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Planet Uranium - A beginners guide to the uranium market in the 2020's Chapters 9-11

Planet Uranium - A beginners guide to the uranium market in the 2020's Chapters 9-11
Dear community, I am the author of the following book which I have posted in its entirety.
I like to research my investments thoroughly, so the following is my thesis that this is a 'when, not if scenario'.
As not many seem to want to buy it on Amazon, I am making it available to read in posts below. Enjoy!
If you click on the below link, I am hoping it will move my ebook up the amazon search ranks so non redditors can see it. Thanks. https://www.amazon.com/Planet-Uranium-Beginners-Guide-Market-ebook/dp/B07TCHF7T7/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_pdt_img_top?ie=UTF8
Due to reddit post size limits, it is in different posts. Link to all chapter links:
Below are Chapters 9-11
Chapter 9 The Japanese - How it can really go sideways (continued...)
To say it must have been a strange hour (closer to 40 minutes) between earthquake and tsunami would be an understatement. Imagine being a worker there, and all the worries racing through your mind, first I’m sure family and friends would be your main concern, and then the dangers from the earthquake, not knowing initially about the tsunami. Anyone there at the time who knew about the design of the plant and especially depth above sea level must have also had some interesting and disturbing thoughts run through their minds. Originally, the plant was to be built on a bluff around 35m above sea level, then during the construction stage, some genius decided it would be better for earthquake proofing and save on pumping if the plant was lowered. It sounds logical and the type of idea that someone got a decent end of year bonus for.
There was also a seawall installed on site. Again a slight issue with height, when the wall is 10m and the wave that struck was over 14m. In fact, determining seawall height centered more on typhoon considerations and the waves that they can whip up - and I was pretty sure tsunami is a Japanese word. Now if those factors weren’t enough in that hour to get your heart pumping here is the little matter of backup generators, which leads us to the question, is there any such thing as waterproof diesel generators? If not, there should be along with all the other electrical parts which make up part of your emergency pumping systems. The keyword here is backup, backup for what? Worst case scenario which brings us nicely back to, a black swan event. Nobody saw it coming quite like this. Incidentally, this power plant is not the only one that got hit. There were two others on the same coast, but they were okay and managed to get to cold shutdown.
So let’s think about post-tsunami and an hour after the earthquake. It’s all rather wet. Also, the water is starting to recede in the reactor which needs water to keep it cool. Once the water reduces around the core, the core starts to melt. The core contains both uranium and the fuel assemblies which are made of zirconium. When zirconium melts in the presence of water you get hydrogen building up in a contained area and eventually...bang, and that is what typically explodes, not uranium (as might be popularly assumed), and that is what happened at the site in Japan.
The disaster management was a fiasco, apparently this type of disaster wasn’t in the manuals so someone needed to use their initiative. Now maybe, when you have been in an industry for many years where using your initiative is not encouraged, after all, do you really want mavericks operating a nuclear plant by trying new things out?, maybe a bit of ‘MacGyver’ could be just what’s required. Either way, with twelve of the thirteen backup generators down and only one working, It took two weeks for the workers to get the 3 units that had been out of control to ‘stable’. Some ten months later they were declared to be in cold shutdown status which is a lot longer than the usual four days.
In actual fact, there were two waves that hit at 8-minute intervals. The reactors which would normally produce heat and that heat be conveyed away through steam and water is trapped and building up rapidly, a bit like a pressure cooker. Some of the pressure was released by means of safety valves but the steam is radioactive so ideally, it needs to be contained or released to a location that won’t damage the environment. Some of this radioactive material did leak into the environment.
On a slight tangent (but it’s worth it), the sister nuclear plant down the road was battling with issues too. You might think if you’re ‘running’ a disaster with such a far-reaching impact - after all, they were thinking of evacuating Tokyo a city with a population of nine million, that you would have a red phone where you could call for support for stuff that might be useful, beyond champagne and olives. And the guy running the show down the road did request some water from the government. Seeing as things were hot to the point of almost melting that sounds like a reasonable request. He asked for 4,000 tonnes of water. Someone got their wires crossed, and this might just be the greatest example of a communication breakdown in recent times, as one solitary truck rolled in with just 4 tonnes or 4,000 liters of water. Apparently, someone thought the workers must have been thirsty. How disappointing to be short 3,996 tonnes of what you ordered while trying to avert a nuclear disaster.
At that point, apparently, Masuda (the guy running the show) said “Don’t rely on others. Let’s do things by ourselves.” An interesting response in itself - maybe it was in the manual.
Earlier we discussed how the futures market allows a utilities company to hedge against the risk of uranium prices going up in the future, in the context of this chapter we see the utilities too can become the risk. In the fallout of the Fukushima event we zoom forward to 2017 when TEPCO, the Japanese power company terminated a supply contract with Cameco valued at $1 billion. TEPCO says they can legally do this due to something called ‘force majeure’ which is a legal term which basically says if an unforeseeable event occurs, you can walk away from the contract. Cameco is now chasing them in the courts for damages in the region of $680 million.
Zooming out from the event, the implications for the price of uranium was not good. Nuclear reactors in Japan were shut down or had been destroyed, so less demand. This also meant the Japanese were oversupplied. A country typically always keeps some stockpiles in front of their immediate demands to ensure some future supply security. Prices were starting to go up because China was planning to build more nuclear plants and then with Fukushima, the price went from around $60 to around half that by 2014. Since then there is more power generated today globally (2019) by nuclear power than before Fukushima, the prices, however, have not bounced back.
Globally public confidence was damaged which made countries reconsider how they were using and had planned to use nuclear power to generate electricity. That was part of the reason why uranium prices dropped so much and something similar could happen again. If you have money or are planning to put money into uranium, watch out for the big bad black swan.
Chapter 10 Underfeeding - ‘why don’t you explain this to me like I’m five’
This chapter title should be familiar to fans of 'The Office', if you haven’t seen this hilarious scene, search it on YouTube, it’s well worth watching. Explaining something seemingly simple or complicated can be useful if we break it down and try to keep it simple. The following is complicated and here is my attempt to break it down to understandable parts and I hope this works for the reader.
So you may think uranium comes out of the ground and gets used once, but it’s not that simple. This is where we need to understand what a SWU or Separative Work Unit is. So earlier we discussed spinning centrifuges and the good stuff goes to the top and center and is then a bit richer and moves to the next centrifuge and the same again, over and over again. Typically, this moves the U235 from 0.7% to in the region of 3.5% to 5%, we're talking a lot of centrifuges and a lot of spinning.
Now for a bit of trivia, how much would a centrifuge cost if available on eBay? They’re not, I checked, estimates on the internet go from $13,000 to $20,000 and you need many - literally thousands of them.
Ok so back to SWU, that is the amount of work to produce a kg of uranium to a given percentage such as from 0.7% to 5%. That makes sense because to spin it will cost you a lot of electricity. So you spin it and you get two parts, enriched material at 3% to 5% and the waste at around 0.2% to 0.3%. In theory and practice, you could take the waste and spin it for more enriched material. This is called underfeeding. Of course, more spinning means more power usage, so at some point it becomes uneconomical and you are better off sticking to the standard feed material of 0.7%.
Here is a slightly imaginary (but not that imaginary) scenario which may help us understand the economics of underfeeding. The spinners are only allowed to produce so much a year. Let’s imagine that the spinning never ends, it always on for the whole year - 24/7. Lets then say they reach close to their quota in September of how much they are permitted to produce using standard 0.7% feed which cost money to buy and they also have a mountain load of ‘waste’ out the back at 0.2% to 0.3% concentrations. They want to run down the clock until the end of the year and if they keep using standard feed, the centrifuges will sit with nothing inside them for the last few months so at that point they decide to put in the waste and run down the clock cause ‘waste’ is ‘free’ versus using the 0.7% feed.
That is similar to what happens to make the actual production numbers difficult to estimate. Of course, if the price of the 0.7% feed increases then the waste out the back might be used more, as it has now become cheaper in relation to what they are paying for the standard stuff.
Gas centrifuge plants use around 50 - 60 kWh to make 1 SWU, that is to say, to get a kg of uranium to the enriched stage (3-5%) from the ‘natural’ stage (0.7%). I’m now going to choose UK prices here because US state prices are all over the show. In the UK a KWh will cost around USD 0.76 at wholesale prices from the supplier (ignoring negotiation for a better price) so 60 kWh will cost you around USD 0.76 x 60 = USD 46. We are saying 1 SWU will cost $46. If the power station needs nuclear fuel of say 25 tonnes for the year, then the spinner will get an electricity bill for enriching that amount in the region of 12 million dollars ($46 x 25,000 tonnes). Again, this shows uranium in the ground to the point of actually generating electricity is not as simple or as cheap as it may initially sound. It also sounds a bit circular, generating electricity for generating electricity, I’m thinking chicken and egg syndrome at this point.
Here is another factor to think about it. The power plant reduces their demand for enriched uranium which is called LEU (lower enriched uranium), so the spinners have no real reason to spin but they do anyway, but they use the waste out the back instead of buying from the miners / U3O8ers / UF6ers which depresses the prices of uranium while at the same time increasing the amount of LEU available for when there is a demand, that is a double whammy for the miners and we call that inventory, or at least another source of inventory. Somebody will go bankrupt and that is what has happened, miners and enrichers too, or if not bankrupt, at the very least they are offline.
So when SWU price is low that means the spinners/enrichers are not getting paid much and there is an opportunity to underfeed when the price goes up. Concerning enrichment, we have already mentioned that U3O8 is at 0.7% uranium and that we need it to go to 3-5% to get it ready for the nuclear reactor (LEU) and then sometimes it’s enriched to 20% for research purposes.
Then there is HEU which stands for highly enriched uranium at the 90% region and that is used for weapons. So an interesting question is how much SWU does it take to enrich it to HEU in comparison to LEU? For LEU we can say around 850 SWU/ tonne and HEU its around 1300 SWU/ tonne based on WNA numbers and at our British electricity wholesale rates mentioned earlier let's say a tonne of LEU will cost $39,000 and HEU $59,000 which illustrates it doesn’t take much to get from LEU to HEU.
All numbers shown here are very rough and for illustration purposes, prices change and other variables come into play, for example, storage and disposal are two factors that enrichers need to consider when dealing with uranium.
At times, LEU goes to HEU and back again to LEU and so lets understand how this happens. When two ‘advanced’ nations get uptight with one another, it’s quite possible they will want to create weapons and even overproduce them. Think US and Russia or even India and Pakistan.
With 15,000 nuclear weapons on the plant today, that is enough to wipe out mankind many times over which will never happen because you can only wipe out an ant colony once - once it’s gone, it’s gone. Anyway, later when relations cool between the protagonists there is a chance they may want to do something about the ‘overproduction’ of weapons.
This is pretty much what occurred with a proportion of the nuclear grade uranium/plutonium between 1993 to 2013. This is of interest to us because if we bring in another supply stream to an existing market, it may create an oversupply and that is what happened in this instance. HEU which is around 90% U235 was blended in with other less enriched uranium and used to make electricity. It seems to be much more sensible use of the material I’m sure we would all agree.
Could this happen again in the future? Possibly. No one really knows but the power companies must have been delighted to be getting, arguably, a cheaper priced product. The initiative between the two states occurred during a thawing of a rather cool relationship (that’s why they called it the cold war) and going forward for it to occur again, there would likely have to be good relations between the two nations. Experts feel that is presently not the situation. So although it‘s unlikely to occur in the near future, it’s a piece on the board that we do well to remember could move at some future time again.
You will also hear about something called MOX in the uranium space. MOX stands for mixed oxide fuel and is a mix of uranium and plutonium oxide. When we use the word plutonium we are in the realm of highly enriched fuel (HEU) and that means military grade. So before we come to MOX we need to understand where plutonium comes from. Earlier we said that the stuff that fissions is U235 but that the percentage is only 3-5% in the reactor which means the rest is U238 and when this in the reactor a small fraction changes to become plutonium, specifically Pu239, and most of the plutonium fissions along with the U235 to generate heat and make electricity which sounds fine so far.
Pu239 is what was dropped on Nagasaki in World War II and was very, very unpleasant for the people living there at the time - think mushroom clouds. Pu239 cannot penetrate human skin but again eating or snorting it is not recommended. A dozen milligrams will probably kill you. A single grain of quartz sand with a two-millimeter diameter weighs around the same, just to give some perspective of what we are talking about here.
The day eventually arrives when the reactors need to be refueled with new pellets and so the used fuel can be sent for waste disposal but there is also an opportunity to recycle. One way to do this is to separate the plutonium and recycle it with depleted uranium and, hey presto, we have MOX.
Earlier we mentioned the deal that the US and Russia had done to recycle their weapons and this is the way that this is done using MOX. Currently, 5% of new nuclear fuel is MOX and in France, the figure is double that. People these days love the idea of recycling so that’s what this sounds like to me, more recycling. MOX fuel is yet another ‘supply stream’ that makes the whole ‘we mined one lemon and spent two lemons in the reactor’ argument much more complicated than to just say the supply and demand is between miners and users. The plot thickens yet again.
Chapter 11 Moving parts - The art of thoughtful disagreement
The expression ‘the art of the thoughtful disagreement’ comes from Ray Dalio, a brilliant hedge fund manager who surrounds himself with people who disagree with him, not for the sake of causing division, but in order to improve the chances of avoiding mistakes when his firm invests. If you like the bullish case, spend as much time as possible looking for the bear case too. Your decisions will be more informed.
The time has finally arrived to start arguing with oneself (and others, if you like). That is to say, set out why you should and should not invest in uranium. So far we have seen that there are more moving parts to this uranium business than mining and throwing rocks into the furnace of a power plant (which won’t get you very far either way). Explorers, miners, producers, enrichers, and users. It's an intricate web where you pull one strand and it affects the system in some other place.
Saying we are positive about the prospects of the uranium market may not mean bullish for the stock prices of uranium miners and explorers. The same is true for negatives about nuclear and the uranium industry. While something may sound negative, that doesn’t necessarily mean that the stock will go up or down. It’s important to understand the moving parts and determine whether the underlying positive or negative narrative will be bullish or bearish for the uranium market.
