakes, gyoza, shumai, and more. It's all very delicious and we have a great time chatting. J pays to settle up the money he owed me.
• 2:30pm Chilling at home until work and watching some Youtube. I rest my head on J's shoulder, my favorite spot. I confirm with D that she's available tomorrow afternoon and reserve tickets for a movie. My ticket is covered under Alist and I use a reward to get her ticket for cheap. $1.07
• 7:30pm Home from work and letting my friends know the date of my creative business debut next month. I'd like as many to attend as possible to try and fill the aching gap of my mother, father, and grandparents (maternal) being unable to see my culminating moment career wise. I plan to visit their resting place again next week to bring more fresh flowers and chat. I eat some cereal since I'm not super hungry after lunch earlier, but don't want to wake up in the middle of the night starving.
• 11:30pm Nightly routine and time for rest.
• Daily Total: $1.07 12/17 • 5:40am My slumber is interrupted by my work alarm and I sigh. Only two mornings I tell myself. It's a dreary, rainy day. Morning routine and work completed, I pass out.
• 11:45am I wake up after some odd dreams and eat some cereal with J. He's pretty groggy. I feed kitty before leaving the house. I drive myself and D to the Mr. Rogers movie since she really wants to see it and I think it looks wholesome.
• 3pm The movie was indeed wholesome. We both enjoyed it very much. I drink a diet orange soda at home while watching Rick & Morty with J and snacking on pretzels.
• 7pm After getting home from work, I take a shower and think about how in a weird sense I've become Batman. My family is gone and I've been left with only questions, a strong moral compass, and money (not Bruce Wayne money). Life hasn't always been kind to my family and I feel isolated because no one can exactly relate to what we've gone through. I pray this was the hardest decade of my life and that easier times will be ahead.
• 8pm We eat some salad, rice, and half a can of tuna with a chicken leg each. We eat healthy most of the time although our diet would look very odd to others. Fun fact about me, my cat is named after a Roman goddess. Comment down below with your guess.
• 11pm Sleep for a long but fun day tomorrow after nightly routine and 50 squats.
• Daily Total: $0 12/18 • 5:40am Another morning routine comes another day of unnerving traffic. Christmas is a week away which brings out the dumb in people I notice...or at least when it comes to driving.
• 10:30am Wake up time! We're taking K, her friend (who I've never met before), and our good friend I to Philly for the Christmas village in Love Park in my (my mom's) truck. It should be about a 45 minute drive so we head out to pick up I and get on the road.
• 12:30pm We made it to the parking lot. I prepaid this morning (cheaper to reserve in advance and I found a coupon code), K will split it with me later. Spoiler alert, she doesn't pay me for her portion, but I let it go.$16.60
• 1pm We instantly inspect all the cute wooden huts for food since me and J are starving after not eating this morning. We begin with a smoked bratwurst each on a roll and split and diet coke. J pays.
• 1:30pm Next is spaetzle (german version of mac and cheese is the best way for me to describe it) and goulash, both are delicious. I pay for the spaetzle, J pays for the goulash. ($9) My hands are freezing so I buy a pair of warm gloves for me ($10.80) and a scarf ($15) for J since his neck is cold. We chat with a vendor about how touchscreen gloves are useless $34.80
• 1:30pm Our friend I comments on how sweet we are together and gives us a bear hug. I is a very out gay man and I love him so much for never being afraid to be himself. I just wish he would take better care of his health; we offer to buy him food (he's unemployed) but he refuses. Me and J want some strudels so we get an apple one and a lemon pepper chicken one. He pays, and I like the sweet one much better.
• 2pm I decide it's time to try glühwein, which is hot flavored wine in a special mug for the festival. I purchase the souvenir mug with apple glühwein ($10) and really enjoy it. J finds it gross, I takes a sip and thinks it's ok. We regroup with K and her friend inside the heated german ornament shop tent. I feel the wine a bit since I haven't eaten enough and go a bit ham with the ornaments. I purchase 2 lace, 1 wooden, and 2 glass ornaments. ($52.40) We exit the tent and it's lightly snowing. $62.40
• 2:15pm We meet a precious Samoyed named Levi who does an Awoooo to the onlookers. He's friendly and I get to pet him. 10/10 best boy ever, will steal your girl. J gets fries that we split and a hot chocolate for himself. He pays.
• 3pm K and her friend get some glühwein and I get a refill, leaving a tip too. ( $8 with $1 tip) We head across the street to look at the other festival shops. I see some really cool coffee stain animal illustration artwork, but I'm not ready to purchase it just yet. I take the owner's business card so I can make a future purchase. $8
• 3:30pm I buy a potato pancake with sour cream, cinnamon, and applesauce before we leave. We split it and walk back to the truck. $5
• 4:15pm On the way home we stop at Krispy Kreme. There are no locations near us that aren't out of the way, so we decide it's worth it. I buy a dozen donuts of different varieties. $11.49
• 5:20pm We drop I off and have arrived back home. I search for the artist's business card and can't find it! I'm very annoyed and contact the festivals Facebook page with a brief description of the vendor and their location with the hopes they can give me the name. I chat with D about her work day.
• 7:30pm My baking is complete. I tried out a new recipe tonight of crispy kit kat blondies. I give one to K, J, and B along with her mom. I put the rest in the fridge and will bring some tomorrow to my creative business meeting. I drink a diet orange soda and look at the Christmas cards my aunt (mom's best friend) and my 2nd cousins sent. My aunt also sent a container of her homemade cookies with many varieties inside. I hope she likes the gift I sent her (a fleece throw blanket with cats all over it).
• 8pm I wanted to mention here that K's friend did not speak to anybody but K all day. I find it extremely rude since she hitched a ride with us and spent part of the day with us. No thank you, no greeting, nothing. I wonder if I'm overreacting, but it just feels impolite to not speak at all to others in the group.
• 9:30pm I watch some YouTube videos, browse reddit, and write the final money diary entry. I think about what a jam-packed week this has been and how there's much more in store. I wonder how tomorrow's appointment at Planned Parenthood will go.
• 11:30pm Nightly routine and 50 squats later, I need to go to sleep.
• Daily Total: $138.30
Food + Drink $55.75 Fun / Entertainment $1.07 Home + Health $0 Clothes + Beauty $25.80 Transport $36.60 Other $102.40
Weekly Total: $221.63
Reflections I'd like to start off by saying I normally don't socialize or go out this much in a week. So if you're an introvert thinking, "mmmm can't relate.", I feel you. Typically, I stay home and watch a streaming service or play a game. I really pushed myself this week to be social and have fun with my friends to combat the emptiness I'm feeling regarding this holiday season and the loss of my mom. Is it healthy? I'm not sure really, but it's better than me partaking in more self destructive behaviors I suppose.
I'd consider myself more of a frugal spender than a reckless purchaser. I knew in advance I'd be dropping some cash at the festival in Philly, so it wasn't too big of a shock to me. I usually fluctuate between extremes of no spending or high spending, typically because of stocking up on items I need or attending a special event. I value experiences and food more than material goods a majority of the time, which is standard for me and represented well in this diary.
My grief has taken a toll on me physically, emotionally, mentally, and financially. There are a lot of things people don't let you know will happen when a parent passes away while you're young and still setting up your life, so to speak. I was completely caught unaware and bombarded which, at first, affected my ability to care about anything really. I let money (my personal earned, not inheritance) fly willy nilly a bit as I grappled with her loss and the side effects money has on the cold hearts around you. I no longer speak to my stepdad, because he threatened to harm me, my husband, and set fire to the joint home of my mom and him.
As a result, I went in auto mode moving everything of hers out of there and into a storage unit. I didn't blink at the cost, I didn't blink when people looked down upon me in pity, nothing mattered anymore. All I could feel was intense pain emotionally and physically. I had a large tumor last year that incapacitated me and thought I wouldn't be here today. But here I am with money I didn't ask for, alone. I know to some, that might make me sound ungrateful, but I'd pay all that money if they could bring her back.