The following outlines the type of positive and negative information that is out there concerning the market and can be ‘spun’ either way. In order for us to determine whether this type of information will have an impact long term or short term, we need to dig a little deeper than a statement that appears to have some validity. We need to remember this is a game of chess where some pieces may or may not have a material impact on future gains or losses.
So, after all that we have considered, let’s play both sides of the fence starting with the bull case. For beginners, bull case means we think it is a good idea to invest in uranium for the future. So let’s throw some generic numbers at it as a form of summary from earlier.
Uranium equals electricity, which is 10-11% of world demand. So unlikely they will switch the power off. It’s currently not fashionable to generate carbon dioxide. Nuclear doesn’t generate carbon dioxide (or at the very most, in negligible amounts). What is happening with nuclear power in the future? The answer is mostly all about China, they operate 36 reactors, are building 20 and have planned another 100. Japan may come back online which is neither here nor there as we just don’t know what they will do. India is also coming up the track too.
In 2019, U3O8 demand will be around 200 million pounds, mine supply is at 130 million, underfeeding supply (that’s the guys spinning the centrifuges) 25 million, MOX supply <5 million. Total supply equals 160 million, which means we’re short 40 million pounds a year.
The cost of production is probably around $60 per pound and spot prices and long term prices say it is currently nearer $30 per pound. More mine closures are coming in the next few years with no like for like replacements (or at least that’s the argument). The buyers/users are coming to a point where they need to renew contracts, so if they all rush at the same time to get a secure supply, there could be a bit of a jam at the door and some may have to pay big prices to secure a dwindling supply. That seems to be the historical pattern so far.
Remember we said at the lemon stand, someone wants to buy fifty drinks for the next three months to secure supply, well he’s in the queue with ten other guys who want the same thing. That is the expectation for a lot of investors in this space. That’s part of the reason why when uranium prices go up, they tend to overshoot. For example 2003 - 2007, $15 to $130, and 2010-2011, $40 to $70. Uranium stocks follow the uptrend, but not by double or triple like uranium, but in the hundreds or thousands of percentage increases.
So prices tend to overshoot, based on the historical patterns of when the buyers enter the market to buy uranium, they mostly always come in when the prices are at the highest and they don't buy as much when it is at its lowest, there is a little bit of chicken and egg going on here. So which comes first, the high prices because demand is going up, or prices are going up because the supply is low? Either way, if historical buying patterns are anything to go by, the next time the buyers come to market in a ‘herd’ type situation, we can expect to see overshoot. Later comes the longer periods of undershooting as the prices remain below the price of production.
If uranium prices go up, the stock starts to look attractive and then they will be in high demand, now we have another jam at the door, but this time it’s not the power plants, it’s the investors. Doug Casey a famous writer and speculator once said “When the market wants into gold stocks it’s like trying to force the contents of the Hoover Dam into a hose, in the case of uranium stocks, it’s more like a soda straw. it’s a very small market.” The combined market value of mining companies in this sector is $15 billion. Bill Gates is worth $95 billion - one guy, he could buy the whole lot (in theory). Another quote you will hear in this context is ‘it’s not a case of if but when’ (or words to that effect), the only trouble with that expression is it applies to death too. Patience is required for this. That about covers the bullish arguments, so we shall move on and continue arguing with ourselves on the other side of the fence.
A bear viewpoint means we would not want to invest in this market. So what are the popular arguments out there that the uranium market is a bad idea?
First, some of the existing fleet of nuclear reactors in the US are coming to an end. 98 current reactors will drop to somewhere nearer 89 by 2025. This will obviously mean less uranium is required. The US Energy Information Agency (EIA) projects that nuclear electricity generation will fall from an all-time peak in 2018 and decrease 17% by 2025. From 2019 to 2025 12 nuclear plants are scheduled to close.
The average life of these reactors is around 40 years old. It’s not unheard of, to get a license extended by another 40 years, so it is possible that the licenses to operate some of these reactors is extended,but playing the bear case means we should discount that.
Also in the US, any new nuclear plants are considered by the bears to be very costly to build. Costly includes budget overruns and time overruns. Here are a few examples. Vogtle nuclear power plant situated in Eastern Georgia (the state not the country) not far from Southern Carolina. The plant is currently constructing reactors 3&4 which is, by the way, the only units in the country built in the last three decades which doesn’t sound too bullish. Construction costs were initially planned to be $14 billion with a ‘ready for operation’ date set for 2017. Currently, costs are estimated to be north of $27 billion and the current date they are working too is 2021-22, with monthly cost overruns at around $100 million.
You would think they would have learned some lessons, and maybe the did, from when they installed Units 1 and 2 with an original construction budget of $1 billion, but finally coming in at $9 billion - Ouch. So a doubling of the budget on Units 3 & 4 sounds like a bargain compared to Units 1 & 2.
Another project is Flamanville is France where they are adding Reactor Unit 3 to an existing site. Construction commenced in late 2007 with a budget of 3.3 billion euros and the intent was to start operations in 2012. It’s currently considered that it’ll be up and running by mid-2020 at almost 11 billion euros in costs.
If those two projects are a representative sampling of how project budgets and schedules run in the nuclear power plant building game, it doesn’t sound great. I feel sorry for the project managers and recommend they take up the game of ‘blind folded darts’ as they may find that more satisfying.
Now seeing as China is building so many, it would be good to consider what they are facing with regard to overruns in terms of budgets and schedules. Haiyang is a power plant that was supposed to be constructed in 63 months, Unit 1 took 100 months and Unit 2 110 months. Unit 1 should have cost $5.8 billion and reportedly came in at $7.3 billion.
Sanmen Units 1 & 2 started construction in 2009 and were connected to the grid by 2018. Initial estimates of a 68 month construction time turned into around the 100-month to 110-month time frame. It was supposed to come in at just less than $5 billion and cost $6.1 billion. Note too, costings for Chinese power plants were difficult to find so they may not be as accurate as they should be. Either way, based on these two examples we see time overruns as we do in the West, but the costs don’t seem to explode as they do in the West. In terms of quality of construction, that is more difficult to measure and there may be a difference there too.
This may seem negative for nuclear, particularly in the West and that may be true, but remember the relationship between some of these arguments may not be heavily connected (or at all) with whether uranium stocks go up.
By the way, when we put out a number of ‘x’ reactors, the more important number is how much uranium they are actually using not how many reactors there are.
Supply destruction is a term that doesn’t really apply to companies that have been set up to buy and hold physical uranium only to dump it on the market later. So they lurk and could really be a dampener on the party. This point, in my view, is valid. However they are in the game to maximize their profits too, so it is not in their interests to flood the market. Another factor here is the skill level involved in knowing when to sell the uranium they hold. This leads us to consider that if an investor holds a company, when do you get off the elevator? Too early you make less than you could, too late and you ride the price up, and then back down (we’ll go through a real world example of how even the pros in the industry have done this later). To answer that question perhaps goes beyond the beginner so we leave it at that for now but thought-provoking nonetheless.
Another part of the risk here is that the nuclear industry has had some infamous accidents in the past which can sour things. Some say it is very safe or not as dangerous as other energy sources, and while that may be true, in this world, perception is everything. We need to remember the ripples of Fukushima on other governments and how that could occur again. \
That brings us to another part of our argument. Since Fukushima, some governments have reviewed and changed their policies to nuclear energy generation and reduced demand with the attraction of nuclear power waning. What we are really talking about here is loss of trust for how these plants operate and and some preconceived ideas with regards to how safe they are.
The OECD wrote an interesting study on this in 2017. The report highlights that Western Europe was probably affected the most, with shutdowns in some countries, although they were partly on the table anyway, it seemed to just make the decision easier. Italy voted not to pursue nuclear and it is quite possible that decision was in part due to what had occurred in Japan. According to the report, most countries conducted safety reviews of their existing plants.
Taiwan, oddly enough, did shut down its reactors which ran 15% of the electricity on the island, then it had a vote to decide what to do with nuclear power going forward with the question: “Do you agree with abolishing the first paragraph of Article 95 of the Electricity Act, which means abolishing the provision that ‘all nuclear-energy based power-generating facilities shall cease to operate by 2025?’”. Although the majority wanted to keep nuclear power going, the authorities are still planning on chopping it. The authorities are also expecting power shortages by 2021. An interesting way of running things there, I can’t say I am a fan of power cuts as I find electricity really handy.
Another argument we would need to consider here, is the question of how fast can miners get the product to market if the price goes up. So if we are negative on uranium investing, the argument goes that as soon as there is a demand, think of switching on a light bulb and a few pumps and, hey presto, we have uranium ready to go to the mill.
We covered earlier that mines that are currently offline can take significant lengths of time to come back online. For example, McArthur River mine in Canada which just went offline could take two years to get back online and producing and that is a mine that was operating already and is under a care and maintenance regime currently, which implies the company knows what is involved to get it back to production. Imagine a new mine where the unknowns are much greater.
Another substantial mine that may come online one day is Arrow which is considered to be huge, analysts think it will produce 21% of world supply, and the cost per pound is less than $20. Again time to production is an issue and the expectation currently is 2023-24 at a cost of $1.3 billion to get it started. Based on other examples we have considered, staying and on budget can be kind of tricky. So again this sounds like a great mine but if we are expecting an upturn in the market in the next five years, is this going to even produce a pound before the price has already risen? We don’t know, however, if we link this to long term contracts it is certainly a piece in play but maybe more of a takeover target to the right company. Remember Rio Tinto and the Roughrider mine that never was.
Another reason that makes it difficult to start or restart mines is the need for skilled workers as this is a specialized field, and there are only so many workers to go around to get mines restarted, so miners may find themselves short on skilled miners when the time comes.
Earlier we mentioned the downblending of weapons which we would be further supply and that Damocles sword will continue to hover over the market.
Nuclear waste is also an argument against this sector. So it’s currently very fashionable to recycle, eliminate waste and the like, so nuclear waste is ever present and is perceived as a major issue with using uranium as an energy fuel. Years ago one approach to get rid of waste was to put it in barrels and sail out on the high seas and dump it, most barrels would sink but a few didn’t so the sailors shot at them to make them sink, sometimes a machine gun would be more effective. Now that doesn’t sound too good, especially if you are either a scuba diver or a fish. Times have moved on and this is no longer the way to dispose of nuclear waste.
According to the WNA, waste is divided into three categories from the spent fuel which is in the high category to the tools and clothes used by workers in the plant which is in the low category. When the used fuel comes out of the rods, it is hot and remains so for many years, so for that time period, the spent fuel rods are kept underwater in a storage pool. The WNA website has a great photo of some workers looking into the storage pool which looks very like a swimming pool. They are not wearing masks or any other personal protection equipment aside from safety helmets. The most ironic item in the photo is the life ring buoy in the background. Now in the first instance, you probably don’t want to fall in, but if you really have to be saved by a lifebuoy from a pool with nuclear rods, you might be delaying the inevitable. Safety helmets for that matter seem kind of ironic there too. Apologies for getting sidetracked.
So the disposal of low and medium level waste is buried underground but not too deeply. The high-level waste is not disposed of, as there are no disposal sites currently, so disposal means storing it out the backyard, typically, of the nuclear power plant. Now that doesn’t sound like a good solution but according to Mr Shellenberger (a guy who thinks nuclear is the bees knees) ‘If all the nuclear waste from U.S. power plants were put on a (US) football field, (around 5000m2 ) of it would stack up just 50 feet (15m) high. In comparison to the waste produced by every other kind of electricity production, that quantity is close to zero’.
All forms of energy generation have some form of waste product and nuclear waste problems, although long in duration are compact in relation to these. While keeping them in canisters valued at a half million to a million dollars a piece seems as though that is not a solution, it kind of is, it has worked for now. In terms of deaths, in comparison to other energy sources, waste nuclear is not really causing any problems, as long as you don’t dump it at sea or anywhere else for that matter and take pot-shots at it with a rifle.
Another example of a perceived problem becoming a solution is as research and technology develop, scientists will find some novel way of using the waste possibly by recycling it for further use. This does sound like they are trying to kick the canister down the road, so to speak, but either way, it doesn’t have a huge impact on how the uranium market will play out over the next few years, interesting nonetheless.
Renewables are competitive with nuclear power. Now, this is a statement that comes up from time to time and is worth exploring briefly. Lets just set out the fact that all energy forms have some form of subsidy behind them. You may, however, think ‘but surely not big oil as it’s been around for ages and it needs no government support’, and you would be wrong. The International Monetary Fund in 2017 released a report on global fossil fuel subsidies coming up with a number north of $5 trillion, yes trillion, not billion. The IEA says that in 2016, renewables received $140 billion in 2016. Big numbers in both cases but the point here is subsidies are for all by the look of things, and they tend to skew the picture on which energy type is the cheapest. Another reason it’s a cloudy picture is that you also get into semantics about the definition of what a subsidy is.
With that in mind, we will wade on to what is out there with regards to which is cheap and which is expensive. One way to look at this is to go back to Germany, we mentioned it earlier in comparison to France as they have more expensive electricity than France. Germany is also reducing or has reduced its nuclear power electricity generation and chosen the path of solar and wind generated energy. From 2017 counting back ten years, electricity prices have risen by 39%.
Now another area - California, it too has chosen the path of renewables and it too has seen an increase in prices for electricity. According to the EIA, residential prices were $19.30 cents per Kilowatt Hour in March 2019 which is up from $12.51 cents in 2005. So are we seeing a pattern here? Some would say yes and some would say no, either way, we do know that the wind does not always blow nor the sun always shine. In comparison nuclear is steady 24/7, that is unless you get a tsunami or earthquake of course. (last paragraph is in the next post)
If you can click on the below link, I am hoping it will move my ebook up the amazon search page so non redditors can see it. Thanks.
submitted by definitelyunshore to UraniumSqueeze [link] [comments]