I thank you all for reading my diary and hope you have enjoyed it. If you'd like a future update regarding my career endeavors or how I'm handling grief, please comment below. I'd like to see how many would be interested. Have a great holiday season.
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(2011) Ek Ladki Ko Dekha Toh Aisa Laga (2019) Ek Lief Jou (2011) Ek Main Aur Ekk Tu (2012) Ek Rishtaa: The Bond of Love (2001) Ek Tha Tiger (2012) Ek Thi Daayan (2013) Ek Villain (2014) Eklavya — The Royal Guard (2007) El Cantante (2008) Elaan (2005) Election (1999) Elegy (2008) Elektra (2005) Elelwani (2013) Elephant (2005) Elf (2003) Elite Squad: The Enemy Within (2012) Elite Squad (2008) Eliza Graves (2014) Elizabeth: The Golden Age (2008) Elizabethtown (2005) Elizabeth (1999) Eli (2015) Ella Enchanted (2004) Ellen: Die Ellen Pakkies Storie (2018) Elliot the Littlest Reindeer (2018) Elsa & Fred (2015) Elvis & Nixon (2016) Elvis Has Left the Building (2005) Elysium (2013) Emma. (2020) Emoji Movie (3D), The (2017) Emoji Movie, The (2017) Emperor & The Assassin, The (2001) Emperor's Club, The (2003) Emperor's New Clothes, The (2002) Emperor's New Groove, The (2001) Emperor (2013) Empire State (2014) Empire Strikes Back, The (1997) Empire (2003) Employee of the Month (2007) Enai Noki Paayum Thota (2019) Enakkul Oruvan (2015) Enchanted (2007) End Of Days (1999) End of Violence, The (1998) End of Watch (2012) End of the Affair, The (2000) End of the Line, The (2010) End of the Tour, The (2015) Ender's Game (IMAX) (2013) Ender's Game (2013) Endgame (2010) Endhiran / Robot (2010) Endless Love (2014) Endless River, The (2016) Enduring Love (2005) Enemy at the Gates (2001) Enemy of the State (1999) English Patient, The (1997) English Teacher, The (2013) English Vinglish (2012) Enigma (2002) Enough Said (2013) Enough (2002) Entourage (2015) Entrapment (1999) Entropy (2000) Envy (2004) Epic (3D) (2013) Epic Movie (2007) Epic (2013) Equalizer (IMAX), The (2014) Equalizer 2 (IMAX), The (2018) Equalizer 2, The (2018) Equalizer, The (2014) Equals (2016) Equilibrium (2003) Equity (2016) Eragon (2006) Erin Brockovich (2000) Escape Plan 2: Hades (2018) Escape Plan: The Extractors (2019) Escape Plan (2013) Escape Room (2019) Escape from Planet Earth (3D) (2013) Escape from Planet Earth (2013) Esmeralda Comes by Night (1999) Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) Eternity (2010) Europa Report (2014) Eurotrip (2004) Evan Almighty (2007) Eva (2018) Eve's Bayou (1998) Evelyn (2003) Evening Star (1997) Evening (2008) Event Horizon (1997) Ever After (1999) Everest (3D)(IMAX) (2015) Everest (3D) (2015) Everest (2001) Everest (2015) Everly (2015) Every Day (2018) Every Little Step (2009) Everybody Famous (2001) Everybody Wants Some!! (2016) Everybody's Fine (2010) Everyone Says I Love You (1997) Everyone's Hero (2007) Everything Must Go (2011) Everything Will Be Fine (3D) (2015) Everything Will Be Fine (2015) Everything, Everything (2017) Evil Dead (2013) Evil Woman (2001) Evolution (2001) Exception, The (2017) Excess Baggage (1997) Exit Wounds (2001) Exodus: Gods and Kings (3D) (2014) Exodus: Gods and Kings (2014) Exorcism of Emily Rose, The (2005) Exorcist: The Beginning (2004) Exorcist, The (2001) Expendables 2, The (2012) Expendables 3, The (2014) Expendables, The (2010) Extraordinary Measures (2010) Extreme Ops (2003) Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close (2012) Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile (2019) Extreme (2001) Eye in the Sky (2016) Eye of the Beholder (2000) Eye of the Storm, The (2012) Eyes Wide Open (2010) Eyes Wide Shut (1999) Eyes of Tammy Faye, The (2001) Eye, The (2008) eXistenZ (1999) F Faan se Trein (2014) Face/Off (1997) Face (1998) Facing Windows (2004) Faculty, The (1999) Fading Gigolo (2014) Fahrenheit 9/11 (2004) Failure to Launch (2006) Fair Game (2011) Fairytale (1998) Faith Happens (2009) Faith Like Potatoes (2006) Faith's Corner (2005) Faithless (2001) Fallen (1998) Fallen (2016) Fall, The (2017) Fame (2009) Family — Ties of Blood (2006) Family Man, A (2017) Family Man, The (2000) Family Stone, The (2006) Family, The (2013) Fanaa (2006) Fanboys (2009) Fanie Fourie's Lobola (2013) Fanney Khan (2018) Fantasia 2000 (2000) Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (3D)(IMAX) (2016) Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (3D) (2016) Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (4DX) (2016) Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (2016) Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald (3D IMAX) (2018) Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald (3D) (2018) Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald (4DX) (2018) Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald (2018) Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer (2007) Fantastic Four (2005) Fantastic Four (2015) Fantastic Mr. Fox (2010) Fantasy Island (2020) Fan (2016) Far From Heaven (2003) Far from the Madding Crowd (2015) Fareb (2005) Farewell Ella Bella (2018) Farewell, My Queen (2012) Fashion (2008) Fast & Furious 5: Rio Heist (2011) Fast & Furious 6 (2013) Fast & Furious 7 (IMAX) (2015) Fast & Furious 7 (2015) Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw (4DX) (2019) Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw (IMAX) (2019) Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw (2019) Fast & Furious (2009) Fast Track (2007) Fast and the Furious: Toyko Drift, The (2006) Fast and the Furious, The (2001) Faster (2010) Fat Albert (2005) Fate of the Furious (4DX), The (2017) Fate of the Furious (IMAX), The (2017) Fate of the Furious, The (2017) Father Figures (2018) Fathers & Daughters (2016) Faubourg 36 (2010) Fault in Our Stars, The (2014) Favourite, The (2019) Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1999) FearDotCom (2003) Feast of Love (2008) Feast (2007) Fed Up (2014) Felix (2013) Female Perversions (1997) Femme Fatale (2003) Fences (2017) Ferdinand (3D) (2017) Ferdinand (2017) Ferrari Ki Sawaari (2012) Fever Pitch (1997) Fever (2016) Fida (2004) Fiela se Kind (2019) Fierce People (2007) Fifth Element, The (1997) Fifth Estate, The (2013) Fifty Dead Men Walking (2009) Fifty Shades Darker (2017) Fifty Shades Freed (IMAX) (2018) Fifty Shades Freed (2018) Fifty Shades of Black (2016) Fifty Shades of Grey (2015) Fight Club (2000) Fighter Pilot: Operation Red Flag (2005) Fighter, The (2011) Fighting Temptations, The (2003) Fighting with My Family (2019) Fighting (2009) Film Stars Don't Die in Liverpool (2018) Filth (2014) Final Cut, The (2005) Final Destination (3D), The (2009) Final Destination 2 (2003) Final Destination 3 (2006) Final Destination 5 (3D) (2011) Final Destination 5 (2011) Final Destination, The (2009) Final Destination (2000) Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within (2001) Final Portrait (2018) Final Score (2019) Find Me Guilty (2006) Finders Keepers (2017) Finding Dory (3D)(IMAX) (2016) Finding Dory (3D) (2016) Finding Dory (2016) Finding Fanny (2014) Finding Forrester (2001) Finding Lenny (2009) Finding