Looking back on a year of Nano development - Presented by NanoLinks

I think this list speaks for itself. Thank you for this year Nano community and see you in 2021 for even more fun! We are only getting started 🚀

submitted by Joohansson to nanocurrency [link] [comments]

Timeline of Hololive V5

This timeline will repost every 1 month had passed, with updates and new things that will appear as well as editing old updates.
The Big Four's Message,
The following timeline is (messy and) based on Hololive (including Holostar) Vtubers (along with other characters) debut date (and even retirement date, yes, sadly), instances and marks but if there is no YouTube channel then we can only rely on other media such as Bilibili based on its debut date.
There may be some instances in the timeline that we've made could be bias so we're hopeful anyone can correct us on that one (with source if better).
As for the terms and 'titles' you will encounter, if you do not appreciate it, then we can only give you an advise to ignore it.
I would like to ask everyone's support to make this post appeal to everyone so that they knew atleast how the Hololive we come to love so much had began. Thank you.
PS: This is a community-based made timeline.
Welcome to...
{First Posted: September 17, 2020}
Dates When Timeline Updated:
[The Timeline of Hololive]
ARC 0: "The Glimpse of a Blue Play Button"
-1) March 3, 2016 - the day the main Hololive channel was born in YouTube.
0) "Cover Corp" was founded in 13th of June, 2016 by none other than Motoaki "YAGOO" Tanigo
1) Cover Corp is a company develops and manages virtual reality and augmented reality software application products. It will soon be the parent company of the soon-to-be "Hololive Production"
ARC 1: "The Morning Sunrise"
2) Cover Corp launched the "Hololive Production" project. At this point in time, Hololive was not yet officially a thing, it always refer to an app in development called "Hololy."
3) "Yuujin A" - or A-chan, was a high school girl at this time. She was not a former employee of Cover (though Cover tried to hire her but she declined). At this time, she was just behind Sora - the two were best friends. She was just supporting Sora at this point of time.
4) "Tokino Sora" - the first ever Virtual YouTuber of Cover Corps and the first ever member of Hololive, first member of a soon-to-be "0th Gen", she debuted September 7, 2017
4.1) In the first ever stream made by Tokino Sora, in NicoNicoDouga, she only has 50 viewers. Excluding the staffs, there are 13 unknown viewers watching Tokino Sora's first ever stream. Ever since then, these 13 unknown people where called as "The 13 Knights of the Round Table" - now, regard as the 13 National Heroes.
5) "Ankimo" and "Yuujin A" joined in with Sora with the streams, well, sometimes. At this time, A-chan became Sora's full pledge support. And then soon will apply as a staff in Hololive.
5.1) October 28, 2017 - Tokino Sora achieved the 100 subscribers milestone in YouTube! The fan name "Soratomo" was born.
5.2) December 23, 2017 - Tokino Sora achieved the 1,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
5.3) December 30, 2017 - Tokino Sora achieved the 10,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
ARC 2: "The First Fledglings"
5.4) January 12, 2018 - Tokino Sora achieved the 50,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
6) "Roboco" - once a demonstrator for the technology of Hololive App joined Hololive Vtuber group, and will be member of a soon-to-be "0th Gen", debuted March 4, 2018
6.1) March 9, 2018 - Tokino Sora achieved the 100,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
7) "Hoshimachi Suisei" - an independent Vtuber that will soon join Hololive, and will be a member of a soon-to-be "0th Gen", debuted March 22, 2018
7.1) March 30, 2018 - Roboco achieved the 10,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube! The fan name "Robosa" was born.
8) Cover Corp turned "Hololive" into a Vtuber Group and thus the said Virtual Agency was officially founded. Thus, Hololive will begin its female-only Vtubers recruitment.
8.1) May 1, 2018 - Hoshimachi Suisei achieved the 1,000 subscribers in YouTube! The fan name "Kometomo" was born. Although it was later changed to "Stargazers".
8.1) An audition was made (privately) and will begin the first Generational group of Hololive called "1st Gen"
9) "Yozora Mel" - is the first member of 1st Gen for Hololive to appear, debuted May 13, 2018
9.1) A-Chan became an official employee of Hololive around Mid-2018
10) "Natsuiro Matsuri(?) AND Shirakami Fubuki - both are members of 1st Gen of Hololive, they debuted June 1, 2018
11) "Akai Haato" - (or will be known in 2020 as Haachama) is another member of the 1st Gen of Hololive, she debuted June 2, 2018
12) "H▌│█║▌║▌║ C║▌║▌║█│▌" - another member of the 1st Gen of Hololive, she debuted(?) June 3, 2018
13) "Aki Rosenthal" - is the last member of the 1st Gen of Hololive, she debuted June 7, 2018
14) The "1st Generation of Hololive" was (unofficially (?)) formed, with its members are: Yozora Mel, Natsuiro Matsuri, Shirakami Fubuki, Akai Haato, H▌│█║▌║▌║ C║▌║▌║█│▌ and Aki Rosethal.
14.1) June 16, 2018 - Shirakami Fubuki achieved 10,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube! The "Su-corn" was born.
15) "H▌│█║▌║▌║ C║▌║▌║█│▌" - a member of 1st Gen of Hololive, she was officially terminated for violating a contract, in which a man made a deal with her and it cost her future career, and thus was sacked by Hololive, she was the first ever Vtuber in the Virtual World who was wiped out from the face of the virtual reality. A controversial figure. She was terminated by June 25th of 2018, leaving behind a dark spot in the face of Hololive
16) "Hololive Production" was officially founded by Cover Corp and established its building agency
16.1) July 13, 2018 - Akai Haato achieved 10,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube! The "Haaton" was born.
17) "Sakura Miko" - she debuted at August 1, 2018. However, she was not yet a member of Hololive. She was once placed in a "Sakura Miko Project", however, from the looks of it, the project failed.
18) "1st Generation of Hololive" was officially updated, members composed of: Yozora Mel, Natsuiro Matsuri, Shirakami Fubuki, Akai Haato, and Aki Rosethal.
19) Another batch (private) was made and was introduced as "2nd Gen" of Hololive by late 2018
20) "Minato Aqua" - is the first member of 2nd Gen of Hololive to appear, debuted August 8, 2018
21) "Murasaki Shion" - another member of 2nd Gen of Hololive, she debuted August 17, 2018
21.1) August 17, 2018 - Sakura Miko achieved the 1,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube! The "Mikopi" was born.
21.2) August 26, 2018 - Natsuiro Matsuri achieved 10,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube! The "Matsu-Lis" was born.
22) "Nakiri Ayame" - another member of 2nd Gen of Hololive, she debuted September 3, 2018
23) "Yuzuki Choco" - or Choco-sensei, is another member of 2nd Gen of Hololive, she debuted September 5, 2018
24) "Oozaru Subaru" - the last member of 2nd Gen, she debuted September 16, 2018
25) "2nd Generation of Hololive" was officially established, with its members as: Minato Aqua, Murasaki Shion, Nakiri Ayame, Yuzuki Choco, and Oozaru Subaru.
25.1) September 27, 2018 - Aki Rosenthal achieved 10,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube! The "Squad Rose" was born.
25.2) September 29, 2018 - Shirakami Fubuki achieved 50,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
25.3) September 30, 2018 - Nakiri Ayame achieved 10,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube! The "Nakiri-gumi" was born.
25.4) October 4, 2018 - Minato Aqua achieved 10,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube! The "Aqua Crew" was born.
25.5) October 17, 2018 - Murasaki Shion achieved 10,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube! The "Shiokko" was born.
25.6) October 20, 2018 - Yuzuki Choco achieved 10,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube! The "Choco Mate" was born.
25.7) October 27, 2018 - Roboco achieved 50,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
26) "AZKi" - is Vtuber Diva for the joint project between Upd8 and Cover Corp. At this point, she was not a member of Hololive yet, she debuted November 11, 2018
26.1) Aki Rosenthal got into an accident which led to her broken leg and urgent surgery. Her hiatus was announced on December 2, 2018
26.2) Aki Rosenthal made her last stream in December 5th of 2018 before her hiatus, which will took roughly two months of recovery
26.3) "Hololive GAMERS" - was established on December 6 of 2018, with Fubuki as its first member of the group.
27) "Ookami Mio" - is a first member to appear in Hololive for a new engaging platform, and will be the first (new) member to be part of "Hololive GAMERS", she debuted December 7, 2018
27.1) December 19, 2018 - Oozaro Subaru achieved 10,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube! The "Subatomo" was born.
27.2) December 22, 2018 - the first ever(?) offline collab in HoloJP, hosted by both Subaru and Haato
27.3) December 24, 2018 - AZKi achieved 10,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube! The fan name "Pioneer" was born.
28) Sakura Miko officially joined/placed to Hololive alongside the soon-to-be "0th Gen", she officially debuted under Hololive by December 25th of 2018
ARC 3: "The Unique Moments"
28.1) January 14, 2019 - Yuzuki Choco achieved 50,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
28.2) January 21, 2019 - the origin of the YAGOO meme, hosted by Roboco and Subaru!
28.3) January 24, 2019 - Sakura Miko achieved 10,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
28.4) Aki Rosenthal resumed her daily Vtuber acitivities after her good recovery from her leg injury by February 9, 2019
28.5) March 8, 2019 - Shirakami Fubuki achieved 100,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
28.6) March 16, 2019 - Akai Haato achieved 50,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
28.7) March 20, 2019 - Minato Aqua achieved 50,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
29) An audition was made for a new branch called "Gamers of Hololive"
30) [ERROR]
31) "Nekomata Okayu" - is another member of the soon-to-be "Hololive GAMERS", she debuted April 6, 2019
32) "Inugami Korone" - is the last(?) member of the soon-to-be "Hololive GAMERS", she debuted April 13, 2019
33) The "Hololive GAMERS" (that we know of), a branch of Hololive, members composed of: Ookami Mio, Shirakami Fubuki, Nekomata Okayu, and Inugami Korone.
33.5) April 13, 2019 - Natsuiro Matsuri achieved 50,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
34) Due to the success of Hololive, new agency(?) was established(?) by Cover Corps called "Holostar", another Virtual YouTuber Agency for the male-only Vtubers as idols.
34.1) April 29, 2019 - the trailer for Holografiti skits had began
34.2) April 29, 2019 - AZKi achieved 50,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
34.3) April 30, 2019 - Yuzuki Choco achieved 100,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
34.4) May 7, 2019 - Roboco achieved 100,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
34.5) May 8, 2019 - Oozaro Subaru achieved 50,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
35) An audition was made in May 17, 2019 for Holostar was formed that will be called "1st Gen" of Holostar as well, initially, there were only supposed to be 3 members
36) May 19, 2019, "INoNaKa Music (INNK MUSIC)" was established by Cover Corps and is the music label under Hololive - basically they're the creators of Music and BGMs of/for our favorites Hololive (and Holostar(?)) Vtubers. It was announced that AZKi will be running the music label. (?)
36.1) A "Non-Generational (or 0th Gen) of Hololive" was officially established with members: Tokino Sora, Roboco, Hoshimachi Suisei and Sakura Miko.
36.2) May 25, 2019 - Nakiri Ayame achieved 50,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
36.3) June 1, 2019 - Yozora Mel achieved 50,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube! The "Kapumin" was born.
36.4) June 2, 2019 - Minato Aqua achieved 100,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
36.5) June 5, 2019 - Hoshimachi Suisei achieved subscribers milestone in YouTube!
37) "Hanasaki Miyabi" - the first ever (male) Virtual YouTuber of Cover Corps, first ever member of Holostar and first member of its 1st Gen, he debuted June 8, 2019
37.1) June 8, 2019 - Murasaki Shion achieved 50,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
38) "Kagami Kira" - another member of 1st Gen of Holostar, he debuted June 9, 2019
39) An audition for a new group (public announcement) of "3rd Gen" in Hololive had began by June 13, 2019
40) "Kanade Izuru" - another member of the 1st Gen of Holostar, he debuted June 22, 2019
41) By July 7th of 2019, the first two members of the 3rd Gen of Hololive was announced and they're: Usada Pekora and Uruha Rushia
41.1) July 9, 2019 - Sakura Miko achieved 50,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
42) "Usada Pekora" - is the first member of 3rd Gen of Hololive to appear, debuted July 17, 2019
43) "Uruha Rushia" - a member of the 3rd Gen of Hololive, she debuted July 18, 2019
44) "Daidou Shinove" - is the first ever Virtual Manager of Holostar, do not have YouTube account but based on his Twitter account he joined around August of 2019
45) "Shiranui Flare" - another member of 3rd Gen of Hololive, she debuted August 7, 2019
46) "Shirogane Noel" - another member of 3rd Gen of Hololive, she debuted August 8, 2019
47) "Houshou Marine" - the last member of 3rd Gen of Hololive, she debuted August 11, 2019
48) The "3rd Generation of Hololive" was formed and will be known as "Hololive Fantasy", the members are: Usada Pekora, Uruha Rushia, Shiranui Flare, Shirogane Noel, and Houshou Marine
48.1) August 27, 2019 - Natsuiro Matsuri achieved 100,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
49) An announcement that Hololive will launch a first ever overseas branch line; "Hololive China" or Hololive CH. In a site known as Bilibili, an audition was created for the first ever China's "1st Gen" of Hololive in China
50) "Yakushiji Suzaku" - another member of the 1st Gen of Holostar, he debuted September 7, 2019
51) "Arurandeisu" - is another member of the 1st Gen of Holostar, he debuted September 9, 2019
51.1) September 11, 2019 - Akai Haato achieved 100,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
52) "Yogiri" - is the first ever overseas member of Hololive, first ever member that is from China, and first member of the 1st Gen of Hololive in China, she debuted September 28, 2019 (in Bilibili)
52.1) Around October, a nobody anti managed to inflict social & mental damage upon Yozora Mel, at this moment, it started to get her barrier.
53) "Rikka" - is the last member of the 1st Gen of Holostar, he debuted October 20, 2019
54) The "1st Generation of Holostar" was officially established, the members are: Hanasaki Miyabi, Kagami Kira, Kanade Izuru, Yakushiji Suzaku, Arurandeisu and Rikka.
54.1) October 23, 2019 - Oozaro Subaru achieved 100,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
55) "Civia" - debuted in Bilibili at November 1, 2019
56) An audition was made for the "2nd Gen" of Holostar
56.1) November 10, 2019 - Nakiri Ayame achieved 100,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
56.2) Around November inbetween 25-30, Suisei joined the music label INNK along side AZKi.
56.3) November 22, 2019 - Hoshimachi Suisei achieved 50,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
56.4) November 29, 2019 - Tokino Sora achieved 250,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
57) In December 1st and 2nd of 2019, the agency of Holostar was scrapped(?) and instead merged together with the main branch that is Hololive and INoNaKa Music, and Holostar became one of Hololive's branch, thus establishing the "Hololive Production"
57.1) December 3, 2019 - Aki Rosenthal achieved 50,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
57.1) December 4, 2019 - the day when the reddit dedicated to Hololive was officially formed.
57.2) December 6, 2019 - Sakura Miko achieved 100,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
58) "Astel Leda" - is the first member of the 2nd Gen of Holostar, he debuted December 7, 2019
58.1) As of December 11th of 2019, the collab between Hololive and Azur Lane ended.
59) "Kishido Temma" - is a member of the 2nd Gen of Holostar, debuted December 14, 2019
60) [ERROR]
61) An audition was announced for the "4th Gen" of Hololive
62) "Amane Kanata" - is the first member of 4th Gen of Hololive to appear, she debuted December 17, 2019
63) "Kiryuu Coco" - is another member of 4th Gen of Hololive to appear, she debuted December 18, 2019
63.1) "Yukoku Roberu" - is the last member of 2nd Gen of Holostar to appear, debuted December 24, 2019
63.2) The "2nd Generation of Holostar" was established with members which are: Astel Leda, Kishido Temma and Yukoku Roberu
64) "Tsunomaki Watame" - is another member of 4th Gen of Hololive to appear, she debuted December 29, 2019
64.1) December 31, 2019 - Murasaki Shion achieved 100,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
ARC 4: "The Silver and Grey Periods of Hololive"
65) "Tokoyami Towa" - is another member of 4th Gen of Hololive, she debuted January 3, 2020
66) "Himemori Luna" - is the last member of 4th Gen of Hololive, she debuted January 4, 2020
67) The "4th Generation of Hololive" was officially formed with members are: Amane Kanata, Kiryuu Coco, Tsunomaki Watame, Tokoyami Towa and Himemori Luna.
67.1) January 19, 2020 - Minato Aqua achieved 250,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
67.2) January 24, 2020 - Hololive had their very first concert festival in public! Called "Non-stop Hololive!"
67.3) January 29, 2020 - Yozora Mel achieved 100,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
68) "Spade Echo" - is the last member of the 1st Gen of Hololive CH, she debuted in Bilibili at January 30, 2020
68.1) January 31, 2020 - Hoshimachi Suisei achieved 100,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
69) The "1st Generation of Hololive CH" was formed in Bilibili, with members are: Yogiri, Civia and Spade Echo
70) At the month of March, on the day of 6th, Hololive announced the retirement of, Yakushiji Suzaku. He's the first ever Virtual YouTuber of Cover Corps to graduate in Holostar - the first Holo-Retirement, leaving behind this scent of sadness. - It would appear that he lacked commitment with his Vtuber activities which led to his retirement (?)
71) The "1st Generation of Holostar" was updated, members now are: Hanasaki Miyabi, Kagami Kira, Kanade Izuru, Arurandeisu and Rikka
72) Somewhen in March or April, marked the beginning of "The Silver Age of Vtubers", with Hololive (alongside Nijisanji) rising in popularity immensely.
72.4) The first ever collab stream between Hololive and Holostar happened in Feb 2, 2020: hosted by Miyabi, Temma, Suzaki, Fubuki, & Matsuri.
72.8) February 14-15 of 2020 - Houshou Marine managed to get the number one Global Trending in Twitter about her 3D model
73) An announcement of Hololive for the "2nd Gen" of Hololive in China, an audition has began around late February(?) or early March(?)
74) "Doris AND Rosalyn" - the first two members who appeared first in 2nd Gen of Hololive CH, debuted in Bilibili March 6, 2020