Nemo (3D) (2012) Finding Nemo (2003) Finding Neverland (2005) Finding Your Feet (2018) Finest Hours (3D)(IMAX), The (2016) Finest Hours (3D), The (2016) Finest Hours, The (2016) Fire Down Below (1997) Fire with Fire (2014) Fired Up! (2009) Fireflies in the Garden (2009) Firehouse Dog (2007) Fireman Sam: Heroes of the Storm (2016) Firestorm (1998) Firewall (2006) Fire (1998) First Daughter (2005) First Grader, The (2011) First Kill (2017) First Man (IMAX) (2018) First Man (2018) First Night (2012) First Purge, The (2018) First Strike (1997) First Sunday (2008) Fisherman's Friends (2019) Fist Fight (2017) Fitoor (2016) Five Children and It (2005) Five Fingers for Marseilles (2017) Five Fingers for Marseilles (2018) Five-Year Engagement, The (2012) Flags of Our Fathers (2006) Flashbacks of a Fool (2008) Flatland (2020) Flatliners (2017) Flawless (2000) Flicka (2007) Flight of the Phoenix (2005) Flightplan (2005) Flight (2013) Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas, The (2000) Florence Foster Jenkins (2016) Florida Road (2011) Flower of My Secret (1998) Flowers of War, The (2012) Flubber (1998) Flushed Away (2006) Fly Away Home (1997) Fly Me to the Moon (2008) Fly Me to the Moon (2013) Flyboys (2007) Flyer, The (2005) Flying Jatt, A (2016) Focus (2015) Fog, The (2006) Fokofpolisiekar: Forgive Them for They Know Not What They Do (2009) Food, Inc. (2010) Fool 'n Final (2007) Fool's Gold (2008) Fools Rush In (1997) Fools (1998) Footloose (2012) Footnote (2012) Footskating 101 (2007) For Better For Worse (2010) For Colored Girls (2011) For Love of the Game (2000) For Richer or Poorer (1998) For Your Consideration (2007) Forbidden Kingdom, The (2008) Force 2 (2016) Forces of Nature (1999) Force (2011) Ford v Ferrari (IMAX) (2019) Ford v Ferrari (2019) Foreign Affair, A (2006) Foreigner, The (2017) Forest, The (2016) Forger, The (2015) Forgetting Sarah Marshall (2008) Forgiveness (2004) Forgiven, The (2018) Forgotten Kingdom, The (2014) Forgotten, The (2004) Forsaken, The (2001) Founder, The (2017) Fountain, The (2007) Four Brothers (2005) Four Corners (2014) Four Days in September (1998) Four Feathers, The (2003) Four Lions (2010) Fourth Kind, The (2010) Foxcatcher (2015) Fracture (2007) Frailty (2002) Frank & Fearless (2018) Frankenweenie (3D) (2012) Freakonomics: The Movie (2011) Freaky Ali (2016) Freaky Chakra (2003) Freaky Friday (2003) Fred Claus (2007) Freddy Got Fingered (2001) Freddy Vs. Jason (2003) Free Birds (3D) (2013) Free Birds (2013) Free Fire (2017) Free Men (2011) Free Solo (IMAX) (2019) Free State of Jones (2016) Free State (2016) Free Willy 3 (1997) Freedom Writers (2007) Freedomland (2006) Freeheld (2016) Freelancers (2012) Freeway (1997) French Toast (2015) Frequency (2000) Friday After Next (2003) Friday the 13th (2009) Frida (2003) Friends With Money (2006) Friends with Benefits (2011) Friends with Kids (2012) Fright Night (3D) (2011) Fright Night (2011) From Hell (2002) From Paris With Love (2010) From Prada to Nada (2011) From a House on Willow Street (2017) Front Runner, The (2019) Frost/Nixon (2009) Frost (1999) Frozen (3D) (2013) Frozen Ground, The (2014) Frozen II (3D IMAX) (2019) Frozen II (3D) (2019) Frozen II (4DX) (2019) Frozen II (2019) Frozen (2013) Fruitvale Station (2014) Fuel (2012) Fugitive Pieces (2008) Fugly (2014) Fukrey Returns (2017) Full Frontal (2003) Full Monteverdi, The (2010) Full Monty, The (1998) Full of It (2007) Fun Mom Dinner (2017) Fun Size (2012) Fun With Dick and Jane (2006) Funny Games (1998) Fur: An Imaginary Portrait of Diane Arbus (2007) Furry Vengeance (2010) Fury (IMAX) (2015) Fury (2015) G G-Force (3D) (2009) G-Force (2009) G.I. Jane (1997) G.I. Joe: Retaliation (3D) (2013) G.I. Joe: Retaliation (2013) G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra (2009) Gabbar is Back (2015) Gabbeh (1998) Galaxy Quest (2000) Gallows Road (2017) Gallows, The (2015) Galveston (2019) Gambit (2013) Gambler, The (2015) Game Night (2018) Game Plan, The (2008) Gamer (2009) Game, The (1998) Game (2011) Gandhi Murder, The (2019) Gandhi, My Father (2007) Gang Related (1998) Gangs of New York (2003) Gangster Squad (2013) Gangster (2006) Garage Days (2003) Garam Masala (2005) Garden State (2004) Garfield's Fun Fest (2009) Garfield's Pet Force (2D) (2009) Garfield's Pet Force (3D) (2009) Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties (2006) Garfield (2004) Garv — Pride and Honour (2004) Gattaca (1998) Gaudi Afternoon (2001) Gemini Man (3D) (2019) Gemini Man (4DX) (2019) Gemini Man (IMAX) (2019) Gemini Man (2019) General's Daughter, The (1999) Genius (2016) Genova (2009) Gentleman, A (2017) Gentlemen Broncos (2010) Gentlemen, The (2020) George of the Jungle (1997) Georgia Rule (2007) Geostorm (3D IMAX) (2017) Geostorm (3D) (2017) Geostorm (4DX) (2017) Geostorm (2017) Get Carter (2001) Get Hard (2015) Get Low (2011) Get Out (2017) Get Over It (2001) Get Real (1999) Get Rich or Die Tryin' (2006) Get Smart (2008) Get a Job (2016) Get on the Bus (1997) Getroud met Rugby (2011) Ghajini (2008) Ghanchakkar (2013) Ghatothkach (2008) Ghayal Once Again (2016) Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance (3D) (2012) Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance (2012) Ghost Rider (2007) Ghost Ship (2003) Ghost Town (2009) Ghost Writer, The (2010) Ghost in the Shell (3D)(IMAX) (2017) Ghost in the Shell (3D) (2017) Ghost in the Shell (2017) Ghostbusters (3D)(IMAX) (2016) Ghostbusters (3D) (2016) Ghostbusters (4DX) (2016) Ghostbusters (2016) Ghosthunters: On Icy Trails (2015) Ghosts From the Past (1997) Ghosts of Girlfriends Past (2009) Ghosts of Mars (2002) Gifted (2017) Gift, The (2001) Gift, The (2015) Gigli (2003) Gingerbread Man, The (1998) Girl Next Door, The (2004) Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest, The (2010) Girl Who Played With Fire, The (2010) Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, The (2012) Girl in Progress (2012) Girl in the Spider's Web, The (2018) Girl of Your Dreams, The (2000) Girl on the Bridge (2000) Girl on the Train, The (2016) Girl with a Pearl Earring (2004) Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The (2010) Girl's Night (1998) Girl, Interrupted (2000) Girlfight (2001) Girls Trip (2017) Giver, The (2014) Gladiator (2000) Glass (IMAX) (2019) Glass Castle, The (2017) Glass House, The (2002) Glass (2019) Glee: The 3D Concert Movie (2011) Glitter (2002) Gloomy Sunday — Ein Lied von Liebe und Tod (2006) Gloria Bell (2019) Gloria (1999) Gloria (2014) Glory Game - The Joost van der Westhuizen Story (2015) Glory Road (2006) Gnome Alone (3D) (2018) Gnome Alone (2018) Gnomeo & Juliet (3D) (2011) Gnomeo & Juliet (2011) Go Goa Gone (2013) Goal 3: Taking on the World (2010) Goal II: Living the Dream (2007) Goal! (2005) God Grew Tired of Us: The Story of Lost Boys of Sudan (2008) God Help the Girl (2014) God Tussi Great Ho (2008) God is African (2003) God's Faithful Servant: Barla (2012) God's Not Dead 2 (2016) God's Not Dead (2015) Goddess (2014) Gods and Monsters (1999) Gods of Egypt (3D)(IMAX) (2016) Gods of Egypt (3D) (2016) Gods