74.1) Tokoyami Towa took 2 weeks of break because of hearing opposite gender's voice in the stream. This led for the Purist Fans to be angry - though fortunately enough, they're not that hyper aggressive.
74.2) After 2 weeks of break, Tokoyami Towa resumed her usual activities. At this point in time, she became the only Hololive member who has a larger English viewership rather than Japanese viewership. (?)
74.3) March 14, 2020 - the first ever HoloJP and HololCN collab, hosted by Haato and Civia while playing Animal Crossing.
74.5) March 16, 2020 - Natsuiro Matsuri achieved 250,000 subscribers milestone!
74.6) March 18, 2020 - AZKi achieved 100,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
74.7) March 18, 2020 - Akai Haatos achieved 250,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
74.8) March 20, 2020 - two designs were submitted, however, their purpose has yet to be tell in detail.
74.9) March 26, 2020 - Aki Rosenthal achieved 100,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
75) Hololive announced its second overseas branch; "Hololive Indonesia" or Hololive ID. And audition was launched in late March(?) or early April(?) for the "1st Gen" of Hololive in Indonesia
75.5) Yozora Mel had taken a two months hiatus due to the harrassment and black mailed of her manager. Cover Corp released a statement about this and the problem was dealt with.
76) "Ayunda Risu" - is the first ever member of Hololive ID and first member of the 1st Gen of Hololive to appear in Indonesia, she debuted April 10, 2020
77) "Artia" - is the last member of 2nd Gen of Hololive CN, she debuted in Bilibili April 11, 2020
78) The "2nd Generation of Hololive CH" was established, with members are: Doris, Rosalyn and Artia
79) "Moona Hoshinova" - is a member of the 1st Gen ID, she debuted April 11, 2020
80) "Airani Iofifteen" - is a member of the 1st Gen ID, she debuted April 12, 2020
81) The "1st Generation of Hololive ID" was formed and its members are: Ayunda Risu, Moona Hoshinova and Airani Iofifteen
81.4) April 15th of 2020 - Pekora had accepted an invitation to stream in Bilibili from her moment in NicoNico. However, due to an unprecedented error, led to the antis tricking the general audience into believing that she made a promise in which she failed to uphold.
81.8) April 19, 2020 - Shirakami Fubuki achieved 500,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
82) An announcement by Hololive in twitter that there will be an audition for an English Speaking Vtubers starting by April 23, 2020
83) Hololive announced and introduced the "3rd Gen" of Holostar
84) "Tsukishita Kaoru" - is the first member of the 3rd Gen of Holostar to appear, he debuted April 29, 2020
85) "Kageyama Shien" - is a member of the 3rd Gen of Holostar, he debuted April 30, 2020
86) "Aragami Oga" - is the last member of the 3rd Gen of Holostar, he debuted May 1, 2020
86.4) May 3, 2020 - Sakura Miko achieved 250,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
86.8) May 5, 2020 - Hoshimachi Suisei achieved 250,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
87) The "3rd Generation of Holostar" was formed and was known as "TriNero" with members are: Tsukishita Kaoru, Kageyama Shien, and Aragami Oga
87.2) Choco got into trouble in Bilibili when a 'Tibet' country was shown in her questionnaire from her quizz collab.
87.4) May 23, 2020 - the first ever collab between HoloJP and Holo ID, hosted by Iofi and Watame and are playing Overcooked
87.6) June 9, 2020 - Roboco achieved 250,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
87.8) June 23rd of 2020, Yozora Mel resumed back her activities, thankfully, she's back the same as ever and healthier even.
88) By June 28th of 2020, the 2nd Generation of Holostar named their group as "SunTempo"
88.5) July 3rd of 2020, Hololive ID, a second overseas branch of Hololive that is in Indonesia, announced an audition its Twitter for its "2nd Gen"
89) However, a sudden and sad news has arrived. By July 28th of 2020, Hololive announced that a member of the TriNero squad, Tsukishita Kaoru, had officially retired, leaving behind a mystery trail of his retirement
89.5) By mid June, marked the highest peak of Hololive's popularity, influenced greatly because of "The Silver Age of Vtuber"
90) In the months of late June, July and early August, will be marked as the "Vidapocalypse" of "Holopocalypse", the Privatization/Deletion of the Holo-members streaming video games that they played prior
90.5) In July 30th of year 2020, Artia, a member of the 2nd Gen Hololive CN, have made her debut in Twitch. The first talent to ever use a foreign platform to stream aside from Bilibili, and first to debut in such platform.
91) On the day 31st of July in 2020 marked the beginning of visible struggles in Hololive. This day is the day when Sakura Miko was announced to be having a hiatus for one or two months by Cover Corps due to her illness
92) In August 5th of 2020, Ookami Mio was suspended of her activities. Two strikes were filed against her YouTube account and in danger of getting ban completely.
93) By August 6th of 2020, Hololive announced in Twitter and introduced the "5th Gen of Hololive"
94) "Yukihana Lamy" - is the first member of 5th Gen of Hololive to appear, she debuted August 12, 2020
95) "Momosuzu Nene" - a member of 5th Gen of Hololive, she debuted August 13, 2020
96) "Shishiro Botan" - a member of 5th Gen of Hololive, she debuted August 14, 2020
96.5) August 14, 2020 - Natsuiro Matsuri achieved 500,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
97) "Mano Aloe" - a member of 5th Gen of Hololive, she debuted August 15, 2020
98) "Omaru Polka" - the last member of 5th Gen of Hololive, she debuted August 16, 2020
98.5) August 16, 2020 - Akai Haato achieved 500,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
99) The "5th Generation of Hololive" was established, also known as "Holofive" with members such as: Yukihana Lamy, Momosuzu Nene, Shishiro Botan, Mano Aloe, and Omaru Polka
100) At August 17th of 2020, Mano Aloe got into trouble about her leaked Live2D model and personal life suddenly got involved. The agency gave her 2 weeks of break to deal with this error, leaving behind the masses with worry but with support and expectations of her return
100.4) August 20, 2020 - Shirakami Fubuki achieved 800,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
100.8) August 28, 2020 - Aki Rosenthal achieved 250,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
101) Unfortunately, in August 30th of 2020, a new member from the 5th Gen of Hololive, Mano Aloe, just after 2 weeks of her debut, soon retired due to stress. This caused an uproar in the community, the first every uproar, and created minor setbacks and so the terms of "Doxxing" and "Antis" was now well-known to hate. Mano Aloe's retirement left a deep scar in the community
101.4) August 30, 2020 - Akai Haato had 'died' and was replaced by "Haachama"
101.8) August 31, 2020 - Yozora Mel achieved 250,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
102) By September 4th of 2020, Cover Corp announced that Ookami Mio's suspension was lifted and will return to her usual activities
103) "Civia" - is the first China-member Hololive to debuted in YouTube at September 5, 2020
104) Cover Corp formed a Legal Team in which to oversee and protect the Vtubers under their company from harrassment and doxxing. This might be in response to the recent Mano Aloe's incident.
105) By September 8th of 2020, Hololive Twitter account introduced its first ever English branch, "Hololive EN"
106) "Mori Calliope AND Takanashi Kiara" - both debuted September 12, 2020
107) "Gawr Gura, Ninomae Ina'nis AND Watson Amelias", they are the first ever English (Global) Vtubers under Hololive - both debuted September 13, 2020
108) The "1st Generation of Hololive EN" was formed with its members are: Mori Calliope, Takanashi Kiara, Gawr Gura, Ninomae Ina'nis, and Watson Amelia.
108.3) By mid September of 2020, just after all the HololiveEN had their debut, a popular female streamer in Twitch had caused the Vtuber Community into an uproar never seen before - it's the first uproar involving international communities. This time led to the painful yet slow beginning of the end of "The Silver Age of Vtuber"
108.6) Somewhen in September of 2020, Kiryuu Coco becomes the first ever Vtuber to reach number 1 in Superchat Earners - closely followed by Minato Aqua and Uruha Rushia
108.9) September 27, 2020 - Hoshimachi Suisei achieved 500,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
109) By late September of 2020, an unfortunate (yet stupid) thing happened in Hololive: a Civil War. Backed by antis and haters, the Hypernationalist Chinese people attacked the Hololive community because of Coco saying "Taiwan" and sparked the Among Us incidents. This, in turn, was counterattacked by the Global Fans.
110) Hololive Moment, the great speaker for Hololive, had fallen from grace after taking side with the Hypernationalist Chinese and antis. Leading to the demise of its channel after a week.
110.2) October 1, 2020 - Sakura Miko achieved 500,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
110.4) Early October of 2020, Amane Kanata was accidentally bumped by car, which resulted in her head getting hit on the ground. She was put to rest in the hospital afterwards and will need to recovery. She can still stream, albeit no too much as to not disturb her recovering.
110.6) October 16, 2020 - the first ever collab between HoloJP and HoloEN, hosted by Subaru and Kiara while they play a co-op Untitled Goose Game.
110.8) By October 18th of 2020, Amane Kanata was released from the hospital to resumed her Vtuber activities.
111) Coco and Haachama returned back to Hololive by Oct. 19 of 2020 - the battle was won by the Global Fans, though the war is still far from over.
112) After months of hiatus, the legendary elite that is Miko Sakura herself returned by Oct. 21, 2020
113) Gawr Gura has officially overcome her Senpais - Korone and Fubuki - in the sub counts (not a race, just something to point out) and had reached "1 Million Subscribers" by late night in Oct. 22 - she is the 3rd Vtuber to have reached the milestone in the Virtual World, and the 1st Vtuber under Hololive to reach 1 Million Subs
114) Oct. 22, 2020 - Mori Calliope had triumphantly reach Top 1 in iTunes. The first ever Vtuber to dominate a music industry on top (at least for awhile)
114.5) Oct 23, 2020 - Hololive has officially announced the upcoming second festival concert in public!
115) However, a sad yet fortunate fate had befallen upon HoloCN - in Oct. 23, 2020. Due to the actions done by the Hypernationalist Chinese backed by antis, HoloCN will officially broke off. The Cover Corps had given the six girls under HoloCN to choose their path. So far, as of today, every girl except "Doris" (no news about her as of yet), had chose to go independent - though the date is still unclear and no official statement about these from Cover Corp has yet to release.
115.5) October 26, 2020 - Tokino Sora achieved 500,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
116) By the 1st Day of November, Inugami Korone had officially reached "1 Million Subscribers"! Congrats to being the 4th Vtuber in the Virtual World to ever reach such a milestone, and 2nd Vtuber to reach said subs under Hololive.
117) In the morning light of November 6 of 2020, Shirakami Fubuki had officially reached "1 Million Subscribers"! Congrats to being the 5th Vtuber in the Virtual World to ever reach such milestone, and 3rd Vtuber to reach said subs under Hololive.
118) As of November 12th in 2020, after weeks of silence about the HoloCN's fate - Cover Corp finally made an official announcement. Unfortunately, the girls: Civia, Artia, Yogiri, Doris and Rosalyn - are all going to graduate despite previous statements of becoming an indie (although the following days, through hints, that they're going graduation)
As for the others, no news as of yet.
119) November 14th of 2020 - the first ever collaboration with a non-Vtuber channel. Featuring Mori Calliope and the Trash Taste Podcast. It first hinted in the emergence of their tweets.
120) Cover Corp released an update announcement about the girls in HoloCN. Two girls in HoloCN have updated/announced their graduation in the following:
121) November 17th of 2020 - Kagami Kira of the 1st Generation of Holostar, formally graduate due to weak constitution and frail body. It left an air of sudden sadness within the Holostar fans.
121.5) November 18, 2020 - Moona had posted a tweet in Twitter about religion and it got bad. Later on she apologized for this incident and lay low for a few days before resuming her usual activities.
122) November 19th of 2020 - Civia of HoloCN, first to graduate, held her last stream for her departure in Hololive
123) Artia of HoloCN Doris of HoloCN held a graduation stream for her departure in Hololive, the same day as that of Civia - Nov. 19, 2020
124) Spade Echo of HoloCN Doris of HoloCN held a graduation stream for her departure in Hololive by Nov. 21, 2020
124.5) November 27, 2020 - Akai Haato achieved 800,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
125) December 1, 2020 - HololiveID (Hololive Indonesia) announced the "2nd Generation of HololiveID" in YouTube - 3 new members will appear!
125.4) December 3, 2020 - Miko can start to stream in Twitch as well! First HoloJP to start streaming in Twitch!
125.8) December 3, 2020 - AZKi achieved 250,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
126) December 4, 2020 - just late afternoon, Usada Pekora had achieved 1 Million Subscribers! A milestone she had been dreaming off for her dear mother. Welcome as a 6th Vtuber in the Virtual World to reach such a milestone, and 4th Vtuber under Hololive to ever reach said number of subs
127) December 4(?), 2020 - Hololive announced in its Indonesian branch called "HoloID" a new generation - a '2nd Generation of HoloID'
128) December 5, 2020 - "Kureiji Ollie", the first member in the 2nd Generation of HoloID to debut
129) December 6, 2020 - "Anya Melfissa", another member of the 2nd Generation of HoloID to debut
129.5) December 6, 2020 - Doris of HoloCN held a graduation stream for her departure in Hololive
130) December 7, 2020 - "Pavolia Reine", the last member of the 2nd Generation of HoloID to debut
130.5) December 9, 2020 - Kiara's channel was mistakenly terminated, then restored several hours later
131) The '2nd Generation of HoloID' has been completed.
132) December 10, 2020 - The archives of Artia, Covia and Spade Echo were wiped out
133) December 20, 2020 - Yogiri of HoloCN held a graduation stream for her departure in Hololive
134) December 21, 2020 - Hololive held it's second festival concert! Called, "Beyond the Stage"! The fes was separated into 2 parts called 'stage'. And this stage is called "Stage One"!
135) December 22, 2020 - Hololive held the second part of the concert "Stage Two"! Thus, after this, conclude the second festival concert of Hololive
136) December 27, 2020 - Rosalyn of HoloCN, last to graduate, held her last stream for her departure in Hololive
137) As the end of the year comes, the Top 3 Channels who has the Most Superchats of the Year are: Kiryu Coco, Uruha Rushia, and Usada Pekora.
ARC 5: "(???)"
138) January 13, 2021 - Minato Aqua had achieved 1 Million Subscribers! Welcome as a 7th Vtuber in the Virtual World to reach such a milestone, and 5th Vtuber under Hololive to ever reach said number of subs.
139) January 15, 2021 - Sakura Miko achieved 800,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
140) January 16, 2021 - Roboco achieved 500,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
141) January 18, 2021 - Gawr Gura had achieved "2 Million Subscribers"! Welcome as a 2nd Vtuber in the Virtual World to reach such a milestone, and 1st Vtuber under Hololive to ever reach said number of subs.
142) January 18, 2021 - Houshou Marine had achieved 1 Million Subscribers! Welcome as a 8th Vtuber in the Virtual World to reach such a milestone, and 6th Vtuber under Hololive to ever reach said number of subs.
143) January 25, 2021 - Mori Calliope had achieved 1 Million Subscribers! Welcome as a 9th Vtuber in the Virtual World to reach such a milestone, and 7th Vtuber under Hololive to ever reach said number of subs.
144) January 25, 2021 - Yukihana Lamy achieved 500,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
145) January 25, 2021 - Natsuiro Matsuri achieved 800,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
146) February 5, 2021 - The legendary and disturbing lore stream between Akai Haato and Haachama had began, a road to a Million Road will be interesting
147) February 7, 2021 - Shiranui Flare achieved 500,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
148) February 9, 2021 - Akai Haato had returned, and so does her channel from "Haachama" to "Akaihaato"
149) February 10, 2021 - Akai Haato had achieved 1 Million Subscribers! Welcome as a 8th Vtuber in the Virtual World to reach such a milestone, and 6th Vtuber under Hololive to ever reach said number of subs.
150) February 11, 2021 - Amelia Watson achieved 1 Million Subscribers! Welcome as a 9th Vtuber in the Virtual World to reach such a milestone, and 7th Vtuber under Hololive to ever reach said number of subs.
• (?) - indicates that we are either unsure or lack of information about what a certain time point.
[ERROR] - indicates that there's an information that was previously placed here only to be put to a different number in timeline
A] https://virtualyoutuber.fandom.com/wiki/Hololive
B] https://hololive.wiki/wiki/Main_Page
C] https://cover-corp.com (though I rarely check the page)
D] Fans correction (with evidence, hopefully)
E] The Hologirls and Holoboys channels
Questions That Needs Answer:
1) When did the VERY FIRST (which is a collab cover, if anyone who remembers) collaboration between Hololive and Holostar happened? According to a comment, the very first collab between the two happened somewhen in 2019 but due to privatization, the said stream was lost and so its date.
2) When did "A-Chan" received her model?
3) When did the first song (from Sora's) formed in Hololive? We believed that the first song is in NicoNicoDouga.
4) When did the first song in Holostar?
5) When did the YAGOO (face) meme first started? - from a correction, it is said that this started in January 21, 2019 but the stream was privated. A clip of said stream can be found still and it was hosted by Subaru and Roboco called "This is read as YAGOO?"
6) When did Hololive REALLY first ever appear? Apparently, from Timeline No. -1, the main Hololive channel was born in March 3, 2016, yet the "Cover Corporation" was founded in a few months later by YAGOO. We believed that it maybe first appeared in NicoNicoDouga, since that's the very first platform they used for Tokino Sora. We are utterly confused on this one.
Potential Addition to the Timeline:
1) YAGOO's YouTube Channel - "tanigox"
2) [BIG STEP CHALLENGE] - Adding milestones! The following milestone will be in the following! This, however, can only (and unfortunately) be from YouTube. But if no YouTube, an alternative will use. Early sub counts from 1,000 subs up to 100,000 will undoubtedly be a major challenge due to old sources and we'll try our best to locate 'em!
New Numbes (or Additional) Timeline was added: (as of Feb 11, 2021)
• 150 - about Amelia Watson
PS: (Nothing)
submitted by Khantlerpartesar to Hololive [link] [comments]

Timeline of Hololive V5

This timeline will repost every 1 month had passed, with updates and new things that will appear as well as editing old updates.
The Big Four's Message,
The following timeline is (messy and) based on Hololive (including Holostar) Vtubers (along with other characters) debut date (and even retirement date, yes, sadly), instances and marks but if there is no YouTube channel then we can only rely on other media such as Bilibili based on its debut date.
There may be some instances in the timeline that we've made could be bias so we're hopeful anyone can correct us on that one (with source if better).
As for the terms and 'titles' you will encounter, if you do not appreciate it, then we can only give you an advise to ignore it.
I would like to ask everyone's support to make this post appeal to everyone so that they knew atleast how the Hololive we come to love so much had began. Thank you.
PS: This is a community-based made timeline.
Welcome to...
{First Posted: September 17, 2020}
Dates When Timeline Updated:
[The Timeline of Hololive]
ARC 0: "The Glimpse of a Blue Play Button"
-1) March 3, 2016 - the day the main Hololive channel was born in YouTube.
0) "Cover Corp" was founded in 13th of June, 2016 by none other than Motoaki "YAGOO" Tanigo
1) Cover Corp is a company develops and manages virtual reality and augmented reality software application products. It will soon be the parent company of the soon-to-be "Hololive Production"
ARC 1: "The Morning Sunrise"
2) Cover Corp launched the "Hololive Production" project. At this point in time, Hololive was not yet officially a thing, it always refer to an app in development called "Hololy."
3) "Yuujin A" - or A-chan, was a high school girl at this time. She was not a former employee of Cover (though Cover tried to hire her but she declined). At this time, she was just behind Sora - the two were best friends. She was just supporting Sora at this point of time.
4) "Tokino Sora" - the first ever Virtual YouTuber of Cover Corps and the first ever member of Hololive, first member of a soon-to-be "0th Gen", she debuted September 7, 2017
4.1) In the first ever stream made by Tokino Sora, in NicoNicoDouga, she only has 50 viewers. Excluding the staffs, there are 13 unknown viewers watching Tokino Sora's first ever stream. Ever since then, these 13 unknown people where called as "The 13 Knights of the Round Table" - now, regard as the 13 National Heroes.
5) "Ankimo" and "Yuujin A" joined in with Sora with the streams, well, sometimes. At this time, A-chan became Sora's full pledge support. And then soon will apply as a staff in Hololive.
5.1) October 28, 2017 - Tokino Sora achieved the 100 subscribers milestone in YouTube! The fan name "Soratomo" was born.
5.2) December 23, 2017 - Tokino Sora achieved the 1,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
5.3) December 30, 2017 - Tokino Sora achieved the 10,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
ARC 2: "The First Fledglings"
5.4) January 12, 2018 - Tokino Sora achieved the 50,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
6) "Roboco" - once a demonstrator for the technology of Hololive App joined Hololive Vtuber group, and will be member of a soon-to-be "0th Gen", debuted March 4, 2018
6.1) March 9, 2018 - Tokino Sora achieved the 100,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
7) "Hoshimachi Suisei" - an independent Vtuber that will soon join Hololive, and will be a member of a soon-to-be "0th Gen", debuted March 22, 2018
7.1) March 30, 2018 - Roboco achieved the 10,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube! The fan name "Robosa" was born.
8) Cover Corp turned "Hololive" into a Vtuber Group and thus the said Virtual Agency was officially founded. Thus, Hololive will begin its female-only Vtubers recruitment.
8.1) May 1, 2018 - Hoshimachi Suisei achieved the 1,000 subscribers in YouTube! The fan name "Kometomo" was born. Although it was later changed to "Stargazers".
8.1) An audition was made (privately) and will begin the first Generational group of Hololive called "1st Gen"
9) "Yozora Mel" - is the first member of 1st Gen for Hololive to appear, debuted May 13, 2018
9.1) A-Chan became an official employee of Hololive around Mid-2018
10) "Natsuiro Matsuri(?) AND Shirakami Fubuki - both are members of 1st Gen of Hololive, they debuted June 1, 2018
11) "Akai Haato" - (or will be known in 2020 as Haachama) is another member of the 1st Gen of Hololive, she debuted June 2, 2018
12) "H▌│█║▌║▌║ C║▌║▌║█│▌" - another member of the 1st Gen of Hololive, she debuted(?) June 3, 2018
13) "Aki Rosenthal" - is the last member of the 1st Gen of Hololive, she debuted June 7, 2018
14) The "1st Generation of Hololive" was (unofficially (?)) formed, with its members are: Yozora Mel, Natsuiro Matsuri, Shirakami Fubuki, Akai Haato, H▌│█║▌║▌║ C║▌║▌║█│▌ and Aki Rosethal.
14.1) June 16, 2018 - Shirakami Fubuki achieved 10,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube! The "Su-corn" was born.
15) "H▌│█║▌║▌║ C║▌║▌║█│▌" - a member of 1st Gen of Hololive, she was officially terminated for violating a contract, in which a man made a deal with her and it cost her future career, and thus was sacked by Hololive, she was the first ever Vtuber in the Virtual World who was wiped out from the face of the virtual reality. A controversial figure. She was terminated by June 25th of 2018, leaving behind a dark spot in the face of Hololive
16) "Hololive Production" was officially founded by Cover Corp and established its building agency
16.1) July 13, 2018 - Akai Haato achieved 10,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube! The "Haaton" was born.
17) "Sakura Miko" - she debuted at August 1, 2018. However, she was not yet a member of Hololive. She was once placed in a "Sakura Miko Project", however, from the looks of it, the project failed.
18) "1st Generation of Hololive" was officially updated, members composed of: Yozora Mel, Natsuiro Matsuri, Shirakami Fubuki, Akai Haato, and Aki Rosethal.
19) Another batch (private) was made and was introduced as "2nd Gen" of Hololive by late 2018
20) "Minato Aqua" - is the first member of 2nd Gen of Hololive to appear, debuted August 8, 2018
21) "Murasaki Shion" - another member of 2nd Gen of Hololive, she debuted August 17, 2018
21.1) August 17, 2018 - Sakura Miko achieved the 1,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube! The "Mikopi" was born.
21.2) August 26, 2018 - Natsuiro Matsuri achieved 10,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube! The "Matsu-Lis" was born.
22) "Nakiri Ayame" - another member of 2nd Gen of Hololive, she debuted September 3, 2018
23) "Yuzuki Choco" - or Choco-sensei, is another member of 2nd Gen of Hololive, she debuted September 5, 2018
24) "Oozaru Subaru" - the last member of 2nd Gen, she debuted September 16, 2018
25) "2nd Generation of Hololive" was officially established, with its members as: Minato Aqua, Murasaki Shion, Nakiri Ayame, Yuzuki Choco, and Oozaru Subaru.
25.1) September 27, 2018 - Aki Rosenthal achieved 10,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube! The "Squad Rose" was born.
25.2) September 29, 2018 - Shirakami Fubuki achieved 50,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
25.3) September 30, 2018 - Nakiri Ayame achieved 10,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube! The "Nakiri-gumi" was born.
25.4) October 4, 2018 - Minato Aqua achieved 10,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube! The "Aqua Crew" was born.
25.5) October 17, 2018 - Murasaki Shion achieved 10,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube! The "Shiokko" was born.
25.6) October 20, 2018 - Yuzuki Choco achieved 10,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube! The "Choco Mate" was born.
25.7) October 27, 2018 - Roboco achieved 50,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
26) "AZKi" - is Vtuber Diva for the joint project between Upd8 and Cover Corp. At this point, she was not a member of Hololive yet, she debuted November 11, 2018
26.1) Aki Rosenthal got into an accident which led to her broken leg and urgent surgery. Her hiatus was announced on December 2, 2018
26.2) Aki Rosenthal made her last stream in December 5th of 2018 before her hiatus, which will took roughly two months of recovery
26.3) "Hololive GAMERS" - was established on December 6 of 2018, with Fubuki as its first member of the group.
27) "Ookami Mio" - is a first member to appear in Hololive for a new engaging platform, and will be the first (new) member to be part of "Hololive GAMERS", she debuted December 7, 2018
27.1) December 19, 2018 - Oozaro Subaru achieved 10,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube! The "Subatomo" was born.
27.2) December 22, 2018 - the first ever(?) offline collab in HoloJP, hosted by both Subaru and Haato
27.3) December 24, 2018 - AZKi achieved 10,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube! The fan name "Pioneer" was born.
28) Sakura Miko officially joined/placed to Hololive alongside the soon-to-be "0th Gen", she officially debuted under Hololive by December 25th of 2018
ARC 3: "The Unique Moments"
28.1) January 14, 2019 - Yuzuki Choco achieved 50,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
28.2) January 21, 2019 - the origin of the YAGOO meme, hosted by Roboco and Subaru!
28.3) January 24, 2019 - Sakura Miko achieved 10,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
28.4) Aki Rosenthal resumed her daily Vtuber acitivities after her good recovery from her leg injury by February 9, 2019
28.5) March 8, 2019 - Shirakami Fubuki achieved 100,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
28.6) March 16, 2019 - Akai Haato achieved 50,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
28.7) March 20, 2019 - Minato Aqua achieved 50,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
29) An audition was made for a new branch called "Gamers of Hololive"
30) [ERROR]
31) "Nekomata Okayu" - is another member of the soon-to-be "Hololive GAMERS", she debuted April 6, 2019
32) "Inugami Korone" - is the last(?) member of the soon-to-be "Hololive GAMERS", she debuted April 13, 2019
33) The "Hololive GAMERS" (that we know of), a branch of Hololive, members composed of: Ookami Mio, Shirakami Fubuki, Nekomata Okayu, and Inugami Korone.
33.5) April 13, 2019 - Natsuiro Matsuri achieved 50,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
34) Due to the success of Hololive, new agency(?) was established(?) by Cover Corps called "Holostar", another Virtual YouTuber Agency for the male-only Vtubers as idols.
34.1) April 29, 2019 - the trailer for Holografiti skits had began
34.2) April 29, 2019 - AZKi achieved 50,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
34.3) April 30, 2019 - Yuzuki Choco achieved 100,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
34.4) May 7, 2019 - Roboco achieved 100,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
34.5) May 8, 2019 - Oozaro Subaru achieved 50,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
35) An audition was made in May 17, 2019 for Holostar was formed that will be called "1st Gen" of Holostar as well, initially, there were only supposed to be 3 members
36) May 19, 2019, "INoNaKa Music (INNK MUSIC)" was established by Cover Corps and is the music label under Hololive - basically they're the creators of Music and BGMs of/for our favorites Hololive (and Holostar(?)) Vtubers. It was announced that AZKi will be running the music label. (?)
36.1) A "Non-Generational (or 0th Gen) of Hololive" was officially established with members: Tokino Sora, Roboco, Hoshimachi Suisei and Sakura Miko.
36.2) May 25, 2019 - Nakiri Ayame achieved 50,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
36.3) June 1, 2019 - Yozora Mel achieved 50,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube! The "Kapumin" was born.
36.4) June 2, 2019 - Minato Aqua achieved 100,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
36.5) June 5, 2019 - Hoshimachi Suisei achieved subscribers milestone in YouTube!
37) "Hanasaki Miyabi" - the first ever (male) Virtual YouTuber of Cover Corps, first ever member of Holostar and first member of its 1st Gen, he debuted June 8, 2019
37.1) June 8, 2019 - Murasaki Shion achieved 50,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
38) "Kagami Kira" - another member of 1st Gen of Holostar, he debuted June 9, 2019
39) An audition for a new group (public announcement) of "3rd Gen" in Hololive had began by June 13, 2019
40) "Kanade Izuru" - another member of the 1st Gen of Holostar, he debuted June 22, 2019
41) By July 7th of 2019, the first two members of the 3rd Gen of Hololive was announced and they're: Usada Pekora and Uruha Rushia
41.1) July 9, 2019 - Sakura Miko achieved 50,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
42) "Usada Pekora" - is the first member of 3rd Gen of Hololive to appear, debuted July 17, 2019
43) "Uruha Rushia" - a member of the 3rd Gen of Hololive, she debuted July 18, 2019
44) "Daidou Shinove" - is the first ever Virtual Manager of Holostar, do not have YouTube account but based on his Twitter account he joined around August of 2019
45) "Shiranui Flare" - another member of 3rd Gen of Hololive, she debuted August 7, 2019
46) "Shirogane Noel" - another member of 3rd Gen of Hololive, she debuted August 8, 2019
47) "Houshou Marine" - the last member of 3rd Gen of Hololive, she debuted August 11, 2019
48) The "3rd Generation of Hololive" was formed and will be known as "Hololive Fantasy", the members are: Usada Pekora, Uruha Rushia, Shiranui Flare, Shirogane Noel, and Houshou Marine
48.1) August 27, 2019 - Natsuiro Matsuri achieved 100,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
49) An announcement that Hololive will launch a first ever overseas branch line; "Hololive China" or Hololive CH. In a site known as Bilibili, an audition was created for the first ever China's "1st Gen" of Hololive in China
50) "Yakushiji Suzaku" - another member of the 1st Gen of Holostar, he debuted September 7, 2019
51) "Arurandeisu" - is another member of the 1st Gen of Holostar, he debuted September 9, 2019
51.1) September 11, 2019 - Akai Haato achieved 100,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
52) "Yogiri" - is the first ever overseas member of Hololive, first ever member that is from China, and first member of the 1st Gen of Hololive in China, she debuted September 28, 2019 (in Bilibili)
52.1) Around October, a nobody anti managed to inflict social & mental damage upon Yozora Mel, at this moment, it started to get her barrier.
53) "Rikka" - is the last member of the 1st Gen of Holostar, he debuted October 20, 2019
54) The "1st Generation of Holostar" was officially established, the members are: Hanasaki Miyabi, Kagami Kira, Kanade Izuru, Yakushiji Suzaku, Arurandeisu and Rikka.
54.1) October 23, 2019 - Oozaro Subaru achieved 100,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
55) "Civia" - debuted in Bilibili at November 1, 2019
56) An audition was made for the "2nd Gen" of Holostar
56.1) November 10, 2019 - Nakiri Ayame achieved 100,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
56.2) Around November inbetween 25-30, Suisei joined the music label INNK along side AZKi.
56.3) November 22, 2019 - Hoshimachi Suisei achieved 50,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
56.4) November 29, 2019 - Tokino Sora achieved 250,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
57) In December 1st and 2nd of 2019, the agency of Holostar was scrapped(?) and instead merged together with the main branch that is Hololive and INoNaKa Music, and Holostar became one of Hololive's branch, thus establishing the "Hololive Production"
57.1) December 3, 2019 - Aki Rosenthal achieved 50,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
57.1) December 4, 2019 - the day when the reddit dedicated to Hololive was officially formed.
57.2) December 6, 2019 - Sakura Miko achieved 100,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
58) "Astel Leda" - is the first member of the 2nd Gen of Holostar, he debuted December 7, 2019
58.1) As of December 11th of 2019, the collab between Hololive and Azur Lane ended.
59) "Kishido Temma" - is a member of the 2nd Gen of Holostar, debuted December 14, 2019
60) [ERROR]
61) An audition was announced for the "4th Gen" of Hololive
62) "Amane Kanata" - is the first member of 4th Gen of Hololive to appear, she debuted December 17, 2019
63) "Kiryuu Coco" - is another member of 4th Gen of Hololive to appear, she debuted December 18, 2019
63.1) "Yukoku Roberu" - is the last member of 2nd Gen of Holostar to appear, debuted December 24, 2019
63.2) The "2nd Generation of Holostar" was established with members which are: Astel Leda, Kishido Temma and Yukoku Roberu
64) "Tsunomaki Watame" - is another member of 4th Gen of Hololive to appear, she debuted December 29, 2019
64.1) December 31, 2019 - Murasaki Shion achieved 100,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
ARC 4: "The Silver and Grey Periods of Hololive"
65) "Tokoyami Towa" - is another member of 4th Gen of Hololive, she debuted January 3, 2020
66) "Himemori Luna" - is the last member of 4th Gen of Hololive, she debuted January 4, 2020
67) The "4th Generation of Hololive" was officially formed with members are: Amane Kanata, Kiryuu Coco, Tsunomaki Watame, Tokoyami Towa and Himemori Luna.
67.1) January 19, 2020 - Minato Aqua achieved 250,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
67.2) January 24, 2020 - Hololive had their very first concert festival in public! Called "Non-stop Hololive!"
67.3) January 29, 2020 - Yozora Mel achieved 100,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
68) "Spade Echo" - is the last member of the 1st Gen of Hololive CH, she debuted in Bilibili at January 30, 2020
68.1) January 31, 2020 - Hoshimachi Suisei achieved 100,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
69) The "1st Generation of Hololive CH" was formed in Bilibili, with members are: Yogiri, Civia and Spade Echo
70) At the month of March, on the day of 6th, Hololive announced the retirement of, Yakushiji Suzaku. He's the first ever Virtual YouTuber of Cover Corps to graduate in Holostar - the first Holo-Retirement, leaving behind this scent of sadness. - It would appear that he lacked commitment with his Vtuber activities which led to his retirement (?)
71) The "1st Generation of Holostar" was updated, members now are: Hanasaki Miyabi, Kagami Kira, Kanade Izuru, Arurandeisu and Rikka
72) Somewhen in March or April, marked the beginning of "The Silver Age of Vtubers", with Hololive (alongside Nijisanji) rising in popularity immensely.
72.4) The first ever collab stream between Hololive and Holostar happened in Feb 2, 2020: hosted by Miyabi, Temma, Suzaki, Fubuki, & Matsuri.
72.8) February 14-15 of 2020 - Houshou Marine managed to get the number one Global Trending in Twitter about her 3D model
73) An announcement of Hololive for the "2nd Gen" of Hololive in China, an audition has began around late February(?) or early March(?)
74) "Doris AND Rosalyn" - the first two members who appeared first in 2nd Gen of Hololive CH, debuted in Bilibili March 6, 2020
74.1) Tokoyami Towa took 2 weeks of break because of hearing opposite gender's voice in the stream. This led for the Purist Fans to be angry - though fortunately enough, they're not that hyper aggressive.