of Egypt (4DX) (2016) Gods of Egypt (2016) Godsend (2004) Godzilla (3D)(IMAX) (2014) Godzilla (3D) (2014) Godzilla: King of the Monsters (3D IMAX) (2019) Godzilla: King of the Monsters (3D) (2019) Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019) Godzilla (1998) Godzilla (2014) Goethe (2012) Going in Style (2017) Going the Distance (2010) Gold in the Streets (1997) Golden Bowl, The (2001) Golden Compass, The (2007) Goldfinch, The (2019) Gold (2017) Gold (2018) Golmaal 3 (2010) Golmaal Again (2017) Golmaal Returns (2009) Golmaal (2006) Gone Baby Gone (2008) Gone Girl (2014) Gone in 60 Seconds (2000) Gone (2012) Good Boy, Bad Boy (2007) Good Boys (2019) Good Boy (2003) Good Burger (1998) Good Bye Lenin (2004) Good Day to Die Hard, A (2013) Good Deeds (2012) Good Dinosaur (3D), The (2015) Good Dinosaur, The (2015) Good German, The (2007) Good Girl, The (2002) Good Hair (2010) Good Kill (2015) Good Liar, The (2019) Good Lie, The (2014) Good Luck Chuck (2008) Good Newwz (2019) Good Night, and Good Luck. (2006) Good People (2014) Good Shepherd, The (2007) Good Thief, The (2003) Good Time (2017) Good Will Hunting (1998) Good Woman, A (2006) Good Year, A (2006) Goodbye Christopher Robin (2018) Goodbye Lover (1999) Goosebumps (3D) (2015) Goosebumps 2: Haunted Halloween (2018) Goosebumps (2015) Gori Tere Pyaar Mein (2013) Gosford Park (2002) Gospel of John, The (2004) Gossip (2001) Gothika (2004) Gotti (2018) Governess, The (1998) Govindudu Andarivadele (2014) Goya in Bordeaux (2000) Goya's Ghosts (2008) Go (1999) Grace is Gone (2008) Grace of Monaco (2014) Gracie (2007) Gran Torino (2009) Grand Budapest Hotel, The (2014) Grand Canyon: The Hidden Secrets (2001) Grand Canyon: The Hidden Secrets (2005) Grand Masti (2013) Grand Seduction, The (2014) Grandma's Boy (2006) Grandmaster, The (2014) Grandma (2015) Gravity (3D)(IMAX) (2014) Gravity (3D) (2013) Gravity (2013) Grease (preview) (1998) Great Beauty, The (2014) Great Dance: A Hunter's Story, The (2000) Great Expectations (1998) Great Expectations (2013) Great Gatsby (3D), The (2013) Great Gatsby, The (2013) Great Raid, The (2005) Great Wall (3D)(IMAX), The (2017) Great Wall (3D), The (2017) Great Wall, The (2017) Great White Hype, The (1997) Greatest Showman, The (2017) Green Book (2019) Green Hornet (3D), The (2011) Green Hornet, The (2011) Green Lantern (3D) (2011) Green Lantern (2011) Green Mile, The (2000) Green Street Hooligans (2006) Green Zone (2010) Greenberg (2010) Greenfingers (2001) Greta (2019) Gretel & Hansel (2020) Grey Owl (2000) Grey Zone, The (2003) Grey, The (2012) Gridiron Gang (2007) Gridlock'd (1997) Griffin & Phoenix (2008) Grimm Brothers' Snow White (1998) Grimsby (2016) Grinch (3D IMAX), The (2018) Grinch (3D), The (2018) Grinch, The (2000) Grinch, The (2018) Grind (2004) Gringo (2018) Gripsholm (2002) Grizzly Man (2006) Groove (2001) Grosse Pointe Blank (1997) Grown Ups 2 (2013) Grown Ups (2010) Grudge 2, The (2006) Grudge Match (2014) Grudge, The (2004) Grudge, The (2020) Guardians of the Galaxy (3D)(IMAX) (2014) Guardians of the Galaxy (3D) (2014) Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (3D)(IMAX) (2017) Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (3D) (2017) Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (4DX) (2017) Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017) Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) Guardian, The (2006) Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society, The (2018) Guess Who (2005) Guest iin London (2017) Guest, The (2015) Guilt Trip, The (2013) Gulaab Gang (2014) Gulliver's Travels (3D) (2011) Gulliver's Travels (2011) Gully Boy (2019) Gun Shy (2000) Gunaah (2002) Gunday (2014) Gunman, The (2015) Gun (2011) Guru, The (2002) Guru (2007) Guy Thing, A (2003) Guys, The (2003) Guzaarish (2010) Gypsy Woman (2002) H Haan... Maine Bhi Pyaar Kiya (2002) Hachiko: A Dog's Story (2010) Hacksaw Ridge (2016) Haider (2014) Hail, Caesar! (2016) Hairspray (2007) Half Girlfriend (2017) Half Light (2006) Half Nelson (2007) Half Past Dead (2003) Hall Pass (2011) Halla Bol (2008) Halloween H20 (1998) Halloween II (2010) Halloween: Resurrection (2002) Halloween (2018) Hamari Adhuri Kahani (2015) Hamlet (2000 (2000) Hamlet 2 (2009) Hamlet (1997) Hampstead (2018) Hancock (2008) Hands of Stone (2016) Hanging Garden, The (1998) Hanging Up (2000) Hangover Part III, The (2013) Hangover Part II, The (2011) Hangover, The (2009) Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert Tour (2008) Hannah Montana: The Movie (2009) Hanna (2011) Hannibal Rising (2007) Hannibal (2001) Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters (3D) (2013) Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters (2013) Hansie (2008) Happening, The (2008) Happily N'Ever After (2007) Happiness is a Four-Letter Word (2016) Happiness (1999) Happy Bhag Jayegi (2016) Happy Death Day (2017) Happy Endings (2005) Happy Ending (2014) Happy Feet Two (3D) (2011) Happy Feet Two (2011) Happy Feet (2006) Happy New Year (2014) Happy Phirr Bhag Jayegi (2018) Happy Times Hotel (2003) Happy Together (1998) Happy, Texas (2000) Happy-Go-Lucky (2009) Happytime Murders, The (2018) Hard Candy (2006) Hard Day's Night, A (2001) Hard Rain (1998) Hard to Get (2014) Hardball (2002) Hardcore Henry (2016) Hare Krishna! (2018) Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay (2008) Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle (2004) Harriet the Spy (1997) Harrison's Flowers (2002) Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 (2010) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (3D) (2011) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (2011) Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005) Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009) Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007) Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (2001) Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004) Harsh Times (2007) Hart's War (2002) Hasee Toh Phasee (2014) Hat Trick (2007) Hatchet Hour (2016) Hate Story 2 (2014) Hate U Give, The (2018) Hateful Eight, The (2016) Hateship Loveship (2014) Haunted House 2, A (2014) Haunted House, A (2013) Haunted Mansion, The (2004) Haunting in Connecticut, The (2009) Haunting, The (1999) Haunt (2019) Haute Cuisine (2014) Hav Plenty (1998) Haywire (2012) He Got Game (1998) He Named Me Malala (2015) He's Just Not That Into You (2009) Head On (1999) Head in the Clouds (2005) Head over Heels (2001) Head-On (2006) Healer, The (2018) Hear Me Move (2015) Heartbeats (2017) Heartbreak Kid, The (2007) Heartbreakers (2001) Heartlands (2004) Hearts in Atlantis (2002) Heat, The (2013) Heaven Is for Real (2014) Heaven on Earth (2009) Heaven's Herds (2006) Heaven (2002) Heavy (1997) Hedwig & The Angry Inch (2001) Heel Against the Head (1999) Heidi (2016) Heist (2002) Helicopter Eela (2018) Hell Fest (2018) Hell on Wheels (2006) Hell or High Water (2016) Hellboy (IMAX) (2019) Hellboy II: The Golden Army (2008) Hellboy (2004) Hellboy (2019) Hello Brother (1999) Hello Goodbye (2010) Hello, My Name is Doris (2016) Hello... (2008) Hell (2006) Help! I'm a Fish (2001) Help, The (2011) Henry Fool (1998) Henry Poole is Here (2008) Henry of Navarre (2011) Her Only Choice (2019) Herbie: Fully Loaded (2005) Hercules (3D)(IMAX) (2014) Hercules (3D) (2014) Hercules (1997) Hercules (2014) Here Comes the Boom (2012) Here Comes the Grump (2018) Here on Earth (2000) Hereafter (2011) Hereditary (2018) Hero -- Love Story of a Spy, The (2003) Heroes (2008) Heroine (2012) Heropanti (2014) Hero (2005) Hero (2015) Her (2014) Heyy Babyy (2007) Hi-Lo Country, The (1999) Hichki (2018) Hidalgo (2004) Hidden Figures (2017) Hidden Heart (2009) Hidden Life, A (2020) Hide and Seek (2005) Hideous Kinky (1999) High Art (1999) High Crimes (2002) High Fidelity (2000) High Heels and Low Lifes (2002) High School Musical 3: Senior Year (2008) High Strung (2016) High-Kick Girl! (2011) Highlander: End Game (2001) Highwaymen (2004) Highway (2014) Hijack Stories (2003) Hijack (2008) Hilary and Jackie (1999) Hills Have Eyes 2, The (2007) Hills Have Eyes, The (2006) Hillsong: Let Hope Rise (2016) Himalaya (2000) Himmatwala (2013) Hindi Medium (2017) History Boys, The (2007) History of Violence, A (2005) Hit & Run (2012) Hitchcock (2013) Hitcher, The (2007) Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The (2005) Hitchhiker (2008) Hitch (2005) Hitman's Bodyguard (4DX), The (2017) Hitman's Bodyguard, The (2017) Hitman: Agent 47 (2015) Hitman (2007) Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (3D), The (2012) Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (HFR 3D), The (2012) Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, The (2012) Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (3D)(HFR)(IMAX), The (2014) Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (3D)(HFR), The (2014) Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (3D), The (2014) Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies, The (2014) Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (3D)(HFR)(IMAX), The (2013) Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (3D)(HFR), The (2013) Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (3D), The (2013) Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, The (2013) Hoener met die Rooi Skoene (2017) Hold Back The Night (1999) Holes (2003) Hole, The (2002) Holiday, The (2006) Holiday (2014) Hollars, The (2017) Hollow Man (2000) Hollywood Ending (2002) Hollywood Homicide (2003) Hollywood in my Huis (2015) Hollywoodland (2007) Holmes & Watson (2019) Hologram for the King, A (2016) Holy Man (1999) Holy Smoke (2000) Home (3D) (2015) Home Again (2017) Home Alone 3 (1997) Home on the Range (2004) Homefront (2013) Homegrown (1998) Home (2015) Hond se Dinges (2009) Honey 2 (2011) Honeymoon Travels Pvt. Ltd. (2007) Honeymooners, The (2005) Honey (2004) Hoodlum (1998) Hoodwinked Too! Hood vs. Evil (3D) (2011) Hoodwinked Too! Hood vs. Evil (2011) Hoodwinked (2006) Hoofmeisie (2011) Hoot (2006) Hope Floats (1998) Hope Springs (2012) Hopeville (2010) Hop (2011) Horns (2014) Horrible Bosses 2 (2014) Horrible Bosses (2011) Horse Whisperer, The (1998) Hostage (2005) Hostel: Part II (2007) Hostel (2006) Host, The (2013) Hot Chick, The (2003) Hot Fuzz (2007) Hot Pursuit (2015) Hot Rod (2007) Hot Tub Time Machine (2010) Hotel Artemis (2018) Hotel Mumbai (2019) Hotel Rwanda (2005) Hotel Salvation (2017) Hotel Transylvania (3D) (2012) Hotel Transylvania 2 (3D) (2015) Hotel Transylvania 2 (2015) Hotel Transylvania 3: A Monster Vacation (3D) (2018) Hotel Transylvania 3: A Monster Vacation (4DX) (2018) Hotel Transylvania 3: A Monster Vacation (2018) Hotel Transylvania (2012) Hotel for Dogs (2009) Hours, The (2003) Hours (2014) House Bunny, The (2008) House Full (2010) House With a Clock in Its Walls (4DX), The (2018) House With a Clock in Its Walls (IMAX), The (2018) House With a Clock in Its Walls, The (2018) House at the End of the Street (2012) House of D (2005) House of Flying Daggers (2005) House of Magic (3D), The (2014) House of Magic, The (2014) House of Sand and Fog (2004) House of Wax (2005) Housefull 2 (2012) Housefull 3 (2016) Housefull 4 (2019) House, The (2017) House (2001) How Do You Know (2011) How High (2002) How I Spent My Summer Vacation (2012) How She Move (2008) How Stella Got Her Groove Back (1999) How to Deal (2004) How to Eat Fried Worms (2006) How to Lose Friends & Alienate People (2008) How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days (2003) How to Make Love Like an Englishman (2015) How to Steal 2 Million (2011) How to Steal a Country (2020) How to Train Your Dragon (3D) (2010) How to Train Your Dragon (IMAX) (2010) How to Train Your Dragon 2 (3D) (2014) How to Train Your Dragon 2 (2014) How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World (3D IMAX) (2019) How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World (3D) (2019) How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World (4DX) (2019) How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World (2019) How to Train Your Dragon (2010) How to be Single (2016) Hubble (3D)(IMAX) (2017) Hugo (3D) (2012) Hugo (2012) Hula Girls (2007) Hulchul (2004) Hulk (2003) Hum Kisise Kum Nahin (2002) Hum Tumhare Hain Sanam (2002) Hum Tum (2004) Human Body, The (2007) Human Contract, The (2009) Human Flow (2018) Human Nature (2002) Human Stain, The (2004) Human Traffic (2000) Humbling, The (2015) Humko Deewane Kar Gaye (2006) Humko Tumse Pyaar Hai (2006) Humpty Sharma Ki Dulhania (2014) Humraaz (2002) Humshakals (2014) Hundred Steps, The (2002) Hundred-Foot Journey, The (2014) Hungama (2003) Hunger Games (IMAX), The (2013) Hunger Games: Catching Fire (IMAX), The (2013) Hunger Games: Catching Fire, The (2013) Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1, The (2014) Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2 (3D)(IMAX), The (2015) Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2 (3D), The (2015) Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2, The (2015) Hunger Games, The (2012) Hunted, The (2003) Hunter Killer (2018) Hunter's Prayer, The (2017) Huntsman: Winter's War, The (2016) Hunt, The (2014) Hurlyburly (1999) Hurricane Heist, The (2018) Hurricane, The (2000) Hurt Locker, The (2010) Hush (1998) Hustle & Flow (2006) Hustlers (2019) Hustle, The (2019) Hyde Park on Hudson (2013) Hysteria (2012) I I Am Dina (2002) I Am Legend (2007) I Am Number Four (2011) I Am Sam (2002) I Am Slave (2011) I Am Wrath (2016) I Can Only Imagine (2018) I Capture the Castle (2003) I Could Never Be Your Woman (2008) I Don't Know How She Does It (2011) I Dreamed of Africa (2000) I Feel Pretty (2018) I Give it a Year (2013) I Got the Hook Up (1999) I Hate Luv Storys (2010) I Hate Valentine's Day (2009) I Heart Huckabees (2005) I Know What You Did Last Summer (1998) I Know Who Killed Me (2007) I Love You Phillip Morris (2010) I Love You, Beth Cooper (2009) I Love You, Man (2009) I Now Pronounce You Black and White (2010) I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry (2007) I Origins (2014) I Saw the Light (2016) I Spy (2003) I Still Believe (2020) I Still