74.2) After 2 weeks of break, Tokoyami Towa resumed her usual activities. At this point in time, she became the only Hololive member who has a larger English viewership rather than Japanese viewership. (?)
74.3) March 14, 2020 - the first ever HoloJP and HololCN collab, hosted by Haato and Civia while playing Animal Crossing.
74.5) March 16, 2020 - Natsuiro Matsuri achieved 250,000 subscribers milestone!
74.6) March 18, 2020 - AZKi achieved 100,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
74.7) March 18, 2020 - Akai Haatos achieved 250,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
74.8) March 20, 2020 - two designs were submitted, however, their purpose has yet to be tell in detail.
74.9) March 26, 2020 - Aki Rosenthal achieved 100,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
75) Hololive announced its second overseas branch; "Hololive Indonesia" or Hololive ID. And audition was launched in late March(?) or early April(?) for the "1st Gen" of Hololive in Indonesia
75.5) Yozora Mel had taken a two months hiatus due to the harrassment and black mailed of her manager. Cover Corp released a statement about this and the problem was dealt with.
76) "Ayunda Risu" - is the first ever member of Hololive ID and first member of the 1st Gen of Hololive to appear in Indonesia, she debuted April 10, 2020
77) "Artia" - is the last member of 2nd Gen of Hololive CN, she debuted in Bilibili April 11, 2020
78) The "2nd Generation of Hololive CH" was established, with members are: Doris, Rosalyn and Artia
79) "Moona Hoshinova" - is a member of the 1st Gen ID, she debuted April 11, 2020
80) "Airani Iofifteen" - is a member of the 1st Gen ID, she debuted April 12, 2020
81) The "1st Generation of Hololive ID" was formed and its members are: Ayunda Risu, Moona Hoshinova and Airani Iofifteen
81.4) April 15th of 2020 - Pekora had accepted an invitation to stream in Bilibili from her moment in NicoNico. However, due to an unprecedented error, led to the antis tricking the general audience into believing that she made a promise in which she failed to uphold.
81.8) April 19, 2020 - Shirakami Fubuki achieved 500,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
82) An announcement by Hololive in twitter that there will be an audition for an English Speaking Vtubers starting by April 23, 2020
83) Hololive announced and introduced the "3rd Gen" of Holostar
84) "Tsukishita Kaoru" - is the first member of the 3rd Gen of Holostar to appear, he debuted April 29, 2020
85) "Kageyama Shien" - is a member of the 3rd Gen of Holostar, he debuted April 30, 2020
86) "Aragami Oga" - is the last member of the 3rd Gen of Holostar, he debuted May 1, 2020
86.4) May 3, 2020 - Sakura Miko achieved 250,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
86.8) May 5, 2020 - Hoshimachi Suisei achieved 250,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
87) The "3rd Generation of Holostar" was formed and was known as "TriNero" with members are: Tsukishita Kaoru, Kageyama Shien, and Aragami Oga
87.2) Choco got into trouble in Bilibili when a 'Tibet' country was shown in her questionnaire from her quizz collab.
87.4) May 23, 2020 - the first ever collab between HoloJP and Holo ID, hosted by Iofi and Watame and are playing Overcooked
87.6) June 9, 2020 - Roboco achieved 250,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
87.8) June 23rd of 2020, Yozora Mel resumed back her activities, thankfully, she's back the same as ever and healthier even.
88) By June 28th of 2020, the 2nd Generation of Holostar named their group as "SunTempo"
88.5) July 3rd of 2020, Hololive ID, a second overseas branch of Hololive that is in Indonesia, announced an audition its Twitter for its "2nd Gen"
89) However, a sudden and sad news has arrived. By July 28th of 2020, Hololive announced that a member of the TriNero squad, Tsukishita Kaoru, had officially retired, leaving behind a mystery trail of his retirement
89.5) By mid June, marked the highest peak of Hololive's popularity, influenced greatly because of "The Silver Age of Vtuber"
90) In the months of late June, July and early August, will be marked as the "Vidapocalypse" of "Holopocalypse", the Privatization/Deletion of the Holo-members streaming video games that they played prior
90.5) In July 30th of year 2020, Artia, a member of the 2nd Gen Hololive CN, have made her debut in Twitch. The first talent to ever use a foreign platform to stream aside from Bilibili, and first to debut in such platform.
91) On the day 31st of July in 2020 marked the beginning of visible struggles in Hololive. This day is the day when Sakura Miko was announced to be having a hiatus for one or two months by Cover Corps due to her illness
92) In August 5th of 2020, Ookami Mio was suspended of her activities. Two strikes were filed against her YouTube account and in danger of getting ban completely.
93) By August 6th of 2020, Hololive announced in Twitter and introduced the "5th Gen of Hololive"
94) "Yukihana Lamy" - is the first member of 5th Gen of Hololive to appear, she debuted August 12, 2020
95) "Momosuzu Nene" - a member of 5th Gen of Hololive, she debuted August 13, 2020
96) "Shishiro Botan" - a member of 5th Gen of Hololive, she debuted August 14, 2020
96.5) August 14, 2020 - Natsuiro Matsuri achieved 500,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
97) "Mano Aloe" - a member of 5th Gen of Hololive, she debuted August 15, 2020
98) "Omaru Polka" - the last member of 5th Gen of Hololive, she debuted August 16, 2020
98.5) August 16, 2020 - Akai Haato achieved 500,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
99) The "5th Generation of Hololive" was established, also known as "Holofive" with members such as: Yukihana Lamy, Momosuzu Nene, Shishiro Botan, Mano Aloe, and Omaru Polka
100) At August 17th of 2020, Mano Aloe got into trouble about her leaked Live2D model and personal life suddenly got involved. The agency gave her 2 weeks of break to deal with this error, leaving behind the masses with worry but with support and expectations of her return
100.4) August 20, 2020 - Shirakami Fubuki achieved 800,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
100.8) August 28, 2020 - Aki Rosenthal achieved 250,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
101) Unfortunately, in August 30th of 2020, a new member from the 5th Gen of Hololive, Mano Aloe, just after 2 weeks of her debut, soon retired due to stress. This caused an uproar in the community, the first every uproar, and created minor setbacks and so the terms of "Doxxing" and "Antis" was now well-known to hate. Mano Aloe's retirement left a deep scar in the community
101.4) August 30, 2020 - Akai Haato had 'died' and was replaced by "Haachama"
101.8) August 31, 2020 - Yozora Mel achieved 250,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
102) By September 4th of 2020, Cover Corp announced that Ookami Mio's suspension was lifted and will return to her usual activities
103) "Civia" - is the first China-member Hololive to debuted in YouTube at September 5, 2020
104) Cover Corp formed a Legal Team in which to oversee and protect the Vtubers under their company from harrassment and doxxing. This might be in response to the recent Mano Aloe's incident.
105) By September 8th of 2020, Hololive Twitter account introduced its first ever English branch, "Hololive EN"
106) "Mori Calliope AND Takanashi Kiara" - both debuted September 12, 2020
107) "Gawr Gura, Ninomae Ina'nis AND Watson Amelias", they are the first ever English (Global) Vtubers under Hololive - both debuted September 13, 2020
108) The "1st Generation of Hololive EN" was formed with its members are: Mori Calliope, Takanashi Kiara, Gawr Gura, Ninomae Ina'nis, and Watson Amelia.
108.3) By mid September of 2020, just after all the HololiveEN had their debut, a popular female streamer in Twitch had caused the Vtuber Community into an uproar never seen before - it's the first uproar involving international communities. This time led to the painful yet slow beginning of the end of "The Silver Age of Vtuber"
108.6) Somewhen in September of 2020, Kiryuu Coco becomes the first ever Vtuber to reach number 1 in Superchat Earners - closely followed by Minato Aqua and Uruha Rushia
108.9) September 27, 2020 - Hoshimachi Suisei achieved 500,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
109) By late September of 2020, an unfortunate (yet stupid) thing happened in Hololive: a Civil War. Backed by antis and haters, the Hypernationalist Chinese people attacked the Hololive community because of Coco saying "Taiwan" and sparked the Among Us incidents. This, in turn, was counterattacked by the Global Fans.
110) Hololive Moment, the great speaker for Hololive, had fallen from grace after taking side with the Hypernationalist Chinese and antis. Leading to the demise of its channel after a week.
110.2) October 1, 2020 - Sakura Miko achieved 500,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
110.4) Early October of 2020, Amane Kanata was accidentally bumped by car, which resulted in her head getting hit on the ground. She was put to rest in the hospital afterwards and will need to recovery. She can still stream, albeit no too much as to not disturb her recovering.
110.6) October 16, 2020 - the first ever collab between HoloJP and HoloEN, hosted by Subaru and Kiara while they play a co-op Untitled Goose Game.
110.8) By October 18th of 2020, Amane Kanata was released from the hospital to resumed her Vtuber activities.
111) Coco and Haachama returned back to Hololive by Oct. 19 of 2020 - the battle was won by the Global Fans, though the war is still far from over.
112) After months of hiatus, the legendary elite that is Miko Sakura herself returned by Oct. 21, 2020
113) Gawr Gura has officially overcome her Senpais - Korone and Fubuki - in the sub counts (not a race, just something to point out) and had reached "1 Million Subscribers" by late night in Oct. 22 - she is the 3rd Vtuber to have reached the milestone in the Virtual World, and the 1st Vtuber under Hololive to reach 1 Million Subs
114) Oct. 22, 2020 - Mori Calliope had triumphantly reach Top 1 in iTunes. The first ever Vtuber to dominate a music industry on top (at least for awhile)
114.5) Oct 23, 2020 - Hololive has officially announced the upcoming second festival concert in public!
115) However, a sad yet fortunate fate had befallen upon HoloCN - in Oct. 23, 2020. Due to the actions done by the Hypernationalist Chinese backed by antis, HoloCN will officially broke off. The Cover Corps had given the six girls under HoloCN to choose their path. So far, as of today, every girl except "Doris" (no news about her as of yet), had chose to go independent - though the date is still unclear and no official statement about these from Cover Corp has yet to release.
115.5) October 26, 2020 - Tokino Sora achieved 500,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
116) By the 1st Day of November, Inugami Korone had officially reached "1 Million Subscribers"! Congrats to being the 4th Vtuber in the Virtual World to ever reach such a milestone, and 2nd Vtuber to reach said subs under Hololive.
117) In the morning light of November 6 of 2020, Shirakami Fubuki had officially reached "1 Million Subscribers"! Congrats to being the 5th Vtuber in the Virtual World to ever reach such milestone, and 3rd Vtuber to reach said subs under Hololive.
118) As of November 12th in 2020, after weeks of silence about the HoloCN's fate - Cover Corp finally made an official announcement. Unfortunately, the girls: Civia, Artia, Yogiri, Doris and Rosalyn - are all going to graduate despite previous statements of becoming an indie (although the following days, through hints, that they're going graduation)
As for the others, no news as of yet.
119) November 14th of 2020 - the first ever collaboration with a non-Vtuber channel. Featuring Mori Calliope and the Trash Taste Podcast. It first hinted in the emergence of their tweets.
120) Cover Corp released an update announcement about the girls in HoloCN. Two girls in HoloCN have updated/announced their graduation in the following:
121) November 17th of 2020 - Kagami Kira of the 1st Generation of Holostar, formally graduate due to weak constitution and frail body. It left an air of sudden sadness within the Holostar fans.
121.5) November 18, 2020 - Moona had posted a tweet in Twitter about religion and it got bad. Later on she apologized for this incident and lay low for a few days before resuming her usual activities.
122) November 19th of 2020 - Civia of HoloCN, first to graduate, held her last stream for her departure in Hololive
123) Artia of HoloCN Doris of HoloCN held a graduation stream for her departure in Hololive, the same day as that of Civia - Nov. 19, 2020
124) Spade Echo of HoloCN Doris of HoloCN held a graduation stream for her departure in Hololive by Nov. 21, 2020
124.5) November 27, 2020 - Akai Haato achieved 800,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
125) December 1, 2020 - HololiveID (Hololive Indonesia) announced the "2nd Generation of HololiveID" in YouTube - 3 new members will appear!
125.4) December 3, 2020 - Miko can start to stream in Twitch as well! First HoloJP to start streaming in Twitch!
125.8) December 3, 2020 - AZKi achieved 250,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
126) December 4, 2020 - just late afternoon, Usada Pekora had achieved 1 Million Subscribers! A milestone she had been dreaming off for her dear mother. Welcome as a 6th Vtuber in the Virtual World to reach such a milestone, and 4th Vtuber under Hololive to ever reach said number of subs
127) December 4(?), 2020 - Hololive announced in its Indonesian branch called "HoloID" a new generation - a '2nd Generation of HoloID'
128) December 5, 2020 - "Kureiji Ollie", the first member in the 2nd Generation of HoloID to debut
129) December 6, 2020 - "Anya Melfissa", another member of the 2nd Generation of HoloID to debut
129.5) December 6, 2020 - Doris of HoloCN held a graduation stream for her departure in Hololive
130) December 7, 2020 - "Pavolia Reine", the last member of the 2nd Generation of HoloID to debut
130.5) December 9, 2020 - Kiara's channel was mistakenly terminated, then restored several hours later
131) The '2nd Generation of HoloID' has been completed.
132) December 10, 2020 - The archives of Artia, Covia and Spade Echo were wiped out
133) December 20, 2020 - Yogiri of HoloCN held a graduation stream for her departure in Hololive
134) December 21, 2020 - Hololive held it's second festival concert! Called, "Beyond the Stage"! The fes was separated into 2 parts called 'stage'. And this stage is called "Stage One"!
135) December 22, 2020 - Hololive held the second part of the concert "Stage Two"! Thus, after this, conclude the second festival concert of Hololive
136) December 27, 2020 - Rosalyn of HoloCN, last to graduate, held her last stream for her departure in Hololive
137) As the end of the year comes, the Top 3 Channels who has the Most Superchats of the Year are: Kiryu Coco, Uruha Rushia, and Usada Pekora.
ARC 5: "(???)"
138) January 13, 2021 - Minato Aqua had achieved 1 Million Subscribers! Welcome as a 7th Vtuber in the Virtual World to reach such a milestone, and 5th Vtuber under Hololive to ever reach said number of subs.
139) January 15, 2021 - Sakura Miko achieved 800,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
140) January 16, 2021 - Roboco achieved 500,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
141) January 18, 2021 - Gawr Gura had achieved "2 Million Subscribers"! Welcome as a 2nd Vtuber in the Virtual World to reach such a milestone, and 1st Vtuber under Hololive to ever reach said number of subs.
142) January 18, 2021 - Houshou Marine had achieved 1 Million Subscribers! Welcome as a 8th Vtuber in the Virtual World to reach such a milestone, and 6th Vtuber under Hololive to ever reach said number of subs.
143) January 25, 2021 - Mori Calliope had achieved 1 Million Subscribers! Welcome as a 9th Vtuber in the Virtual World to reach such a milestone, and 7th Vtuber under Hololive to ever reach said number of subs.
144) January 25, 2021 - Yukihana Lamy achieved 500,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
145) January 25, 2021 - Natsuiro Matsuri achieved 800,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
146) February 5, 2021 - The legendary and disturbing lore stream between Akai Haato and Haachama had began, a road to a Million Road will be interesting
147) February 7, 2021 - Shiranui Flare achieved 500,000 subscribers milestone in YouTube!
148) February 9, 2021 - Akai Haato had returned, and so does her channel from "Haachama" to "Akaihaato"
149) February 10, 2021 - Akai Haato had achieved 1 Million Subscribers! Welcome as a 8th Vtuber in the Virtual World to reach such a milestone, and 6th Vtuber under Hololive to ever reach said number of subs.
150) February 11, 2021 - Amelia Watson achieved 1 Million Subscribers! Welcome as a 9th Vtuber in the Virtual World to reach such a milestone, and 7th Vtuber under Hololive to ever reach said number of subs.
• (?) - indicates that we are either unsure or lack of information about what a certain time point.
[ERROR] - indicates that there's an information that was previously placed here only to be put to a different number in timeline
A] https://virtualyoutuber.fandom.com/wiki/Hololive
B] https://hololive.wiki/wiki/Main_Page
C] https://cover-corp.com (though I rarely check the page)
D] Fans correction (with evidence, hopefully)
E] The Hologirls and Holoboys channels
Questions That Needs Answer:
1) When did the VERY FIRST (which is a collab cover, if anyone who remembers) collaboration between Hololive and Holostar happened? According to a comment, the very first collab between the two happened somewhen in 2019 but due to privatization, the said stream was lost and so its date.
2) When did "A-Chan" received her model?
3) When did the first song (from Sora's) formed in Hololive? We believed that the first song is in NicoNicoDouga.
4) When did the first song in Holostar?
5) When did the YAGOO (face) meme first started? - from a correction, it is said that this started in January 21, 2019 but the stream was privated. A clip of said stream can be found still and it was hosted by Subaru and Roboco called "This is read as YAGOO?"
6) When did Hololive REALLY first ever appear? Apparently, from Timeline No. -1, the main Hololive channel was born in March 3, 2016, yet the "Cover Corporation" was founded in a few months later by YAGOO. We believed that it maybe first appeared in NicoNicoDouga, since that's the very first platform they used for Tokino Sora. We are utterly confused on this one.
Potential Addition to the Timeline:
1) YAGOO's YouTube Channel - "tanigox"
2) [BIG STEP CHALLENGE] - Adding milestones! The following milestone will be in the following! This, however, can only (and unfortunately) be from YouTube. But if no YouTube, an alternative will use. Early sub counts from 1,000 subs up to 100,000 will undoubtedly be a major challenge due to old sources and we'll try our best to locate 'em!
New Numbes (or Additional) Timeline was added: (as of Feb 11, 2021)
• 150 - about Amelia Watson
PS: (Nothing)
submitted by Khantlerpartesar to VirtualYoutubers [link] [comments]