Know What You Did Last Summer (1999) I Still See You (2018) I Think I Do (1998) I Think I Love My Wife (2007) I Want You (1999) I Went Down (1998) I'll Be Home For Xmas (1998) I'll be There (2003) I'm Not Rappaport (1997) I'm Not Rappaport (1998) I'm Not Scared (2004) I'm Not There (2008) I'm So Excited (2013) I'm With Lucy (2004) I'm in Love With a Church Girl (2014) I've Loved You So Long (2009) I, Frankenstein (3D)(IMAX) (2014) I, Frankenstein (3D) (2014) I, Frankenstein (2014) I, Robot (2004) I, Tonya (2018) I.T. (2016) Ice Age 4: Continental Drift (3D) (2012) Ice Age 4: Continental Drift (2012) Ice Age: Collision Course (3D)(IMAX) (2016) Ice Age: Collision Course (3D) (2016) Ice Age: Collision Course (4DX) (2016) Ice Age: Collision Course (2016) Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs (3D) (2009) Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs (2009) Ice Age: The Meltdown (2006) Ice Age (2002) Ice Harvest, The (2006) Ice Princess (2005) Ice Storm, The (1998) Ideal Husband, An (1999) Identity Card — Ek Lifeline (2014) Identity Thief (2013) Identity (2003) Ides of March, The (2011) Idhu Namma Aalu (2016) Idle Hands (1999) Idol, The (2016) If Beale Street Could Talk (2019) If I Stay (2014) If Lucy Fell (1997) If Only (2005) Igby Goes Down (2003) Ignorant Fairies (2002) Igor (2009) Il Ciclone (1998) Illuminata (1999) Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus, The (2010) Imaginary Heroes (2005) Imagine Me & You (2006) Imagine That (2009) Imitation Game, The (2015) Immigrant, The (2014) Immortals (3D) (2011) Immortals (2011) Imogene (2013) Importance of Being Earnest, The (2002) Impossible, The (2013) Impostors, The (1999) Impostor (2002) Impunity (2015) In & Out (1998) In America (2003) In Bruges (2008) In Darkness (2012) In Dubious Battle (2017) In God's Hands (1998) In Good Company (2005) In Her Shoes (2005) In Love and War (1997) In My Country (2005) In Secret (2014) In This World (2004) In Time (2011) In Too Deep (2000) In a Better World (2011) In a World... (2013) In the Bedroom (2002) In the Cut (2004) In the Heart of the Sea (3D) (2015) In the Heart of the Sea (2015) In the Land of Blood and Honey (2012) In the Mix (2006) In the Mood for Love (2001) In the Valley of Elah (2007) In the Winter Dark (1999) In-Laws, The (2003) Inalé (2012) Inbetweeners, The (2013) Incendies (2011) Inception (2010) Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power, An (2017) Inconvenient Truth, An (2006) Incredible Hulk, The (2008) Incredibles 2 (3D IMAX) (2018) Incredibles 2 (3D) (2018) Incredibles 2 (2018) Incredibles, The (2004) Independence Day: Resurgence (3D)(IMAX) (2016) Independence Day: Resurgence (3D) (2016) Independence Day: Resurgence (4DX) (2016) Independence Day: Resurgence (2016) India's Most Wanted (2019) India: Kingdom of the Tiger (2002) Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008) Indignation (2016) Indu Sarkar (2017) Inevitable Defeat of Mister & Pete, The (2014) Inferno (IMAX) (2016) Inferno (1999) Inferno (2016) Infidel, The (2010) Infiltrator, The (2016) Infinitely Polar Bear (2015) Informant!, The (2009) Informer, The (2020) Inglourious Basterds (2009) Ingrid Jonker: Her Lives & Times (2007) Inherent Vice (2015) Inheritors, The (1999) Inkheart (2009)
submitted by cooklanbrahh to DigitalCodesFREE [link] [comments]

The Locked Cabinet and the Virus

I had been called to the city of sin for a bi-annual conference that I had taken for the past 24 years. I had sat through it in health, in the cold, rain, and sickness. I was there 10 days after Tupac was murdered, and was walking down Fremont street several months later on the day when they took Christopher Wallace. A year later in 1998, a colleague and I woke up to a phone call from my then wife telling me about what happened to President Clinton, and that was when the words, "For a blowjob?" coming from my companion led me into a similar predicament. For the next several years, a tangled divorce that I've never fully unwinded from, occupied my attention. It wasn't until the morning of September 11th in 2001 that gave me the wakeup call I needed. I scooted the young blonde out of my room and told her to call her dad, since I knew Tom was in New York that day.
Mosque bombings, terrorism, market bubble bursting, swine flu, recession, succession, shootings, a shooter, second divorce, new house, new life, and the same old job on the same old beat all meant that Las Vegas and I had been doing this dance through the thick and the thin for over two decades.
And I have never seen it like this.
My uber driver nodded, "Yeah man. Shit is wild. I only picked up 8 people in the last 9 hours."
He was young, the new leather interior in a wide bodied Escalade smelled like an expensive loan. His eyes were twitchy as he tried not stare at me, wondering if I was going to cough from all the dry mouthing I had been doing from the LAS to my hotel.
I had grown used to the stares, the selective social distancing for looking Chinese and all of its stereotypes as the weeks leading into March of 2020. The beginning trend of people instinctively coughing whenever they saw me soon became a daily ritual. It was all a part of tribe mentality I convinced myself, chuckling as I remembered the pie scene from the movie Stand By me.
That made my uber driver nervous.
"Here we are," he finally breathed.
I thanked him and proceeded to the service counter with my carry on.
"Sorry for the wait," replied the representative, "We laid off 80% of our staff this morning."
I was taken aback by her candid greeting.
"Looks like you'll be in a private room owned by one of our guests. And as it is not through the hotel, please contact your host for any services that you require. We will need a $500 deposit on a credit card for any incidentals."
Several minutes later I found myself riding the elevator up 26 stories and into my rental. I contacted my host through the app to let him know that I had arrived. It was my first time using the app service so if anyone wants to chime in on how necessary or unnecessary that action is, please, enlighten me.
I had chose this room because there was a large, deep soak bathtub. I don't have many preferences in life but if there is a chicken fried steak on the menu I must get it at least once, coke over pepsi, and onion rings. Don't ask me why they are all food based, but they are, except for the bathtub. At nearly 6'1 I am always trying to find a decent soak. When I was younger my grandmother owned a Japanese soaking barrel, and ever since then I have been chasing after that nostalgic experience. Instead I often find myself cramming, contorting, and cold above the chest.
There was not much for me to do as President Trump had canceled his conference with the Jewish Coalition, which meant that other subsequent CEO's began withdrawing from all the other Vegas conferences. Something that I should have foreseen, which could have otherwise prevented me from traveling during this time. But there was no helping it, and this was definitely not the worst place to be stuck in.
I looked into the bathroom mirror and decided to wash the trails of the airport from my face and then made my way down to the casino floors. Everything was closed. All the restaurants anyways. So I hailed a cab and found my way to Gordon Ramsay's Hells Kitchen. The best lobster risotto I ever had, a mediocre bar experience, a change of hands for an 8 ball on the street, and I was on my way into Caesar's Palace. I had reasoned with myself that my foresight was not the best at this time so blackjack and poker were out of the question. I stuck to roulette and craps, winning big at the dice. And if you've ever been to a high roller table then all the movies are true, there you will find willing women to blow on the ivories for you.
Somehow we found our way back to my room, a slew of fancy cocktail dresses and Victoria secret's underwear were strewn in a near comical fashion. A rolled Benjamin walked down Abbey road. And there's nothing quite like two young and beautiful women taking pictures of your junk to brag to their friends later to accentuate your high. Everyone loves an anomaly.
The two of them were in town for CONEXPO, one of the world's largest construction gatherings. One was 28 and a leading architect for a large firm and the other was a 32 year old forewoman who was sent to accompany her to fill in the job's specifics.
"You've got soft hands for a construction worker," I quipped.
She raised her drawn in eyebrow at me, "Not as soft as a desk jockey's."
We both laughed until our eyes were drawn to the young architect who had begun to slowly undress in front of us. She swayed her hips to the lofi soul of Joji. My champagne glass sparkled in the light as the smells of girl scout cookies lit up the bathroom.
"You don't mind if I smoke do you?"
"Oh, give it here," came the architect's voice.
"I should probably get an ashtray."
I got out of the tub and walked into the living area. I pulled open a few drawers, and found nothing. I tugged on the handles of the cabinet underneath the wetbar only to find it locked. That was when I noticed the notice stickied on its door, "Please do not open. These are my private possessions," made with a cheap labeler. "There's probably alcohol in this thing," I said aloud. I turned to look into the bathroom but neither of them seemed to care as I watched the water falling from their hair and down their backs. The rest of the night was well, you can imagine.
I woke up around 4:30 A.M. and heard an ungodly rattling. As I stirred in bed, I heard a voice asking sleepily, "What was that?"
"I don't know," came another voice. "It's probably the pipes or something."
The architect was unsure so she got up and turned on a light. She turned to look at me, "Did you get this on AirBNB?"
"Yeah, something like that."
We heard the rattle again. I could tell that she was afraid so I decided to get up with her.
"Do you know where the light is," she asked?
"Nope," I said as I struck a match for dramatic effect.
"Oh god," she rolled her eyes.
I smiled, "It's more fun this way."
She grabbed my arm as we made our way into the larger part of the suite in search of the noise. We looked in the closet, the bathroom, the enclosed toilet, and I even pulled a few drawers open for effect.
"What is this," she asked me. She had found the cabinet under the wetbar.
"I don't know. It was locked when I got here." I struck another match, "It says not to touch it or something, owner's possessions I think."
"Oh god, that is so creepy," she moaned. "I once went to this place in Lake Tahoe and it wasn't until the last day that my boyfriend found a loft that was hidden because the stairs had been removed. When he climbed it, there was a router and a twin sized bed in the corner. Super chills man."
"Well, the cabinet is too small for anything weird to be in there," I told her.
"You don't know that, have you ever seen those double jointed circus people?"
"Well, if there's some more champagne in there, then I wouldn't mind breaking the lock."
"It would be warm," she said.
"Ah yes, the important things."
We laughed, but just as we were going to get back into bed she ran into the bathroom and got a towel and tied an extensive knot around the handles.
Several hours later we were woken up with a loud banging. I bolted up in bed.
My mind raced to gather itself and assess at least 9 things wrong with my current situation. Cops, someone's boyfriend, my wife? Oh shit, why was I still getting myself into these predicaments? You would think I've learned a thing or two by now.
"Sir! This is hotel security. Are you in there sir? We're asking everyone to evacuate the building."
I got out of bed and rushed to open the door before they keyed their way in, "Hey what is going on?"
A man in an N95 mask and gloves was at the door, "Sir, we've been asked to evacuate everyone out of the building immediately. The hotel will be closing due to SARS-COV-2."
"What's going on," one of the girls asked.
"Miss, everyone needs to leave. We are evacuating the building. Please gather your belongings."
I looked at my companions and subsequently told them, "I can't believe they canceled Vegas."
For the next 20 minutes we scrambled to get ready. For a group of strangers it worked decently well. We cut the last lines and split it between the three of us. A smile, a kiss, and a hurried goodbye later meant that we found ourselves rushing for the elevator.
"Oh god, I forgot about the towel I tied to the cabinet," the architect said.
"It shouldn't be that much of a problem. Someone will just take it off later," I tried assuring her.
"What if no one gets back in there for weeks?" She looked at me slightly anxious, as if she was afraid to breathe the words, and a side of me knew what she was going on about.
"Alright, I'll go back," I told her.
The forewoman looked confused.
"I'll got with you," the architect said.
"No, you two get downstairs and see what is going on."
She looked at me with these doe eyes, the same look that has kept me awake for the past several days as I am laying here in boredom.
"I'll be fine I told her."
I ran back to the room, slid my keycard and began to untie the knot on the cabinet. And in my paranoia I took a video recording of the place before leaving, just so that I had evidence that the room was left in relatively good order later. The door slammed behind me, I pulled up my app to request an Uber as I made my way to the elevator. My phone vibrated, it must be the app I reasoned as I began shifting through my luggage to make sure I had gotten everything. When I reached the ground floor I searched for my two companions but found hotel personnel were rushing people into open taxis and Ubers to the airport. An entitled prick stood outside the valet desk as a manager profusely apologized for the inconvenience and how the hotel would compensate for one thing or another as he opened the door to a Porsche Panamera.
There was nothing for me to do except get into an Uber. I pulled up my phone expecting to see a familiar message that notified me that my driver would be arriving in 3 minutes, but instead it was a message from my host that simply said, "Thank you."
submitted by FingerFlares to nosleep [link] [comments]

[USA] [H] Games for Many Consoles (Nintendo, Sega, Sony, Microsoft), Controllers, Consoles, Manuals, and More [W] PayPal

All prices include shipping to the US (with the exception of Hawaii and Alaska).
I always give discounts on purchases of multiple games/consoles. Feel free to make your own offer on multiple items. The only prices that aren't negotiable are individual items.
If you are from Canada, I can ship for the exact cost of shipping. Beyond Canada, I do not ship internationally at this time.
This post is organized as follows. There's a TON here, so please check out everything, as items can be easy to miss!
Feel free to ask for detailed pictures on anything! Pictures for a lot of items are hyperlinked throughout the post. If you want more photos on any items, just ask! I'm honestly cool with taking as many photos as you'd like.
1) Consoles/Console Bundles
Consoles are all tested thoroughly and working. Consoles have all cords needed to play
Regular Consoles
Additional video of console in action with sound
2) Controllers/Accessories
Controllers are all OEM and tested thoroughly. Any defects are noted.
Playstation 2
Playstation 3
Sega Dreamcast
Sega Genesis
Sega Saturn
Wii/Wii U
XBOX 360
3) Games
Games are CIB, unless otherwise noted. Games are all working great, and condition of games ranges from good to like new. As a precaution, assume discs and cases will show normal wear. Feel free to ask for pictures of any game(s)!
You can get any two games listed at $5.25 or $6 for $9 total. Those games can also can be bundled in bulk in the Build-Your-Own-Bundle Section at the bottom of this post.
Game and Box
Game Only
Carts only unless otherwise noted
Click Here for Photos
Nintendo DS
Loose Games
Nintendo 3DS
PC Games (Boxed)
Click Here for Photos
Click Here for Photos
Playstation 2
Playstation 3
Sega CD
Sega Dreamcast
Sega Genesis
Games are cart only unless otherwise noted
Click Here for Photos
SNES Carts
Click Here for Photos
Wii U
XBOX 360
5) Factory Sealed Games
Playstation 2
Playstation 3
XBOX 360
5) Build Your Own Commons Bundles (designed for completionist collectors)
*I have a lot of respect for people who go for complete and near-complete sets of games, and I want to help other collectors check off common games in bulk. Of all the games above priced at $5.25 or $6, you can build any custom bundle from these options: *
6) Strategy Guides Amiibos and Art Books
Strategy Guides
Pictures here
New books are still sealed, although the seals themselves may have a few a holes (as is the case with almost all sealed books)
Art Books
Art Books
7) Manuals and Cases
(I know $5 is steep on some of these, but it's the lowest I can go without losing money from shipping and fees; feel free to make aggressive bundle offers with these!)