Fear not the trend changes! Auto Chess is walking firmly on its way!

Being the most popular game genre in the past two years, many top-level game developers around the world have tried the auto battler games. And because of these homogeneous products, the auto battler genre became one of the most popular topics in the past years.
Only when the upsurge went away, you can find the one who is still insisting. As the inventor of the auto battler, Auto Chess keeps focusing on this game genre as usual. They are always on the way providing better experiences for players from more than 30 countries around the world.
New version "Dragon Blood Awakening" is available on Jan. 28th
In this new version, a new season theme "Dragon Blood Awakening" will bring players new game experiences along with the long-awaited new chess piece: Pandaman!
Chess Club will also be a feature of this version. Create your guild in-game, build your team, and enjoy the game with your club members!
Cooperating with Sony, EPIC, and WEGAME to bring Cross-Platform gameplay

In the new version on Jan. 28, Auto Chess will not only bring new gameplay but also meet its new milestone: Auto Chess will be fully released on PlayStation4!
Every player can go to the PS4 store to download and play the game for free. Since Auto Chess has been released on EPIC and WEGAME, it's now a competitive game that crosses PC, mobile, and PS three platforms.
Download here:
Pour the hard work, and pursue the ultimate gaming experience
As an inventor of the auto battler game genre, Auto Chess is always looking into the future. Being a popular game for a while is not their limit, and they want to make Auto Chess an evergreen game like MOBA and FPS.
To achieve this goal, only updating the game is not enough. Creating a comfortable environment for players is also important.
(Dev Logs and Game Tips on official SNS account)
On Facebook, Twitter, Discord, Reddit, Youtube, NAVER CAFE, VK, Weibo, TapTap, Bilibili, QQ group, etc., you can always find the Auto Chess team communicating with players around the world. It's easy to contact an official team member on all those platforms.
Global Community:
They not only built the official community on the SNS platforms but also hosted offline player meetings in Chengdu, Beijing, Japan, South Korea, and many other regions. We'd like to thank the players' support with our actions and activities.
Search "Auto Chess" on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Discord to join the big family.
(South Korea)
Being a fair competitive strategy game, E-sports is a very important part of Auto Chess. The official team has held many international offline, community online, community championship matches. And bring lots of opportunities for Auto Chess players to join the E-sports match and win honor and prize.
(2019 Shanghai International Invitational)
(2020 International Rivalry)
(International Online Matches)
Many game fans are contributing to the community willingly because they enjoy the environment the Auto Chess team provides. They provided tons of amazing fanart, and help to build an excellent community environment a lot.
The Future Plan
Auto Chess has built a deep relationship with players through the warm community atmosphere and high-frequency interactions. But they are going to do more to make this game a better E-sports game. The Auto Chess team wants to bring more playable content with interesting chess pieces, synergies, etc. This will make the game always fresh for players.
The Auto Chess development team has made a detailed plan for the future. Including 2V2V2V2 and 4V4 group competition modes, they also plan to develop new races, new classes, new chess pieces, and new mechanisms. The team will also continue optimizing the game experiences on chess shop refreshing, matchmaking system, and more. Please looking forward to it!
Auto Chess is still young, but it has encountered many difficulties by continuously attempting. But it will not flinch. The team will continue trying. And because of those attempts, Auto Chess can make the gameplay always unique among the followers, and bring better experiences to players.
Holding the dream that making Auto Chess an excellent E-sport game, and make the game more fun to play, the team won't stop exploring and hope to bring more happiness to players!
Auto Chess will step on its way firmly, and never give up. To bring more fun and become the benchmarking products in this game genre is always their aim!
submitted by AutoChessOfficial to AutoChess [link] [comments]

The Baby Step Series Part 2: The Next Step - Fresh 65 T5 Assault Cruiser Cheap DPS

The Baby Step Series Part 2: The Next Step - Fresh Level 65 T5 Assault Cruiser Free DPS

Build Info

"Hi, and welcome to part 2 of the Baby Step Series!
Before I get started I just wanted to give shout out to Eph289 for previewing and helping me edit these posts. You a STO saint, dude!
This post is the next step after the Level 40 T5 Assault Cruiser post found here: https://www.reddit.com/stobuilds/comments/k88fel/the_baby_step_series_part_1_the_first_step_level/
Here's Part 3: https://www.reddit.com/stobuilds/comments/k9jct6/the_baby_step_series_part_3_the_last_step_level/
This ship build continues evolving the last one using generally easy-to-get mission rewards and low tier reputation gear. It is basically something that a new player wants to work up to on the way from level 40ish to 65+. It should be able to clear normal difficulty content like a boss, be able to do advanced level content without too much trouble, and allow you to start really grinding the reputation marks, fleet marks, and dilithium you'll need to begin building a max level ship for elite content. Where and how to get gear is mentioned, along with which ones should be prioritized, as well as gear they'll replace on the previous leveling build.
Let's go to school!"

Player Information

Player Info --------------
Captain Name All da capitans ;)
Captain Faction All, though KDF and Rommys will be a bit different as this is focused on a FED ship and phasers.
Captain Race Doesn't matter. Alien if you want that 10th personal trait.
Captain Profession All. Captain career has nothing to do with ship choice or build. Stop the lies!
Primary Specialization None yet as you should be leveling Strategist first from level 50-65, though this will eventually be Intelligence.
Secondary Specialization Strategist. At level 50 this should be the first specialization you level. Read below for how and why to spend your first specialization points.
Intended Role To not suck between levels 40ish-65 and be able to keep up at level 65 and beyond.

Skill Tree

    Engineering   Science   Tactical  
Lieutenant   Hull Restoration Hull Capacity Shield Restoration Shield Capacity Advanced Energy Weapon Training Advanced Projectile Weapon Training
Lieutenant Commander   Improved EPS Flow Improved Impulse Expertise Control Expertise Drain Expertise Improved Targeting Expertise Improved Defensive Manuvering
5 Points                
Commander   Hull Plating   Shield Regeneration Shield Hardness Advanced Weapon Amplification Advanced Weapon specialization'
15 Points              
Captain         Advanced Long Range Targeting Advanced Hull Penetration Advanced Shield Penetration
25 Points            
Admiral   Warp Core Potential Engineering Readiness   Scientific Readiness Coordination Protocols Tactical Readiness
35 Points         Defensive Coordination  
    Warp Core Efficency       Offensive Coordination  
Total of 46 of 46 Points   Engineering Points: 10 Science Points: 10 Tactical Points: 26

Skill Tree Unlocks

Points to unlock Engineering Unlocks Science Unlocks Tactical Unlocks
Unlocks After 2 Training Manual: Training Manual: Training Manual:
Unlocks After 5 Battery Expertise Sector Space Travel Speed Threat Control
Unlocks After 7 Training Manual: Training Manual: Training Manual:
Unlocks After 10 Maximum Hull Capacity Maximum Shield Capacity Projectile Critical Chance
Unlocks After 12      
Unlocks After 15     Energy Critical Chance
Unlocks After 17     Training Manual:
Unlocks After 20     Defense
-------------- -------------- -------------- --------------
Unlocks After 24 (Ultimate)     Focused Frenzy
Unlocks After 25 (Ultimate)     Frenzied Assault
Unlocks After 26 (Ultimate)     Team Frenzy
Unlocks After 27 (Ultimate)      

Skill Tree Information

The same skill tree from my "First Step" post. To read more about it, visit the link above.