Sega 32x
Sega Genesis
Loose Cases/Boxes
Playstation 2
submitted by arandomuzzerame to GameSale [link] [comments]

[USA] [H] Stacks of Games, Consoles, Controllers, Guides - Let's Make a Deal! [W] PayPal

All prices include shipping to the US (with the exception of Hawaii and Alaska).
I always give discounts on purchases of multiple games/consoles. Feel free to make your own offer on multiple items. The only prices that aren't negotiable are individual items.
If you are from Canada, I can ship for the exact cost of shipping. Beyond Canada, I do not ship internationally at this time.
This post is organized as follows. There's a TON here, so please check out everything, as items can be easy to miss!
Feel free to ask for detailed pictures on anything! Pictures for a lot of items are hyperlinked throughout the post. If you want more photos on any items, just ask! I'm honestly cool with taking as many photos as you'd like.
1) Consoles/Console Bundles
Consoles are all tested thoroughly and working. Consoles have all cords needed to play
Regular Consoles
Additional video of console in action with sound
2) Controllers/Accessories
Controllers are all OEM and tested thoroughly. Any defects are noted.
Nintendo 64
Photos here
Playstation 2
Playstation 3
Sega Genesis
Sega Saturn
Wii/Wii U
XBOX 360
3) Games
Games are CIB, unless otherwise noted. Games are all working great, and condition of games ranges from good to like new. As a precaution, assume discs and cases will show normal wear. Feel free to ask for pictures of any game(s)!
You can get any two games listed at $5.25 or $6 for $9 total. Those games can also can be bundled in bulk in the Build-Your-Own-Bundle Section at the bottom of this post.
Game and Box
Game Only
Carts only unless otherwise noted
Click Here for Photos
Nintendo DS
Loose Games
Nintendo 3DS
PC Games (Boxed)
Click Here for Photos
Click Here for Photos
Playstation 2
Playstation 3
Sega CD
Sega Genesis
Games are cart only unless otherwise noted
Click Here for Photos
SNES Carts
Click Here for Photos
Wii U
XBOX 360
5) Factory Sealed Games
Playstation 2
Playstation 3
XBOX 360
5) Build Your Own Commons Bundles (designed for completionist collectors)
*I have a lot of respect for people who go for complete and near-complete sets of games, and I want to help other collectors check off common games in bulk. Of all the games above priced at $5.25 or $6, you can build any custom bundle from these options: *
6) Strategy Guides Amiibos and Art Books
Strategy Guides
Pictures here
New books are still sealed, although the seals themselves may have a few a wholes (as is the case with almost all sealed books)
Art Books
Art Books
7) Manuals and Cases
(I know $5 is steep on some of these, but it's the lowest I can go without losing money from shipping and fees; feel free to make aggressive bundle offers with these!)
Sega 32x
Sega Genesis
Loose Cases/Boxes
Playstation 2
submitted by arandomuzzerame to GameSale [link] [comments]

does caesars palace have smoking rooms video

Caesars Palace Las Vegas - Julius Deluxe Room - YouTube CAESARS PALACE LAS VEGAS OCTAVIUS PREMIUM KING ROOM - YouTube NEW Renovated CAESARS PALACE Augustus Tower Room Review ... Caesars Palace Augustus Tower corner room 4393 - YouTube Octavius Tower at Caesars Palace Tour - YouTube Explanation of the Different Room Types at Caesars Palace ... Caesars Palace Octavius Tower Room - YouTube Caesars Palace Augustus Tower HD Video Room Tour - YouTube The New Octavius Tower  Caesars Palace Las Vegas - YouTube

Non-Smoking: Harrah's Joliet. Harrah's Metropolis. Caesars Windsor. Harrah's New Orleans. Smoking: Las Vegas properties - Smoking is allowed in the casino, as well as in the smoking optional hotel rooms. Smoking is prohibited in non-gaming areas of all Nevada casinos, including restaurants and bathrooms. Caesars Palace guest rooms are located in five towers – Julias, Forum, Palace, Augustus and Octavius (six if you include the "boutique" Nobu Hotel).Standard rooms in the affordable Julius tower Re: Smoking rooms/floors Caesars Palace. 8 years ago. Save. Smoking rooms are virtually always allocated to specific floors and all rooms on those floors will be smoking. If you want a combination of smoking and non-smoking rooms then it's extremely unlikely you could all be on the same floor. Now £72 on Tripadvisor: Caesars Palace, Las Vegas. See 26,321 traveller reviews, 7,668 candid photos, and great deals for Caesars Palace, ranked #43 of 282 hotels in Las Vegas and rated 4.5 of 5 at Tripadvisor. Prices are calculated as of 08/02/2021 based on a check-in date of 21/02/2021. Rooms service is available in all rooms and suites 24 hours a day, and the hotel offers every room in a smoking or non-smoking version. Furthermore, dogs of under 50 pounds are also allowed in the... Caesars Palace: Beware of smoking rooms - See 26,321 traveler reviews, 7,297 candid photos, and great deals for Caesars Palace at Tripadvisor. Caesars Palace Las Vegas Hotel Rooms & Suites Select from an extensive list of room types, amenities, views and locations at the iconic Caesars Palace resort. As one of the largest Las Vegas hotels , there are five towers of rooms—including high-end suites and villas. Unless your high roller with access to a Villa and patio your only option is smoking in the casino. Cromwell has rooms with real windows that open, so if you got a smoking room you could sit buy the window and puff away. FYI not to come across as rude but its spelled Caesars not 'cesars'. Hope you have a good trip. Caesars Palace is giving the public a stern warning about the dangers of smoking, but doing it in a clever way. If you’re in the main casino at Caesars, look up. Overhead, in one of the world’s most iconic casinos, are thousands of crystals adorning the ceiling. Caesars Palace rooms include an en suite bathroom with free toiletries. Room service is offered 24 hours a day. Dining options include Gordon Ramsay's Pub & Grill, Gordon Ramsay Hell's Kitchen, Mr. Chow, Restaurant Guy Savoy, Nobu, and Bobby Flay's Mesa Grill.

does caesars palace have smoking rooms top

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Caesars Palace Las Vegas - Julius Deluxe Room - YouTube

I recently stayed at the newly renovated Augustus tower at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas. It's an expensive room at one of the best hotels in Vegas, but is it ... This is my review of Caesars Palace Las Vegas Octavius Premium King Room that I stayed on 9/22-9/25/17 . sorry for the sound as of 01/15/2020 we got hit wi... Caesar Palace Augustus Tower room tour A tour of the Julius Deluxe King Room at Caesars Palace Las Vegas, from August 2019. This 360 sq ft room comes with a King bed, a couch, flat screen TV, and ... This is a tour of the Octavius Tower at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas. The room is #6667. Caesars Palace has several towers you can stay at. Octavius Tower is ... Octavius Tower, the sixth hotel tower at Caesars Palace, scheduled to open Jan. 2, 2012, will raise the industry standard with an innovative technology packa... http://lasvegasforcheap.comEver wonder the difference between the Palace and Augustus Towers at Caesars Palace? This video is for you as I will walk you thr... Take a quick video tour of a room at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas, Nevada. We stayed in the Augustus tower. The Augustus tower is situated so that the rooms (... This is my video walk through of the new Octavius Premium Tower Room at Caesars Palace Las Vegas, Nevada.

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