Build Description

"This build continues to increase performance on the back of the T5 Assault Cruiser received at level 40. One thing some might notice is a focus on things like damage and crit chance/damage. This is because the best performance in STO combat comes from these things. The faster you kill your enemies, the less chance they have of hurting you. Having heals and resistances are good, just not the most important part of a build. Focusing too much on these things means becoming a turtle, all shell and no bite.
Still pretty FED focused I know, sorry klinky and rommy friends. The build can still be adapted more to your requirements, just have to replace things with disruptor and plasma stuff :)
All gear, especially weapons and tac consoles, should be mark 12+ at this point. Quality is still less of a concern though very rare and beyond should be something you're shooting for.
At level 51 you will get your first specialization point. You'll get 1 point for each level from 51-65 for a total of 15. Spend all of these points in the Strategist secondary spec for two reasons. One, Strategist is the go-to secondary because when using it while the captain ability Threatening Stance is off (which is what most players do) you get boosts to Crit Chance when using heals, damage boosts depending on how many foes you're hitting, and a utility clicky that placates enemies, reduces threat, and ups damage. Two, after spending 15 points in it you unlock the Unconventional Tactics starship trait, which gives the captain ability Brace for Impact a 15% Bonus All Damage boost.
Next, at level 65+ you'll get a spec point every time you fill the leveling bar at the top of the screen, the best ways of doing this being Fed Admiralty (for the high xp payouts and 2 spec points after every 10th tour), spec point boxes from personal/universal endeavors and events, and just playing the game. After completing Strategist spend your next 15 points in Intelligence, focusing on the space side and set it to primary. Intel is the go-to primary for energy builds mainly due to the tier 3 flanking bonuses to crits and damage. Also, after spending 15 points in it will unlock the Predictive Algorithms starship trait, which adds a debuff removal every time a firing mode is used and adds a little accuracy.
Then, spend 15 points in Command (do not not set this to primary, it's mostly useless) to unlock the starship trait Command Frequency, which allows you to use the captain ability Fleet Support at any hull value. After that, finish off Intel spec to unlock the Intelligence Fleet clicky that gives a 15% boost to armoshield penetration for 30 seconds, and changes Predictive Algorithms to the Improved version. If you're having serious survivability issues, instead of Intel you could build up Miracle Worker in its place as it's great for that.
So, after spending your first 60 spec points as mentioned, you can then choose where you want to put them after that, such as finishing off Command (for the Improved version of the trait) or focusing on Commando for your ground game. Temporal primary is fantastic for most science ship builds, Pilot is a great primary or secondary, just overshadowed by Intel/Strat from a DPS perspective, and Constable is good for hardened targets like bosses but mostly useless for everything else.
Subsystem power will change to something like this: Weapons 100 / Shields 15-20 / Engines 15-20 / Auxiliary 60-70. This is because of two specific things found on the build: the Temporal Disentanglement Suite science console and the Nukara rep trait Auxiliary Power Configuration - Offense, that both increase their damage potential scaled off of how high your aux power is. High aux will also juice the boff abilities Hazard Emitters 1, Auxiliary to Structural Integrity 1, and Auxiliary to Inertial Dampeners 1.
To customize your subsystem power levels click the button with the 3 little boxes in it in the top right corner of the Subsystem power UI box. It will give you a 1, 2, 3, click 3 to give you a set of sliders. Weapon power should already be set to 100, click the lock above it to... lock it. Then, raise the aux slider up to 60-70. This will automatically set shields and engines to 15-20. Lock the aux slider, adjust engines/shields if you need to, then click the little 'save disk' in the top left, and to return to the numbers click the little 3 boxes button and hit 1.
The boff layout is the same as the leveling build since it's purdy gud already but is being enhanced by a couple of additions: the Emergency Conn Hologram from the Phoenix box and the Temporal reputation trait Chronocapacitor Array (read more below).
Personal traits haven't changed much since the leveling build except for three new additions: Beam Barrage from Beam R&D level 15, Point Blank Shot from mission House Pegh, and Thrill Seeker. All the reputation traits are fairly easy to get as 3 of them are found at T2, while the Nukara rep trait will take a little longer to get at T4. The starship traits are all the best free ones available, three of which are had through the specializations as mentioned above, with the fourth being a mission reward."
Basic Information Data
Ship Name USS Isa Gud Girl ;)
Ship Class T5 Assault Cruiser
Basic Information Component Notes
Fore Weapons: 4 Prolonged Engagement Phaser Array MK XII+ Available from the Phoenix box very rare reward, usually pretty easy to get once you have some dilithium to buy Phoenix boxes. Applies stacks of Amplified Relays. Per stack, this weapon deals 1% increased damage, deals 90% to 115% of the normal damage of a Phaser Beam Array. Every 5 stacks of Amplified Relays, gain 20% Firing Cycle Haste for this Weapon for 8 secs. Haste is one of the best things for damage as it acts like a final damage modifier. One of the best phaser beam arrays in the game. Comes at Ultra Rare. At Epic it gets the Ac/Dm mod which should be re-engineered to Crtd/Dm. Medium priority.
  Phaser Beam Array MK XII+ Comes from mission drops, rewards, crafting, and the exchange. At this point it's time to start thinking about re-engineering mods to all Crtd, all Dmg, or a mix of both.
  Phaser Beam Array MK XII+  
  Quantum Phase Torpedo Launcher MK XII+ From the mission Sunrise. Upon impact drains shields from target and any other enemies within 2 km of the target. Helps to form the 2pc set bonus of the Quantum Phase Catalysts (with the console) giving 15% accuracy and making the drain proc on the torp a little better. Still just here to help with weapon power drain and add a little extra spike damage here and there, the shield drain is pretty decent too. Cannot be re-engineered. Medium-high priority.
-------------- -------------- --------------
Aft Weapons: 4 Omni-Directional Phaser Beam Array MK XII+ Crafted at Beam R&D level 15 or bought on the exchange. More time on target equals more overall damage dealt. Re-engineer mods to all Crtd, all Dmg, or a mix of both. High Priority.
  Trilithium Enhanced Omni-Directional Phaser Beam Array MK XII+ From mission Beyond the Nexus. Like the crafted omni above, more time on target equals more overall damage dealt. Forms a 2pc with console Reinforced Armaments for 5% firing cycle haste. Haste is one of the best things for damage as it acts like a final damage modifier. Cannot be re-engineered. High priority.
  Phaser Beam Array MK XII+ See above.
  Phaser Beam Array MK XII+  
-------------- -------------- --------------
Deflector Quantum Phase Deflector Array MK XII+ From mission Stormfront. IMHO the best mission set in the game allowing one to start building up the resources for better fleet and rep gear. High priority for the whole set.
Impulse Engines Quantum Phase Combat Impulse Engines MK XII+ By themselves these set pieces are nothing special but together they're pretty good as they add some survivability, the 2pc makes the shields a little better, and the 3pc gives a little damage clicky.
Warp Core Deuterium-Stabilized Warp Core MK XII+ Core hasn't changed from the leveling build as it's pretty useful. From mission drops, crafting, and the exchange. Probably best to try and buy one from the exchange. Take for the very nice -15% reduction in weapon power drain.
Shields Quantum Phase Resilient Shield Array MK XII+ And the shield is Resilient which is what we're usually looking for ;) Alternatives to the Quantum Phase set are the Sol Defense set from mission Midnight and the Kobali Regenerative Circuitry set from mission Dust to Dust. Both provide decent stats for survivability as well as in their 2-3pc bonuses. There is also the Bajor Defense set from mission Scylla and Charybdis which has a 2pc bonus of 17.8% Cat1 PhaseDisruptoPlasma damage. You could use the deflectoeng plus the deuterium core and a resilient shield.
Devices Subspace Field Modulator From mission Skirmish in the Devidian story arc found in the "Available" missions tab. Taken for the added damage resistance and defense. A decent free 'Oh Shit!' button. Don't worry, nothing really uses proton damage so don't worry about the -400 proton damage resistance thing, it's moot. Low priority.
  Energy Amplifer Crafted in Beam R&D at level 10. Gives 20% bonus energy damage for up to 20 seconds if the Battery Expertise unlock is taken in the skill tree. High priority.
  Deuterium Surplus Play the Alhena system daily mission in the beta quad and get it at the end, then craft in Eng R&D. Consuamble mini-Evasive Maneuvers that helps to keep you fast. Low-medium priority.
  Reactive Armor Catalyst Play mission Broken Circle and choose the reward, then Craft in Eng R&D. Increases hull cap and gives a sizable heal-over-time when Battery Expertise is taken. Low-medium priority.
  Reinforcement Beacons There are two more free reinforcement beacons like the Nimbus Pirate Distress Call mentioned in the leveling build. These are the Delta Alliance Reinforcements Beacon from mission Broken Circle and the Phased-Waveform Beacon from the mission Home. Like the Nimbus beacon they do not need to be slotted in your devices and can be used from your inventory.
-------------- -------------- --------------
Engineering Consoles: 4 Reinforced Armaments MK XII+ From mission Beyond the Nexus. 53.3% EPS power transfer rate, +20 to hull restoration and cap skills at mark 12 VR. Forms 2pc with omni phaser BA (or turret) for extra 5% weapon haste. Remember haste is big when it comes to damage. High priority. Will replace the EPS Flow Regulator.
  Ordnance Accelerator MK XII+ From Gamma rep T2. Gives 20% phaser and 20% projectile damage at mark 12 VR. Med-high priority. Will replace a RCS Accelerator.
  Assimilated Module MK XII+ From Omega rep T1. 0.92% Critical Chance, 9.2% Critical Severity, +5 Weapon Power Setting, +5.1 Starship Hull Regeneration, +22.9 Starship Control Expertise at mark 12 VR. The original DPS console. Taken mostly for the added crit chance and crit damage. High priority. Will replace a RCS Accelerator.
  Zero Point Energy Conduit MK XII+ From Romulan rep T1. 1.8% Critical Chance, 19.7 DrainX, +1.8 power to all subsystems at mark 12 VR. Taken for the crit chance. Medium priority. Will replace the Neutronium Alloy Armor. If having survivability issues the Trellium-D Armor from mission Ragnarok and/or the House Martok Defensive Configuration from mission Brushfire could also go here.
-------------- -------------- --------------
Science Consoles: 2 Temporal Disentanglement Suite MK XII+ From mission Butterfly. +4 aux power, 20% maximum shield cap, +3% shield resistance, aux scaling 0-2.5% crit chance and 0-10% crit damage at mark 12 VR. Taken for the crits. High priority.
  Quantum Phase Converter MK XII+ From mission Sunrise. 20% phaser damage, +3 aux power, +30 DrainX at mark 12 VR. Forms 2pc with the torpedo. Taken for the increase to phaser damage. High priority.
-------------- -------------- --------------
Tactical Consoles: 3 Phaser Relay MK XII+ These haven't changed from the leveling build. Always stack consoles here that increase the damage of your chosen energy flavor. Phasers = Phaser Relays / Disruptor = Disruptor Induction Coils / Plasma = Plasma Infusers / etc. These can be difficult to get early on in the game as mission rewards or drops. You can check the exchange for cheap commons or try crafting your own.
  Phaser Relay MK XII+  
  Phaser Relay MK XII+  

Officers and Crew

Bridge Officer Information Power Notes
Officer 1: Commander ( Engineering ) Emergency Power to Engines 1 Plus 40 flight speed, +2 turn rate, +20 engine power. Procs the Conn Officer doff that effectively resets Evasive Maneuvers. Keeps you fast.
    Auxiliary Power to the Structural Integrity Field 1 Auxiliary scaling heal and added damage resistance rating. Short cooldown and one of the better boff heals in the game.
  Emergency Power to Weapons 3 Plus 40 weapon power and 16.6% all energy damage. At any rank a must for energy weapon builds. Can be purchased off the exchange, a training manual can be made for it out of a boff candidate that already has it, or it can be crafted by engineering captains.
  Reverse Shield Polarity 3 Converts incoming energy damage to shields, lasts 20 seconds. Basically makes you invulernable while it's up, though things like kinetic and physical damage will still hurt you. Works great against Vaadwaur Polaron Barrages. Can be used with a special and expensive Fabrication Engineer doff from the exchange to increase uptime. Must be purchased off the exchange or a training manual can be made for it out of a boff candidate that already has it.
Officer 2: Lt. Commander ( Engineering ) Engineering Team 1 Small hull heal, repairs offline subsystems and can clear some other debuffs like movement ones from the Voth and Mokai.
    Auxiliary Power to Inertial Dampeners 1 Auxiliary scaling kinetic damage resistance, +50%flight speed, +100% turn rate for 15 seconds. Shares a cooldown with A2Sif above. Mostly a filler ability.
  Directed Energy Modulation 2 7.5% energy weapon shield penetration and 7.5 to Armor penetration for 30 seconds. Not super-great but decent filler ability.
Officer 3: Lieutenant ( Tactical ) Tactical Team 1 Distributes shield strength to shields receiving damage (why its used), +18 to both Weapon and Projectile training for 10 seconds. Clear hostile boarding parties and tactical debuffs. Vets will forgo this ability for something that gives more damage but Tac Team is a must for new players. It really helps with survivability. Never have to use higher than rank 1. The butter...
    Attack Pattern Beta 1 -20 all damage resistance to target. The bread...
Officer 4: Ensign ( Tactical ) Beam Overload or Beam Fire at Will 1 Beam Overload 1 will increase damage 3x and decreases firing rate by half. Beam Fire at Will 1 hits all available targets within a beam array's arc but each beam only does 80% of its base damage and has its accuarcy skill decreased by 50. Both are viable, just your choice between being single or multi target focused. BFAW is great for clearing multiple targets at once and drawing threat as a tank. Because it draws a lot of threat, it can get you killed if you don't know how to manage a lot of incoming damage FYI. For most if not all builds, it's important to take the highest rank of these abilities. In this case, because we want to use APB1 in the LT spot, the beams' main firing mode is relegated to rank 1 for now. The meat...
Officer 5: Lieutenant ( Science ) Hazard Emitters 1 Aux scaling heal-over-time, adds all damage resistance, clears plasma fires and other hazard debuffs.
    Photonic Officer 1 Super-Important Part of the Build Reduces recharge times of bridge officers by 2% each second for 20 sec. Used in conjuction with a point each in the readiness skills, as well as the Temporal reputation's Chronocapacitor Array trait, will keep your boff abilities' cooldowns at or close to their minimums, resulting in their use more often.
Duty Officer Information Power Notes
Emergency Conn Hologram Using Emergency Power to Engines effectively resets Evasive Maneuvers' cooldown. From the Phoenix box rare rewards. Relatively easy to get once you have some dilithium to spend. Keeps you fast. Low-med priority.
Projectile Weapons Officer Chance to reduce the time for torpedos to recharge after use. 20% chance: Improve recharge time by 5 sec Law from the mission A Fistful of Gorn. You can stack up to three PWOs to increase your chance at reducing the torp's cooldown. Cheap filler doff to help the Quantum Phase torp firing a little more often. Low priority.

Character, Reputation, and Starship Traits

Personal Space Traits Description Notes
Accurate +10% Accuracy  
Beam Barrage On activation of Beam ability to self: +2% All Beam Damage Bonus for 30 sec (Stacks up to 3 times) From Beam R&D Level 15. Replacing Innocuous. Medium priority.
Beam Training +5% Beam Weapon Damage  
Elusive +10% Defense  
Fleet Coordinator +2% All Damage per Team member (Self included), up to 10%  
Operative +1% Critical Chance, +2% Critical Severity  
Point Blank Shot to self: +0-10% Bonus Energy Weapon Damage, based on Distance to Target. Maximum bonus when less than 2km, no effect beyond 6km From mission House Pegh. Replacing Projectile Training. Med-high priority.
Techie +20 Hull Restoration (Improves Hull Healing) +20 Hull Regeneration (Improves Passive Hull Regeneration)  
Thrill-seeker +15% Flight and Full Impulse Speed Replacing Warp Theorist.
Space Reputation Traits Description Obtained from
Advanced Targeting Systems +16% Critical Severity T2 Dyson, high priority.
Auxiliary Power Configuration - Offense +5% (at 100 Aux) Bonus All Damage, +5 Accuracy (at 100 Aux) T4 Nukara, med-high priority.
Precision +4% Critical Hit Chance T2 Romulan, high priority.
Chrono-Capacitor Array +7.5% Bridge Officer Ability Recharge Speed T2 Temporal, medium priority.
Starship Traits Description Notes
Unconventional Tactics Brace for Impact grants 15% Bonus All Damage Buff From completing Strategist spec. The best free starship trait.
The Best Defense Attack Patterns grant Hull Healing Buff to Self From mission House Pegh. APB will be up most of the time in combat making this a nice ultility.
Command Frequency Able to use captain ability Fleet Support at any hull percentage. From spending 15 points in Command spec. Nice support, even better with the improved version.
Predictive Algorithms Activating any Weapon Enhancement Ability removes 1 Debuff effect and grants +2.5 Accuracy Rating for 30 sec from weapon enhancing abilities (stacks up to 4 times) From spending 15 points in Intelligence spec. Getting rid of debuffs is nice and the added accuracy doesn't hurt either (especially when using BFAW).

Concluding Remarks

"Just like the leveling build, this one can be adapted to a number of other cruisers and escorts. This is not for science ships. If adapting this for an escort it's possible to swap out the weapons for DCs/DHCs and turrets, take a cannon firing mode like Cannon: Scatter Volley (CSV) or Cannon: Rapid Fire (CRF), and change the boff layout to something with more tac abilities. You can even adapt this build to a different energy type by swapping the weapons and phaser boosting consoles, with ones that boost your chosen energy type using a console guide like this one: https://www.reddit.com/stobuilds/comments/i8v5iw/ogsmustachios_guide_to_dew_consoles_in_2020/
Aaannnddd... that's it! I hope this build can make your life in STO a little easier without too much trouble. If you found this post helpful, bookmark it and link it to your friends or those in need. Stay tuned tomorrow for part 3 of the Baby Step Series entitled: The Last Step - Level 65 High-End Fleet T6X Archon Intel Assault Cruiser, where I'll show you how to evolve this build using the T6X fleet Sovereign with the most expensive, sought-after geatraits, in order to build a max-performance ship!
Stay safe and have fun out there kiddos ;)
Did I leave anything out? Feel free to leave constructive comments on free/cheap DPS builds below. Thanks for reading!"
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